SFOR SALE CLO('K-- Antique inantel 'Sessions' $60, antique trunk $50. (loti1 ramn, 25 inch Gendron as new SI 7. Cati 725-4283. Lmip. 1967 IBUI('K Le Sabre - needs .11otor work everything cisc A-1 S250. Cati1683-8796. i'.p. TIRES - 2 Uniroyal Fastrak tubelcss, A-87- 13 whitewali two ply polyester. Used onty a t'es mion ths $25, I tent sieeps four used two summners, good condi- tion $45. Cali 655:4302. Lmp. REFRIGERATOR - 1 Viking and I Kennmore stove (S$100 eachl or $175 for bothi, Gibson S.G. speciai guitar S250, Fender con- cert amplifier $300. Cati after 5 p.ni. 668-394 1. Enip. î)RAWER CIILSTS - matchied pair 'S70 cal! 668-3679. Emip. SKI BOOTS - Tyrol. excellent condition, site 8 $60 ne\%,, ili selI for $20. (kit! 668-7563. Empl.. 19601 CAi)ILAC -lleetwood 390, au tomnatic, runnmng condi- tion, tittte work necded. miust suitI $200. Caliîtiunderlaind 1-705- 35 7-21t35 aftcr 6 p.mi. and ask lor Phit. ,Ej TV TOWER - 30 ft. $9, [201 ft. co a\xial cable $5, 60 ft. TV caible SI , four 14 inch tire ritns $5, aquariumn accessories, plastic plants. two pumips, new heater. hosing $5. colour TV head $2, interior warmer for auto $4. Cal 668-9605, bnp. ENCYCLOPEDIA -Britantica 1959, excellent condition $100. WVorld Book encyctopedia 1962, yearbooks up to 1970 $100. Cali 728-9777. 1.mp. 1968 PONTI AC Parisienne selI or trade for mustang $850. Cali 655-3006. Emp. 1970 DART SWINGER - 340 4-speed headers, duat point igni- tion, customn interior, p. brakes, rebu'ilt'-motor, 15,000 miles, new clutch, 323 Positrac, 14 X 7 chrome reverse rims, G60 tires, Hurst competition, plus shifter tin ted windsçhield, rear window defogger $ 1,900 or best offer. Cali 655-3598. Emp. WRINGER WASHER - by Beattie, heavy-duty stainless steel tub,$60. Cal! 668-9805. Emp IIABY FURNITURE - Stroil 0 Chair, includes carniage, strolier chair, high chair, wvith inter- changeable parts $50. Cali 728- 0333. Em p. TOW TRUCK- 3 ton, selling as is $900 or best offer. Cati 668- 7654. Emp. GUITAR - Acoustic Yamaki deluxe, Rosewood back and side solid cedar top, Grover machine heads, perfect condition $150, onty a fewv weeks oid, also 10- speed men's 'Corso' BI KE, hardly used, good condition $120. Cal! 655-4852. Emp. 1970 TRIUMPH Spitfire - convcrtab le, I 300cc, 4-speed standard, radial tires with 'nesv spare tire & new wheei, rack & pinion steening, radio, oil pressure watcr temperature, amp. gauges, sporty tachometer & speedometer custom buckets seats, newly re- built motor good condition. 38 miles per gallon, mint condition, no rust has -neyer seen a winter Certified $1 ,800 or best offer. Cal! Terry 668-278 1. Emp. 67 COUGAR - 289 V8, auto- matie, bueket scats, radio, snow- tires, mechanically AI1, body ks in good shape with the exception of damage to Ieft rear quarter pane! $500 or best offer. ('ail 668- 3002. Emp. LNGAGE.ýMiINT RING -- Like neW, diamiond, gold band, asking $ 150. Cal 72 3-1950. F'1i ) STEREO - Westinghouse liglit oak cabinet, excellent condi- tion $67.50 or best offer. Cati 668-4920. Emp. IIEDROOM SUITE - 3 îiece w.ilnu t veneer na tching miattress setting up apartnent $150 cash. ('ail 668-4317. ni P. SKATES -Girls Daoust made Iin Canada in good condition, size l935. Ca11668-5541. Emp. C.OAT Ladieý black persian lamib approximately size 20, ini good condition, \viii seli for $50. Caîl 725-5714. Ernp. SKI-BOOTS- Ladfies size 6Vz buekie st.le, svorn once $25. Calt 668-2 119ý. Emip. ANTIQUE CHESTEl-RF:IEL!) - Khroeier, newly utphiolstered $700. brown nylon piushi love seat SIOO. Cati 668-5198. Fi. I-OR SALE- 4 chrome dises 14 inch fromn 1968 Beaumont $5, Skiî 1/4 inch drill 3 wire $5, al ssavc TV antenna just head $10, one Uniroyal near nes'.'ramn tire on wheet Btockwali 6.35 X 14 froîn 1973 Nova $20. Cail 723- 2738. Emp. DOLL OUTHITS- About 30 différent outfits