Whitby Free Press, 31 Dec 1974, p. 17

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Free Press Emporieum 668-6l11 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE 1 Girls win- ter coat,- blue with white fur on hood, cuffs and pockets. Knee length, size 14, $20 or best offer. 1 girls long dress only worn once, white top & black patterned bot-tom. Floor length, size 14, $15 or best offer. 668-8 198. Einp. FOR SALE - B & W TV con.sole $25, table with 4 chairs $35, 9 inch mattress and box spring $30, bird cage with sand $ 10. Cail: 655-3028. Emp. FOR SALE - 5 14 inch chrome, wire wheels for GM product $200 or best offer. Call 668-7190. Emp. FOR SALE - Philips floor model stereo with 4 built in speakers. Excellent condi- tion. S200.00 or best bfer. Antique gramaphone, 4ý4 feet high, crank rissing, $225, or best offer. CatI: 66e-9778. Emp. FOR SALE- 6 foot X 4 foot sliding pierson window suitable for cottage or addi- tion S55.00. Phione 7284849, Emip. FOR SALE -- Lloyd baby carriage excellent condition, $25. Phione 668-35.36 after 7:00 p.m. Emp. FOR SALE- 4, 20 gall- on aquariums, '4 heathers, 3 pumps, 2 cover lights, acces- sories about 50 tropical fish wth a red fin shark included (3 inches long) S 1 30.00. Cal 668-9288 after 5 p.m. Emp. FO newly set )R SALE - 5 piece uphatstened kitchen $65. Cal! 655-4368. Emp. FOR SALE - I Panasoic- Stereo with cassette, power- fuI amplifier, automatic tun- ing and more $350. Cal 6684956. Emp. FOR SALE - 1966 Chev. Handi-Van $700.00. Cail: 655-3066. Emp. LEARN TO DRIVE rRACTOR TRAILERS Now You can train igthr in Canada!' rgthr *Tuition Tax Deductibie! Placemrent assistance guaran- teed! * Weekend training aiso avail- able! For application and interview, Write: Safety Department- The Canadian Institute of Tractor Traiter Train ing Ltd. 207 Queen,'s Quay We. Toron to il17, On tar io Or Caîl 416-864-9331 <Formerly Trans-Canada Port Tr;ý!ining) Q Motors Aerials- Service TD.we-,rs Qne Low Price Neyer Undersold SEE SAM GODINý rans- E -FOR SALE - Brand New 8 track tape deck' for car. Neyer been used $70 or best offer. Cail 668-5745. Enp. MANS SUITS - Near new aIl wool tail size 44-46, dark blue with vest $45, mnedium bi. white stripes $35, lighit b!. $35, girls 'skates size 2 $5, rock tu7mbler kit used once $14. Cal! 728-5433. Emp. I FOR~ SALE -1 cape $50, size 14 - lent, condition. FOR SALE - table szaw with r $25, I Eatons' 5 H.P. $50. Cal I G ray kid -16, excel- 668-5326 Emp. .I upright new motor chain saw, 668-1234. Fm- llp. FOR SALE - 3 14 inch rims for most Ford products withi 5 haoles. Sel! separate or as a pair $5 eaclh. Cal! 668- 1221-53. Emp. FOR SALE - 4 F70-14 Good Year raised wite letter (used) $45. Caîl 668-2641. Emp. SUITS -,3 Mei's rnear riew~, al wool. taI! size 44-46 dark blue with vest $45. mced. bi. witlh white stripes S35, light b!. '$35. Girls' skates size 2 $5, rock tumibler kit used only once $14. Cal! 728-5433. Enmp. FOR SALE - Westing- house salon style hair dryer, new condition $ 15, 2 evening dresses, 1 navy, 1 floral, size 12, $10 each, beautiful pinký floral bridesmaid dress and hat worn once, size 9, $15. Cal!: 576-2884. Emip. $25.00 PACKAGE DEAL INCLUDES -. Cnib & mat- tress suitable for cottage, high chair, jolly jujper, com- plete Eldon racing car set. Assembled and used. once. Cal! day 725-1691, evenings 6684593. Emp. FOR SALE - carnier $8. Car Cail 668-6093. FOR SALE Baby back seat $ 12.1 Emp.1 - 0112 en- gagernent ring like new. Dianiond, goîd .band. Asking oniy $150.00. Cal! 72-3-1950. Ernp. FOR SALE - Hoaver Vacuum cicaner, almost new, with attachments and bags $20, electric deep fryer new S5, beautiful o!d telephane table and pettipoint in wal- nut $35. Cali 668-6567. Emp. FOR SALE - 30 inch stove in wonking condition. suitable for cottage $30. Cal! 6684058. Emp. FOR SALE - Sterco Bar with short wave AM/FM rad- io and turnitable. Must sec ta appreciate. Asking $375.00. Phone 668-2198. Ernp. Whitby T.V. Towers 725-2600 18 Grenfel 0.00OSHAWVA S Open 9a.m. tîli 9 p.rn. I a 1957 FIVE TON - Stake international. Has 282 motor steel 90OX20 tires, open platform 16 ft. long X 7 ft. 6 in. wide, good condition has to be seen ta be apprec- iated. $600ý or best offer. Cali 6554973. Emp. TAPASTRIES 8 beau.