Whitby Free Press, 9 Jul 1975, p. 13

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Free Press Emporium CO.TTAGE TOILET - $15, Cali after 5 pm. 668-3573. Emp TWIN STROLLER - Good condition $50. Caîl 668-1366. .22 BOLT ACTION - Withl scop e, gun rack, good condition, $60.' Caîl 668-3956, or Wed. - Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573., KAWASAKI 100, 1974, also ROADSTER Il, 1974 best offer. Cal 668-6685. -TIRES - 2 Uniroyal l-astrak tubeless, A-87-13 whîtewall two ply polyester. Used only a few months $25, 1 tent sleeps four used two summers, good condi- tion $45. Cal 655-4302. Emp. REFRIGERATOR - 1 Viking and 1 Kenmore stove ($100 eachi or $175 for both), Gibson S.G. special guilar $250, Fender con- cert arn p 110r $300. Cail after 5 p.m. 668-3941. Emp. SKI BOOTS - Tyrol, excellent condition, size 8 $60 new, %vill seIl for $20. Cal 668-7563. Emp. 1960 CADILAC - Fleetwood0 390, automatic, running condi- tion, little work needed, must seIl $200. Caîl Sunderland 1-705- 357-2135 after 6 pari. and ask for -Phil. Emp. SWIVEL CHAIR - Ski boots and skis size 31/2, aIl $ 15 each, humidifier $25, antique stand which needs top $10, vaporizer $5, brownie uni form $8, and imi- tation fireplace $50, antique table $20, fertihizer or grass seed spread- er $3. Cail 668-9404. Em p. 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne seil or trade for mustang $850. Caîl 655-3006. Emp.1 WEDDING GOWN - Size 12,' veil and train $50. Caîl 668. 2-406 or 668-44 10. - Emp. STEREO - Lloyds recerver, eight-track, turntable and two speakers. Just like new. $150 or best offer- Caîl1668-7190. Emp ENGAGEMENT RING,- Like new, diamond, gold band, asking $150. Ca11 723-1950. Emp. TIRES - Michelin ZX *radial steel belted, size 165X14, (equîv. C78X14 or 6.95X14) excellent condition, list $50 each, 2 for $42. Cal 668-7138. Emp. STEREO - Component stereo system, Pioneer AM/FM stereo tuner-AMP, Garrard turn table and Scott our-w ay 5 speaker system $ 700. Willing te trade for good 35mm camera plus cash. Cal 668-6248. Emp. REPAIR MANUALS '- Com- plete set of smnall gas engine repair manuals. Cati 668-6779. Emp. HORSE 3 year old, h aif Arab, haif quarter horse, good disposition. Asking $400. Cal!" 655-3122. VACCUUM CLEANER - $1U floor polisher $15. Cail 668- 2801. Emp SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' medium size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. Cafi 579- 2652. HUMIDIFIER - $5, exercise cycle $5, baby car bed $4, stereo record player $15, 8 golf clubs & bag $15, typewriter $25, electnic sewing machine $20, rocking horse $5, baby walker $3, sword $5. Cail 668-6257. ~1 67 COUGAR - 289 V8, au to- matie, bucket seats, radio, snow- tires, mechanically Al, body is in good shape with the exception of damage to left rear quarter panel $500 or best offer. Cati 668- 3002. Emp. 8 TRACK - Muntz '8 track stereo player, recorder, With AM/ FM radio, excellent' condition, cost $370 with speakers, will sel! for $200 FIRM. Cal 668-3167. ANTIQUE Chesterfield $275 matching side chairs $35 and $45 black leather chesterfield, chair and ottoman $150, continental bed with headboard $20. Cal 655-4776. Emp. BICYCLE - Boys high rise 3.speed with banana seat, needs gpar change, in goodf condition $30 also boys 3.speed racer in good condition $40. ('aIl 668- 6083 ater 7 p.m. 668-6l11' 1965 MERCURY COMET- Approx. 