Whitby Free Press, 9 Apr 1975, p. 10

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PAGE 10,WEDN ES DAY,APRIL 9,1915, WHITBY FR EE PRESS New Bali<iLagule Fo.rmed by GISELE SEGUIN An expansion of dhe Whli- by Minor Basebail Associa- tion (WMBA) Bantamn League hlas more or Iess iorced flhe beginning of a nlew Midget Juvenile League. The new league will bridge the gap between Midget anîd Junior play, said Mike Pagealit convenor for fie Bantanis, Midgets and Juvenliles. Mr. Pageau feels dhat if is to flic'boy's advantage f0 have a Juvenile Leagir bc- cause if will give tiue boys an extra two ycars 10 play 'ba-se- bail before goiîîg infto Juniors. Last year flic boys play- Juvenles Wun twor lose. one The Brookiin - Whitby Consolidated Building Cor- poration Juvenle Ahl Stars part icipated in the Tri County Juvenile Hockey Tournament heid in Milton recently. C.B.C. was f0 have played Brantford in their first game and were awarded the game when Brantford failed f0 ptt in an appearance. An exhibi-' tion gaine with a fean con- posed of players fromi Bramip- ton and Chinguacousy was played with flic C.B.C.'s coining ouf on top with a 5-1 vicfory. Larry Graham Close!f David Craig scorcd xvifh two minutes renîaining to lift fie Whifby Auto Wreckers f0 an exciting 2-1 victory over Mumnns Prc'ss and miove the Wreckcrs iniotohli Minor Aftori House League 'A' Championship finals. Terry McDoniald scored fthe other goal for tlic winncrs while Brian Hunfer replied in a losîng cauise. In other minor atoni action. Jeff Hanley and Paulo Penedo each scored a pair of goals f0 lead Beau-.pre Esso to a 4-1 win over Duff's Tow- scored twice lforfthe C.B.C.'s with singles by Jim DeMille, Glenn Kinzie and Armnand Robitaille. Scoring for dhe opposifion were Jim Baxter and Dave Wright. The second gaine was played on March 26 against Kitchener with the C.B.C.'s eking out a 4-3 overtime win. Timn Brown scored twice for the B.W'. eam with singles f0 Dan Jordan (the winner) and Dave Sorichetti. Paul Lorentz had fwo for Kitchener aiong with a single by Gîuy William- son. Game three was played on March 28 wMien the C.B.C.'s went down f0 defeat at fdie lîands of Brampfon by a score of 3-2. ,Thle C.B.C.'s took an early 2-O lead on goals by Larry Graham and from there on piayed their inifamous garne of' give aways. Tliese give aways cosf flieni flic gaine and a chiance af flic champ- ionship when Jirn l3axter scored f wo for Brampton anid Jirn Wright a single. Baurrie, Brooklin Tied ~Ii Mit chlcl Supplies stars arc Brooklin - lîitby Brothiers Bu il ding Minor Peexvce AIl- ctirrentiy tied 2-2 in their best-of-fivc AII-Ontario scîi fihnal series wiflî Barrie After winning fli c sries' opcning ganiec, Mitchell Brothers dropped a 9-4 dci- sion in Barrie. David Cyr and Kevin Tust- in ecd scorcd twice for Barrie wiile Biliy McGuire, Mike floffilian, Steve Neal, Jim Fouiis and Gary WMite tallied sinîgles. Bohby Middlcton withi two. John Fusco and Warren Siith replied for flic losers. Brookiin xwon flic tlird gaine, also playcd ini Barrie, 2-1. Xarren Siîîitlî and David Blacquiere scorcd for flic wincers wlîilc Gary Whîite found flic range for flic losers. Barrie rebotinded tc) score a 5-3 victory ini fli fou rtît coîîfesf piaycd ini Brooklin. David Cyr and Kevin Tustin cadli scorcd fwicc for Barrie wlîile GCrrry Colline- bourne notclied a single. Lorne Bruce, Bill Easedalc and Biily Eyre scored for iosing Brooklin. ing basebali linflic Bantaim- Midgct fcarn were îno( allowed to play allih posi- fions. A youing man, who was rcgistcred as a Midgct, could not pitcli because hce was considercd 100 old. The pitching wasleft up to the Banfams. Now, with this ntw Juvenile League, the boys befween thde ages of 16 and 19, can play any position they wish; including pitching. The basebali season will start on the last Safurday of May as lias been tie tradition ini the past. Tiiere are four tearns thus far;, one from Brooklin; two from W hitby; and one from Osh awa.*TMie Brooklin team already has a coach and spon-, sor but coaches and sponsors for the Whitby feams have yet to be found. Registration will be held on April 19 in the counicil chamnbers of the municipal building and at Westminster United Church. If you sec six young lads waiking around wîtlî sun- burned necks. chiances are tlîey xvcre piayinig goal in recent major peewec house Icague liockq; confests. So liiglî were fthc scores fiat flic biinking of fic goal lighft coiild have reddcned fic goalies' necks fo the poit wlîere flîcir friends were ask- ing "*How long were you in Florida' iIn fleic ighiest scorinig g-ame. Red Winig Orciiîrds de- fèated Mercantile 7-5. Bihll -mont fired a liat- trick wlîilc Scott Wallis and Ron Burns ecd scorcd a pair for flic winncrs. Tony Scallefa, Mike Dick- sori and Steve Parrott shared flic scoring for Mercaniiilc. Bernard Pegutter scored three finies fo lead Kiwaîîis to a 5-4 decision over T.C.s. Steplien Gailaglier flired a pair for Kiwaniis. M a r k Wcstiliocf*fcr scorcd f wice for fic losers while Mîke Brear and Mikec Hall con tribu ted singles. McNarania M a r i ni e doublcd flic score on Dodd and Sou fer 6-3.