Brin'g to'a boil 21A cups water; add rice and sait. Cover and cook ovcr low beat for about 20 minutes. Meit butter in a flh!me-proof casserole. Sauté onion untîl transparent. Add cooked rice, salmon, eggs and crcam; toss to mix. Cook over medium heat, stirring often untîl mixture is very hot. Fold in shredded imported Ioland Edarp and, parsley. Season withsait and pepper to taste. Makes 4 servings. OLDAGE "lWe don't count a man 's years, until he has nothing else to count. " -Emerson L'edgeree is a British version of the Indian rice dish -THÉE 'ýS A IN. kitchri". Our version adds' imported Holland CL-OUP FORT Edamn to the sauce for a delîciously different brunch, FZV- lunch or supper dish, and the cheese, e'ggs and salmon SIL V0R give it protein-packed goodness. 1 cup long grain rice chopped 1 teaspoon sait ½Cup Cream 2 tablespoons butter 1 'A cups (6 ounces) shiredded 1 meclium onion, chopped imported Hollanci Edam I, (7/ -ounce) can salmon 14 cup chopped parsîey 4 hard cooked " Sait and pepper Ever ybody has the right t afford ablehousing This, Us what ontar is Cdoing tohelp thmobtain t. 'I y In recent months, the Ontario Government has introduced, or expanded, a number of measures aimed at putting home ownership within reach of greater numbers of people. That means doing two things- making more housing aval lable and helping you to meet home ownership costs. Four Ontario Govern ment programs are directed right at these objectives: 1. Home Ownership Made Easy (H.O.M.E.) brings home ownership within reach of many moderate-income earners. Ho uses are built on serviced lots which are then leased by Ontario Housing Corporation to new homeowners, who may buy the land after f ive years. This combination makes possible lower-than-normal down payments and carrying costs. 2. Ontario Home Renewal Program (OHRP) offers grants and boans for home improve- ments through local municipalities to low and moderate incomne homeowners. This plan works to rehabilitate sub-standard dwellings -especially those with faulty structural and sanitary conditions -and to upgrade plumbing, heating and electrical systems. 3. Ontario Housing Action Program (OHAP> helps municipalities and developers to increase the supply of serviced land, thus lowering the cost of home ownership and rentai accommodations. It also en- cou rages the building industry to more closely match the housing mix to the purchasing power of the majority of the population. 4. Ontario Home Buyers Grant provides a $1,500 grant in three instalments to any Ontario resîdent who is 18 or older and buying a f irst home. There are no price or income restrictions but the home must be the buyer's principal residence and acquired at fair market value. The pur- >chase must be completed by December 31, 1975 and the buyer must be living in the home by June 30, 1976. If you would like more information or f ree literature on these four housing programs, write to: Ministry or Housing Communications and Information Services 101 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M5S 1 P8 Ministry of Housing. Donald Irvine, Minister Government of Ontario William Davis, Premier SETTLE FOR "When you are aspiring to the hlghest place, it 15 honorable to reach the second or even the third rank. " -Cicero ATOLLS Nearly ail the Paciflc Islands are volcanlc ýin origin. Many have eroded to sea, level becorning coral-en- crusted atolls. 1 LAFoftheWEEI*u * c, ~ (')j Q3). ~ 4 , E) , J e) c) "HURRY!,..GET BACK UP THERE AGAIN BEFORE YOU LOSE VOUR NERVE! " MINISTRY 0F HOUSING Ontario Housing Corporation MODIFIED TENDERS are invited for the CONSTRUCTION 0F 36 SENIOR CITIZEN UNITS in the TOWN 0F PICKERING ONTARIO These units are to be sited on Iand'now owned by the Corporation. PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS ARE SUPPLIED Preliminary drawings, bld forms, specifications and infor-, mation may be obtained from 'the Toronto offices of the Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, l2th Floor. Submis- sions for this project should be physically received at the Corporate Secretary's office on the 13th Floor, of Ontario Housing Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario flot later than 2:00 P.M., E.D.S.T., Wednesday, JuIy 3Oth, 1975. BIDS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED ON ýTHE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE. The lowest priced or any bld flot necessarily aecepted. A Builders' Meeting wiIl be held in the Committec Room of the Municipal Offices, at the corner of Brock Road North and Highway nwnber 2, in Pickering, Wednesday, JuIy 9th, 1975, at 7:00 P.M. A representative of Ontario Housing Corporation wiII be in attendance for the purpose of providing information with respect to this caîl. Enquiries for additional informnation m.ust be directed to the Development Manager (Metro Region) at 965-9642. -Applications for documents: 965-9658. NOTE: rs received QNLY 4t Head Offie,. Served in individual casseroles,- or as a hearty one-pot famlly meat, protein-packed Edam Kedgeree Is a thrifty and versatile dMs. Edam kedgeree .,m NOTE: ý