24,000 miles on rebuilt engine, 6 cylinider, standard, body in good condi- tion, radio asking $300. Cal 668-5396. TRICYC---E- For 4-5 year old $15; 2 doils carniages $2 each; skates $5; bôys high-rise bicycle in good condition with white wall tires and banana seat $25; girls' bicycle in good condition, needs fender $15. CaI 668-5541. KABANA Hutch Tent - fits Vega wagon ideal for camping and travel, includes side curtains, mounts on rear of wagon with door in open- position $45; snow tires, 2 Firestone nylon champion B78-13 and one wheel for Vega used one mon th .$215 -,girts' 20 ini. high bar metalic red bike, excel- lent condition $20. Caîl 725-2967. .1973 VEiGA HATCHBACK GT Option, yellow with 'black trizn, 4-speed transmission, rear- window defroster, dual-speed wipers, radio, wide-track tires, excellent condition naiust bc seen $2,000 or best offer. LIC EAY1 14. Ca1l1668-5248. COAT - LadieF black persian lamb approximately size 20, in good condition, will selI for $50. Caîl 725-5714. Emp. SKI-BOOTS - Ladies size 6V., buckle style, wvorn once $215.-Cati 668-2119. Emp. 64 NOVA - Good shape ask- ing SîSO.as is, 66 PLYYMOTH no motor. asking $1 00. Cal 723- 3583. Emp. FOR SALE - 4 chrome dises. 14 inch fnom 1968 Beaumnont $5, SkiI 1/4 inch drîl 3 %vire $5, al wave TV antenna just liead $10, one Uniroyal near new tnain tire on wlieel Blockwall 6.35 X 14 frorn 1973 Nova $20. Caîl 723- 2738. IEmp. POOL TABLE - Good condi- tion, regular $ 139 wvill selI for S45. Cali 668-6750; COAT -- Ladies full lengthi, size 14, Caîl 668-5447. Persian laitit sacrifice $75. Fin p CHESTERFIELD and chair - fr. colon, good for recreation roomn or cottage $50. Cal! 668- 5404.. ________________________________________________ 'I DINîNG ROOM suite - waint refinished $425 or best offer. Cal 668-2445.. Emp. INGLIS DRYER - Gas, 1 yeai] old $100. Cal 655-4361 or 668-1 5250. Emp. GU ITAR - 1965 Fender iele- caster aIl re-wu'ed excellent condi- tion with bard sheli case, must sdIl $350. Cali 668-4939 TELE VISION - Used B&W 26 inch floor model with doors good condition asking $75. Cal 655-4225. 'Emp. WEDDING GOWN - Size 7/8 long veil and headpiece included, long sîceves, excellent condition, regular price $ 150.00, askîng $50. must sec..cal 6 68-9120 ater 4. 1970 MGB - Convertible good working condition, cerified one owner, compte te with luggage rack askîng $1 ,500. Caîl 668- 6896 before 5 p.m. and 655-3663 ater 5 p.m. -u BABY FURNITURE - Stroîl- O-chair combination, carniage, car bed, walking chair etc. $40, crib and mattress in good condition $25. Caîl 668-8634.' STOVE - Small $60, B & W Philco TV $60, fidge $50, teak chesterfieîd and chair, $85, antique Raymond treddle sewing machine $65. Cal! 668-6080. 1965 FORD Station Wagon - .4 door, big 352 cubic inch engine, good mechanicat performance, sold uncertifîed at $200 or bcst offer, caîl 668-3787 ask for John. ANTIQUE - Dresser $150, kitchen cabinet $300, beauty table with 3 mirrors $200, two chairs $48 cach, rocking chair $90. Cal! 579-2939. Emp, DRUMS - Olympia, 8 piece set includes stool, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Cal! 655-3563. CLASSTFIED ADVERTISING 1964 CH1IV Station Wagon - running condition, as is $150. CaT56-2366. TV - Portable 20 in. General electric 13&W UHF and VIIF, new condition about 4 years old $ 100. Cal 668-4763. MOPED - Bronco brand new 150 miles, highrise handlebars, deluxe seat, 148 miles per gallon, will go 40 m.p.h., $460. Cal 668- 3186. 