PAGE 6, WEDNESLJAY, MARCH 12, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS ~: Byine An apology to the mothers of our lst and 2nd Brooklin cubs. 1 have the feeling that 1 caused a great deal of con- fusion and misuinderstanding, when I said last weck that both groups were collecting for a trip to Niagara. What 1 should have said, was that the 1 st Brooklin cubs were hop- ing and planning for a trip to Niagara..not both groups. Both groups made their usual joint paper collection, but only the lst made the extra botule and coat hanger collec- tion. No hard feelings I hope. And thank you to aIl the people who helped tie boys out. lnterested in crafts? When the Ladies of Group 74 did a survey last Fail, the results showed that about 70% of those questioned were very interested in the subject. So the ladies went to work and rounded up a number of very talented instructors. And on March 2th, at 7:30 p.m. you BROW N 'S can mneet ticm and displays of tlieir work, at the Brooklin Cornmunity Centre, RUg h oo.king, qu ilting, baske tr*y* needlepoint, candle making, ctried and pressed flowcr arrangements, otf-loorn weaving, childrcn's crafls, crochet, knitting andl macramc and art, will be offed ..if you arc interested enougi. Ih 'ccrtainly won't hurt to go along and see what is going on, and perhaps to miake suggestions a- bout other crafts that YOU are intercsted in. If enougli people are inicrested on Mardli 2t, thi courses will start at tic Comnmunity Centre on April 3rd, and every Thurs- day following until the end of June. The cost is certainly m in imal..$5 per terrm club membcrship. This money will be tutncd back into the group for future craft cquîpmcent. Anyway. come along and sec the displays and make your choice, and meet the ladies who are trying to bring somne activities right to your doorstcp. Group 74 hiave also been very busy in another direction. They and the T.B. Association are bringing a baby sitting course to Mcadowcrcst School, starting on April lti and running for nine wecks between 7 and 9 p.m. The course is open to any intcrested boy or girl in Grade 7 and up. Registration will take place at Val Hunderts,,Baldwin St., between 4 and 5 p.m. and 7 and 8 p.m. on the 27th Mardi. The course is free and if you are intercsted and would like somne further information tien caîl Mrs. Blyth at 655-3 679. Although 1 was invited to attend, it seemned tiat unfort- unately 1 mîssed a very impressive candlelit ceremony at Meadowcrest School, hast Wednesday evening, when four of the lst -Brookiin Guides received their AIl Round Cords, (2nd highest Guiding award). Fifty invitcd guests, includ- ing parents, relations and friends of the glirls plus District Comnmissioner, Mrs. Eunice Stocks; Mrs. Barbara Evans, Brown Owl of thc girls when they were, in the BrownJes, and the Ist Mt. Albert Comnpany, watched as ecd girl was p rcscnted with hier cord by lier father. Mrs. Audrey Parker (Captain) presented ecd girl with anAll Round pin oti behaîf of the Company. Congratulations, to: LesieCart- wrighit, 14 years old, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cartwright; Janet Hill, 12 years old, daughiter of Mr. and Mis. H4. Hill;, Heather Stewart, 12 years old, daughter of Mr. andl Mrs. 1. Stewart; and *Cheryl Parker, 12 years old, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker. Enrolîmient of a mother and daughiter was also held! The