- tiful velvet weaved tapastries for floor or waIl hangings, seIl at cost $30 each (size 4fî. X 3ft.) Cal! - 668-4231. Emlp. COAT - Ladies black persian lamb, approximately size 20, in good condition, will seIl for $50. Cal! 725- 5714. Emp. FOR SALE - 1966 Inter- national travel-al! 4 wheel drive 3/4 ton good condition could be certified. $700 655- 3028. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 propane 1 space heater, nearly new large enough ta heat 3 rooms $85- Cati 68-3-2370. Emo. FOR SALE - Hockey skates size 5 good condition $12, hockey shin pads for age 1l or 12 $2, shoulder pads $2, snowmobile boots size 8 S5, snownmobiîe lhelmet age Il or I12 excellent clon- dition $5. ('ail 668-4706 af'ter 5 o'clock. Emp. FOR SALE-- About 30, different dolîs outfits for 'Crissy' and 'Velvet's Little Sister'. Priced ffrom S I ta$3 Cal! 728-2578. Emp. FOR SALE - TV Channel Master Antenna, good con- dition $30, plus 2 local hcad S10. Call: 655-3442. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 gem ecut- ting, shaping & po!ishing machine, also set of rock tumblers, various pieces of gemn stone included. A-I condition $400. Cal! 655- 4237. Fmp. FOR SALE I- pair of bauen skates, boys size 7 in good con~tiafin $5, 9 com- piecjigsaw puzzles, -2 hack- ey and 7 sccnic. 2 never been openced 50 cenits each or ai! for $5. Cal! 688- 4465>. Emp. FOR SALE - 4 nice cramne discs 14 ini. fnomn a 68 Beaumaont for $5. SkI 1/4 in. dri!! 3 wire for 55. AI! wave T.V. antenna just the hecad for $10. One uniroyal near new ramn tire on new wvhec1 blackwall 6.35 X 14 l'ram 73 Nova $20. Ex- perienced woodsmnan cari cut dawn 10 poplar trees lfor severai cord of finewood if lie lias saw..pole climibers and rope for $20 wlhicli is refuind- able ini fui! ta iiln whien branches etc. is c!eaned Up. Cal! 723-2738 evenings. Emip. FOR SALE - Chriisîmas puppies 6 weeks old, miother purebrcd Labrador, father purebred Newfaund!ander Cal! 655-3883 ask for Greg. Dec. 18 FOR SALE - Arborite kitchen couniter top. L- shaped approximately Sft.6in X 4ft. Complete with double sink unit. Suitable for cot- tage or apartmlent, $35. Cal! 668-29)231. Emp. M - R SALE - 1 Gas Dryer like new $ 100.00 or best offer. Cati 655-4370. Ernp. FOR SALE - Camper to MUST be sold so no reason- able offer will be refused. Cal! 668-3497 late evening or early morning. Emp. FOR SALE - Beauty sa- Ion equipment & supplies. A beautiful desk $60, 2 sinks $50 each, 2 new sharnpoo chairs $25 each, custom rod iron coat rack $50, matching divider $20, shamnpoo unit & cupboards $60, display divid- er with 2 glass shelv'cs $50, 2 vanities with mnirrors 3ft. X 4ft. $50 each, 1 dryer on rol! about base $35. For more information cal! 668-6567. Emp. ENGLIS DRYER gas, I year old $100. Cal! 655- 4361 or 668-5150. Emnp. 9 SKIS -- 4 pa... :i:> eacit I95 cmn & I180 cm iwithi cable binding, 1 car raîdioI12 volts $ 15, t-eyer uised. 200 ft. underground copper wire 20 cents ai foot. 1 hockey net $5 1 I inch B&W TV S80. Phil- ips tape recorder, cost $250, sacrifice ai S$I50 including inic & tapes. 668-5601. Emip SNOW TIRES - Dunlop Wealhcmas,,,r SP, 170-13, $40 or best offer. Scissor type ski rack, can Iock $1 5. Cail 668-6473. Emp. FOR SALE - Record player (portable) $ 15.00,j kîtchen table (chrome and grey marble in design) $20. Please cail after 6 p.m. 655- 3240. Emip. FOR SALE - 3 pups, 8 weeks o!d, part srna!! terrier and beagle. 2 females and 1 maie, nice house dogs, SIC Plionie afîer 5 655-4616. Emp. COCKER SPANIEL --pup chiam-pion sire, blond maie, Canadian Kennel Club ne- gistration papers, shots, de- wornmed S150. Cal! 579- 2044. Em-np. FOR SALE -Full iengtil black persiali lamb coat, suze 1 6 plus smnall persian laint) hiat $200. Cail 668-8453. SNOW TIRES - With ims, size F78-15, $25 pair, Cal! 725-1691 days, evenings 668-4593. Emn. FOR SALE -,SmiaIl fibre- glass house traflen $ i1,700. Canadian Tire built box trailer $ 175.00 bath like new CANAR1IESI, - Maie and femnale, good singens, reason- able $13 - $15 each. Cal 668-4915. Emp. FJIREWOOD ONLY THEBESTSEASONED HARDWOOD ELM - MAPLE - BIRCH ETC. 668-4231 <1-649-5443 Claremont $28.00 BUYS YOU -FACE CORD -ADDITIONA L BUNDLE OF'OR FOR STARTING -FREE DELIVERY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Siêpard dogs (cross between a Labrador Retriever andFO AE-3Gra Shepard) Have hiad ail theiri shots and tIicenccd 13 months aId $20 each. Caîl 655-4973. Emp. FOR SALE- - 1 Magnus cord organ, perfect condition $40. rÇail 655-4957. Emp. FOR SALE -Rebuilt engine wîth Holley, 4 barre! carb. $65. Cali668-6080. Fm P. FOR SALE2 Uniroyal Fastrak tîubeless tires. A-78- I3 whitewall two pîy polyes- ter. Used only a few mionths $25.00. I tent s!eeps four used two summens, good con- dition, $45.00. Cali: 655- 4302. Y.mp. FOR SALE - I Viking refrigerator and I kenmore stove ($100 each or $175 for bath), Gibson S.G. special guitar $250, Fender concert amplifier $300. Cal! after S5 p.m. 668-3941.