Whitby Free Press, 21 May 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS L.ynde House future clouded Society wants Town to own Museum Ben Brackenbury, secte- tary of' the VVitby 1listorical Society appearecl at the inost r egular counicil nmeeting ta &trequest the Corporation of thie Town of Wihtby to as- sumîe ownership of the Witby Historical Society Museunm. flic sociehy bc- lieves tuat in tlîis way, the HOWION< EWTFfHIGS HAME 1 t D.oit* yQurSelf ideas. Need remodelling ideas? G-P's got ail kind.s, from building partitions to panelling walls to decoraing rooms. It's ahl in our 32-page fix-up guide. And just 25o! Only at G-P Registered Dealers. Brock Butldi*ng Supplies Ltd. 244 Broc k St. Se JVhitby 668m-9391 nuseunî will have an assured lit t ure which cannot b e guaran teed unider presen t c ircum stances." "Looking over oui- should- ers to Centetnil year, we cani perh aps, lend perspective 10 today's recluest. Thîe foundinig lenients of' the Whiitby Hlistorical Society were-expressed by a group of heritage conscious citizens who spearhecaded the drive to preserve and beautify the former Counity Court Build- ing, now known as Centen- nial Building. Today, that building provides a meeting place for a variety of comi- munity groups and also hiouses the Whiitby Archives. As well, it stands out as a remiinding beaconi of Whitby's long and rich past". "Manty of those who were signiricant influences in this resuit, becamie the founding mnembers of thc Whitby Hist- orical Society which was incorporated by letters pat- ent of' Ontario on May 28th, 1968. Hiere are the objectives and amnis of thc society wlîich they hiad incorporated mbt ils Charter: -~ To encourage research mb Uichehistory of dic said Town of Whitby; -To secure and preserve an) accurate account of the progress and developmient of tlhe Town of Whiitby; - To proniote public inter- est in tlhe history of' thc said area; -- To miaintain a miuseuni as a repository for Indian and pioncer relics and arit- facts and articles and writ- ten records of istorical interest; -To preserve currcnt arti- cles and records of histori- cal interest for the future; -To promnote dic study, practice and knowledge of any phase of historical and archaclogical r e s e a r c hi withîn the said area." 'It is obvious ho most of you, thiat through the opera- qw 100A Lupin Dr. Blair Park Plaza Whitby, Ont. 668-9381i FRE D LI ERYln Whitby Over$40 FREE EI 1VER Out of Town Over $5.00 10% GRAND OPENING SPECIAL BUSINESS LUNCH $1.25 BUSINESS HOURS: Monday -Thursday................ 11:OA.M.- 1:OOA.M. Friday &Saturday................. 11:0OA. M.- 2:00A. M. Sunday......................... 4:0P.M. - 12:00OA.M. Delivery Start.................... 4:00 P.M. lion of* tle rnuscunî and the archives, the society is faith- Ii t its objectives.'th e archives is literally bulging at thc seamis witlh historical pictures and records. Th e miuseumi boast s sonie prized artifacts unique to Wi tby. Sonie of the special artifacts include th e award winn ing Josepli Rainer "New Domnin- ion Grand Piano" built in Wlitby arounid 1866; its exquisite miotlier of pearl in- lay contrasting with finely polished dark wood demnon- strates wlîy it was exhibited in various provincial exhibits, including the Toronto Expos- ition of the lime." "There is also a rare dlock 'assen bled between 1 872 and 1875 by thc Canada Clock Company of Whiitby, along witlh an unusual Calen- dar Clock originally. used for înany years in the County Registry Off'ice." "Yet, as a niuseumn grows ho mnaturity, it miust constant- ly assess quality and quantity of' bothil is artifacts and ils services. A progressive mus- eum then becomies more complex and, yes, costly to operate. The Whiitby 1-fistoni- cal Museumi is reachiing this point. Your support and comimient is needed in a new way." "The niajority of local miuseumis throughiout Ontario are municipally owned be- cause dic sniall group of citizens whio operate themi rarely possess or hiave access to tic full range of necessary techinîcal expertise and fin- ances." "Althougli techinically tlie society lias access 10 various govcrrnment grants, its size and, in t ru th, its current financial income denies mea.ningful access to govern- nient grants." "The only realistic way to obtain sufficient ongoing capital and operating cx- penses for near and future needs is throughi governiment shape of the units as opposed 10 bcing around the outside o f th e pl an. The thinking behind- this