Today I'm going to talk about the leaderless country which happens Canada at this moment. Although we are suppose to have a leader in Ottawa, presumably, a guy by the name o0f-Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the country, mfuch to my dismay, is still leaderless and worse - is gettlng close to bankruptcy. Trudeau and his political gang don't seem to realize how bad off Canadians are since he has beenù elected the Prime Minister of this country. First, let's take the recent surcharge on gasoline which is causing hardships for everyone, but particularly for small businessmen. Was this 10-cent increase necessary? 0f course flot. But Trudeau went ahead anyway with blatant disregard for die public purse. By adding more taxes on gasoline, the country's inflation rate bas been accelerated by more than ten percent. 1 know gas stations which btoosted the price of gasoline by 12 and 15 per cent as soon as, the go-ahead announcement was made in Ottawa by Finance Minister John Turner. If we are running out of gas as the Trude'au Governiment maintains'then let's do some- thing about this problem. Let's look for energy sources elsewhere. How about atomic energy? How about solar energy? How about hydro or battery powered vehicles? Why should we put ail our eggs ini one basket? These are the questions that should be answered or at least explored. Secondly, what has beendone to stop the inflationary wage settiements? Nothing - that's what. 1 hear that lt's nice to get away froru Whitby into the big city for a while but 1 have to admit l'm really a country, boy at heart. Even though a fellow writer of mine, Brian Wînter, will tell you of his many narrow escapes at the four corners of Whitby I would stfll rather take my chances here in town than at the corner of Yonge and Bloor in Toron to. I guess the difference between Brian's viewpoint and mine is that Brian is a fulIl ime pedestrian whereas I do a lot of driving and having done s0 I have corne to realize that drivers wil do just about any of the zaniest tthings you can imagine. 0f côurse that includes makîng an ilegal left-hand turn at the four corners in Whitby and Brian, not expecting such a thing to occur bas nearly been flattened a number of limes by drivers inlent of ridding the world of yet another pedestrian. So 1 stood on the corner of Yonge and Bloor one day last week thinking of Brian as the traffic charged by in al directions. 1 tried to ask myself how Brian would get himself across this intersection but that wasn't much help because 1 realized that Brian would neyer put himself in such a hazardous position. I finally thought about the old saying of strength in numbers so 1 hid myseif dead centre in a group of pedestrians also making the crossing, figuring that if a car got us it would have to plow. through a number of my fellow pedestrians before it got to me. 1 survived the crossing, and a number after that actually and made it to the shopsI1 was going to in the Yonge-Bloor area. However I had been so, intent on surviving street crossing long enough to get back to my car and become a motorist once again that I completely forgot my stomach and that fact that it was empty. 0f course it wasted no SOYBEAN DEMLAND The soybean industry an- ticipates world markets for 2 billion bushels of beans by lOBf-nearlv double 'the unions are still aslçing for thlrty to forty per cent salai hlikes. Clearly, the unions have outlived ttieir usefulness But mie tIlng Is even more appalllng the almlghty Canadian Guverilnmnt lias shown no lntèrest In curbing the risîing inllad(oii, Once again, I mrust say, prîce and wage controls are necded riglit now. Is Trudeau ready to introduce suchý nicasurcs? 0l'course flot. Sadly eniough, Mr. Trudeau cares only about his own ivcll-bciiig and flinancial prosperity. One mlight say to hell witli the country.- This attitude, unfortunately, is stiIl vcry inucli prcvalcnt in Ottawa these days. Then, the Trudeau Government has another big issue on hgnd, capital punishment. Baslcally, I'm against'hanging or taking sonieone's life away, but the present laws of the country are too weak to serve as a deterrent to those who commit crimes of ail sorts. Perhaps, the problem Is that we have too many Iaws on the books. 0f late we have been unable to enforce them. At any rate, the crime situation here in Canada is gloomy. We have too many rapes, mur- ders, shootings and brutal slayings. Our jail systeru has broken down. Our police forces are ineffective. Our judges are too lenient. And, our basic values of life have been eroded. So what's left over? The answer to that is ANARCI-Y. To fight anarchy, one needs a strong and résponsible governient. We need people like William Davis, Premier of Ontario, who is ready to take a stand - if needed. Mr. Davis' first stand on behaîf of ail t'esidents of Ontario was to'put a 90-day freeze on gasolinc prices despite grumblings froru several oil companies. I say- good for Mr. Davis! 