WHITBY FREE PRE$$, WEDNESDAY,JULY 10, 1975, PAGE 3 Locals employed Anj OFY Prjets A total of 18 area people wlll be employed In, three local projeets funded under the Opportunities for Youth Prograus this summer. 'Play Camp in Action' will employ nine people and has been awarded $M9090. Play schools are being organized in three locatiQns in Whitby ,and Brooklin .for chldren aged two to sixC. Theé proj ect is' oriented towards non-working parents. who nornialîy are unable to place their children in daycare centres. 1'Diamonds are Forever, another Whitby and Brooklin project, has been subsidized with $ 5,090 and will provide five people with job s. The project is, preparing and- Maintaining 16 basebali diarnonds, in thé area. Con- struction work, is also being, done' on backstops, benches and scoreboards,.. 'Project 3-R's', -Whitby, will emýploy four people and use $4,195.. nutn The projeci is cê dctn a survey on the attitudes of the conununity to providing suitable residential accommo- dation for mentally retarded persons: Information is lso being gathered on the social and recreational faiities available to the, Mentally retarded. An index on avalable accomodation and a calendar of social and Wanted The Whitby Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police wilI be taking on new Auxiiary Constables to NiI its compliment of 32 person- nel. «There are two positions open for femnale Constables. The requirements are as fol- lows: 21 to 23 years of age; minimum of 5 ft. 4 in. and I 10-pounds; provide a certif- icate of good physical and mental health [rom a quali- fied medical practitioner; and minimum of grade 12 or equivalent education is required. Preference will be given to applicants intending to join the regular force. Applicants are requested to contact the nearest O.P.P. detachment for an applica- tion formn. Applications must be sent to the Officer in Charge, Auxiliary O.P.F., Box 57, Whitby, Ontario. WEEKLY REPORT During the week of July 7 to 13, officers of the Whitby Detachmnent of the O.P.P. reported 114 occur- rences of a generai police nature. There was one break and enter, three thefts, and one assault stemming from a domestic quarrel. There was a total of 10 disturbance cals, mostly stemming from liquor related offences.. During the week, recreational possibilities wil then be dlstributcd to local agencies. 1The approved projects are diverse in1 scope allowing young people' between, 16 and 25 to exercise' their creativlty and. initiative In providing needed services in many communfities, non-com- petitive wîth privat e industry. Many of the Ontario projects 'involve helping the blind, the- disabled, senior citizens, lower' incomne groups- or New Canadians. There are also a numnber of community programs that are being undertaken, ranging from cleaning up - parks and beaches to establishing bicy- cle trails and recording historical data. Budgeted at $36,400,000 and creating a total of 29,000 jobs, OFY is once again the major component of the federal government's Student Summer Employment and Activities Prograru (SSEAP) wvhich has been'funded for $80,5 19,000 and is expected to provide 452,000, students with -employment opportuni- ties thiis summer. The major- ity 0f these jobs are being obtained through Canada Manpower Centres 'for Stu- dents.' The province of Ontario has -been allocated over $8,000,000' for OFY, creating 6,96 7 jobs. m. female cops officers made 1 5 seizures of liquor ini the Port Perry area. There was one incident of malîcious damnage resulting férm someone breaking the door of the Beckers milk store on Scugog Street, Port Perry. Three charges were laid under the Smà ll Vessels Regulations of the Canada Shipping Act. Fines were laid as a result of boats being found withi insufficient life- jackets. BagpiÀntpes and kilts A Canadian Scottish Cluib has been formed in Whitby for the purpose of keeping alive the ethnic traditions of the Scots. At present, the club, or- ganized by Jim Wilson who is serving as president, has 20 memrbers. The cost to join the non-profit club is $ 10 per person. The need for such a club was brought to light by a situation during Oshawa's recent Fiesta Week. Several Scottishi girls were dancing for the Polialh club simply because there is no Scottish club in the area, according to' publicity director Robin Lyon. To join the club, contact Jim Wilson at 668-3172. .RH YMI NGý TRIPLE TS' When you, get 'Boots", 'Toots' and 'utes' ta- gether you've reatiy got your hands full! By the way, don't ask us whicti is which..ý.seems to us the good iooking gai is 'Cutes', but that leaves us short one name, oh well...anyway these kittens are nine and ten weeks old, two maies and one against distemper and are litter trained. So if you'd like a nioe pet that wiii grow with the famiy drop into the Humane Society on Thickson Road North <be forewamned wé thunk 'Cutes' is aiready taken>. Ffée Press Photo THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS THE BEST LEGS IN TOWlN MARY BROWN HAS THE >4> We4 Mary Brown ha$ The Best Legs in, Town BLAIR PARK PLAZA Dundas St. E. at Lupin Dr. 6687831 french f ries 8 oz. cole-slow ÇD4 hot roiiol hcen 2O dr Reg.. 5,5 S pecial $4.,99 F,e 7 BIG DAYS WedO JuIy 16- Tues., IuIy 22 Latweeks winner of our weekly.draw M rs. Mii tchel1, Osh a wa e4ARY BROWN HîAS THE BÉST LEGS IN'TOWN MARY BROWN HAST"IE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY The ail Ontario Trust Comipany begun in 1889 ~ Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORIAan7d GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lorne D. Reid uiqer WHIITBY 308 DUNDAS W.e M PIPER STUDIO WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIALISTS n Te mos pt date techniques and special effects " Full 3 lctincoverage " Free bridai etiquette bookiet " INTRODUCTORY OFFER - FREE 16 X,20 framed colour print of your choice, if you arrange vour*wedding photography with Piper before August 31, 1975 367 ING ST.-WEST 728m9459