PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free, Press Emporium. FOR SALE - 1 Girls win- ter coat, blue with white fur on hood, cuffs and pockets. Knee length, size 14, $20 or best offer. 1 girls long dress only worn once, white top & black patterned bottom. Floor length, size 14, $15 or best offer. 668-8198. Emp. FOR SALE - B&W TV radio AM/FM, record player, combination, new picture tube never used, A-1 condi- tion $150 or best offer. Call 576-5729. Emp. HI-FI STEREO - Westing- house, light oak cabinet, ex- cellent condition $87.50 or best offer. Call 668-4920. Emp. GUINEA PIGS - 8 weeks old, healthy, used to handling father Abyssinian, mother Boston, only $2 each. Call 655-3750. Emp. KITTENS - 2 part persian female kittens, 10 months old, free to good home. Cal 668-6567. Feb. 19 SNOW TIRES - 2 twelve inch rim suitable for 1969 Toyota or Datsun, $8 each or best offer. Phone 576-9963 after 5 p.m. Emp FORD RIMS - 3 14 inch with 5 holes. Sell separate or as pair $5 each. Call 668- 2253. Emp. FOR SALE - 5 14 inch chrome, wire wheels for GM product $200 or best offer. Cal 668-7190. Emp. 'LAWNBOY' - Super heavy-duty lawnmower, used only twice. Must sel $150. Call Mr. Shore 9-5 at 728- 9427. Emp. FOR SALE - Lloyd baby carriage excellent condition, $25. Phone 668-3536 after 7:00 p.m. Emp. FOR SALE - 1966 Chev. Handi-Van $700.00. Call: 655-5066. -Emp. TAPASTRIES - 8 beau- tiful velvet weaved tapastries for floor or wall hangings, seil at cost $30 each (size 4ft. X 3ft.) Call(collect) - 1-649. 5443. Em p FOR SALE - Englis gas dryer nearly new $150, exer- cise bed $30, 8 track tape & electrical box $60, mans 14kt gold ring $80. Call 668- 7927. Emp., WELL PUMP - 1/3 HP power jet, complete with tank. Asking $50. Call after 6 p.m. 668-8189. Emp. CHESTERFIELD - Sec- tional, reversible, brown/gold cushions, excellent condition $125. Call 668-7644. Emp. MANS SUITS -- Near new all wool tall size 4446, dark blue with vest $45, medium bl.-white stripes $35, lightbl. $35, girls skates size 2 $5, rock tumbler kit used once $14. Call 728-5433. Emp. FOR SALE - carrier $8. Car Caîl 668-6093. Baby back seat $12. Emp. WATCH DOG - German shepherd male, 2 years old, very good if you give him some of your love'& time, he will reward you & your pro- perty. House & chain goes with him, very strong dog. $25, must be good home. Call 655-3028. Emp. FOR SALE - 3 14 inch rims for most Ford products with 5 holes. SelI separate or as a pair $5 each. Call 668- 2253. Emp. 1970 TRIUMPH Spitfire convertable, 1300 cc, 4-speed standard, radial tires with new spare tire & new wheel, rack & pinion steering, radio, oil pressure, water tempera- ture, amp. gauges, sporty tachometer & speedometer, custom bucket seats, newly rebuilt engine good condition 38 miles per gallon, mint con- dition, no rust has never seen a winter. Certified $1 ,800 or best offer. Cai Terry 668- 2781. Emp. FOR SALE - Portable Smith-Corona typewriter $60 Young girls' or ladies size 8 brown boots $5. Headboard $3. Call 668-5060. Emp. $25.00 PACKAGE DEAL INCLUDES - Crib & mat- ·tress suitable for cottage, high chair, jolly jujper, com- plete Eldon racing car set. Assembled and used once. Call day 725-1691, evenings 6684593. Emp. I - FOR SALE - One en-- gagement ring like new. Diamond, gold band. Asking only $150.00. Call 723-1950. Emp. STEREO - Console, Ger- man make, 4 speakers in good condition, quality springloaded turntable, AM/ FM radio, short wave & long wave in dark brown wood finish, new needle & cartridge separate bass, treble and volume control $45 or best offer. Call Terry 668-2781. Emp. a -u CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING g g 1957 FIVE TON - Stake international. Has 282 motor steel 900X20 tires, open platforn 16 ft. long X 7 ft. 6 in. wide, good condition has to be seen to be apprec-. iated. $600 or best offer. -Call-6554973. EmP. , SKATES - 2 pairs girls. Daoust made in Canada in good condition $5, and NHC made in Canada size 12 $5. Call 668-5541. Emp.' COAT - Ladies black persian lamb, approximately rsize 20, in good condition, will sell for $50. Call 725- 5714. Emp. SKI-BOOTS - ladies size 6½, buckle style, worn once. $25. Call 668-1307 or 668- 2119. Emp. FOR SALE - TV Channel Master Antenna, good con- dition $30, plus 2 local head $10. Call: 655-3442. Emp,. FOR SALE - 4 crome discs, 14 inch from 1968 Beaumont $5, Skil V4 inch drill 3 wire $5, ail wave TV antenna just head $10, one Uniroyal near new rain tire on wheel Blockwall 6.35 X 14 from 1973 Nova $20. Cali 723-2738. Emp. FOR SALE - About 30, different dolls outfits for 'Crissy' and 'Velvet's Little Sister'. Priced ffrom $1 to $3 Call 728-2578. Emp. SNOWPLOW - new 6 ft adjustable angle coinplete with independent electric- hydraulic power, adaptable to most trucks $500. Call 655-3683. Emp. WRINGER WASHER - Viking square tub, with timer and pump. Excellent condi- tion $50. Call 655-3359 evenings. Emp. FOR SALE - Stereo Bar with short wave AM/FM rad-' io and turntable. Must see to appreciate. Asking $375.00. Phone 668-2198. Emp. RABBIT CASES - lot $15 1971 BOA-SKI skiddoo, very fast machine, must sell $500, Baby carriage converts 3 ways, 4 months old, cost $80 sell $35, 2 high chairs, I wooden, I crome $15, Port- able TV B&W, U.F.H. $75, trunk $15, mini bike helmets 2 for $30, floor polisher $15, rug runner green 2X12 ft. long $12, mix master with' bowl $10, radio $5, iron steam $5, Col. rocking chair $25, Rogers: snare drum & stand, sticks, music, case $50. Call 655-3028. Emp. FOR SALE - 2 piece chesterfield suite, 3 years old in excellent condition; con- temporary style, asking $125 Also wedding gown, size 7, very reasonable. Phone 728- 5061. Emp. 1968 FORD Station wa- gon, Elsie 500, gold & white with roof rack very good condition, asking $695. Call 668-5541. Emp COAT - Tweed, zipped in lining, ladies size 15 - 18, worn twice $35 or best offer. Call 668-8931. Emp. TV - B & W 23 inch floor model, excellent condi- tion $80 or best offer. Call 668-7084. Emp. FOR SALE - Full length Persian Lamb coat, size 16, plus small persian lamb hat, in good condition $200. Call 668-8453. Emp. ENGLIS DRYER gas, 1 year old $100. Call 655- 4361 or 668-5250. Emp. SKIS - 4 pair, $15 each 195 cm & 180 cm with cable binding, I car radio, 12 volts $15, never used. 200 ft. underground copper wire 20 cents a foot, 1 hockey net $5 1,1 inch B&W TV $80, Phil- ips tape recorder, cost $250, sacrifice at $150 including rmic & tapes. 668-5601. Emp 68 VELLETTE -j condition, with new tires, 4 speed, 4 door Call 683-5975. good snow $150.% Emp. 1964 MG MIDGET - 998 cc convertible, body in good condition, needs brake work & a muffler. AUIl other mechanics are good. 38 mile per gallon. Good second car. not certified $200 or best offer. Call Terry 668-2781. Emp. FOR SALE - Record player (portable) $15.00,- kitchen table (chrome and grey marble in design) $20. Please call after 6 p.m. 655- 3240. Emp. COCKER SPANIEL - pup champion sire, blond male, Canadian Kennel Club re- gistration papers, shots, de-* wormed $150. Call 579- 2044. Emp. CANARIES - Male and female, good singers, reason- able $13 - $15 each. Call 668-4915. Emp. SNOW TIRES - With rims, size F78-15, $25 pair, Call 725-1691 days, evenings' 66R-4593. Emp BABY FURNITURE - Stroll o Chair, includes car- riage, stroller, chair, high chair, with interchangeable parts $50. Call 728-0333. Emn LACQUER - Clear vinyl 45 gai. drum - CROMAC No. 451 for priming and/or sur- face protection of ferrous metals and aluminum. Make an offer. New mechanics vice 4½ in. hardened and temperéd jaws asking $25. Call 655-4635. I 668u4231 1-649-5443 Clrermont $28.00 BUYS YOU - FACE CORD - ADDITIONAL BUNDLE OF CEDAR FOR STARTING - FREE DELIVERY NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sell! Therg