PAGE 10, WEDNES DAY, JULY 16, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Windsor wins Whitby-Oshawa, toure The Whitby Minor Base- bail 'Association and the OshaWa Legion Basebal Association chalked ùp anoth- er highly successful basebail tournament on the weekend when' some of Ontario's finest midget clubs competed ini the fourth annual'tourney co-hosted by the two basebal associations. South Windsor won the tourney, defeating Oakville Authorized Consumerse Oas 7-0 in the final game. Somne outstanding basebali was witnessed by tie large crowds which *attended the 23 games played during the two day event. On Saturday, Kinsmen Stadium in Oshawa Peel Park and E.,A. Fairmian School ini Whitby and Cedarý Park in Ajax were the sites of 16 games whîcli narrowed the field from 16 to eight for Sunday's play at Kinsmien INSTALLATION - SALES -SERVICE Suburban Air Gos Services Ltd. 1393 Harwood Ave. N., Ajax, Ontario, 683-8611, 683-8613 and E.A. Fairmnan. The tour- nament championship was decided, at E.A. Fairman be- fore a large and noisy crowd. The event was the culmin- ation of sevcral monthis of planning by the tournarnent comrnittec consisting of Keith MacDonald, Prcsident of the W.M.B.A., and Win- ston Muschett and Gord Hanna of the W.M.B.A.;Pres- ident Tom Sellers of the Oshawa Legion Baseball Association; Jim Lutton of Oshawa who is also the Pres- ident of the Ontario Basebal Association for 1975. Tournament -Secretary was Neil Murkar. The Whitby-Oshawa Tour- nament is acknowledged as Whitby basebail clubs con- tinued their domination of Peterborough clubs ini East- ern Ontario Baseball as the Whitby Legionaires dropped Peterboroughi 7-O ini a E.O.B. A.Peewee fixture played at Peel Park last Tlîursday while on tie sanie nigh t die Whitby Reds eked out a 2-I victory over the Petes in Riverside Park in the liftlock city, ini Midget play. Ille highlight of' the îwo gaines was the pitching per- formiance of Whitby's Mike WVelling who came up with a classy no-bitter fo r th Legionaires and a one-hit I For your convenience, we are now open until 6 p.ým. on Thursdays. Why not corne in and take of the new longer hours. NEW Hours of Business: Monday to Wednesday lOa.m. -3p.m. Thursday and Friday lOa.m. -6p.m.. ROYAL BAN K serving Ontario Frank Bennett, Manager Whitby, Ontario one of the besi basebali tour- ncys i the province andl one of the premier events ln the midgct series and attracts some ofOntario's finest clubs Eaclî year several clubs must bc turnied away. lhis year's event was mnarked flot only by somne exceptional and thrilling basebaîl but by a tremendous spirit of' good sportsmanship. The affair was completely free of any serious disputes The tournament champions were cach presented with warm-iup jackets and champ-, ionship crests while the final- ists each received tournament crests. Conditions remnained ideal throughout, a departure from chore by Peterborough's Kev- in Lefebre in *the midget game., However, the differ- ence wvas that Welling carne up with a win for his night's effort while Lefebre took a 2-1 loss. In thc peewee con test, Whîtby hiad a big five-ruiî ifthi inning to sew up the victory. Welling faced only 22 batters. in fashioning his no-bitter and struck out eight. Not only wvas the Legionaire's southipaw sharp, the whole club came up withi a flawless performance behiind hirn. Murray McCorkell led the club witb thrce singles, while Rick Dunphy, Mike Welling, Dennis Fulton added singles for the Legionaire's six-hit at tack. In Peterboroughi, Lefebre on the mound for Peterbor- ough learned the hard way previous years wlîen ramn has created problems. Desetving of special commendation hits year was a crew under the supervision of George Turner consisting of AI Hovland and Alex Fillier who spe 'nt many hours working on tlhe dia- mnond at E.A. Fairman. Once -one of the best flelds in east- erm Ontario, the diamond at E.A. Fairman had 'deterior- ated badly in recent years, but the efforts of th-ese men and a group of Whitby Red players created qui»te a trans- formation. With material and equipment supplied by the town they had the diamond in exceptional shape for the tournarnent. Another group who spent many hours during that walks can kill. He had. held the Reds scoreless for six innings, but in the seventh walked two successive Whitby batters who turned out to be the tieing and win- ning runs moments later wh en Peterborough short- stop bobbled a routine ground baIl and in his hurry to get a th row away, th rew wild at flirst allowing the Witby runners to score. In tdie game only'Rob Hanna got a hit off Lefebre. Winner Dave McWhirter for thîe Reds gave up eight hits but scat- tered them sufficiently s0 theyonly produced one rmn. It was definitely the Red's night because ,in the sixth two erors and a hit loaded the bases for the Petes but McWhirter came up with a pair of big strikeouts to end the threat. the two days was the umpiÉing crew- under W.M.B,. A. Umpire-In-Chief Rod Fil- lier. Members of the umpir- ing staff were Rod Fillier, George Turner, AI Hovland, Ray Bergstrom, Tom, Kirig, Scott Htley, Lorne Camnp- bell and BIh Link. The final game between Oakville and South Windsor attracted onie of the Iargest crowds to be, seen at E.A. Fairman in re- cent years.1 HadOshawa suc- ceeded in gettitng into the finals the crowd woul.d have been even larger. In opening round action, Oakville downed Whitby 6-1, Oshawa beat York Legion 10-5, Hamilton Red Hiil shaded Newmarket 6-5, Thor- old edged Hamilton Binbrook 7-6, South Windsor pounded Cambridge 24-4, Agincourt bested Listowel 6-1, Leaside- North York trounced Wind- sor Riverside 9-I and Scar- boro Birchmount decisioned Waterloo 8-4. Second Round action .saw Thoroîd score an 11 -2 victory over Whitby, Oakvile edged Hamilton Binbrook 4-3, Osh- aWa took Newmarket 3-1, Hamilton Red Hill defeated York Legion 4-1, Leaside- North York 'downed Water- loo 6-2, Windsor Riverside beat Scarboro Birchmount 74, South Windsor trounced Listowel 9-I and Cambridge bested Agincourt,5-2. ,,I third round play, South Windsor shaded Thorold 2-1, Oakville took Windsor River- side 11-7, Oshawa nipped Cambridge 54 and Hamilton Red Hill blanked Leaside 3-0. b I the semi-finals, Oakville trounced Hamilton Red Hill 8-1 and South Windsor downed Oshawa 6-4 to set the stage for the final which saw South Windsor blank Oakville 740. B >'0r 0 ew Compare our pries and foeures on *outd.or gas gris *, poolbheatrs lb central air conditioners Competmtv. prices on aui other Home Relatd Appénces Viuit carnew Showroom med see these opplonces Whitby continues domination Peterborough defeatd wice advantage