PAGQE 6, WEWtJESGAY, JUNE 18, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS' Brn~~kin. ~ Byines, Believe'it or flot, but the next tirne you read the Bylines, the sehools wiIl have discharged'ail t.helr pupils to run free for the next two rnonths! Yes, it is that tirne again..the sminer vacation. To help out the harrassed mother tip in Ashburn, the Recreation Departruent are holding their Summer Playground programme at the Ashburn Commun- ity Centre. lt's for the 5 - 12 year olds and will be held daily from 9 - 12 noon and 1I -4:30 p.mü. starting July 2nd and running thro' uantil August I Sth. Also visiting weekly at the Cenitre, will be the new Playmobile that the Recrea- Donxenice's,,Plae Pizza and Spaghetti Hwy. 12 Brooklin we deliver to the Brook lin area 655-3829 N.uelIh and seauly Foulaurs! 51.515 w t C atI. ANACIN 99c tomOiANT 5 Fi. S ETsl.o9 tion Uepartmentis. uslng this year, Haven't heard If the, same arrangements 1 are applying to Memorial Park ln Brook- lin, but maybe l'Il have some news next week.' But the Brooklin United Church la thep lace for <the very smnall fry, this summer. I 1t is here thait theYý.M.C.A. is hold - ing its Play Camp starting JUne 3Oth. There wlil be four two week sessions wlth the 2.3 year olds-1h the morning and the 4,Sand 6 year oids in the afternoon. If you are lnferested 'in having your preschooler taking part, in a w ell organlzed programme this summer, then give the 'Y' a cali at 668-6868. Thursday, June l9th is open night at the, Community Centre for the Brooklin Arts and Crafts. If you have ever wondered what goes on at these Thursday night meetings, then you should drop In this Thursday, sec the work that has been going on during this first session of the Craft Group. They, Mie most organizations, wiil be ciosing down for the summer. But they will be back in the faîl.. .perhaps doing the Crafts that you are interestcd in. Let themn know what you would like to see taught and if enough ladies are interested, lim sure that they'll put it into their programn. The Brooklin HorticulItural Society hold their next meeting on Wednesday, June 25th. As usual it wilI take place at the Brooklin United Church Hll. A demonstra- tion to The'Universal Use of Dried Material will be given by Viola Gillion..Assistant District Director ..and a Rose Show wiIi also be held. Well 1 guess that wraps it up for this week. You can. teli that summer is upon us..the news is getting Iess! 'But please remember, however small your group, or howcver small your activity..we are interested. So give mie a cali at 655-3750 b3 the number and lot us in on what YO[J are J055N151 AIT 908. BS* POWDER 99c MOUT1IWAH 12 F. 0». I". SCOPE $1,19 KOTEX TAMPONS loto pkg. 5 9c PEATUNE I - AOORTEID 0*? F0005 .-16 FI. Os Tins IPUSS 'N' BOOTS 4 0'99c FgATUREI - NOUSENOLO PAPRO VI VA TO WELS Irapé89C ILAUKA SECORD 4lip79 c FRUTURRI - 51*0V Ou? MACARONI op 1-Lb. Paokaaot CATEWL SPAGHETTI 39C FIVE ROSES FLOUR89 14.-0t. ln AJAXcumsa 33e MUSTARD 32C FEATUR9l club ate r."v "'in a. si2 pe., MARINADE 494 KOOL-AID 49c KOOL-AID'29c C O O K I E S 8 l s 7 9 C 3 BIG DAYS 'R... 1 r~iq -m'1 doing. 1f you -are planning ýsomething, in July l'il warni you, that 1 won't bc me thi*s weok anid'll get it In In the next two weeks. Looklnig forward to hearing from you, and tfli next week, take care. LIZ Council opposes, Bell raté hikes'- Bell Canada's recent appli- cation for increasing its rates met with, disapproval from Whitby Council members at cou nci's past regular meeting. Councillor Joy Thompson nioved that "this municipal- ity (Whitby) go on record as opposing any increases" as there has been no im'prove- ment in service by Bell Canada.