PAGE 14, WEUNESDAY JANUARY 8, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDDING GOWN - Bro- cade velvet, miatchiing fLini length cape with hood, nialibu trim, size 10, $135. White FOX FUR CAPE $75, Cati 655-3009 after- 6 p.mi. Enmp. FOR SALE- Baby back carrier, 2 way position $8, English baby seat withi tray suitable for hionie or car $5,1 portable jolly jumiper $6, cal 6684416. Emp.' FREE - Kitten, maie, black & white, thiree rnontis, old and hiousebroken. Cal 668-5965. FOR SALE - Baby carri- age $80, carbed $8, jolly jumper $5, large box of clothes for baby 12 monthis to 24 months i ncluding snow- suits and boots. Everything is in immaculate condition $15. Floor polisher $10, boys skates size 13 & 4 excel- lent condition $5 a pair, Alberg skis, poles and mens boots size 8. Used once $60 King size box-spring and' mattress by perfect sleeper needs frame. Xill take best offer. Cail 655-3478. Emp. I FOR SALE - H.O., model tri-ang train set S1I50. Caîl 72-8-0690. Emp. MOVIE CAME RA -.-auto- mati eee'3lens. 1 automa- tic feed projector with zoom lens and autornatie rooni iight dîimer, 1 liglht bar with bulbs. I film editor. I fourý feet by fou r feet beaded screen, 1 projector stand, ail in good condition package deal S275. Caîl 6.55-3815. Emp. ____ ____ ____ __AL F1 FOR SALE -- O'lynmpic lamninated skis with hlarness, 60 inches long, perfect condi- tion $10, size 5 niouldcd rubber ýski boots $10, womnan's Bauer figure skates in size 3 and 5 $5 each, AM- FM push button car radio for Datsun or Toyota only $20, AGS solid state cassette car sterco, playback and record' in stereo, sacrifice at $75, AM-FM sterco multiplex tun- er reccîver only $50. antique cash register, ideal for rec roomn bar $25, Scandanaviari chiesterfield aId matching chair in turquoise fabric, bothi for $75. Cali 688-2478 after 6 p.mi. Emp. FOR SALE - Used B&W television, 26 inch, floor model with doorg good con- dition asking $75.00. Cal 6554225. Emp. trailer. sleeps four, includes foarn mattress, spare tire & leatherette tover ini good shape $300. 8 dressed large male rnink peits. silver beige. tanned and soine with white chin. S-30 eachi. 668-2 166. 1 ~Enp. FOR SALE-- 1966 Ford Stationwagon 2189 ruotor, P. S., P.W., DHB687 uncertified iii runiflig condition. Asking $I150. C:all 668-8629. Emip. FOR SALE Two girIs- bikes [n good condition suit ages 6 - 9. Phoiie 723-0590. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 Hoover Vacuum cleaner. 3 vears old, good condition $40. Cal 668-9073. Emp. Luicky Nuruber 766 Luckv Nuruber 664 Lucky Number 663 HAVE YOU SEENe OXFO. SENSATIONAL VALUE AT $59,990 " Alil homes are arrayed ini a beautiful country settiflg " Alil exteriors are designed to give each home an individual rnood and manner " Al have sodded and landscaped lots with pavcd driveways * Alil have luxurlous broadloomn throughout, customn designed kitchenis, spacious interiors and dozens of extra special features OUR GUARANTEED TRADE IN PLAN MAKES IT EASY TO MOVE UP A Woodstrearf Meadows homne cari be yours with surprising case. Don't worry about selling your present home. We will look after that with a trade-in plan, personally tailorcd to meet your nceds. that guarantees the sale of vour prescrit home.1 Cone and sec for yourself the exceptional value of the the exclusive community of Woodstrcam Meadows, located north on Harmiony Road frcrn highway 401 to Adelaîde Avenue East and right to Woodstrcamn Meadows. Toronto une I~~L EXCLUSIVE 862-0750 tLJL) SALES