Whitby Free Press, 23 Apr 1975, p. 8

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PAGE 8,WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1975, WHITBY,,FREE PRESS Handi'capped ,Gramduto by Robin Lyon ý Graduation corrmonios wore held Thursday night for 17, mentally handicappod adults. 'Tho graduation was part of a prograrn in which the adults participated in nighit classes, regulatod by the Durham Board of Education and lte Durham Centre for the Developmontally Handi- capped. '[ho course consistod of showing-the aduits how t0 manage monoy, banking, how t0 shop and use transporta, tion. For some, the course included reading, writing, nutrition and cooking. The course was 40 hours in length and taught at Anderson Collegiate' and Vocational Institute. '[en ot the 1 7 adults are living wyithin the comrnunity in apartments on their own with counselling provided by die centre and a social work- or.- A doctor also wvorks with the adults in tie followup prograrn. Ken Thibeau, co-ordinator of Level 1 instruction, ex- pressed satisfaction with the performance of the adults and their education for life in the cornmunity. In their éducation ho feels the adults are in some cases botter than some of their counitor parts. In society for one thing thoir rent is alwaysipaid when il is due. Ho attributos this 10 the irnproved programn of educa- tion'and follow ups. '[ho graduation ceremon- ies were hceld at tho Ajax Legion Hall which nprovidcd the ovcnings festivitios. Tho Aj ax Logion Pipe_ Band,, under Pipe Major Vince Walsh, and a dise jockey pro- vidcd the ontertaitiment. In attondance ai the grad- uation wore Mr. Downey, president- of the Ajax Legion,, and Mrs. Downey; Mr. Hcath, superintendenit of night school for the Durham Board of Education and Mrs. Heath; Mr. Fulton, instructor of Level 2 and a toacher and Mrs. Fulton; and Dr. Caron, Director of Training fo r Durham Centre, and Mrs. Caron. '[ho graduation certificates were presentod 10 the adults by Mr. Heath. Ladiles' College Alumnae elect executive The Centennial and Castie Chapter Alumnae of the Ontario Ladies' College re- cenitly elected oxecutives for J975-76. The presidont of the Centennial Chapter is Mrs. Dianne Werry; vice-president, Mrs. Linda Horack; troasurer, Joan Olesuk; corresponding socrtary, Miriam Labanovich; and- recording and press socretaryî Mrs. Marlyn Brough ton of Whitby. Trhe convenors are Sandra Thoxton, Margaret Thiomp- son, Barbara Breckenridge, and Joanne Dudar, project and programs; Viola McCul- lough, Shirley Edwards, Mrs. Betsy Fallaise and-Juno Mc- Donald, social; Joan Claus, flowers and gifts; and June McDonald, representative t0 the Ontario Ladies' College Alumnae Coundil. The Centennial Chapter Alumnae hondred Mrs. Stan- loy Osborno, wife of Dr. Osborne, prosidont ermitus of ihe c9llOgO. She ývas presented with an oul paintîng depicting the college in faîl which was painted by Mrs. Marlyn Brough ton of Whitby. It'is hanging in the college's com- mon room. '[ho oxecutîve of the CastIe Chapter Alumnae was roîurned t0 office by consent for another year. The presi- dent is Mrs. Russell Collins of Whitby; vice- presidont, Mrs. R. Leo Gray; treasuror, Mrs. - Robert Brown; recording and corrosponding secrtary, Mac Storie; pross socretary, Char- lotte Genîles of Whitby; and representativo 10 the Alum- nae Coundil, Mrs. Stanley Osborne. During the meeting, presi- dont Collins gave a slido pro- sontation of memorablo moments in the college's history, including the unveil- ing o f the plaque designating the collego as a historical site. '[ho chapter also donated a copy of the Historical Atlas of Ontario Counity 1877 10 the college's library in mcmn- ory of thie late Audrey Lawlor. The Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped, in co-operation with the Durham Board of Education, held graduation ceremnonies at the Ajax Legion Hall. '[le graduates seated at the table going clockwise are Mona Hale, Bill Love, Beth Carroll, Ceeule Morin, George Pendlebury, Veronica Watt, Richard Flint and Charlie Fallis. The-table decorations were made by residents of Durham Centre. Free Press Photo C.O T.C.Parade Entrios for dite County Town Carnival Parade are now being rcceived by dhe Kinsmen Club of Whitby- One of these is an entry from the Malta Social Club, which had a prize-winning float in the 1974 parade. Other confirmcd entries include the Whitby Minor Soccer Association and thè Wlitby Public Library. Among local bands AIl be the Wiîby Brass Band and dhe Oshawa Shrine Club L1,b r ary F*ilm The second film in a six- part series enîitled "The Search for the Nie" will