- Emp. FOR SALE - 2 piece chesterfie!d suite, 3 years old in excellent condition, con- temporary style, asking $1 25 Also wedding gown, size 7, very reasonable. Phione 728- 5061. il Emp. FOR SALE - Antique roI! on top desk plus swivel chair $450.00. Two bedroom cot- tage, inside facilities ta be rem-oved f romn premises, located Daîrymple Lake $ 1,000. 00. Caîl 668-3495. frmore inftoiimat.;i. Emop. PONY ---Welshi, tenliorse., $50. Cal! part quar- 655-4776. COAT- Tweed with zipped ini bang lining, size 1 5- i8, $35 on bcst affer. Caîl - 668-8931. Emip. CLOCK antique niante! 'Sessions' $60, antique trunk $50, dail pram, 25 inch Gen- dron as new $ I17. Cal 725- 4283. Emip. 1SKI BOOTS' - Me's Tyrol, size 9!4, good condi- tion $20. Cal! 668-4600. I *1.* FOR SALE - English saddle second hand in excel- lent condition, $130. Cal! 655-3715. Emp. FOR SALE - 1I flair dryer & chair (salon type) $50. 1 -steamer good condition $50 Caîl 668-3679 or 668-3061. Emp. M FOR SALE- Ultrut-miod- cmn Sound Systemi for Di or roc -rooîn. 3 pùrtable sec- tions, vinyl covered, tape- dock contrai panel, switches bogen amp., 2- garrard tran- scription tomn tables, 2'audio empire tone arms, GE cart- ridges, I15 inch JB Lansing. Speaker mounted in theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100, will take $700 or best offer. Cail 668-9746. Emp. BABY Dressing table $5, Gendron baby carniage $25, Electrohorne humidifier $15, Cal] - 668-5227. Emp. BABY FURNITURE - Stroîl o Chair, includes car- niage, stroller, chair, hiigh chair, with interchangeable parts $50. Cali 728-0333. Emp. MUSTANG - 1967, 289 auitomatic, power brakes, power steering, good condi- tion, uncertified $50Q. Cal! 668-3023. Emro. HELP WANTED - Fe- maIe, four days a week, Tues- days ta Fridays froin 7:30 a.m. ta 3:30 p.m. Cail 668- 3586. Dec.31 BABYSITTER WANTED - Reliable, on weckénds anly, fan smia!l baby. Caîl 668- 6066 anytimie. Dec.31 WANTED - 20-30 year aid sensible girl ta share townhouse apt. with 2 othen girls starting January or Feb- ruary. Cali 668-6473. FOR RENT Twa bedraam apartments for rent cail 668-6000. ROOM TO RENT - Ia gentleman, furnishied, eall 668-7927. Jaîî. 8 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Safety Inspection only $15. 00 j(oz' n s exacocS'ervice 655-3559 J. R. HARTLIEF PRO PRIETOR CLASS -A" LICENCE 1 MILE NORTH 0F 13ROOKLIN ON HIfGHWAY 12 WHITBY FREE PRESS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1974, PAGE 17 NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREEi in thie FRE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLYl wiien you seli! There will ot' bc any charge to advertisers in the FREE PRESS, EMPORIUM unless the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based on TUE1ý ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. 411 advertisementsi must be placed on an exclusive basis witli the WIIITBY FREE PRESS and ruîi at least one month if flot soid RATES (Of article is -soid): 5% of advertiscd price up to $400. 00 2% of the balance over $400.00O EXAMPLE: Sold item -idvertised for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (miinium commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only!' Please notify us if you find a retailer iisted as a priva te advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Firee Press immediately %vhen item is sold so that we may delete it from the foilowing issues. Services, help wanted, ciothing, reai estate and personal message type ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cal! 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: -FREE PR ESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY -mr- -1 p e EXACO e.

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