Oshawa lune DEL t<fE ALIY I rc R EA LTO9R AGENT 723-5371 -q M SNOW TIRES - 600-131 pair $15, Big Jim, Big Josh camper rescue rig and 6 out- fits, cost $60 will seli for $25 boys skates in box, size 131 $3, rocking horse $2, Ride 'cm Car $2, navy cord girls jacket size 10, new, $4. Cati 668-5190. Emp. FORSAL - arbcue STREO& rcor pLye 24 inch diameter $4, Carpet sweepcr, antique, price open, 1 headboard 39 inch vinyl $3 pair of ski boots (Intersport) new condition, size -7-8 $50, Portable Smnith-Corona tylïe- writer, excellent condition $75. Cail 668-5060. Emp. TEAK TABLE 51 inch, with extensions 9 1 'A, 4 chairs .1 needs repair $100, tcak coffee table 5ýi inch X20 inch $60, Navy prarn $50, wooden playpen $13, Gen- dron stroller $ 15, yeilow ,gingharn quilted bedspread $30, wooden rocking chair $30, customn made captain's bcd with mattress, 2 large & 2 srnall drawers $150, teak phone table 36 inches x 16 inches gold tweed $30, 10 inch square wooden ceiling iight with large round bi $12, single bed $25. Cali 655- 4210 Emp Viking $100, Viking B &, W TV 21 inch $100, coffe table oblong $15, portable- sewing table, $1-2; neéw kit- chen chairs (2) $10, corner step table $15, ail in good condition. Cali 576-3047. Emp. SYLVANIA Suntan kit S16, imperial Rtig shampoo TV - B & W 21 inch $30, hand applîcator $7, bath I bcd chamber pot, Royal implements like new. Cati Ironstone $20, 1 bcd chamn- 668-2588. Erni ber pot decorated goid $10, caîl 668-8432. Emp. STOVE-- 30 inch eiectric automatic, self-cleaning, ro- tisre 17 dirimdl SKATES - Girls' white w hite, as new condition $ 75 fiur e s a s, iz 3 $5 o e Caîl 68-980. E p air iunior Pro skis, harness FamR $3SDAEr-Bas$2, i;aby lounger $2, pla p S2$, gýb olf ge Sag,$5. ay 725-6733 F in banjo $60. Caîl 655-3534. 1 ~Ermp _ pair Senior Pro skis, harness and poles asking $50, small ironing board and iron, (clilds) $2, one easy-bake Ioven (Susie Hornemnaker) $6. Caîl 725-1280. Emp. SLEý- ijim &Scotty" Wilsn REALTOR 6601777 Marguerite Kulik REALTOR 715 Grifford Street, Oshawa - Small Stucco bungalow. Nice condition, ideal starter home with low down payment. Asking $25,000. Open to offers. Don't miss this- one! MUTIPE LISTING SEPVICi 3 bedrooni Ranch bungalow situated on large lot ,50 feet by 200 feet. Needs some work. For further information cal 668-7777. 4 bedroom semi-detached situated near Oshawa shopping entre. Extra large kitchen, living rooni and dining room. 4 piece and 2 piece tule bath- room. Asking $45,500. Oshawa 3 bedroom condominium apartment - sauna, swimming pool, carnies for $287.00 princi- pal interest and taxes and second mortgage also heat, hydro and maintenance. Down payment $558.00 and it's yours. Hurry on this one. Patty Simpkiss Dou2 ",,Sçotty" Taylor, Benny Stà cewicz Jeanne Hughes 121 BROCK STREET NORTH. WVHITB3Y 668-7777 '1 ý- rC 1 7AS SS Il FF Il 1- CHEVY Il - 1964, 2 door body excellent, good tires, snows included, uncertified $300 or best offer. Cati .579- 2044 for appointment. This would be a good 2nd car and is a gas saver. Emp. PERSIAN LAMB coat black, mink -collar, like new $300, GE floor polisher in very good condition $5, GE electric hair setter with rollers, only used once $5. Cati 576-3424 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Emp. STROLLER - Gendron as new, brand new canopy, and padded seat $20. Cati 668-5190. Emp. BABY ITEMS - Like new swing-a-mnatic car bed $8, swalker $5, jolly jumper $3, 1comode $5, stroller $3, bike halmet $20. Cali 579-3332 L il