1 hope he starts doing something about this intolerable economnic situation which bas been developed and engineered by the Trudeauites in Ottawa. If election should corne soon, 1 hope that thiose who voted for Trudeau will realize that they have dug their own grave. If they stli don't understand the economic situation then -they should be denied the right to %ote. No vote at al is better than an irresponsible vote. t ime in- telling me about the situation and as it is wont to do so 1 steered course for an intimate looking littie restau- rant 1 had spotted earliér. Although I was a good distance [rom, Yoi-kville the restaurant looked very much like theYorkville type and a sign .in front proclaimed that it even had a small cafeteria which was fine with me because I figured it would save me a little time. The inside was dotted with closely placecl wooden tables and chairs highly varnished and almost ail vacant. It was well past lunch time so I didn't let the lack of patrons put me off and I ventured up to the food bar to see what was being offered this day. As 1 gazed over the food on display and glanced up at the blackboard which listed the special of the day 1 began to have a nagging feeling tugging at the back of my mmnd. Suddenly the sun shone through the haze and I realized what was botherigngie. Nowhcre in this wholc eating establishrnent was thecre any meat offered for sale. I hiad wandered into a vegetarian cafeteria! For many rnonths 1 have been reading the papers with interest about the highi cost of mneat and how wve couîd substitute fruits and nuts meat for animal meats at a whopping prîce difference. Soy beans, pecans, wainu ts and even peanuts werc ail touted to be high in protein and many a lot cheaper flian porterhouse steak. So as these, articles drifted back into my mmnd 1 decîdcd tw give this vegetarian cafetaria a try. I opted for the zuchini casserole and a salad, glass of apple j1aice and a glass of milk. Now 1 don't know how you féeel about zuchini but I have always felt th1fat plowed under it made a great fertilizer for the garden. Knowing this 1 began to feel that perhaps I had judged it harshly and so I should give it an honest try. It was a mistake 1 lived to regret! The whole meal tasted like stomped leftovers at a farmer's market, the milk was sickeningly warm and the only thing I enjoyed was the apple juice. But the biggest insult of ail was that the whole meal cost me a lot more than had I gone to a steak house and had the house special. Obviously the guy who had set the prices was not reading the samne articles as. 1 was in the papers telling about how cheap il was to be- come a vegetarian. So that was it, my stomach rebelled, my wallet rebelled and I was gladi to get back to Whitby to watch Brian Winter fighting for his life in the traffic at the, four corners in Whitby. Carter'g oft Bonb trett Itb FINAL REDUCTION ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE ½/ PRICE "A SPECIAL 44 i n' BOND.TOWERS MAIL SHOP FOR SPECIAL WOMEN"g DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 576-7152 MASTERCHARGE CHARGEX WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEONESDAY,JULV 16, 1975, PAGE 5 NO0TICE TO RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE 0F APPLICATION'*.fO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval of a By-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. TAENOTICE that the Council of lte Corpor- ation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the pro- visions ýof Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-lv No$ 226-75 read a first, second and third time and finally passed on the, 9th day of June A.D., 1975. A copy of the By-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanatipn of the purpose and effect of thé By-law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. Any person interested, may, within fou rteen (14) days after the date of this notice, sen d 1w registered mail or deliver to, the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notioe of his objebtion to. -approv -al1 of the said'By-law together with a ,statement ofth grounds of such objection. >Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the By-law may within fourteen (14) days after "the date of this notice,'send by registered mail or deliver toý the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notioe of his support of approval to the said By-law together with a request for notice, of any Hearing that may be heîd giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-latg but before doing s0 it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-law wilJ be considered. Notice of any hearing that, mav be held will be given orily to persons wtio have f iîed an objection or a notice of support and who, have left with or deîivered to the Clerk undersigned the address to which Notice of Hearing is to be sent. The lest date for filing objections will be the 241h day of July, 1975. Dated at the Town of Whitby this 9th day of Ju ly, 1975. Wm. H. WVallace, A.M.C.T. CLER K 405 Dundas Street West Whitby, Ontario THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW NO. 226-75 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 1784 WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Whitby deems it advisable to amend By-lew No. 1784 as amended.. NOW THERE FORE, be it enacted and it is hereby' enacted as a By-law of the Corporation of the Town- of Whitby by the Coulncil thereof AS FOLLOWS:t 1. Thet Subsection (d) of Section il of By-law No. 1784 is hereby amended by adding the words door kennels" efter the words "Ino golf course"', so that the Subsection shaîl now reed as follows: (d) No golf course, or kennels shell be estebîished unless it is in accordance with with an epproved site plan. 2. This By-lew shaîl corne into force on the date it is passed by the Council ofthe Town of Whitby subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST,-SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 9TH DAY 0F JUNE, A.D., 1975. B. C. Switzer DEPUTY-CLER K D. Newman MAYOR EXPLANATORY NOTE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BV-LAW NUMBER 226-75 The purpose and effect of By-law Number 226-75 is to require anyone wishing, to'establish ea golf course ýor kennel to enter into a Site Plan Agree- ment.with the Town. AIl meterial filed*conoerning this application is on file and open for public inspection et the Planning Department, 14 Church Street, Brooklin, Ontario. Tolephono: (416) 655-3346 eonb bucet itbe