will not be any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. All advertisements must be laced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not sold RATES if article is sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of the balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item idvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it from the following issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY MUSTANG - 1967, 289 automatic, power brakes, power steering, good condi- tion, uncertified $500. Call 668-3023. Emp. CLOCK antique mantel 'Sessions' $60, antique trunk $50, doll pram, 25 inch Gen- dron as new $17. Call 725- 4283. Emp. FOR SALE - Rebuilt engine with Holley, 4 barrel carb, $65. Call 668-6080. Emp. FOR SALE - 2 Uniroyal Fastrak tubeless tires. A-78- 13 whitewall two ply polyes- ter. Used only a few months $25.00. i tent sleeps four used two summers, good con- dition, $45.00. Call: 655- 4302. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 Viking refrigerator and- 1 Kenmore stove ($100 each or $175 for both), Gibson S.G. special guitar $250, Fender concert amplifier $300. Call after 5 p.m. 668-3941. Emp. BIKE - For girl 8-12 in excellent condition $25. Call 6684852. Emp. FOR SALE - 4, 20 gall- on aquariums, 4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover lights, acces- sories about 50 tropical fish with a red fin shark included' (3 inches long) $130.00. Call 668-9288 after 5 p.m. Emn FOR SALE - Antique roll on top desk plus swivel chair $450.00. Two bedroom cot- tage, inside facilities to bé removed from premises, located Dalrymple Lake $1,000.00. Call 668-3495. for more informalion. Enip. COAT - Tweed with zipped in borg lining, size 15- 18, $35 or best offer. Call - 668-8931. Emp. I WANTED TO RENT Good but cheap one bed- room apartment close to downtown Whitby. 576-7557 after 7. Call - I I FOR SALE - Rug sham- poo hand applicator $5, curl- ing sweater size large 42, Whitby colours gold with green trim $5, curling shoes size 8 or 8½, brown $5, ail articles in good shape. Cali 668-2588. Emp. FOR SALE - Ultra-mod- ern Sound System for DJ or rec-room, 3 portable sec- tions, vinyl covered, tape- deck control panel, switches bogen amp., 2 garrard tran- scription turn tables, 2 audio empire tone arms, GE cart- ridges, 15 inch JB Lansing. Speaker mounted in theatre cabinert New cost $1 ,100, .wil take $700 or best ,offer. Call 668-9746. Emp. APHGANS - old fashioned 45in. X 45in. for $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both multi- and would suit any decor. Call 6554776. Emp. PAN GUITAR - Replica of Gibson LesPaul, two double pickups, excellent condition. Adjustable steel neck $100 Firm. Call 668- 9772. Emp. WANTED - Used clothing and sports equipment, clean in good condition, for Nearly New Shop, 131 Brock St. S. Whitby, to open March lst. Sales on consignment, half to awner.eArticles received îast two weeks of February 10 ta 3 daily. Call 6684100. Feb.19 HELP WANTED BABYSITTER - Woman or high school student to' babysit for four days from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Feb. 21 - Feb. 24. Phone 668-7122 West Lynde area. Feb. 12 WORK WANTED DAYCARE - Available in my home, hot meals. Call 668-6621. Feb.19 BABYSITTER - Mature woiman will babysit an infant in my home 5 days a week. Call 728-5435. Febl2 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Lub oil change and filter ON LY $9.00 fon's cÇexaco cService 655-3559 J. R. HARTLIEF PROPRIETOR CLASS "A" LICENCE 1 MILE NORTH OF BROOKLIN ON- HIGHWAY a1 668-6111 FOR SALE CUSTOM DENTURE CLINIC WHITBY MALL THICKSON ROAD AND HIGHWAY 2 FREE CONSULTATIONS FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 723-7496 EMERGENCY CALLS 728-1386 OWNED AND OPERATED BY FIREWOOD ONLYTHEBESTSEASONED HARDWOOD ELM - MAPLE - BIRCH ETC. KAESTNER D.T. --w q 9 v m """""