Whitby Free Press, 15 Jan 1975, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV, JANUARV 15,1975. PAGE,15 SERVICES TRUCK TOPS F ROM $199.00 AND UP ALUM INUM INSULATED CAPS FROM $299.00 AND UP Brooklin Camping Sales One quarter mile north of Brooklin on Highway 12 655-3776 SALES & SERVICE PIONEER CHAINSAWS GRAY'S ENGINE REPAIRS 324 Thickson Road S (near Highway 401) Phone: 728-0690 VENESSA TEA ROOM AND CARD READING 2 Locations: 465 I3Ioor St. W. Toron to 1853 Lglinton Av(,. W. necar Du frerin Ilours: 7 Days a Week Froin 12 noon to 10OP.> . FOR~ APIPOINTMI-NT PHONE 1-782-0641 AUCTIOKHALL . flC A AI DII 18 McMillan Dr. irwvA EU Wanted ANYTHING you ET15 have for sale. We will buy or DUN'WWUq consign. Open Monday PLAT cte 133AUNON D.W.AÀ 5-96 through Friday, 1 te 8 p.m. PATlctda 3 ANO D . 7596 725-1613. PAINTING AND DECORATING Free Estirnates No Obligation Improve your Home over 20 years experience Cait 668-2692 SNOW TIRES - 600-13 pair $15, Big Jim, Big Joshi camper rescue rig and 6 out- fits, cost $60 wilt seil for $2-5 boys skates in box, size 13 $3, rocking horse $2, Ride &'em Car $2, navy cord girls jacket size 10, new, $4. Cal; 668-5190. Emp. AFGHAN - Purebred with papers for sale. 1 3 months old, blonde with black face and tait. Femiale is house broken. Cal 1 579- 0190. Ja n. 22. MUSTANG - 967, 281- automatic. power brakes1 power steering, good condi- tion, uncertified $50('. CatI 668-302-3. Ernp. CLOCK antique mante] 'Sessions' $60, antique trunk $50, doli pram, 25 înci Gen. dron as new $1 7. CatI 725. 4283. Enp. SKI P>OOTS -Men's Tyrol, size 9½A, good condi- tion $20. Cali 6684600. FOR SALE- Navy Pramn $50, wooden liaypen $13, Gendron stroller $I15, yello\N gingham quilted bedspread $30, customn made captain' bed with miattress, 2 large & 7 small drawers $150, teak phone table 36 in. X 16 in gold tweed $30. 10 in. square wooden ceiting tiglt witli large round butb $12, Jenny Lynde rocking chair $45.' single bcd $25. Cati 655- 4210. Emp 1. FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APARIMENTS NOW AVAl LABLE PHONE 668- EXECUTIVE HOMES SIX MODEIS TO CHOOSE FROM - Alil hornes are arraoyedin a beautiful counitr% setinig in Oshawa. - Alit exteriors are designed ta give each.homne an iý viduoinood and man ner. - Ali have sodded and iandscaped lots with paved driveways. - Alit have luxuriaus broad!oom troughouf, custcrnl de- signed kitchens, spaclaus interiors and dozens ai extra speciai feaitures, cable TV availabie. - Ait provide an ideai environment for today's active famis, ,vitiî sChoois and shops just-Èninutes away. Corne cr.d sce for yours&zef tiese except:'onai homnes iii an exclusive cornmùnity. Drive niorth- on Hormony R. lrom Hwy. -40 1 to Adeaoide Ave. East and lurn righ. FOR INFORMATION CAIL Exclusive Reniai Agent Toronto Lin# 362-07-;0 Oshawa Lino 79-3-537 t SPECIAL SAVINGS Contente of Model Homes. Chesterlletds, Iamps, dinet- te suites, velvet pantlngs, rugs,W Ain Showroom con- dition. ELMAER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloo< St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 CARTAG E PIC K-UP& DELIVERY Whitby T -V Towers 725-2600 18 Grenfell SEIE SAM GODIN OSHAWA Caîl Anytime'.- 1,000 Name, Code, Ra-mit Address Labels, Address, Postal any 4 lines $350 to J.D. Enterprise.E 15-A Easton Street, Cambridge, Ontario NMR 1G3 -. CARPET - - Rubber-back shags $5.88 a square yard. Basement c ar- pet $4.95 per' square yard. Remants. 50% off. These and ma"y other bargains at COUNTY BROODLOOM 1742 Brock Street, South, Whitby (south of 401)' Cati - 668-889 1-649-5443 Coîlect (Claremont) CAMERA - Mirander Sensorex 35mim S.L.R. with Taro: the lense netering sy- stemn, Miranda Auto 28mrn wide angle terme, Miranda auto 50Omîn lense, Soligor T4 tOSnm tense, Soligor T4 300 min lense (ail lenses with hood) Braon F280 Etectronic flash withi bracket and charg- er, 2 Plos extension tube, 9 Asstd. glass filters, Foca bell micro bellows attacliment, cable retease and eye cup, separate leather case for camnera plus a Benser leather carry-at1 Like New W80.00. Minolta I 6mm i Minatuire CAMERA withi Rokker 22 min lense in case $30.00 POLARZOID No.330 camiera with flash attachimenit, in- cludes filin and bulbs, Like New $55.00, Blessing Valve TROMBONE ini deluxe case, as new, cost $550, seil for $150. Phione 668-9449 afler c:0bic fî. $5 2gue mp $150, set o -ch Llodsswig calvesc$50agah, babyocartage c35udC $45. ol5l6-4789e $. FOR poLshere$10,rboy ska t s7e12&4.$aueparir, A15,bergofskis.pods& ens sigs I bos îis ad onctes$0.ai 655-3478. 