Whitby Free Press, 8 Jan 1975, p. 6

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7 lUbýr .7qvT V"17, PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 8, 1975. WHITBY F REE PRESS BIRD**S FYE V/EW --JINOUQIAL You had to be therel1 Haven't you ever been told some wild and ridiculous story by somebody who finally, after seeing the disbelicv- ing look you were giving them, said, "You had to be there to really appreciate what was happening!" Having heard ail those wild stories about Boxing Day sales and the littie old ladies, who at the peak of their shopping sprees make Hiroshima seemn like a picnic, I decided to find out first hand. I succumbed to the evils of advertising and carefully browsed through the boxing day sale ads so I1 wouldn't just wander aimlessly through the stores hoping to find a genuine bargain. Armed with money, the ads, a conifortable pair of shoes, and a good night's sleep I figured 1 was ready for the great day and so 1 rolled out of the sack much earlier than I usually do and headed the car into Toronto. I figuired that only in Toronto could I really get the feel of crowded stores and bWisy streets as opposed to the smaller local stores where 15 people in one store would make a mob scene. As I drove through the city streets 1 notîced that for Boxing day things seemed rather quiet and there wasn't much traffic. Little did I realize'until I1 ent into the first store that there wasn't much traffic because everybody ivas already downtown and spending money like they were going to drop the bomb the next day. I was even more puzzled as to where everyb.ody got the money from because if you listen to ail the stories just before Christmas ail your friends will tell you they spent too much for Christmas gifts and now they're broke and aIl that. I can only assume the finance companies had a field day before Boxing day. Fighting my way down the aisles in the first store 1 soon realized most people were there to grab up bargains in toys and Christmas decorations. As far as the eye could see there were mobs of kids screaming for GI Joes and Barbie dolîs and harried parents giving in to protect their sanity at the risk of winding up in the poor house. Christmas decor- ations and cards were being grabbed up so fast I hardly had the opportunity to even look at what wvas on sale because the stuff was just disappearing before my eyes. Once 1 made the mistake of picking up a green wrcath I thought might look nice on the door and out of nowhere Somethi*ng Extra 0 The Lord Simcoe has sonîething EnfJOy a extra for you. Its a 2 niglit ~TeUÂ pecîal for two at a cost of only 2 N ight S69.90. It includes deluxe sa accommodationî for two niglîts. a t Toronto s mit otnna lordA Shncoe Ilotel '7~ breakfast each mnorning. siglhtseeing tour of Toront&*s many exciting attractions is optional. You get soinething else that's special at the Lord Simcoe - it's friendly hospitality you wiIl enjoy throughout your stay with us. Sec your tràvcl agent.or contact us at 150 King Street West, Toronto. Telephone: '362l-1848. Oprutd by B.rk.ty lntrnationb HoWts Ltd. CHRISTMAS COLOURING; CONTESI Popular Whitby artist Harry Thompsori certainly had his hands full when we asked him to judge our Christmas colouring contest. Nearly 500 entries were personally deliv- ered by Whitby youngsters to merchants at the Whitby mail. The entries ranged in age from 3 to 12. The youngest competitors were Terry Hicks, R.R. No. 1 Whitby and Robert Wallis, 138 Thickson Road North, both three. "The great care the children took with the drawings and the striking originallty shown in a large number of the entries made it very difficult to select the winners. Al the contestants deserved a prize. Choosing the final three was one of the hardest jobs l've ever had to do,*' said Mr. Tlrmpson. The wînner was Ella Wallis, 12, 138 Thickson Road North; second place went te Valery Heiler, 8,'329 F.