- After additional com - ments from other counc'illors,' council decided torecord its opposition to the increase and, to 'suggest to other municipalities in the provinc e that they put forth "»co- operative opposition"' as Councillor Tom Edwards called it. Thanks'Counci.l Ray Litt, vice-principal of Anderson Collegiate Voca- tional Instituto, recently thanked Whitby Council for assisting the school's band. BROWN'S FOODMAS.TER .BROOKLIN, ONTARIO^ NORTHWHITBY PHONIE 655-4521 Vidue 'tisfc cv~i.- VALU£ cxlu»o SHORT RIB Roosts 79 cr îW f Nie$ 1. BONELESS BLA 1DE AST 99 BEEF STiAKS M 9C LADE STEAKS - _-,n89C Swifts INE WIENERS 16-0& 04. 69 c FAAMIL PACK uoM ets 16-ez @4,.98 c FS4 DR5 SA*SC1J i5"V CHICKENS b.86<c RANCH STYLE OLOGNA l.44 c -m Sm DAIS A wmE M &aIs. -6pU Eut mum- £&- Fais 515 o MISC O 0UND HAMBURG HLb 78 c FROZEN GOLDEN FRY SAUSAGI 16 --@&P498 c MAFIA LLU» ALL BEEF WIENERS IL.78 c CORNED BIEF or PASTRAMI 249L-4paé 1.19 Special Fresh Boiling FOWI. 49" ILb upIOf-T'7m.0 c Cobh 48< Sd.d 12-eL 48« i a -- 11 une* RED s TE FOODe T-Âq ."We wish to thank the council for its generous assis- tance to our sehool band. The return visit of the Lynn (Massachusetts), P u b 1 i c School's Band, 90, strong, went off very weII. We were able to serve them. an excel- lent 'banquet" w;hich "was possible largely due to your generusity.. Our American' visitors toured a number of local sites of interest and went home greatly irnpressed by our town and area", lie saîd. "For better toys both big and small" MIDTOWN MALL', OSHAWA F BOYS & GrRLS WANT TO EARN EXTRA MONEY I w-l CA LL 668-6111 PACKING MATERIAL Trailer load going through your area every week. Could arrange drop-shipment your plant enroute Toronto., Enquiries invited. Collect cails accepted. Bartram-Wood Limuited 1262 Dons Mi Ils Road, Don Milis, Ontario, M3B2W7 (416) 445-3225 Thought For Food Lobster Sea-Sheli Salad Drop 3 pkgs. (8 oz. each) into boiling salted water. When water re-boils, cook 3 minutes. Drain. drench with cold water. With kitchen shears, cut along each edge of thin underside membrane and remove; Pull meat from sheli in one piece. Dice rock lobster meat. Cook 1 pkg. (8 oz. macaroni shelis by directions; drain rinse,' chili. Mix macaroni, rock'lobster with .'/z cup finely diced green- pepper; /2 cup finely diced celery; i teaspoon onion juice,½ cup spjffed olives, sliced. Combine ½/ cup mayonnaise, '/4 cup cat- sup; 1/4 teà spoon Angostura IIISUIS- AIORIa SFi. 01. TIn PAMPER Cat Food 5jé99, MUFFETS shrodd dwhat 55, E A T 1 JR I - L U X IJR Y F I . - r #in SOCIETY DOG Fod 3,F $1 FEATUR 1-QUA*KER OgfMLg $-et. Paciage HARVESI CRUNCH 99C F"UR VAOAE prySIm 2%lkl F.o.Tn BEST BUVI 50 to Package CLAD SANmDWICH BACS i49c FEATUREI - ORANGE PEKOE - PAPER 60 to Package REINROSE TUmUS -$.O)9 FEATUREI - MITCI4ELL'S - FANCY OUALITY 19 Fi. Oz. Tin APPLE SAIUCE 39C FEATUREI - SUNSPUN - ASSORTED FLAVOURS Plut OIiche ICE CREAM 289c FIATUREI - POWDER 25c Coufon ln Each PIcg. - King Sites. 5-Lb. Pkg. FAB DETERGENT 1.,99 FEATUREI - PANCAKE MIX 2ILU. Package AUNT -JEMIMA 69C LIBBY'$ FMCY GRADE1FRENCH 'STYLE -10-0z. GREEN BEANS ... 4, for $1.00 M511 LINER 2408. Pbg. BLUIFISH STIX.-.....$1.49 il-oz.hIC. EGGO WAFFLES...........69c wwý MMBL- FIUM