PAGE 2,WEDNESDAY, lUNE 4, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS ASSOCIATE STORE OwMîed é& cpvtzd by Oshomc WcaxIProducls SPACE MAKER F R EE PLA'NS!! 12 VACATION CO>TTAGES Bumîdail Patio Decks, StorageSheds, STOC)R AGE SHEDS) H E D.,.. Garages, Cottages easy ta assemble, instructions included. Pre-finished steel for years of carefree service iG87 madel green and White. Insîde »SUet" CANA"&# S. uqIalt .o. ____________ measurements about 94" wide, 78" deep, 74"Jhigh $128,,50 Al109 Deluxe Model with embossed woodgrain effeet.' 'i #>" Pre-finished panels in tan calour. Measures inside about 117" wide, :=ý.-E:: -Jfi --'.. ý101" deep, 77" high Ready-To-Assemble $239.95 B UILD"NALL D R1%ý' VWA Y SAKRETE P"JRODCT The handy home repair mixes. Sa easy ta use. < SEA LE Just add water, mix and pour. Concrete Mix 901bL $2.19 Buildail driveway sealer, asphait base ta renew aider driveways, pour 45 IL 1.45 ISand Mix 80 ib. 2.19 and smooth with handy applicator. 5 gallon pail covers about 500t 45 IL 1.45 square feet echTop 'N Bond 42 IL $5.95 $7.012 ealj 15 lb. 2.40 L Applicator for sealer, brush/squeegee and handie $2*3 each Mota5Mx0L .42.1 SONOTUBE FORMSWO D ENE Sonotube for Piers, Posts, Foundations, Round Posts Everytime,ideal Choose fromn a wide variety of styles in vertical for sundecks, cottages, carports, just set in place, pour in cernent and privacy and horizontal in heights of- 4 ft., 5 fi. or 6 [t. available in cedar, pille and spruce peel off a few days later. 6", 8", 10" or 12" diameters 12' long - As Low As 7 1 AswA s 1 jtub UgtUÀ12 N ' of6" ireametr)LOUVRED UP~iGlKT THREE CON VENIENT SELF-SERVE STORES Whitby Oshawo Courtice 223 Brock St.-N. 100 Bond st. W. Bloor St. East 668-6821 728-1617 728-1611 I Mon. - Weci, 8:00 - 6:00 Mon. - Wed. 8:00 - 6:00 Thurs., Fri. 8:00 - 9:'00 Thurs., Fri. 8:00 - 9:00 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 - 6:00 Satu rday 8:00 - 5:30 Saturday 8:00 - 5:00 Saturday 8:00 - 5:00