for 'Crissv' and 'Vek-.'et's Little Sister'. Pniccd fromi $1 to $3. Cal! 728-2578. SNOWPLOMI -New '6 1fi. adjustabte angle complete wi th independent electrie - hydraulic powecr, adaptable to most trucks $500. ('ail 655-3683. Empý DRUMIS- Bass. snare highi tomn, floor tom, cymbal, highi hat. Soine new heads asking $125. Ca!! 576-7557 af ter 7 p.nî. DINING ROOM suite - watnut refmnistxcd $425 or best offer. Cati 668-2445. Emp. INGLIS DRYER - Gas, 1 yean old $100. Cail 655-4361 or 668- 5250. Emip. BEDROOM SUITE - Double with mattress & bedspread $125, B&W TV combination radio & record player, good condition, $50, stereo set $25, 2 air con- ditioners $50 each. Cali 655- 4871. Emp. TENT TRAILER - Quaiity A line, sleeps 8, including zip-on add-a-room, bunk bcd, spare tire, storage bin, tuggage rack, instant swving open assembly $895. Cal! 668-8943. Emp. TELEVISION - Uscd 13&W 26 inch floor mode! with doors good condition asking $75. Cati 655-4225. 1Emp. TENT TRAILER --sîeeps 4. includes foam niattress, spare tire and leatherette cover in good shape $300, 8 dresscd large maIe mink pelts, silver beige, tanned and some w.ith white chin $30 eachi. Cal! 668-2166. Emp. EVAPOR'ATOR --Keepnîte coi!, modet K.U.C. 2010, 4 fan, 115SV, 60 cycle, 6 ft. 5 in. X 1 ft. 5 in. $250. Cail1668-6887. Emp. TV --Electrohomne 21 inch seneen, B&W, workmng condition $50. 3795. console, in good Ca!! 668- Emp. 1965 FORD Station Wagon - 4 doon, big 352 cubic inch engine, good rnechanical performance, sotd uneertit'ied at $200 or best offer, eaul 668-3787 ask f'or Johin. WINTER "I OAT -- Girls, blue MOvIt White fur on hood, cuff's and pockets, kne lcngthi, size 14, $20 or best offer, i girls long dness on!y '.ornl once, White top & biack patterned bottomn, tloor length, size 14, $15 or best offer. Cail 668-8198. Enip. FOR SALE -- B&W TV radio AM/FM. record player combina- tion, nle% pieture tube, nieyer uised, A-t condition $150 or best offer. Cali 576-5729. EMp. TAPESTRIES- 8 beautift veivet weaved tapestries for floor or wall hangings, sel! at cost $30 eachi (size 4 ft. X 3 ft.) Cati (colleet) 1-649-5443.» Emp. AFGHANS - Old fashioned 45in. X 45in. for $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both multi- cotourcd and would suit any (lecor. Cati 655-4776. Emip. COAT - Tweed with zipped in borg lining, suze 15 - 18, $35 or best offer. ('ail 668-9931. Enip. BIKE --Fur gir! 8 - 12 in excellent condition $25. Cali 668-4852,.E p. FOR!) RUIS Ttîree 14 inch witi .5 holes. sel! separate or as pair $5 cach. Cal! 668-2253. RANGE- 30 inch $100. 2 refrigerator's $25 each. Cali 668- 6080. limp. LAWNB()Y duty iawnminower. znutst selI $150. 9 - -i at 728-9427. Super heavy- uiscd on 1'.t'.mice C~ali Mn. Shore Etilp. G UITA R - lctric Niann under 2 years oki. excellent con- dition SI100. Cl!728-3992. 1966 Cl 1EV I and i-Van $700 Cai 655-3066. LEmfi CAT -Whlite 1ersian with black tait, one green eyc and one blue eye, spaycd femate wi certificate of spaying. Il/, years otd SI5. Ca!! 655-4586 or 579- 0591i. Emp. GAS FURNACE - (ANTHEIS) 100,000 BTU's, 5 ft. tati, very new. Caîl 668-2851I after 5. STERFO I3AR - With short wave AMI/FM radio and turntabte must sce to appreciate asking $375. Cati 668-2198. Emp. MANS SUITS - Near new al wool taIt size 44-46, dark blue with vest $45, medium blue white stripes $35, light blue $35, girls skates size 2 $5, rock tum- bIen kit used once $14. Cal! 728-5433. Em P. VACCUUM cleanen with CatI 668-6522. - Viking canister attachments $20. Emp. PAN GUITAR- Replica of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjosi- able steel neck $100 firm. Cal 668-9772. Emp. MOVIE CAMERA -. Super 8 G. A.l1 -. STIOIE mode! with electro-fade 6 to i zoom lens, battery test, cye hood, lens hood, UV Haze filter, YASHICA filmn editor, film splîcen and