'Y~offers CIL training Camp counselllng has been has had experience with a favourfte forrhi'of summer children and camp programns. employment ' foryoung peo- Furthermüore it tgkes a great pie for a number of years. deal of work and interest to It offers challenges- and become a g ood valuable experiences which are unique counsellor. and often exciting.. With- this in mind the However, cournselling is a Whltby YMCA Day Camp is field which Is difficuit to once again offering, a Coun- become a partof unless one sellor- In- Leadership J.O,,Ruddy p in presentat-ion Forty eight inembers of the staff of the- Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy General Hospital were recently presented with pins, in commemoration of five years of service with the hospital. Length of« service was computed fromn the date of officiai opening, which was May, 1970. A few memnbers were employed for varying lengths of time before the hospital opened or evenbe- fore it camne into being, notably Mrs. Edith Walker, who was hired to keep cam- paign records i connection with the building of the hos- pital about 10 years ago, be- camne an employee when the hospital was opened and has remnained on staff. Mr. C.L. Jenkins, Presi- dent of the Board of Gover- nors i presenting the pins, congratulated those who had reached this milestone in the hospital's history and thanked each one for his or her part i helping to make the hospital an important part of this community. Mr. R. O'Shea, President of the Staff Association, pinned a flower on each recipient of the five year award. The following members received five year service awards: Miss Helen Alves, Mrs. Susann Anderson, Mrs. Jane Armstrong, Mrs. Jacqueline Local man, earns his pilot's wings Lieutenant Robert Banks, 23, son of'Don and Jackie of Whitby, received his pilot's wings recently from Canadian Forces Base Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, flying training school. Bob attended Anderson Collegiate Vocational Instit- ute and is now stationed at C.F.B. Cold Lake, Aberta. 0f the 13 graduates, Brig- adier General Kenneth Tlhorneycroft commented tlcollectively, graduates had the highest academic and fly- ing ever achieved at Moose Jaw". Banks, Mr. William Bell, Mlrs. Ruth Bodolay, Mrs. Maiy Briscoe, Miss Eloise Bromnan, Mrs.' Yvonne Brown, Mr. Peter Browne,_ Mr. Paul Bugelli, Miss Carol Cornish, Mrs. Eleanor Crockett, Mrs. Lynda Dekker, Mrs. Elspeth- Dolinage, Mrs. Betty Engdahl Mrs. Ruby Fleischer, Mrs.ý Maureen Gmitrowlcz, Mrs. Edna Hewton, Mr. Gerhard Hoehne, Mr. Teunis Hoogen- dorp, Mr. Ber Lagmnan, Mrs. Barbara Liddiard, Miss Grace Lightle, Mrs. Dorothy Mac- Donald, Miss Mary MacKay, Mrs. Mona Marvin, Mrs. Lii- ian Mazzei, Mrs. Anri McClure Mrs. Mary Ellen Muir, Miss Gladys Oatway, Mrs,. Eliza- beth Pearce, Mrs. Mary Poole, Mrs.. Sybil Reid, Mrs. Marie Richard, Miss Linnette Rich-- ardson,-Mrs. Lenore Robbins, Mr. Donald Runions, Mr. John Sierhuis, Mrs. June Skwarchewsky, Mrs. Eliza- beth Steffler, Mrs.- Magdaiena Szomori, Mrs. Elleen Tessier, Mrs. Phyllis Tompkins,, Mrs. Edith Walker, Mrs. Marion Ward, Mrs. Roberta Wilet and Mrs. Rose Wittig. Rotary Club instrumental Bowling Green Charles Rycroft, past pres. of the Rotary Cub of Whitby was head table guest at the recent party for the residents of Bowling Green Towers who have birthdays ir June and July. - The Rotary Club was largely instrumental in getting Bowling Green started and Mr. Rycroft is now Honorary President of the Tenants' Committee. Residents with birthdays i June are Mrs. Vera Hess, Mrs. Eugenie Rycroft, Mrs. Aiva-Jean Jayries, Gerrit Beenan, Richard England and Phiip Conibeau. Residents with July birth- days are Miss Diane Morrison, Mrs. Lilliari Woodroffe, Mrs. Stella Gould, Walter Thain, Thomas Martin and Pete Morrison. Training (CILT) Program to provide the background nec- essary for future counsellors and leaders ti the community. The course is open to those 14 and older and is composed of both theoretical and practical' aspects of counselling skils., The theoretical back, ground includes such com- ponents as child psychology, problem children, -teaching techniques* and program planning. Ail of these theore- tical skflls cari then be put into practice as each CILT becomes involved with a counsellor and a group of canipers in a Leadership. -position. Towards the end of each session the CILTs as a group have the chance to put their training into action by plan- ning and admlnisterlng a camp-wide 'special programn wYhlch they- as a group can later discuss and evaluate. CILTs wil also take an active part ini camp overn ights, out- trlpping programs and special events. By the end of the two- week session each CILT wll have had the opportunity to sarnple the counsellors role and' responsibilities, and wil have gained valuable experi- ence in leadership skils which cari be utilized both inside ard outside camp situations., Young people, 14 years and over who are interested in developing counselling and general' leadership skils, should contact the YMCA at 668-6868 for information and application forms. Summer tutoring Tutoring for underachiev- ing students is being offered at the Whitby Y this sumrmer. The tutoring is basically aimed at helpirig the child retain and brush up on aiready learned skiils. Pamrela Maclvo)r, a univers- ity Psychology student, received a grant from the Royal Bank to work or this project through the summer. Ms. Macivor will be tutor- ing five afternoors a week. Classes of one hour each will be held from 1:30 to 4:30 Lessors start on July 7 ard go through the summer until August 22. Grades one to six may take advantage of* this free program. Basic Math anid English skills will be reviewed. Last year, a little over 50 students were registered in the tutoring course which went over very wel. Registrations can be made by persorially going to. the Y office in the Centenniai Building at 416 Centre Street South, or by phoning 668- 6868. If your children need extra help with their school- work over the summer months this is the course to sign them up in. cn THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS THEl BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS THE <T P- HMary Brown has The Best Legs in Town CD BLAIR -PARK PLAZA > Dundas St. E. at LJipin Dr. 6871 Aweek ofsavings * OJune 25 to Tuesday JuIy 1lst 0 Wh noxu 9 3 9 pieces of chicken Sor 18 pieces of chicken Save $1,.40 ÇDw ~ at the Regular Price: H 13 18 pieces'lof chicken *FREE, Frenmch Fries S>e$27 S*FREE Cole Slow________ i Wh itbyLocation' only Las weks iner f ar eeky dawB. Navartu Hutchinson Wiitby ~MARY BROWN HAS THE BEST LEGS IN TOWN MARY BROWN HAS..THEÊ BEST LEGS IN TrOWN MARY, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1975, PAGE 3- *Now The senior Trust C'ompany deroted entirely f0 sering the people of Ontario. j~ Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTRIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lorne D. Reid Mawpr 3OSDUI4DASW. WHITBY M-7 -77, , -77-77; 71-7,777 308 DUNDAS W,, WHITI&Y