64 FORD GALAXIE - Runs well, bas plates $ 100, Cal 683- 8796. LAWN MOWER - $40, space heater suitable for cottage or gar- age $60, baby carrnage $30. Cal 668-6750. CEDAR SHINGLES -8Y bundles $90.00-, homemnade 12 ft. alumninum housetrailer $250. Cali 655-34,11. SNOW TIRES - With rims size F78-15, $25 pair, caîl 725- 1691 days, evenings 668-4593. -j MOVIE CAMERA - Super 8 G.A.F. STIOIE model with eîectro4ýade 6 to 1 zoom lens, battery test, eye hood, lens hood UV I-laze f7ilter, YASI-ICA film editor, fitlm splicer and gluie $95. firm. Cati 668-2764 after 5:30 Ir M. Em n. TAPESTRlES - 8 beauftful velvet wveaved tapestries for floor or wallI hanging.s. slI ait cost $30 cach (size 4 ft. X. 3 t.) Cal (collect)' 1-649-5443. Emlip. AFGHIANS -Old isl Iashicd 4Sin. X 45iin. for $45. S4îii. X S4in. for $54. Bith mlfi- colotincd and votl suit atiy decon. ('aIl 655-4776. ip H A NiLI1-ON J ET U NIT' - vi th 100 111> enlgine. suitable for boat 15 ft. and up $525. For details cati 668-2225 ater 4:30 p.m. S URN Cî:- ANTHES) 1000 3T'Lr%. 51't. Cta11, very new. ('a il 668-2851I alter 5. Sl'ERFO 'AR - WitiîShort wave ANI/ÎMN radio and lutrntable mutst sec to appreciate asking $375. CailI668-2198. El m P. MANS SUITS - Near new aIl wvool taîl size 44-46, dark blue with vest $45, medium blue white stripes $35, ight blue $35, girls skates size 2 $5, rock tumi- bler kit u.scd once $ 14. Cal 728-5433. Iimp. COFFEE TABLE - $10. Cal 668-3573 ater 5 p.m. Emp. PAN GUITAR - Replica of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjust- able steel neck $100 finm. ('al 668-9772. Emp. AQUARIUMS - four 20 gal- lon aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover lights, accessories about 50 tropical fish with a rcd fin shark included (3 ft. long) $130. ('aIl 668-91288 aCter S5 p.rn. ANTIQUE - Dresser wîth mir- ror $55. Caîl 655-4776, Emp. BABY FURNITURE- Stroît O Chair, inlude-s carniage, stroller chair, high chair, with inter- changeable parts $50. ('aIl 728- 0333. Em P. TOW TRUCK - 3 ton, selling as is $900 or best offer. ('aIl 668- 7654. Emp. RECORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, chrome & .grcy marble in design $20, please caîl after 6 p.m. 655-3240. Emp. I TAPE DECK,- Buitt-in das hl with AM-FM stereo radio, Craig and Motorola speakers with'front and rear swltch, local distance switch, bass, treble controls. Cost $220 asking $130. Cail 668-3186 CEDAR RAILS - ý20, guttur mount aluminum roof rack, Cali. 579-3917. Emp. KITCHEN SE T - Crome witli 4 chairs in good condition $65. Can be seen at 309 Byron Street North in Whitby from 8 a.m. tilI 5 p.m. or phone after 6 o'clock 65-;368_ Emn. 1965 FORD COMET - Six, cylinder automatic, good running condition, body in good shape, bas licence plates on. white with red upholstery $600. Caîl 655- 4834. STEREO & record player - Viking $100, Viking B&W TV 21 inch $ 100, cotftce table oblong $15, portable sewing table $12, new kitchlen chairs (2) $10, corn- er step table $15, ail in good condition. Caîl 576-3047. Emp. 1967 BUICK Le- SABRE - needs motor work, everything else A-t. Caîl 683-8796. 1969 OLD>S - Cu tiass 442 V8 power disc brakes, automatic, AM/FM radio, aIl gauges includ- ing tachometer, 2 door bard top, body needs paint, approximately 76,000 il es, -$ 1. 100 or best of- fer. Cal 668-1066. E.