be shown Tuesday in the Whitby Public Library's Program roomn beginning ai 7:30 p.m. The film is called "Discov- or>' and Betrayal". In this film, Richard Burton and Richard Hanning Speke, "wracked by foyer and de- serted by their porters, fail t0 find Lake Tanganyika. Speke sets out alone and discovers, Lake Victoria. Speke precedes Burton 10, London and dlaimrs that hoe lias discovered th e truc source of the Nile at Lake Victoria. Burton cornes home 10 find hie's been bot ray cd." The next film in titis series narrated by James Mason, 10 10 be prosontcd April 30, is "'[ho Secret Fountains". The series continues every '[uesday until May' 27. Oriental Band. '[lie route this year is uin- changed fromi last year. '[ho parade will marshall in the area of Florence M. Hourd Public School, procood along Dundas Strcet -to Henry Street and travel along Henîry Street, tcrminating at Iro- quois Park. It is lîoped tihat with the World Plowing Match closely following thc County Town Carnival, nmany businesses and industries will take ad- vantage of being able to pro- pare one entr>' for both events. S The Kinsmien parade corn- rnittoc this yoar expects ho bring the people of Whitby a greater variot>' of bands, and is optimnistic thiat 2 bands which have nover before appeared in dite parade, will. be obtained. If furt.her information is dosired, or if an cntry. form lias not been received, you Brooklin meeting 'Tho Brooklin Horticul- tural Society is holding their regular monthi>' meeting tonight at 8 p.mn. in the Brooklin United Church hall. Mrs. J. P. Erickson - Brown wll be giving a talk on herbs and some informna- tion on tic herb gardon. Everyone is welcorne. îire asked 10 contact parade chairman WUI Davidson aI 668-8641 or any of the following commitîce mcm- bers: Peter Bekkevold, Lorne, Reid or Clare Hewson. Renameéd Rene Brunelle, Minister of Community and Social Ser-. vices has announced that the Ministry's Mental Retarda- lion Faciiîy located on the grounds of Uic Whitby Psy- chiatrie Hospital and known as the Durham Regional Cen- tre, lias been renarned The Durham Centre fo r the Developmentally Handi- capped. This name change is 10 avoid confusion with the administrative offices of the Regional Municipality of Durham. Mr. E. Sorin, Administra- tor of D'arcy Place, Cobourg, another Minisîr>' faciity, wil assume administrative respon- sibiity fo r te Durham Centre fôr the Development- ally Handicapped in addition 10 his present responsibilities ai D'Arcy Place. Seniors' b'irthdaiys The Bowling Green '[owers Senior Citizens' Club will hold a birîhday party on April 26 for all residents of Uic 850 Green Street building who have birthdays in April. Those who have birthdays in April are' Mr. and Mrs. Bremner, Mrs. Ballik, Mrs. McKelvie, Mrs. 'Code, Mrs. Fraser,. Mrs. Vanderniale, Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Hood. '[ho party begins aI 7 p.m. with a suppor. Friends'and relatives of thiose celebraling birthdays are welcome to attend. The club ýalso announces that'Charles Rycroft, a formn- er president of the Rotary Club of Whitby, has accepted. Amessage f rom your local Hirdresser in co-operation with the Ontorlo Ha'irdresser'5 Association, Whitby Branch. The Whitby Hirdresserý's Association wishes to announco their new price lis?: Shampoo and set (short hair)..... a et os os ......$ 4.00 Shampoo and set (long hair down>................. 5.00 Shampoo and set (long haïr Up) *........,..~..60 and up Cut a* a@** e* 0 a* s *****a 7.00 Shampoo cut and blow dy****.. * ****** *.*95 Shampoo cut blow dry and iron,*...... ***,****9*.50 Shampoo cut and set **......*********** 8.00 Shampoo blow dry and io..................60 Shampoo and blow dry................**.**a.o.... osese.*oses....4.50 B~~~~~~~~~~~~~**a* 0e000,~17.50 and up Straks... s s goo** oosoee gese***a* **ose** a***** a as22.50 and up Com b1 out (short hair).... *.......*......... 2.50 Comb out (longhar......................35 and ûup This price wiIl be applied by: Hairstyle by Carmen's Fairlady Beauty Lounge Kay's Hairstyling Vincent of Rome Hairstylist Snip and Curl La Contessa Beauty Lounge Coiffure de Lynne- lvan's Hairstyling Guida and Dino Institute of Beauty DENTURE CLLIC 214 DUNDAS ST. E, WKITBY 66"8,m7797 dffice Hours Mon. - Fr1. 9 - 6 bag:urlaýy 9 -1 Cail for APPOINTME1NT No charge for CONSULTATION FUH & partial dentures go0 Days unconditioliai guararite direct to public, on agi new'denîtures provided Repairs & Reline% One. year F ree adàlusfmnt Owned &ÙOperated by U. T'hapar maemsBUR OI a UW RS ocIrY 00 ONTAR11O

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