1±mp. Requires îmmedîateîy, QUALIFIED TEACHERS - ELEMENTARY (K-8) For suppîy teaching in the Whitby area Please Apply to: Mr. D. J. Kettle Superintendent of Personnel 555 Rossîand Road West Oshawa, Ontario LMJ 3H3 THE ROBERT McLAUGH LIN GALLERY Civic Centre, Oshawa requires an ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Knowledge of Accounting Procedures prerequisite Appîy in writing to Director your week ahead ey DR. A.W. DAMIS ______ FoecstPeid:Jauay19 to January 25 THEOOD WOIRD ARIES I)uring this cosic cycle, you couîd be your fr t h i1 Mir. 21- Apr. 19 own - worst enleiny. Il seem.s as though a fo tte'il bad cae 0 -spe-eg -Ilu încm- any TAURUS Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 - June 20 MOONCHILD June 21 - July 22 LEO Juiy 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 IBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 SAGITTARTUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb, 18 PISCES Feb. 19- Mar. 20 nenbers of your signl. 1lease don't be single mirided! Apparently, you're going to hear- soinething that you simpiy don't want lu hear, Most iniporant, take -advice from a routine associale. Well, now! For niost niembers of your sign, there's going to be an important meeting;, es- pccially, with a superior or someone in author- ity. Gemini w~ill corne out on top. Sorry to say, Someone's over friendlincss is, siniply, a (lcCoy. Beware of lhelp that's offered by an acquaintance - there's invisible strings attached. Most menmbers of your sign wvi1t be "showing off," and, no question about it - events conneet- cd with ineceasing your popularity - should give you cause to! Think twice before you buy any major item, such as, a car oi- electrical appliance. Keep ernergency rnoney on band, during Ibis cosmic cycle. Mlore aggressive'ness is recommcendcd for Ibis particular week. You'Il be forced into making a elear eut decision. Iluntly, it's not thie lime tu' ponder. Unext)ected informnation wvill coi-ne yuur way througbi bits and pieces of a casual conversation. So, listeri closely b whal is being said by your routine associates. Involvernent in problems, other than your own, shows in your chart. Don't use hielping some- one cisc - as An escape - frorn your own obligations. In une way or another, someone's change of residence or occupation will affect your long range plans. Also, poke up the tire in your job task or project. Gentie manipulation is, now, in order. Ae- cording to youî- chart, routine assuciates won't be as cooperative as they should be. In other words, don't depend on tearnwork. Many under your sign will discover that fi- nancial reversais can, indeed, restrict social activiies. Generally, this week will be an ac- cumulation of obligations that must be fulfilled. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign AlysiSEsc nd the day. manth, year ond place of birth, plus Sl.0O for postage and handiing ta Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. 0. Box 12766, St. Putersburg, Fiorîda 33733. nde Peers useHe sawm ist wie's mot he leaidou and wsic o afeer.li u and he o aceder hnd And he tfeve lfher. And anshe eos e dmit eredAnd them.oeadmiitrdt Matthew 8: 714 -15 General Joke Confederate General Robert E. Lee said il luo a young student accused of laziness: ,~You must be very fond of your mother, my lad -for-you sure are considerate of hier son!" Road Sign A sign -at a rural crossroad in Canada reads: -Take care which rut you use. You'll be in il for the neNi twenty iles." Gravy and Ham Kentucky is famotr, for fine food. One native recipe cails for soaking a ham ini bourbon for a day, thon cooking il just a little. The second day, add a bottie of Jarnaican x-um and cook sorne more. Add wine and rye whiskey on the Ihird and fourth days. The harn rnay nul turn out but you'Il have some powerful gravyl More or Less When Mom heard that familiar crash in the kitchen she shouted: "More dishes daughter dear?" A low, squeaky voice replied hesi- tantly, "No, mother, less." Verdict I'Guilty or not guilty?" de- manded the judge. "l'ni not sure. Ilavcn't heard the evidenee yet," answered the ýprisoner. ExperieflCed service. Specializing in SmalI Jobs REASONAIBLE RATES TMIE DURHAM BOARD 0F EDUCATION I DEL REALTY INC REALTOR Save in the old fashioned way- We may be old fashioned, but we believe in paying interest- ca generous 4%on regular savings accounts with chequing privileges. H igher interest on long terma savings, too. So put your money where it earns good pay -inl a savings accoult- at Victoria and Grey. Memiber Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation o m i/w peopile of Oflario. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lorne D. Reid 308 DUNDAS st., W. WHITBY 668-024 m r--

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