PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS BROCK THEATRE 668-361 8 THE MOST EXCITING FILM EVER MADE ON MOTORCYCLE SPORT BY BRUCE BROWN PRODUCER OFTHE ENDLESS SUM MER. Marcli 19 - 2 5 Ma tirees Tbhursday. Sa turday. Su nday 1:30 p.n. EVERY EVENtNG 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. Adulîs S'-.00 Ch idreii & Seniors St1.00 25,c OFF ADMISSION Ptck up your 25c off iscount coupon at the following Yamaha dealers, Ajax Cycle 43 Station AJAX & Sports Plaza AB's Cycle 114 Stevenson Rd.S., OS HAWA DOC Close, But It took soinie sîrange cir- cuistances in the final gaine t0 prevent the 1)ennis O'Con- nor mlidget boys frumn winning the Ccentrai Onîtario Secondary Schuuls Athietics basketbati championship piayed in 'Beiicville recentiy. The first gaie saw DO( representing La ke Ontariu Secondary Sch oui Athietics, defeat Nurwuud uf Kawar-tla 62ýI-48. DOC led matil the third quarter wliîen Nur-wuod tied the gaine ai 35-35. A determiined f'inishi by the Wiîby teani, aided greai- ly by a boisterous clîeering section, gave DOC the victory and thie rigli it lu mine Fenelun Fallis ni the fiiîai Fenelun Faits h ad bea teil Norwuud in the Kawariha final. Scuring in the upenling gaine lui DO( were Rick Nieuwendyk with 1 8 points. mnany uf themn laie in the contesi, and Pa t O'Cunnur with 14 points. 'Flic final against Fenietun Faits was very uinusuai. Excellent shoot ing lromi the Iloti me bousted Fenelon Failsts il a 1- point second qutarter lead. llo)wever. DOC fuutigh t back tlu deadtock hie ganie ai 29 ai liai [lim1e. A qiiick start iii thee tird quarter put DO(' ilto a nine point lcad and, despite niany p Cyrs lotit ing ont, tliey maint ained a l'ive poin t advaritag,-e iîl t on r m intites renîaining in ii e gaine. Thlîcîtuuîstaniding Johin Parroit fouled out lu leave SPEND 15 MINUTES ON US TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT'US GOING ON IN DURHAM Ie Night Report 11:0 00 , p. DOC witli only five nmen on' ilie fluor af'ter severat players hiad foui cd ou t carlier. Tt e ii, witti fou r DOC players reniaining, Feneton Faits tied te gaIne. The laist twu minutes saw DOC play- ing witlî three men. At this point, Feneton Fails took the lead and eventually wonî 72- 62. Oniy Michael Gatlaghier and John Jordlan were stilt in the DOC iineup at t1e final buzzer after niîîe players had fouled oui. 'FMe DOC juniors were ctefeated by Nicholson, the host sehool, of Bellevitle 57- 28. After ain even fîrst quar- ter, Nicholson's ou tside shooting was too mucli for the Whitby team.' Dominic Boul ter had 12 points for the 10 SCrs. Iain Porter Scores Winner With One Second Remaining There were thiree thriiling nmajur aluni hiome league ganies played receiîtly. Iii one contes(, Wliby Firefighîters scored witlh une second remiainiîîg lu defeat Mowat Insuranc'e 4-3. Ian Porter, atloiig with th e winning goal, scurecl Iwo others while D)on Wade fired a single. Frank Princiotta, Robby Dyiîieiîl and Mark Petine scored f'or thîe disappoiîîted lusers. In anoîher gainîe, Peter the Plomber uvercaie a 3l-0 deficit iii thie second pcriod against. Koke's Sieli and touk Iront furtiier play'of I action 3-O hy' Trenton. 'Fie final gamne. piayed aIlit rquislPa rk Arena, cnded iii an 84 viciury for the visiturs. Rîck Matheson scored a lhatînick for the winners wlî le Dave Lewis scored twice and Bob Cameron, Brian McLin- tock, Scott Poole onîce each. Ed Szczur îaliied twice for C.B.C. and 'Fini Brown and Hiarry Forbes once ecdi. Bantam Alistars 'FlicBrooktin -Whitby Fislier/Taylor Minor Bantami Alistars defeated a squad front Sac kville. Nova Scotia in a receit exlibitiomgarnî. Bob h 'lamnbers, Jaînie 'Fn ak, Derks Ed Hayden scored for anid Ed Wlî ilt by a 4-3 lead in the third. Koke Stietl lied the gaine and scored with 20 seconds Ieft t0 take a 5-4 lead. Peter tlhe Plomiber pulled their goalie aînd tied the ganie with t3 seconds left. Jimimy Wiggers fired a pair for Peter the Plomber while Stephen Owen, Greg Gibson and Tommi-y Mason each scored once. Steve McGary and Ken Lynde scored twice tur Koke's Sh Ill and Russel Lewis un ce. Nurse Ch ev -01d s and Rider Tout and Manufactur- ing batîled lu a 3-.3 stalernate. Bob Clarke. Doug Mac- Donald and Paut Walendze- wicz scored for Nurse. Paul Shaubel got a pair for Rider Tout and Leo Beenen got un1 e. Nouse League Five goals were ail that was necessary for G.N. Sports and Bell Canada to rack up victories in recent major ban- tam house league play. G.N. Sports defeated Kameka 5-12 wiîh Mike GaI- taghier firing a pair and Paul Gibson, Date Lightfoot and Derrick Minarat contributin2 singles. John Bushman ançI Dave Turnbati scored for the losers. Bell Canada dumped U.A.W.A. 5-3 with Dave Cane scoring a pair and Doug Eberlee. Ken Beatty and Pete Latiber each scoring once. Larry Morin, Ken De Mille and Danny Edwards scored in a losing cause. CONCERT I APRIL WINE 'flie 13rookl in - Whllitby Consul dated Biliding (-'ut - puration J uvenile Atîstars wc re recelîîlv elimniated 'McDonald Alistars Elimi nated Aniotlier Whitby teani lias fallen bv the wayside. 'Fli Brook]iîti-li i tby Maj- or Baniani McDonald Alîstars were elinlinated 34I by Kinig- sto)n Townshîip, with the final ganie a 5-2 decision for Kingston. Jîi fHubatt picked top a pair wtîile Steve Cherry, Darrell 'Fownsend and Dave Tieruey eaclî collected singles. G reg TFusli îng01iaîi and Nick Nosoweîiko, whio were big gunis ait year. scured for the losers. ROCK Weather, Sports and News 350 j STAN D BACK -u TOUR STARRING APRIL WINE & SPECIAL GUESTS 8"MOONQUAKE"g Saturday, Morch 29th - 8 p-m. Admission $3,50 Advonce $4.50 At Door TICKETS Shoppers Record & Tape Whitby-Donald's Travel MrOshawa Centre Bwovhe-Fak ait Sports Villa B w nil,*ra k.aît ONv SALE THE OSHAWA STATION Juv. Alistars Ousted 3-O Lntre 5moke Shop Auditorïum Box Office Ajax Le