Whitby Free Press, 26 Mar 1975, p. 14

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PAGE 14. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1975. WHITBY FREE PRESS I r "I I I I I L g 1IOOwuy ito uw Il ~TIPS ON HOW ~u e~s~ ~ CANAC~«S ENERGY RESOURQES ~ANO PUT MONEY IN ~UR POOKEl f ~M - - - - - - - - - - W ERE ALi- AWARE oft the energy situation, and it's easy to say. "Well îhere*s noîhing 1 can do abo)ut it.? Wrong. There's plenty that each une of us cari do in our homes and aparimenîs 10 help Canada - and save as much as $ 100 a year. When we save energy. we also save money. - This new book is full of ideas you cari apply 10 heaîing. cook ing. air condiîioning. lighîing, waîer heaîing. And ifs wriîîen simply. with diagrams and full instructions on how to fi x îap washers, di rly fumnace filters. gaps around windows and so on. Almost evezything that bas been wriîîen on home conservation is packed mbt this book. And if's yours free. Here are a few of the ideas: IREE BOOK I'd like to do everything 1 can to conserve Iç,w energy - and save myseif as miueh as $ 100 a year in the bargain. Please send me a free copy of 100 wav* s to saive enwrgv iid ,noney v iii the Iîoinw. ADDRESS. PROVINCE- POSTAL CODE- -,-,---- Mail coupon ta: 100 ways, Box 3500, Station C, Ottawa K1 Y 4G01 - - - - - - - - - - ý ýý Don't drown the beans WHEN you're cookîng N'egetables. use little water and cook uonly until they're tender. You'll save vitamnins and flavour. Wel l-desî-igned couk- ware, used on the proper settings, will also conserve cnergy. Try cooking the entire meal in the oven, or on'one or îwo bumners. If you're lucky enough lu have a dish washer, don'î us4e-it until you have a full load. Do the sanie with your cloîhes dryer- and be sure lu dlean the int ilter afler each load. Saving cnergy is often a gaine of pennies, but they ail add up - and so do the savings-for Canada. Do you really need a crushed-ice dispenser? A FROST-FREE refrigerator uses 50% more energy than a standard model. A crushed-ice dispenser is a big energy drain. And a self-cleaning oven uses 20% mlore energy than a standard model. Ask ytoursec-lt'how many of these -xras you really need. Wheiî vou go shopping for a new appli- ance - refrigerator. dishwasher, range, dryer, washing machine - look heyond the price tag. What's the energy cost of running it? Oflen the better-built. more exrpensive niodJel îs also more energy-efficienî. A hetter huy in the long-mun. Five ways to save on home heating HEATINO is the biggest item in a family's home energy budget. Here are a few simple ways 10 save: Lower the thermostat. Each degrec over 68 adds about 21/2% lu your heuîing bill. By dropping the scîîing froni 72 to 70 you can save 5%. Dropping il frumi 72 to 68,Aill save l>% -about $30 a year. It hclps 10 lower the temperature turther at night, and when you're going to be away from home for a few days. Check your rurnace rdIter. A dusty, clogged filter forces the system 10 work harder, and wastes energy. lnspect il ever 30 days. (The book shows you how.) An annual or semi-annual furnace cleaning can save you another 10%. How's your insulation? Many Canadian homes have inadequate insulation. Ceilings should have 6 'or more of min- erai wool or glass ibre insula- lion. Wall cavities should be completely filled. Basement walls should also be protected to 2 feet below grade level. To avoid fire hazards, don't use foamed plastic insulation in exposed applications. Use storms and weather-stripping. Storrm windows and doo)rs will reduce heat loss in winîer by up to 15%. l Weather-stripping is a must. A tiny gap of I/Valong the bottom of a door is the same as M having a 9 square-inch hole in your living-room waIl. J(X) ways to save etiergy and money in the home explains how 10 weather-strip joints and caulic the frames of windows and doors. Let the sunshine in. Energy from the sun is free, so ito makes sense 10 use as much of it as we can. In the winter, open0 curtains and drapes duning the bright part of Send ithe coupon for vourftce copy of "100 wvays to save energqy and mroney ini thl hom." Order early. Allow 6 weeks for printing and mailing.-- Energy, Mines and I '~Resources Canadai Offloeof Ergy Consarvutin Hom. Donald S.Madonald LAMB CURRY Blend 2 cans (101/2 ounces each) condensed creamn of chicken soup; 1 to 2 teaspoons curry powder; 1/2 cup mîik. Add 2 cups diced cooked lamb freshly cooked or from left- overs; 1 cup cooked cut green beans. Heat. irring often. Makes 4 servings. National Truck Hero, Award det earch Manley J. Spencer, Presi- detof Whitby Tire Limnited (formerly Dunlop Canada Limited) has officially en- gaged gears to start up the search for the 1975 Dunlop National Truck Hero. .ýA "In sponsoring the Award' 9' said Mr. Spencer, "we are focusing public attention on the frequent acts of bravery perform(d by professional truck drivers on Canadian highways and at the same time, are encouraging safe driving practice". He said that his company was encouraged by the grow- ing public response to the Award, which received a re- cord nineteen individual nom- inatio'ns in 1974. "We are honoured to com- mnend these brave men who risk their lives without thought of tlieir own safety while responding to the need for hlp." This is the 2Oth anniver- sary of the Award which is sponsored by Whitby Tire Limited and endorsed by the Canada Safety Council. The selected hero receives a trophy, a Rolex Tudor wristwatch, a $1,000 'cash award and a VIP weel<end for two in Toronto. $200 is awarded the per- son who nominates the Nat- ional Truck Hero. N o m i n a t i o n s, accompanied by a newspaper clipping or witness statement thedayandcloe tem t nght fo thir as evidence, should be sent to th dayin a loe s the tni, fothe pi e. Dunl op National Truck Hero inslain vlu. n umer d te PPsie. Award Comm ittee, c/o Canada Safety Couincil, 1565 St.. Lairent Blvd., Ottawa, 0 Ontario, KlG 3V4, by Sept- ember 30, 1975. The act must have been performed A-during the previous 12 UDrip, drip, drip, drip mortkhs. Ail entries are screened ONE DRIP per second from a leaky hot and evaluated by a panel of water faucet or shower-head sends about 175 three judgés - Phiip J. Farmer gallons a month down the drain. That's monzey Executive Director, Canada down the drain. You cari probably fix it your- SafetyCuc;WatrBG self with anew washer and afew minutes y onci l; aer BG

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