- Ricky Vesters tailicd fwo markers for fdic winners wvi u Mark Cormijer, Greig Ricli, Joli il Perrin and Joli n B rackeribu ry each scored once. Paf Corrigani, Jeff Solly and Randy Stewart scorcd for Dodd and Sou fer. SPEND 15 MINUTES ONUS TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT IS GOIýNG ON IN DURHAMI MORNING REPORT 7:30 a.m. News, Sports and Weather The "crack of tlie bat" lias been miîe of the fraditionai souinds of sommer for genera- fions but a new soiind xviflbe addcd Io flic suminier scene ii flic niontlhs ahead when clubs of flic Whitby Minior Basebaîl Association use for flic firs tfinie tf lîiw niag- nesiuni bats xhich have made an appearance in tlicU.S. ini tlic last couple of years. Un- fil tItis spring the mectal bats wcre illegal ini leagues 'witliin flic jurisdiction of flic Ontar- io l3ascball Association but a resolufion placcd before the recelît annual nmeeting of'flic govcrning body of' Ontario basebaîl by flic Oshawa Le- gion Basebaîl Association was adopfed and fthe new bats will be found in tlic equip- nient bags of nmaîy clubs in flic upcomîng scason. 'flice W.M.B.A. is using fleic nag- nesiuîr bat on a trial basis and each of flic W.M.B.A. clubs will be suppiicd wiflî one0 of flic ncw nodels. The wood bat is flot going f0 îîîake a cisappearance how- ever because sornie players stili prefer flic traditional asli bat. Tiieiiagncsiunî bat pro- duces a strange ncw basebal sound, a 'ciunik*" or "clank" raflier titan the shiarp crack wlîiclî rings oufi Mien flic b:ît- fer gefs a sol id h if, witli fli bail aîd flic "sweft spot" of flic bat conîing in contact at flic crucial nmoment. If flic new bats prove to be practi- cal and serviccable tle îcylvi be introduced i greater nuîibe-s in futuire seasons. Tlhe initial cost is tIirec finies fliat of flie woociin bat but with tfli reduction in break. age flic overail lonig terni cosfs sliould be considerably less. "They don't îîake fheuîi PrÀdw i 350 pYo%( The Cus' # We 'tyl wan Neet you want, ITONVS. I LibIair Park THE OSHAWA STATION, le your Fiair your d suggestions? We them. Know what ý? We'II do it. We op to serve vou- 'lAI RSTYLING PJluzL668m544 Peewee Goaltenders Get NO Protection From The Defence like they used f0" is a frequcnfly lîcard comment these days and in basebali circies niosf club officiais are complaining loudly about flic cîualify of bats ini recent years. Bat manufacturers of course wiii flot admîit f0 a produicf of infcripr quality aiîd blanie flic astrononicai cliiîb ini breakage on flic piaycr's insistance on a bat witlî a tlîin handie, while tlic club officiais counter with a dlaimi that *poor wood and produc- tion încthods in drying« are rcsponsibie.' Whiatevcr flic probicm ail leveis of basebal hiave flic sanie conîplaint about poor bats. Even flic mlajor leagues, wlîo of course get flic crcam of flic crop are protesfing about bat quality. While ini Wliitby recently witî h is farnily, visiting Neil Murkar flic Public Relations Director of flic W.M.B.A., Ron Woods wlîo was with the Expos for four scasons bcforc going f0 Japauî to p)lay titis this season was couîînîenfing oi flic poor bat quality coin- parcd f0 years past but lîad an interestilig conmment abou t last scason. The veter- an ouffielder said "you slîould have seen flic bats fliat Henry Aaron lî 'ad iast year. Thcy nîust have hand- picked flic wood 'ard tlîeu put flîcir bcst mîen on flic job of furniing ttem naid finishing thieni. " W.M.B.A. officiais faced wiflî rising costs ini equip- nient arcelîoping fliatflic nexv bat wili prove satisfactory. Plans arc conîpleted for the 1975 registration wlîich will take place on Saturday, April i9tlî, anîd Safuirday, Aprfl 26, froni 9 a.îî. until noon af the Wlitby Municipal Building, flic Brooklin Community Centre and Westminster United Cîturcli. Boys frbjm age 6 f0 19 wi be acccpfed in the programime which pro- vides Tee-Bail for fthc 6-8 age group and basebali for boys in fyke basebail begin- ning at f agc 8 fhrough f0 juvenle. A new development for this season 'is a new mid- gef-juvenile grouping consist- ing of hopefully two clubs from tlic oid town 'arca, one from Brooklin and an. enfry- from -Oshawa. Regist ration fo rmns wil be placed in Whitby ýschooIs prior f0 the, first regfistration day. The'crack *is now a'clunk'À 6:è30 a.m. and

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