glue $ 145 firm. Cal 668-2764 after 5:30 p.m. Emip. AQUARIUMS- four 20 gal- lon aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover Iights, accessories about 50 tropical fishi withi a red fin shark included (3 ft. long) $130. Cali 668-9288 after 5 p.m. CANARIES - Maie and tfemate good singers, reasonabte $13-$15 cachi. Cali 668-491I5. Emp. SNOW TIRES- With rims size 1 78-15, $25 pair, cal! 725- 1691 days, evcings 668-4593. S STOVE - 30 inch electrie au tomatic, self-c!eaning, rotisseyie 1974 Admirai mode!, white, as new condition $1I75, Cal! 668- 9850. Emp. QUILTS - 2 new, hand made, beauitifut designed, double bcd size quilîs. May be seen at 108 IEucilid St. Whitby -or eaui 668- 5537. One $50 and one $75. TE NT TRAILER - with mat- tresses and spare tire $250, lloyd baby carniage' $25. Cal! 668- 3925. Em P. IONA Canopener - couinter top or wvali mount, in original packaging neyer been uised, avocato green with 5 year guiarantee. Cati 668-2764 after 5:30 p.m. Emp. STEREFO & record player Viking $100, Viking B&W TV 21 inch $ 100, coffee table oblong $15, portable sesving table $12, new kitchen chairs (2) $ 10, corn- er step table $15, ail in good condition. Cati1576-3047. Ernp. 'WýASII R!SPINNIR --Ken- more twin-tub washer and spinner excellent condition $125. Cal! 668-31t31I after 4:30) î.nm. Erp. 1969 OLD)S -Cutlass 442 V8 power disc brakes, automnatie, AM/EM1\ radio, ait gauges incluid- ing tachometer, 2 door har! toi), body neceds paint, approximatcly 76,000 nmiles, $1 ,100 or bcst of- fer. Caîl 668-1066. f, i 1. ST'EO - Pioncer systemn branld new A.N/lFM receiver, 8 track, turfltabte. 2 speakcrs.$400 ('ail 668-7 190. Enmp. BICYCLE-' Girls high risc $30. Cali 728-8056. EmIip. ANTIQt',I' rull top) dcsk plus swive! chair $450, two bcdroomi cottage. inside facîlities to be rernoved from premises, located Dairymiple Lake $ 1.000. Cali 668- 3495 for information. 1966 CIIEVROLET Station wagon 3-speed standard trans- mission, new clutch, 283 V8 eng- mne in perfect running condition, liceniced for 1975 as is $350 Cali 668-7546 ask for Jim. Emp. COAT - Fuît iength Persianl tamb coat, size 16, plus smal persîam lamib hat, in good condi- tion $200. Cal! 668-8453. Em p. SKIS - Excellent condition used Dnny once $40. Cali 723- 9016. Emp. TIRES - SAVE $62, used only 100 miles, 2-4+2 bel ted L-78 -15 summer tires original price per sales bill $74.50, two 2-2+2 betted L-78-15 snow tires, original price per sales bilt $85-80 wilt sdit for $25 each. Cati 668-5386. TENT TRAILER - 1970 Otto plus add-a-roomn, excellent condition, pull-out stove and sink plus ice-box and new spare tire $ 1,200. Cati 655-3022. EmflP. 1964 MIDGET - 998 ce con- vertable, body in good condition necds brake svork & a muffler, ait other mechanîics are good, 38 miles per gallon, good second car not certified $200 or best offer. Cal! Terry 668-2781. E'inp.- RECORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, chrome & t'rey marbie in design $20, picase cal! after 6 p.m. 655-3240. Emp. COCKER champion sire, dian Kennel papers, stiots, Caîl 579-2044. SPANILL -Pup blond maie, (Cana- Club registration desvori-ned $150 l:mp. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sel!! There wilt flot be .any charge to advertisers in the FREE PR.ESS EMPORIUM unless thé item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based n THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. Ail advertisetrnents must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WH[TBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if flot sold RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid item i~dvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising onty! Please notify us'if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Picase notify the Whitby Free Press immedîately when item is soid so that we may delete it from the fotiowing issues. Services, hetp wanted, clothing, reat estate and personal message type ads can only be handied on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cati 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY ('OAT - Ladies Persian lamb full length, size 14, sacrifice $75. Cal! 668-5447. 