îirview Drive; third place went te Jennifer Lukianchuk, 7, 23 Bannerman Court. Runners up were: David, 12, and Alex Laurie, 11, 13 Thickson Road North; Eddie Dickson, 5, 213 St. Lawrence; and Bernice Vandermale, 5, 52 Elizabeth Crescent. Honourable mention: Tracey Rogers, 8, 100 Applewood Crescent; Deanna Noble, 9-, 10 Parkview Blvd.; Tony Conlin, 7, 1003 Centre Street North; Anne Weber, 146 Thickson Road North; Julie Roberts, 12, 37 Mitchell Ave., Brooklin; Sharon Find- lay, 10, 38 Calais Street; Steven Westcott, 11, 507 Newman Crescent; Jodi Gibhey, il, 1107 Athol Street; Paul Frederick, 9, 97 Applewood Crescent; Stephen Hicks, 8, R.R.No. 1 Whitby;, Kathy Dickson, 11, 213 St. Lawrence; Joanne Nimigon, 8, 1Iil Cedar Street; and Terry Winkel, 10, 84 Applewood Crescent. A tip of our hat to Mr. Thompson - he certainly had a tough job! - Free Press Photo came a hand that grabbcd the wreatlî and it too disap- peared before I even had a chance to get a look at flic cul- prit that took it. I îurned to the lady beside me and weakiy told her it didn'l mia ter anyway because it wvas the wrong colour and then I cased nîyself out and departed from the store. My next stop was Yonge Street and there I couldn't believe what I saw. There were actually people ined up on the streets waiting to gel into the stores. The stores wvere open but there was already too many people inside s0 AWIN!S AFREE HAIRSTYLE if or men or womon) bv AWARD WINN ING HairstyIist - tony Scango of Tony's Hairityling LAST WEEK'S WINNER clerk.s had b stand at the I mia Revised Rentai's Council has announced revised rentai rates for the town's community centres., On Sundays, the Gold Room of the Centennial Building'will cost $20 to rent) the Centennial Bùilding's Re- gai Room goes for $50 while the rental rate for Heyden-' shore Pavillion is $60. Monday through Thursday the Gold Room will cost $25, Regal Roorn $60 and Hey- denshore $75. On Fridays, $35 is the rate for the Gold Room, $90 for the Regal Room and $1 50 for Heydenshore. On Saturdays, the Gold Room costs $40, the Regal Room $100 and Heydenshore $200. The rates for New Year's Bye are double that of Satur- days with the Gold Rooni to cost $80, the Regal Room $200 and Heydenshore $400. Brooklin-Whitby Major idget Booster Club draw nners: 1) C. Moore 2) A. McCommond 3) C. Cornish doors allowing just a few people away. Both Sain the Record Man and A & A Music store had large crowds lined up on the sidewalks and after fighting my way past both these crowds 1 dropped into a small snack bar for a bite. I was surprised to f ind few people in- side but flot surprised to learn of the limited menus be- cause the place was almost out of food. The snack bar was unable to get food delivieries over Christmas and Boxing Day and the early crowds had already depleted flhc food supplies to thc point where 1 couldn't even get a glass of cold root beer. But thc higlilight-of my Boxing Day tour happened at a makeshift store where they wcre having a riot sale of blue jeans at truly bargain prices. Tie prernises used to be a large grocery store whicbh ad goiie under and was now just a large roorn filled with wooden tables stacked about three t'cet high with blue jeans. None of the jeans were sorted out as to size and colour and the place was absolutely iliobbed. One table xvas surrounded by people but wvas cmi- pty. ThenIci noticed a guy comnifg out of the back rooin with a big box wvhich lie openied near the cash register about 15 feet froni thîe table. Froni the box he.took an armiful of jeans which were on sale for only 98 cents. Suddenly lie threw the bundle toward the table and so hielp mie fot one pair lut that table. The nmob lîad themn in înid air and I was caughit in the stamipede. I figure I saved enougli roney on niy purchases Boxing Day to pay for fie bandaidsand linimrent 1 used aftcr get- ting trampled in the jeans store. Really, you had to be there 10 appreciate it... WHITBY DN URE CLINIC 214 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY -668-7797 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT OFFICE HOURS Monday te Friday 9 - 6 Saturdays 9- 1 And Evenings NO CHARGE. FOR CONSULTATION New custam dentures direct to the public 90 days uncanditional guarantee on ail new irs and Relinesi ONTARIO The Wtitby Fros Prous in co-oporation with Tony's Hairstyling, Blair Park Plaza is giving away a FREE hairstyle ta the first person phoning the FREE PRESS after 2 p.m. Thursday whose last ttiroe digits of their telephane number matches ans of the sequences found hidden ttroughout thii issue. If the last three numbers of your telephane number match one of the lucky numbers hidden throughout this issue' caîl the FREE PRESS at 688-611il aftsr 2 p.m. Thursday. If you'ro the FIRST callor you'Il win the Free PMI ~ balrstvls ai tb MkJ dentures provided One year tree adjustment Repa MEMBER 0F THE DENTURIST SOCIETY 0F 1 clerks liad to stand at the

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