PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1975. WHITBY FREE PRESS It's been a very good week for plione cals ..keep up the good work! And aitho' xve arc still gel ing a fi;à ir arnount of.snow, it is obvious fronm sonie of' tie calis, that Spring is only just around Uic corner. l'Il be giving details of some of these activities as tie dates get nealrer. We'll starl off titis week wîtth an officiai 'thank you' from the Ist Brooklin Cubs. That butîle and cuat hianger collection was very succcssful..thanks tou YOUR generos- ity, and thc boys enthusiasmi. Now let's hope tlial they have a really good trip down in Niagara. For those avid readers in Uic Community, I'd like lu remind you, once again, that the Whitby library are offer- ing a new service..Books by Mail. This is offcred lu Itliose peuple who cannot reachi a branch ibrary because of dis- tance and Iack of transport. It is cornpletely different fromn that service already oflc'rcd by thîe library for those thiat arc Mhut li'. If yoti are interested la Books by Matil, tlien cal tic mnainî branch for furiher details, 668-653 I1. And If you are une of thosc borrowers, the mnes tuit forget to do the returning, thien youi ay bc pleaseci lu heur thialt hie ib rury is rutning a Forglvcncess Week.u.icttually itlIs two wccks! It starts on Monday , Marchi 24th and cutihues straigl t thro' ho April S 1h. During this tlniec no questions tire asked and nu fines doled ou t. Ail youi have to du is relu rt al thiose books ltat arc cluttcrIng tilp your h ouse! Il tmis brough ttho nmy attention, by thte lady h erselfI, Iia t Mrs. Vîal Iîtndert Isnth tIi.,ut well kniowilî,.i lsarc. tliat Baldwin Street lias quite a few homeUsC on-,it, Su, l'or those youung peuple wlho wisli tu register Iorm lite Group 74/T.B. Assuciat ion Baby Si tt inîg(Course, you go Io(> lie home of' Mrs. i lundi(er-t, 44 Baldwin St reet. Regisi rut ion takes place on 27tlî Mardi, ci ilier 4-5 p.mi. or 7-8 pin. 'llic niine week course is openî lu alI yoting people ini Grades 7 and up..and il is frec. And for those of yuu tliat receive tItis paper and(lread l, onithel Wedinesday or Thiursday then may I renîind you Illet Group 74 are holding thicir Arts and Cral'ts Open Nîih1I, a t 7:30 Mardi 2O0tli.fil will be fieldI iii Ilic upper pairt uof fic Broukliiî Commtiuinity Centre. Ilf you go ilong, you wil be able lu view the variuus crafts thtalthie ladties are offer- ing..if you arc îinterestcd enouigli. Gruup 74 is alsu pi 'rî:îîng a G arage Sale fori lIme 26t1î April . Thîo' tlicy have quite a lew mnh r îow, mwh o will t lîke II(ltJIfl aua'iof ti nnonti t v Ion do a l i le S nriniz cleaning. Tlîey are asking if any readers lhave any contribu- tions to make ini the way of cast-off, and unused bits and pieces around the house. The ladies wiIl collect, just to help you out!...and if you do have any unwanted odds and ends then eall 655-3775, 3716 or 3679..or you could just drop them off at 6 Way Street, if you are passing by there, A special inote for those of you interested in birds..the feathercd kind! At the Ashburn Community Centre on F7riday, Miardi 21 st at 8 p.m., the guest speakers will be the co-authors of 'Birds of the Oshawa-Lake Scugog Region', R. Tozer and J. Richards. Everyone is welcome and. a lunch will be served afterwards and a slver collection taken up. Could be a very interesting evening. Also at the Ashburn Centre on March 27th, there wfll be a tiuchrc Night. You regular fans take note..this is a Tlhursday, as'the usLlal date is Good Friday. Check your calendars and don't miss out. 