1E,11P. rAN 1 IQUJE CH-ESTERFIELD - $275, matching side chairs $145 and $ 133. Cal! 655-4776. E mp, MAGS --i pair Dodlge rnags s'.ith tires SI100, flive piece kitchen -set $50, Dual i1229 turntabte $225, sniall ciildrcn's desk $25. Ca!! 668-5910 after 6 Monday to T'hursday. alter 9 Friday. Erilp ANTIQUE 5 drawer ehlest $75 engagemienlt ring Si50. Cal! 668- CABIN CRUISER - 40 feet, motor in excellent condition slceps 9, necds paint. Cali 668- 7190. April 16/75_ LAWN MOWER -- Gas $25, portable sewing machine $40, Gendron baby carniage $15,Coie- men cooler $8, dining fly $10, steamer wardrobe trunk $5, 36 inch bed frame and spring $5, single fotding èanip table $4, double folding camp table $10, 2 camp stoots $2, ladies golf clubs $25, mini hot plate, 1 cie- ment, 660w $5. Cal! 668-8943. STEREO COMPONENTS - 1 Sears receiver, I Garrard changer (turntab!e), 2 speakers, very good condition $ 150.00. Caîl 668- 9256 after 6 p.m. Emp. DINING SET - antique. very good $425. Cail1668-5351. VANITY - Witli 9 piece condition, Emp. cu pboard and drawer and large mnirror $50. old bar'5u-s chair pumps up and dosvn and lies back good condi- tion $25. 8 ft. pink arborite counter top $8, antique mnirror with svalnut pineappie pattern frame that holds knick knacks and is partiaîly stripped very large $30. oid row type sehool dcsk svrought iron & wood $10, 4 various cupboards & end tables nieed fnishing $5 each. Cail 668- 6567. Emp. ORGAN --lamnîond model LIII, owner recently deceased, in immacu late condition, svorth $2,795 nesv, viil seli for best offer over $1 ,500. Cait 668-2545 STOVE -. Kcnmore 30 inch svhite, new condition $145. Cal 668-3679. Emp. TAPE RE(CORDER --Simp- son Sears cassette, 4 tapes, like new $20, Grenoble fibreglass skis Iaminatcd $10. Cal! 668-4600. STROLLEÃR -- $10, highichair $ 10, portable TV stand $ 10. Cal 668-3573. Enip QUARTER HORSE - 3 years old. fiIly $250. Cali 655-4725. Einn. LOST -- Maie Doberinan, black & tan REWARD. Ca!! 668- 9448 evenlings. MEDICAL SUITES AVAILABLE WiIl finish to tenant require- mienîs. Excellent location in close proxîrnity to coniven- iences încluding large drug store. Reasonable renita! rate. P.O. Box 304 Station 'Q' Toronto, Ontario M4T 2M5 WANTED 1 BEDROOM - Apartmnent with bathrooin, 'separate living roomn and kîtchen. Around $90 a month. Ca!! 668-9082. WVANTED - One Irishman of others interested in teaching wolf cub pack Irish dance. Sorry no pay. Call668-9915. A priI 9. WORK WANTED BABYSITTING - In my ow.n home five days weekly, north Whitby area. Cali 668-6046. BABYS ITTING - Mbther (nurse) will babysit in my own home. Please eall 668- 7648 du ring the day. HELP WANTED MAN to WORK on modemr beef farm- New home, great future for man with righit qualifications - State experi- ence in your letter and give telephone number. Write to Box 206, Whiitby. Retired or semt-retired couple to manage and operate snack bar and small store at local marina. Write box 206 Whiit- by or cail 668-6645 after 4 o'clock. WANTED -Canada's Ieading Manufacture and Distributor is seeking a choice residential site to dis- play their new 1975 above ground redwood pool. Your backyard is the prime loca- tion we wiII consider. An excellent opportunity for you the, home owner to collect 292-2263 days evenings. I i tii *1 - k s-Nu cal or " SAFIETY CHECKS " USED CARS SOLD " TowiNG SERVICIE i .- 1, ý W ý allý aWZml Zn N", - 1 ý- 1 11 ý ý - ý -, 7 ÃP717ý 1 -1- a t 1