Whitby Free Press, 26 Mar 1975, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1975, WHITBY FREIEPRESS Weii, it's the last week in March and it's die last wcck for viewing tieui Paget Art Shiow whichi is 10 bc scen down ahthe Whitby Station. If you h aveni'i bccn dowin 10 see it yet, then this is your lasi wcek..so niake the nîost of your opportunity. Don't forget that Thursday, nult Friday, is the day for the Euichre heid at the Ashbuîrn ('ommuniiiity Centre, I t starts at 8 p.m. and a1l are xelcomie. Another reinider, this tinte to those who borruov library books and forget to retuirn ihi ! I)un't starn cui- ing L1p your f'tines..jusi take the books uver te the ibrarv and al il xviibc furgiven - ibisIbeîing Eurigiveniess veek. The Brookîju U.C.W. are holdinig their [Dessert Supper Meeting on April I at 6:30 panî. ar the United ('hurchIla Ail ladies from thie A.C.W. , the Bapi istithurch and tie C. W.L. are invited. Apart front ihetîsual del ighti li (anid BROWN, 'S'M'i f atening!) goodies to cal, you wili also be able te listen to Rev. Alan Laviers of thie Sahel Coinmittee in Oshawa. Thursday, April 3 secs the first session of the Brooklin Arts and Crafts, at the Brookiin Comnmunity Centre. Those of you that attended die opening night Iast weck, will know thiat Group '74 have donc a great job in rounding up sonne very talentcd ladies who are only 100 wilîing to help yon gct slartcd on soine crafts. Thirly ladies were deliited cnouglh ho sign Up there and then, and 1 know thali if you could îlot attend last Thursday, then you can still join. Cali Mrs. Jenny Hall, 655-3069; Mrs. Barb Porter, 655-4652; or Mrs. Pat Odgers, 655-3457 for information. Calling ail auction addicts! Dr. Watt wilI be back in town on April 5 at dic Community Centre! Now isn't that a sure sign that spring and summer are on the way? The sale wili stan aI i12 noon, tho' you will be able te, have a preview fromi 10:00 a.în. onwards. As usual the good doctor lias sornething for everyone..nd îîot just junk or fic cveryday heuseliold itemis. Tliis sale will have articles of finishied Canadian pine as well as other types of furniture. Delightful ebjects like a hiooded cradie, a table spinning whicel (very unusual and very old), a jamn cupboard, blanket boxes,Iliat back 'ammeir tables ýand niany otiier interesting pieces. 1l-ow abou t an antique piano, or a unique oak poker table? Also inclijded wilI bc a varieiy of larnps, crocks, glass, cini.a and liard lu find Irivets. lIn case you've forgot- tcn tliese sales are veny popular, se mark down tliat date anîd make sure that you attend. A different kiuîd of sale, bu t as nuuclî fun ini is own way, FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY P'HONE 655-4521 SARA 50-Ft. Rol 4 9 PREPAREO la FI. Or. Jar FRENCWS 39 FEATUREI . WHITE CLOVER LIQUIO 16.... Froezer Jar NEY 1.O 31 OLO SOUTH- CONCENTRATED 121/a FI. Oz. Tiln I I ORANGE JUICE 2 for 89c RHODES iI DINNER ROLLS 24-oz. pkg. 55C CHERRY PIE 26-oz. Size $1.19~ FISH CAKES 12-oz. pkg 59 C ---A *Cou rtesy Value Satisfaction CANADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED (Brol., Six.) FRESH TUR .KEYS is a Garage Sale. Group 74 will be holding one on April 26. Before they ask you ho corne aiong and browse tho', they are askiuîg you 10 donate any thing of interest, that you have nîo further use for of course,-or that you are finished with. Often when we are spring cieaning wc throw out odds anîd ends..but don "t throw them mbt the garbage .. cali any of these numbers and the ladies wiil arrange ho collect il. 655-3646, 655-3775, or 655-3716. Don't forget that what is obsolete ho you, is a treasure find to someone else. The ladies will also seil goods on consignimeît. Cati the same numbers for information. The N.W.C.A. wiii be holding a mcmbership meeting at the Anglican Church Hall, on Winchester in Brooklin, on Tuesday, April 8 at 8 p.m. So far the Association has been run by a steering committce. But ah the next meeting, which wiIl be one of discussion and prograss reporting, they arc aiso hoping to elect permanent officers. 