'Flic ladies of the United Chiurch are organizing and lhosting a Dessert Meeting for April lst, at 6:30 p.m. Invitations are offcred 10 the A.C.W., the Baptist ladies, and the C.W.L. TFhe guest speaker for the evening will be the Rev. Alan Laviers, who is a member of thc Sahel Committee in Oshawa. If 'm right..and l'm not always, 1 know.,....isn't this the comnmittee that W1as organized to send relief to (lie sick and dying in Ethiopia? 1 know one thing, if lni wrong tiien someone is bound to cail and tell me. cont'd on next pagel BROWN'S F00 DMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 BONCLEISSHBARK STE WIMC la lb. 1.08 ROUND i28ak M m~ oer> STEAKS * skl.I*.TS..o wb1.481. BONE IN.. . RUMP ROASTS SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM Favourite Brand 1/2 Gallon CartonS $le29 PEATUREI - ROASTED COFFKE MAXWELL BOUiSE ASSORTED4'.F HEIZ s ù~FOODS Sze 113 Sunkis Navet Oranges 991 don. Florida Stake Tomatoes Lge. Suze 59 Smith Brand Potatoes Grown Uxbridge, Ont 10 lb. 49c 25 lb. $1.1 1.38 %>t Devon Bacon OOoot FR - qzg.wOOE 1929 SAUSAGE 1.29 ilb. 95C MAO-LE LEAP INT-O'MAPLE "aon 1.*39 NIAP%»t uAF BOLOGNA 'b- 79 c FAREZIR SPCCIAL NEW YORK SIIOULDERS lb. 88 c DEST BUYI - RASPDERRY B" TAWSRRY - PCTIN 2 FL. OZ. JAR AYLMER JAMS sl.45 @EST suyt - LEAVER S -PIucs aSnd TENs 10 FI. OZ. TiR MUSHROOMS 47 FEAFURtI - ALL PURPOSE 7- us BAC FIVE ROSES Flour $119 BEST SUVI - OLAO - IIAVY OU lU10TO PACIK GARBAGE BAGS $105S s un DAO DEST PUYt - FACIA^L - I00 Sy Z.PLY sii.KLEE NEX TISSUE Padmp29C PEA^TURE> - SRIMPULL ORANO O-M*ALi FL.Oz. TINS FL. OZ. JARS W HOLE C RR S 3 Fou$1 5 For$ ATURES - WITH CH£ E N TOMATO SAUCE 4F OZ. TIR HEINZ cefSPAGHETI14FL. 33C BRIMFULL GreenPEA&S 308$1 FEATUKEII - MANDARIN 10 FL. OZ. TINS SAICO ORANGES 3o's1 st F~~EATUREI - SISMMILIS POWOUR 31S . 9 CARNATION Instant $1.99 FEATUREI - KING SIZE 5 L. PACKAGE SURF Powder Detergent -sl.69 FEATURE? 24 PL. OZ. BOTTLES ,SUNLIGHT Liquid Iisl,17 FEATURE - FEOERALLY INSPECTEO "' FL. OZ."*TINS ZIP DOG FOOD 4jR69c SERT SUYI - OERF ORRIR14 CLARK'S STEWS 15 F. or- n 5 9c 'yy *Cou rtesy Value alf action EXALTE & DEi«JTy FAurvS! TOILET SOAP DOVE Rwa aita 33c MIST 0,VAPOLIR 1 "i l l DRISTAN $119 BONUS PACK f6-m Fr*@) 24 fIl.0.bM BAYER LISTERINE $1,49 1ASPIRIN100to bd. 88c PEATUREI 1£LS. B^0 PURINA Dmm aow sl.79 FEATUREI - JET SPRAY BON AMI 15R OLTU 69C FEATUREI 7 TO PACKAGE TETLEY m BACS 1.09 BUSTER BROWN Shoes for Childien at COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. S. Whltby Openm q vydal bit P.m. Fn. until 9 p.m. 668-3476 OPENING SPECIAL in Br ooklin DOMENICS PIZZA & SPAGHETTI HOUSE 655m3829 Ail this month FREE 26 oz. PEPSI on Pizza Orders we deliver R.R. No. 1 Brooklin Hwy. 12 North For Ideas On Financial Security using LIFE INSURANCE CaOl Bob Morrowl STORE HOURS, OPEN six DATS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p... EXCEPtT TIURS- & FR1 MIORTS '1L 9 p. -qRIC; IAYS Thurs. Mar. 201 668-7517- or in Toronùto 90 3% DELIVERY AT - Sat. Mar. 22 NOMINAL CNAR9 Prudential Assurnce ý9c lb. i In 19 Allý