WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MARCN 5. 1076, PAGEG omen WuerBut by Gisele Seguin "14/amen are w(ser than men because they know less and understand more.-" - James 1Stephens Many people tend to agree with this quote because the role of women in today's society has considerably changed over the years. Women's Liberation has had rather mixed effects on the world. On a national basis, their realities made the governiment set up the "Royal Commission on Women". On an internation- al level, the United Nations declared 1975 as "International Women's Year". T'he phrase "Why Not" is gradually being.,associated with women )s opportunities. Back- in the 'dark ages, the rote of a woman was to bare children and to keep the cave clean. The role of the caveman was to. protect and feed his family. In the farming age, the wom- ans rote slightly changed. To her regular duties she added working in the field and other chores that her mani didn't have time for. The industrial spciety brought againmore changes as she was made more responsibte towards har famifly. Now in the technological socîety, women have more time to think things over. Also, they are free to develop abilities they neyer could utilize before. Saturday is "International Women's Day". The impact of Women's Lib- eain is fei t throughout Whitby and lhe surrounding areas. "I think women are a buncli of damn fools" said Mrs. L. Stahi, RR. No. t, Orono. She feels women want to have a *nan's job. "They do have the brains to work in an executive position but what about manuat labour? 1 think it's stupid," said Mrs. Stahi. Michael Bland, Whitby, said there should be more advertising. "According to my knowtedge "Why Not"" campaign has no female executives. This deserves an investigation", said Mr. Bland. .Mr. Bland supports "Interna- tionat Women's Year" because it's just like having "egg month" Ho said it won't hurt anybody to have it. "I think it's a lot of baloney' said Mrs. Nelly VanDenHoogen, 612 Garden Street, Whîtby. " woman is a woman and a man is a mani" Mrs. VanDenHoogen feels that some women are flot treated properly such ae equal pay for equal work but "there's two ways to look at it". "Why should we be above men?" asked Mrs. VanDenHoo- gen. "l'm flot against t.he idea of 'International Wornen's Year' because a woman ýwfll do an>'- thing she wants", saîd Doug Pingle of Pontypool. Mr. Pingle saîd women are as free as anybody else therefore hie doesn't see an>' reasons why the>' should be joining a group. Mrs. M. Kamtorts, 521 Vic- toria Street, Whitby, said 'Womnen's Liberation is ail1 nonsense. They're ail craz>'." Mrs. Kam torts wonders how women can work and run a househotd at the ,'same time. Ken Faut, of Pitt Street in Whitby, thlnks it's fine to have an International Women's Year because women make very im- portant contributions in the world. He said his wife doesn't believe in the "sensational stuff'" They both respect each other and their relationship is on a 50-50 basis. "When are we going to have a men's year?" asked Mr. Faul. Helene McKay, 123 Women Avenue in Whitby, said "Wo- men's Liberation is a lot of garbage". Mrs. McKay likes to bc treated tike a woman. She said 'International Wo- men's Year' doesn't do any harm. In fact, it makes men think. "Womnen are over exaggerat- ing their views" said Ray Bourgeois, 10 U-oyd Street, Whitby. "I don't think they need an 'International Women's Year". Mr. Bourgeois thînks women are treated fairly and he is hap. py with the way things are toda>'. "A womnan can't handie a job as efficiently as-a man can in some cases," said Mr. Bourgeois. Muriel Griffen, 850 Green Street, Whitby, said it'sflot necessar>' to have an 'Interna- tional Women's Year' because women cari stand up by them- selves. "Womnen should be back home and then things would be better," said Mrs. Griffen. "Women's Liberation is alright," said Harold Snowden of Oshawa. Mr. Snowden feets women now Less are treated fairly and he hopes they get ahead. He would ike to see more womnen in politics and executive jobs. I "But, they' can't do ever>'- thing .... after ail the>' are womnen" Mrs. R. Pickering,ý Whitby, thinks women are making too much of this. She said she's flot in favour of Women 's Liberation. "A mani is the head of the house according to my teaching' said Mrs. Pickering. "Things tike this might go too far." "Behind ever>' man there's a woman' said Joan Langelle, 80 Thickson Road North, Oshawa. She feets that flot enough poople know about it and pubticity is needed "Women should rute the world," said Miss Langelle. "Men wouldn't know what to do without men."î Her sister, Janice Langetie shares the same feetings. She said "Women work at the samne places as men but they don't get the same pay. Tlhat's flot fair." "eBut, I tike being treated equal to a certain extent," said Miss Langelle. Charles Clegg, 6 Manning Road, Witby, feets Women's Liberation is "doomed to failure because there was neyer a game equal to managing a man"7 Having an 'International Women's Year' is marveltous but men are hard to manage said Mr. Clegg. "I don't betieve in an 'International Women's Year," said Louise Brown, 121 Atari Street. Mrs. Brown doesn't go for Women's Liberation because she is content with her lot. "Women's Libbers are yappers and areblowing every- thing out of proportion", said Mrs. Brown. 'Theyre getting everyone mixed up." Ron Buchner, 207 Warden- Wilson Road said, "Women's Liberation is going in an uphi1l fi gh t" Mr. Buchner feels there are some justifications in a lot of areas. Sister Margaret Mary fets that women have been discrim- inated against in some areas. "We tose our image. Men are différent than women," said Sister Mary. "Women are more institutional while men are more practical." >Sister Margaret Mary said she still likes to- see women gentle and feminine.' Svend Hvorup, 26 Westmore- .land Avenue in Oshawa, thinks women are treated fairty and he feels it's alright to have an 'International Women's Year' "Bu t men should have a year too", added Mr. Hvorup. Women have come a long way from being housewives to holding executive positions. Some people still consider wom- en as second class citizeris but changes are slowly coming about asviews and attitudes towards today's society change. Henry C. Link once wrote "The trouble with women is that they have become« too much like men. The>' work, smoke, drink, swear tike men. Some even tell stories tike men. In becoming the equals of men, the>' have sacriflced their super- iority as women." Justification for this quote is 1meft un) to vou! 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