mnother, Mrs. Mary Pearon was enrolled as a leader and lier, daughter Marilou as a member of the 1 st Brooklin Guides. Well tic Wintcr Break is upon us, and to help out you harrassed motiers, the library is once again holding special holiday programmes. At 2:30 p.m. every afternoon savc Tuesday, there will be movies shown for ahl childrcn, pre- schoolers up to Grade 6. Admission is free. On the Tues- day, at the same time and again free, there will be two puppet plays. The library is also starting a new pro-school story hour on April 8th, and will be taking registration on Monday, Mardi 24th. 'And a new service is being startcd by the Library, for those who are NOT shut in, but who cont'd on next page FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 BOLD su -1. ACKAO< $1,99 IVORY' LI 00Ul D 32 FL OZ SoTI RIS! on SBIRE ORANGE FLAVOUR CRYSTALS FOUR 3V14 oz. U mc to Cello DUNCAN MINES CAKCE MIXES Pkg. 79 WHITE SWAN TISSUE U Corte catisf action' ENUARTERD CHICKENS__65~ 5BACON ~ BÊE; LIVER., th UAN 1mCmT - mm FSOMuffo.c H L s6I~~Ults m GE 95CPmRKSpARiIS k 99CLI PLLSUEA95 t D I A ycmS - wm . 1.78 PORK LI MAPP IAE COIAFm mlmUYVA LUNCH MEATS th98c m 178 10TO12 LE. BINOCN - 5LA8 sf 1)< tCet c CUT AND 1el2 I SIDE BACON... ..........L-- lb 98 tb. Pnoe lb. 44WRAPPED LEAFFi TUNAi r BEST BUVI - READV CUl MACARONI or a mà *MIL ~t A jurTTif 2.Lb. COIO B. LA'N1UA >rRrnMoIlSCO PE FEATUREI - REGULAR ab akg OTWS BLUE BONNETM$2~.19 17 RoS. s 29 BEST BUY 1 - FANCY SWEET SUMMER 14 FI. Or. Tins ua p N GREEN GIANT PEAà S 30 13__ FEATURE! - LIPTON5 From New Zealand sclb. < Consists of Roust Chops und Stew CUP .A..SQUP 4 5 a~ abinaBse FEATURE' - EVAPORATED 1-Lb. Tin E4-5 lb. average CARNATION MILK 32c Laimb Legs-Whole5 lb. average 1.39 lb. OATMEAL 1 6.0%. Bag FEATUREI - LIBBYS FANCY OUALITY 48 i. Or. lin DAD'S COOKIES 89c TOMATO JWICE 59c ? ~-~ TUR! BOUS ACK- -OZ. FREE - INSTANT COFFEE 114OZ. Jar PF AAAYWFI-IBONUSBSACK2-39 15FIeO.39n New Crop-CrispGreen Cabbage Head 39C Florida- Crisp-TUSty Large Size Celery Stalks 39C o nt. C.A . 3 lb. bd g Local Smith Brand.Uxbridge 10 lb. bag 49c n"25-1b. bug 1.19 STORE HOURS OPEN six DAYS A WEEK I 8:30 cem. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THUR5. & FR1' 1 MOUS 'TIL 9 p.m. IJ%ul'w @mamanE - Wuw W - FATURE! - DR.,BALLARD'S CHAMPIOND0moG FOC FEATURE! -PURE PORI( KLIK Luncheon MEI FUTRE -O NL SU?7/ FL OL T' BEST SUYI - IN TOMATO BAUCI W"TH pas14 FL. Or. TINS CLARK'S BEANS 2'869 15 Fi. OL.79C vc 12 FI. Oz. Tins U79C INm *itness. ivour beafl youknow it's rght. "For better toys both big and smalh" MIDTOWN MALL OSHAWA OPENING SPECIAL in Brooklin DOMENUC'S PIZZA & SPAGHETTI HOUSE 65 5-3829 AIl this month FREE 26 oz. PEPSI on Pizza Orders we deliver 50% off on Pick-up R.R. No. 1 Brooklin Hwy. 12 North For Ideas On Fînancial Security using LIFE INSURANCE COUi Bob Morrowl 668-7517 or in Toronto 494i-1844 Prudential Assurance ,mim IWESTON'S OhIPPERIS CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES - C 14-0zr Bag........... 9 BRAVO SPAGHETT Sauce FEATUREI PLAIN- 0~9 14 FI. Or.Tins2 89 FEATUREI BORDEN'S INSTANT 9 1-Lb. Tin ........... 9 CASCADE DISHWASNE FEATU RE! $ 39 35 FI. Oz. Pkg . ... l supiME STRAIGHT CUT- FRENCU FRIES 2-lb. big 53C GOLDEN BATTEREO o-r.SizE RUPERT COD pg.99C PEAS orMM 2 fo89c LAVERNI BLETS îî.oz. SRE SARA LEE CAKES 89c PINI-5RSOL LUQUID 3 BIGDA Thurs. Mar. 13.-m IDELIVERY AT Sat. Mar. 15 I OMINAL CHARGE~ iiiill' 1