ýmp. STIREO Pioncer systum brand new AM/I:M recciveï, 8 track, turn tablc, 2 speaýkers, $400 ('aIl 668-7190. Ernp. ('ANIERA - X-15 instamatic t(Kodak) 'wîth carryîng case, in e\u.llent condition $1 0, ski boots size seven, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of a dice in vcry good condition S7, nmicroscope ki t, con tain s nmicro- scope, slîdes. spcimens. for ob- serving $8. Cal 668-4465. GAS I)RYER - nglis. nearly new. asking $75. Cal! 655-3663. ,%,IXMASTE..R- Large Sun- beani $20.,l1&W TV $70, ('liest of drawers $30. Cal 668-3679. GOL KART - New 4Vz h.p. motor $250 or best offer. C'al 668-1155 or 668-5014. Emp. AQUARIUM -- New 15 gai. completely equipped with starter kit, neyer used $30. Cal! 655- 4494. Emp. SKIS - Excellent condition used unly once $40. Cal 723- 9016. Emp. TIRES - SAVE $62, used onîy 100 miles, 2-4+2 belted L-78 -15 summer tires original price per sales bill S74.50, two 2-2+2 bclted L-78-15 snow tires, original price per sales bill $ 85.80 wilI sell Cor $25 each. Cal 668-5 386. LAWNMOWER - Electric in excellent condition $30. Cali 668-6750. COTTAGE TOILET - $15. Cal 668-3573 after 5 p.m. Emp. ENCYCLOPEDIA - World book, yearbooks up to 1970 (1962) $100. Cal 728-9777. 1973 NORTON - Interstate $ 1,200. Cal 668-9925. champion sire, dian Kennel papers, shots, Call 5 79-2044. SPANIEL -- Pup' blond maIe, Cana- Club registration dewormed $150 Emp. WASHER-SPIN DRYER- Sanyo, 11/2 years old, good condi- tion, asking $90.00. Caîl 668- 6506 after 5 p.nl. and on wveek- e nds.1 SOFA -- Wine red, ideal for rec-room or cottage. Good condi- tion $35. Cal 655-3590. L .,.- - Iii - I i" w ATTENTION FARMERSIII WHV PA Y MORE? Gu 01DESEL VIJEI I AVE .MOTOR OIt. P r o , "W cII y # t WHITBoy FREE pRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 19750 PAGE 13 NOTICE TO READERS Advertiseý 1FREE in the FREF PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sedI!, There will not- be any. charge to advertisers in When the 4ver tised item is sold, you1 pay ua commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE, PRE SS and run at least o ne month if not sold RATES (if article is sol): 5% of advertised price up to $400*00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item 'sdvertised for $5 0.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer isted as a private advertiser. Please* notify the Whitby Free Pres's immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it from the following isues. Services,« help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only, be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO. FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY F REE - 7 month otd pup, German Shepherd, developing natural guarding habits, intelli- gent and quick to leara. Caîl 668- 9722.1 STEREO COMPONENTS - 1' Sears receiver, 1 Garrard changer turntable), 2 speakers, very good condition $150.00. Cail 668- 9256 after 6 v.m.' Emp. CHIESTERFIELD - Green/ gold broquade, good condition $75. CaI 668-7644. Emp. SWIMMING POOL- Re- possessèd, excellent condi- tion, leading manuf4cturer >willing to sacrifice at 1/2. price. 