1 know a few people who think the Association is just te prohest any devlopments. That is flot truc, and if the same people took the lime ho corne to a meeting, thcy would find that their ideas and proposais would be listencd 10 and discussed. The Association is for the Community..YOU are the Community. Only by sharing ALL ideas wËI we corne ho auîy definite conclusions that could be acceptcd by thc nîajority. We don't have ho ail think alike (how boring that would be), but we çan communicate with each other, and lry le sececdi others point of view. And dcvelopment tlio' very mucli the topic for conversation in these parts, îs _____________ cont'd on next page Anderson Science piair Anderson Coilegiate and Vocationai Institute of Whit- by will be holding- a science fair April 3 and 4 in the school's auditorium. Every science shudent in the. schiooi will have an exhibit on display, either a solo or joint effort with other students. Last year the shudentshad to work al one. Admission is free. TURN 0ONS For Ideos On Financial Security Iusifl9 ILIFE INSURANCE Cali Bob Morrow 73! FULLY CO £0E SCHNEIDERS RED HOT& oR OUTCH TREAT WIENERS 88[b SMOKEDLfHAM1OSIkae.HAM/1 18c SAUSAGEMmt 68clSb SHNEIOER8S MINI SIXZLER 9 MAPLE LEAF FULL'Y COOI(EO BONELESS SCHNEIDERS SAU SAC E 9 DINNER simmuIel.48 lb LU NDEON.pI- AN MEATV PORI< SCHNEIDER$ 1»0.. Pauckagu MAdC ANDO MEtS! SPARERIBS 1.08 SUDE A O b 1.45 HACE£ David Carrousel Biscuits 32 oz. pkg. 1089 FEATUREI - SQUIRREL BRAND I-Lb. Jar PEANUT BUTTER 75C FEATURE! 32 FI. Oz Jar BICK'S Whole DILLS 77c FEATURE! - PEA OR VEGETABLE 28 FI. Oz. Tin HABITANT Soups 2'S9c EST BUY - KELLOGG'S 12 z Packag 'e FROSTED Fkukes 75C FEATUREI - FINEST ORANGE PEKOE 60 ta Package RED ROSE TEA BAGS -sl.09 BEST BUVI - CANADIAN PROCESS CHEESE 8-Oz. Package KRAFT THINNER SINGLES 59C FEATUREI - WITH LEMON 32 FI .Oz. Bttis MR. CLEAN Liq'uid Cleainer sl.09 FEATUREI - SUPREME BRAND 6 ta Package HOT CROSS BUNS 6 To Pa&age75c FEATUREI - WINOOW CLIANER 20 FI O. Saule. WINDEX LIQUID 89C JAVEX LUQUUD BLEACH sl.09 FEATUREI 6 I 2 u DOWNY Fabric Sof tomer sl.79 WHITE SWAN ToweIs 2189C 6p.m. FEATUREI Club Bouse OLUIVES 8 FiOz. lit 65c a uFEA Tu"£' la BHouse CHERRUES 6 FI. Oz. Jt 69c Tasters Choice FREEZE ORIED INSTANT CO FFE E 4.O.Ja l.49 OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK- 8:30 o....a 6 pom. EXCEPI THUM' &a FR1. MIBUIt 'TII 9O arn Monday 31lst as usual 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. 1.,27 2 9 tf DELUVERY AT 668-7517 or iToronto 494i184 Prudential Asurance Swifts Prmium AYLMER FANCY Swfts renimTOMATO HA&MS J UIC E $2A45 Tin49c OCEAN SPRAY FANCY HONEY POO CRANBERRY STOKELYS SAUCE PEAS JELLIED c FIOz.c 14. Tin 3 CORONADO CORNED TIDE K POWDER DETERGENT B bEEF KING SIZE - 5L.PG Oifc $1009 Keuih & DedUiT refwts! REO OR GREEN- 100 ML- TOOTHPABTE Tube CLOSE-mUP 1.09 SOLIO AIR 7.02. SI£@ AUR CARI Fresheer 89c RISTAN "*a. MADAME Tub"ets$1,19 Holiday Hours:. Open Good Friday 8:,30 a.m. r-

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