point is that we do not wish to sec exposed junk cars, garbage bins and similar litter associatcd with multiple housing develop- me nt. Their recommendations wcre referred t0 the admini- strative committee vâ th Planning Director Keith Birch ho report in the future. Real animais at Library On Saturday, May 24, the animal theme of the story lîour prograins during May at the Whitby Public Library, will be emphiasized by the attendance of real animals. Mr. Don McKnight of the Bowmanville Zoo will be bringing animals and birds 10 shory hiour, which wil be lîeld in the council chambers froiî 10: 3O0to 11: 30 a.m. West Lynde residents 4'parkland or limits' OFF On Pick Up Orders Over $4.00 ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES MEMORABILIA ."THE ROEBUCK"l 8 Roebuck Street, Brooklin (oyerlooking Grassers Park) urniture, china, glass, books for collectors. Repairs, refinishing, chairs recaned etc. Open Tuesday through Saturday - evenings and Sundays by chance or appoint- ment. 655-41,61 agencies. If the corporation of, thc Town of Whitby were to owf the rnuseurn, maxi- mumiAdvantage of' Ontario miuscuims grants rnighit bc rcalizcd. For inistaniceLinder recently approved Ontario legisition (837/74), there are two annuial grants from whic h municipal commit- ment and ownership could take fuller advantage. " For every dollar spent by the municipality on rnuseum maintenance, th e province would contribute a like a- mount up to a maximum of $2,500; and for every two dol- lars the municipality spjnds on curatorial services, the province would contribute one dollar to a maximum of $ 1,500 annually. L<Tlese are modest sums. Yet with this avenuie of avail- able incomie, the society could more effectively meet its commitment 10, operate and mnaintain the museum". "Therefore, the society menîbers and executive have approved the following motion: 'So that grants for the continued operation and development of the Wbitby Ilistorical Society Museum be assured, ownership of the miuseuini known as Lynde H-ouse should be assumed by tlhe Town of Whitby. The Witby Historical Society would retain the responsi - bility fo r managing and operating the museumn under the direction of a Museums Board which is to be- esta- blishced witlîin sixty days of the assuimption of owner- slîip. One haîf of the mcm- bers of the Board are to be active members of the society and recommended by the executive of the Whitby 1listorical Society. The re- maining niembers are to be appointed by Council and to include one elected member of Council." "Your support of this request is earnestly sough t. By agreeing to il you wll be providing insurance for the continued collection, record- ing, safeguarding,and display- ing of artifacts which reflect Witby's rich and extensive past." "Should you decline, the museum's future is indeed clouded. Potential economic pressures could close its doors. Then, countless, cher- ished relics will be dumped into limbo, perhaps des- troyed, lost maybe. The gifts arnd wishes of many public spirited citizens will be discarded as if of no import." "In closing, let us focus on the museum question and set aside many of the other issues and feelings associated with Lynde House. Let us not be influenced by a parti- cular structure, property or developer;, let us restrict our thinking to th e effective operations of a local museum" The society's request was referred to the administrative committec. Several residents of Calais Street have made recommen- dations as to how dic area south of Dundas Street zoned medium density should be developed - 'flic land is part of special study area 4(d). They would like to sec Uic area developed as parkland but realize thiat this sugges- tion does not appear to be an economical proposition. Failing this, tliey would like ic area developed as medium density within cer- tain lim its. Thicy want "ýaccess to Duîîdas Street t0 be by nîcans of a public service lane at die norîli of flic airea (cash- west direction and iost cen- tainly not at tlhc south side of the lots." Tliey told council thiat "Uic e maximumi density should bc- 12 units per acre and these being of a saleable towîîlîouse type ratier thian block rentaI units." Tlicy want the units to be " a miaximuni of two floors liiglî (above gnound) and that there wiIl be rear landscaping witlî lawns corning to meet our lawns." "'Any car parking lots would be within tlic desigiîed

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