TURN ONSý THEIR$200 DISCOUNT WON'T TURN THEIR 2-DOOR 1INTO OUR 4-DOOR. CANOES Ancien t 1 lawaiiains believed canoes were' built under the guidance of' the gods, The vessel was regarded ais having spiritual powers, Canues were welcomed by the natives ais a living mem- ber of the comimunitv. FNERGY Our carth continuously receives 167000 times more energy from the sun than is presently used by ail the nations of the world. e Four doors. each with rail-up windaw e Almast as mnuch trunk space as VW& Pinto combined e Front-wheel drive roadability and traction a Up ta 33 miles per gallon IEPA) " Front disc brakes " Rack and pin ion steering AND WE'RE GIVING GREAT DEALS TOO! FISH & CHIPS OUR 4 DOOR DOES Have a S200 Rebate. PLUS COLE SLAW C& C MOTrORS AND A R0LL 160 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 728-0051 728m0181 \XPER lE NCE Il F fTt BeL.F1[:) SERVICE I)FPNRTN4F.NT your week ahead BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: March 23 ta Marci 29 AR lES Mac. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 lndecisiveness, on thc part of someafle in authority. might cause you to delay an impor- tant decision, Meaning? Proceed with plans related to your job, task or project. Dealing with the general cosmic cycle. could parlay time to broaden both your contacts. Take care! According ta head~ing toward a little Review. read, then rc-read tracts that you might sign. lcss guarantee. public, during this into big things. It's business and social your chart, yau're business rmisehief. documents and con- Bewarc of a worth- Carelessness, someone else's. that is. might cause your job. task or project to bog down. The paint? [)an*t lose vaur temper: pick up thc pieces and kecp going. The experience yau've gained. conccrning the opposite sex, has been tao long in the past-to be of any value. naw! Your present rclatioiiship requires a new approach. Many members under your sign wvill stress good grooming. Virgos are, now, prone ta irnprcss the opposite sex. Superromantie urges seem ta be in the seheme of things. No question about it, you're pleasure bound. Also, it's likely that you'll side step a "major' decision that will prove ta, be insignificant in the long haul. Please, please, don't under estimate the ability and sincerity of someone who is attcmpting ta, help you. Judging character will nat be anc af your strang points, this weck. A member of the opposite sex. older than your- self, might offer ta help yau. There's anc problem. however! ChecIt and you'll f ind hîdden strings attached. Dont shift harses in mid stream. An associate seeks ta involve you in a projeet. beyond your means. In ather wards. you'll receive ad- vîce-not ta yaur bcst interest. Youre gaing ta learn a practical lesson in psychology. Something you've planned. and believe is scheduled for someone else-will.. in turn. backfire! You're not a student of the theory that everyone tells the truth. Nevertheless. you might be duped by a fast taîker who promises you the -whole world." PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, send $1.00 for postage and handlîng St. Petersburg, Florido 33733. the day. month, year and place of birth, plus ta Dr. Andrew W, Demis, P. O. Box 12766, CLIP THIS COUPON H. SALT FISH & CHIPS (j COUPON This coupon entities you to our 99e speciol. Bring if with you ta Ofl> of these H. Sait locations. whMet by 015 Dundas St. E.,--ýl 668- 1100 BROCK BUILDING SUPPLIES home improvement centre Paneling Trail Blazer Pecan & Honey GoId No. 1 Quality only 14.19 sheet 4x8 Sheet Need A New Roof? Buy Now at Thîis Low Price OnIy $15.99 square' <Ist. QUALITY) LUMBER SPECIALS 2X4X8 ft. KiIn Dried $1 .15 each 2X4X92/2 in. stud length .95 each 2X2X921/2 in. stud length .49 each 2X2X8 ft. Uin Dried .65 each MX Strapping 4 cents ft. 1X3 Strapping 5¼ cents ft. SPRED SATIN PAINT ONLY $10.99 gai THINK FENCES AND PATIOS FOR SPRING Let us estimate and quote to you 244 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-9391 Sinclair Success Tlie Sinclair School Euchre Night was a success, thanks Iargely to thec mothers whio brouiglit food. Dorothcy Stevenson held the high womnen's hand with Anne Bathierson taking second place' ii this category. The high rnen's hand was held by Madelive Tran while Bill Grylis vas runner up. Walt N4osier and- Madel- ivc Tran held the high lone- hands. ýWalt Mosier won the dlec- tric can opener ini the draw. Blood CI1inic, Tops Goal Th e Red Cross- blood donor clinic, held. last Wed- ncsday was very successful according to Joyce Cox, blood donor chairman for the Whiîby Red Cross. A total of 316 donations were accepted from 366 people, 80 of them new donors. The next clinie wiIl be held Wednesday, July 9. Malta Club Deputation The Malta Social Club will appear" before counicil on April 7 regarding the possi- bility of soliciting municipal assistance to help finance the proposed construction of a club house. The club's building com- mittee will make the deputa- tion, according to committee ch airmian Paul Burgelli.