Man Walks 350 Miles Toronto to Montreal Alan Wilding of Montreal is walking the 350 mles from Toronto to Montreal to cal attention to the need for more respect and understand- ing between English speaking and French speaking Cana- dians. He is representing the Uni- fication Church in his walk, which began at 12 noon, Monday at the church's head- quarters at 588 Spadina Avenue. Mr. Wilding stopped in at the Free Press last week. On February 8, 1975 Mr. Wilding was one of 4 Cana- dians participating in the larg- est mass marriage in history 1,800 couples from 21 count- tries xvere married in a single ceremnony in Seoul, Korea. Rev. Sun Myung Moon founder of the international Unification Chuirch conduet- ed the ceremony. Mr. Wilding, who is direc- tor of die church in Montreal estimates that it will take 12 days to mi'ake the journey alonghighway no. 2. The Unification Church has 2 million members inter- nationally. It is expariding into Canada with centers in Toronto, Montreal, Vancou- ver and Ottawa. The Unification Church is active in 100 countries in- cluding France, Australia, Holland, lreland, Free China, Japan, Great Britain, Ger- many, Italy, U.S,, Africa and the Asian countries. They support sucli pro- jects as One World Crusade, Little Angels of Korea. Inter- national Cultural Foundation and International Leadership Seminars. Palmerston Students Visit Lasco Plant As part of the new Dur- hamn Region Science Course the grade six class of Palmer- ston Avenue Public School visited the Lake Ontario Steel Company (Lasco). Earlier. wvhile the students were studying the topic &"4water" the school invited Tom Wlcox and Gord Max- well from Lasco to talk on the company's anti-pollution svstem. The two used dia- grains, charts and a rnodel of the plant to ex pla in th e. sys- ý,,Te 'students: were 'iiso taken on a tour of the Bow- manville Water Filtration Plant by plant manager Len Pirdie. In addition to learning about xater, tic students gained some valuable insighit into the workirig world. The students were also treated to an hour long pro- grain on Rocton's Africa Lion Safari which included filmstrips followed by,'a discussion. The represen ta- tives of the- lion 'safari brpqg! ia, lion çub alongwith >Funds are primarily de- rived from contributions and sales of health pro 'ducts.' The Unification Church hias grown to encompass al nationalities and religions. They see the need to unify their goals in a desire to serve their famnilies, friends, com- munity, country and the world. The Unification Church feels this unity can only be achieved by returning to the original principals of the community and country that we were founded on. These principals are found in Christianity but also in al religions existing to promnote good morals, ethics and ser- vices. Reverend Sun Myung Moon spoke to a crowd of 25,000 in a standing room crowd at Madison Square Gardens on September 18, 1974. 35,000 people hiad to be tumed away. E Uchre Night Sinclair Home and Sehool Assocation have coinpleted their plans for their annual Euchire Night. Mrs. R. Green, assisted by Mrs. E. Saunders. will hosr a Euchre Party, Friday night. March 7, at 8 p.rn. at Sinclair School located on the corner of Anderson Street and Taun- ton Road in Whitbv. Prîzes and luinch will be included xith the tickets be- ing sold at the door for $ 1 25. Anyone wishing 10 pur- chase a Sinclair Centennial Book may do so thit nighit at the>" schio ol by phon ' ng Mrs. E. Branton uti 668-7629>. Get The Psychogeriatric/Medi- cal Unit at Whitby Psychia- tric Hospital has been trying out new ideas, dusting off old ones in the light of new developmnents in medicine and care of elderly patients. They're introducing new techniques in occupational therapy as they have found that the use of horticulture and art to stirnulate thought processes helps to make pat- ients more aware of their surroundings. Staff who work on tItis unit find tItis most rewarding. However, they alone cannot do it all. Volunteer workers interested in the needs of the elderly are sorely needed to çarticipate in backing up those already engaged in it. On March il froi 1:.30 to 3 p.m. in the Conférence Roomn of the Administration Building, they are holding a Volunteer Get Together and would welcomne ail who could corne to join in thc programr. 'Iie Director of Volunteer Services, Judy Morley, and Psychogeriatric!Medical Unit Director. Margot Raven, will be on hand to answcr ques- tions on the problems relat- ing to psychogeriatrics and xviii tell how to issist staff in improving the ]ives of the elderly patients. Anl intcresîing prograin in which voluinteers inay play an inuportant role is ini the "Ptib" where they try to create an authentîc alinospiiere withi ragtime piano. sing songs, entertainment and socialiiing. Othiers consist of social after- . nôons, fricndiv visits. an WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEONESDAY, MARC"j 5e 1975, PAGE 6 Toete exercise program and one on mini-gardening. What the hospital has to offer is an. opportunity to meet new pecuple and act in a situation which could be entirely foreign.> They will set up seminars, initial and continuing discus- sion groups whereby those who join as volunteers will learn to understand and communicate with patients and invite participation in reality sessions where they use teaching techniques and F8 peme IMPERIALS IN CONCERT Thurs. May CIVIC AUDITORIUM Thorton Rd. South Oshawa Tickets $3.00 Advance $3.50 at Door Availablé at:i SHILON CHRISTIAN BOOK STORE 99 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, Ont Piease Send Self - Addressed Enveope wth Money or Cheque PARKER'S FURNITURE &T.@V. 88SIMCOE ST. NRT N BRYER 723- 1221 CON SOLE STEREO Compact Dependability for OnIy $219*95 Luxurlous, 4 Admirai Piece Grouping f or $449 .95 Quaflity In Colour $7490 .95 OPENTILE9. EERY FRUDAY QYOU SEE MOREmme, YOU SAVE MORE