'Cali Collect 416-536-9278. TAPE RECORDER - Simp- son Sears cassctte, 4 tapes, like new $20, Grenoble fibreglass skis laminated' $10. Cail 668-4600. RANGE - Ilîeavy duty, 30 in.. $45. Caîl 668-3889. ACCORDION - 120 bass, lîke ncw $200, 5 piece kitchen suite, brown/beige, oval table $75, 5 piece dmnette suite, brown/black, inlaid table, swivcl chair, almost new $135. Cail ater 6 p.m. [668-8709. Emp. 1968 FORD CUSTOM 500 - excellent condition Caîl John at 668-9513. GOLF SHOIES - 2 pairs, white and peach coloured pair, size 7, $ 10, white and biack pair, size 7B $10, good condition. CaIl 683- AUSTRALIAN TERRIORS - Registered black and tan emnales, both parents can be seen, very small breed, had shots and been dewormed, health certificates. $150 each. CaUl 655-3144. 67 FORD MUSTANG - 6 cylinder, standard transmission, as is $300 or best offer. ('aIl 668- 1384. HOUSE FOR SALE - Pnivate downtown Pefferlaw, 35 miles from Witby, 6 roomn, 2 storey brick, 3 or 4 bedroomn, a wood- shed, garage and garden $38,000. Phone 705-437-1518. POOLS - Deluxe, redwood, above ground pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 year old. R.epossessedf by bank, sacrifice V price. Cal Mr. Woo ds 416-292-2264. F RESU SWEET CORN Direct fromn grower. Keith Bell Farm, County Road 5, 1 mile east of Myrtle off number 12 higl»vay, (approximately 4 miles north of Brooklin) or one mile west of Raglan off Simcoe Street North. 655-3326. 69 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX - 400 V8, power dise brakes, power steering and windows, automatic tinted glass, radio, console, good condition, will certify $1 ,500 or best offer, MAG WHEELS 4 i nter- national aluminum slotted mags 13" with Goodnich T/A radial tires, tittie used,$300, 2 51/ Bosch Quartz-Halogen Co nversion units Hi-Lo beam, excellent condition $25- Cg1l 668-2313. HIGH CHAIR - sturdy chrome high chair with arbonite tray $12. One knitted Afghan with purple, mauve and pink stripes $18. Cal 668-2427. SOFA BED -$ 10,,p tatformn rocker $20, hostess chair $5, ches- terfield chair $ 10,,.rollaway bed size 36 in., with mattress $ 10, chest drawers like new $35, baby hîgh chair, wood, white colour $15, wooden play pen $8, 3 sheif book case $ 15, annex wood and coal stove, very good condition, $60, floor lamp and 1 pair -table lamps $20. Cal 668-9009. WANTED TO RENT - Res- ponsible couple with 2 children wish weIl kept 3 bedroom bouse with appliances in Whitby area. $250 - $270. Cal! Burlington 1- 637-2129. DRY CLEANER MANAGER Excellent opportunity for conscientious person. Permanent position, good salary, apply One Hour Martinizing, Brock Street South,' Whitby, or cal Mr. Small 668-6491 for, appointmeflt. DAYCARE - inurses home children two or oven, Byron St. North. Caîl 668-5745. WANT-ED WANTIED - Canada's ediug Manufacture and Distributor, is seeking a choice residential site to dis- play their new 1975 above ground redwood pool., Your backyard is the prime. loca- tion we will consider. An excellent opportunity for you the home owner to cali collect -292-2263 days or evenings. Manufacturer representative would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool. Cal! collect 416-536- 9278. TOYS FOR BIG BOYS BUV, BELL ODR TRACE SPECIALIZING IN PERFORMANCE CARS 209 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-7759 1970 Dart Swinger 340, 4-speed, headers, mags. Certified at $2,595.00 Lic..- FBC-188 1968 El Camino 327, 3-speed, automatic, rally wheels, many options. $2,395.00 Lic. P50-679 1inigof trading in your car!?Sell your trade in to us and make vour purchase Cash 1 J -4 ý 1 1 Il -1 a 1

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