WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18.,1974, PAGE 27 SERVICES TRUCK TOPS FROM $199.00 AND UP ALUM INUM INSU LATED CAPS FROM $299.00 AND UP Brooklin Camping Sales One quarter mile north of Brooklin on H ighway 12 655-3776 SALES &SERVICE PIONEER CHAINSAWS "IALSAlNo keorf"d~~p. diot- GRAY'S e ~ w«» ENGINE REPAIRS âz ý i oa mon- 324 Thickson_ Road S. 8I¶g. (near Highway 401). Phone: 728-0690 Oe PERFORMANCE RENAIIULTEONM EXPERIENCED FACTORY BACKED SERVICE DEPARTMENT FOR RENAULTS we also specialize in import cars c & C MOTOR SALES LTD. 160 SIMCOE STREET S. OSHAWA. ONTARIO. SKIS - 4 pairs $1 5 each, 145 cm & 180 cm with cable hinding, 1 car radio.,I12 volt, neyer used $1 5, 200 feet un- derground copper wire 20 -cnts a ft.. 1 hockey net S5, 1l inch B & W.electrohonie portable TV $80 firn, 1 ye *ar new. Phiilips seven inch ree! to reel sterco tape recorder, cost $250 sacrifice at S1I50 including mic and tapes. C:aîî 668-5601. Emp. 728-0051 39 Inch Continental B6ds $59.90, 21 piece chesterfields $168j80, mattresses $29.90, 5 piece kitchen sets $49.90. New Furniture low overheed. Open 1:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M,.ý Blakes' Northend Furniture 1670 Sirncoe Street North, Oshawa Telephone: 576-4477 WE SHARPEN Hand Saws Sktil Saw Lawnmower Blades Ele ENi 400 Chain Saw Axe Hedge Clippers I (Hand and Eîectric> ýectric Ho use Soissors BOB CAWKER rERPRISES LIMITE D Mary St. E., Whitby PHONE: 668-9881 I ~ M 1H-Fl -- Sterco. house, lighit a excellent condition Cal! 668-4920. Westing- cabinet, S87.50. Emnp. LACQUER - Clear vinyl 45 gal. drumi - CROMAC No. '451 for priinill and/or sur- faice protection of ferrous nietals and alurnnium. Make an offer.- New mechanics vice 4½ h'>i. îardened and temipered jaws asking $25. Cal! 655-4635. omathing foinerUne,.eeyo C- BELL BHOWEI at vr, *mpoetiv Pttis Visîtour Ehowrorn an See orMYorseOf Showroorn Lours [4 *T*0#o- '356 DU~ hIe (jI . Bwu AN, AVE. OSHAWA 7123-3961 CAMERA - Mirander Sensorex 35mnm S.L.R. with Tr:the lense m'etering y stem, Miranda Auto 28nm wide angle - lense, Miranda auto 50rnm lense, Soligor T4 lOSmm lçnse, Soligor T4 300 mom lerise (ail lenses with hood) Braon F2 80 Electronic flash with bracket and charg- er, 2 Plos extension tube, 9 Asstd. glass filters, Foca bell mnicro bellows attachiment, cable release and eye cup, separate leather case fo r camera plus a Benser leathier carry-ail Like New $850.00. Minolta I 6mm Minatuire CAMERA with Rokker 22 mm lense in case $30.00 POLAROID No.330 camera with flash attachment, in- cludes f'ilmi and bulbs, Like Ncw $55.00, Blessing Valve TROMBONE ini deluxe case, as new, cost $5ý0, sel! for $I150. Phone 668-9449 al'ter 7:00 p.n. Emlp. Choose a "fresli cut" tree with a higlh moisture content. IStore the tree outdoors. Make a new diagonal cut at least 2" frorn the butt before setting the tt>ee uip i ndoors. Stand the tree ini a container that holds plenty of water. Refilthe container each day. Anchor the tree secturely. Place ït away fromi sources of heat 10 reduce drying. Use onîy electric igh ting Jsets thadt bezir mark of approval andi illi)ect for déirnage and frayed cords. Use oniy 1 5-amrp fuse ori circuit servinq your tree. Use glass wool or asbestos "snow" or ther non-combustible material in decor- ating the tree or your home. Dismantle and remove the tree -as sooh~ Ps it has served its purpose. O ON HRIOSA#TM ASUETORONOOT AWINI AFREE HAIRSTVLE <for men or women) by AWARD WINNING Hairstylist -Tony Scangqk of Tony's Hairstyling LAST WE EK'S WI NNE R Sorry folks, no winner Iast week Check the lucky.,numbers. They could be yours!, The Whitby Free P resr in co-operation with Tony's Hairstyling, Blair Park Plaza is giving away a FREE hairstyle to the first person phoning the FREE PRESS after 2 p.m. Thursday whose last three, digits of their telephone number matches one of the sequences found hidden throughout thi; issue. If the last three numbers of your telephone number match onie of the Iucky numbers hidde'n throughout this issue, cali the FREE PRESS at 668-6111 af ter 2 p.m. Thursday. If you're the FiRST caller you'll win the -:ree Press bairsvle of the wepk! your weok ahead BY OR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: December 22 to Decesaber 28 ARIES In the weeks to corne, don't beconie sidetracked Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 by problems that are neot yours. Stay with your own projeets, tasks and missions. Also, get more advice than you give. TAURUS Apr. 20.- May 20 GEMINI May 21 - June 20 MOONCIIILD June 21 - JuIy 22 LEO July 23.- Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23.- Sept. 2 LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23.- Nov. 21 SAGlITIARIUS Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan.1 There's a tcndency, on your part, to fight back when your mmid is disturbed. Cool it! Put the pieces together when you're not emotional then get in your licks. Avoid the habit of too much "self analysis."1 Bluntly, you're prone to create problenis that don't exist. . . especially, with memnbers of the opposite seX. You're flot one who likes to share your prob- lems or wvorries. If you, really, look into things ...you'll find that most of your "fears" are based on self ereated uncertainties. Pride and anxiety are at the bottom of your problems, in general. Watch how well you per- form with the attitude: Who much cares - a hundred years from now! lU's a fact of life, distrust in others is one of your hidden problems. Allow for good inten- tions; you'l discover how persons will favor you in the long haul. Balancing the scales, on sex questions, is not your strong point. Face reality when you weigh "good" against ',bad.'" You'll be sur- prised with. improved affairs of the heart. Einotional "ups" and "downs" in your reaction toward others are, indeed, problematical. You'll discover a stabilizing ettect if you seek to hielp persons, less fortunate than yourself. A big drawback? Misunderstindings and tact- lessness, on your part. Theý solution? If an apology doesn't wvork . . . abandon thse situa- tion that caused your problem, in the first place. Your aims take on a strange twist. Once you 19 dAo reach what is called "success" . . . you'l seek what you do believe to be "complete suc- cess." Only Capricorn understands the differ-. ence. AQUARIUS Diffused interests, this year, might cause you Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 a loss of direction. Consult your friends, when you become over anixious about a particular projeet, you'Il abandon superfulous goals. PISCES There could be a lack of niethod in your pres- Feb. 19 - Mai-. 20 cnt project. Don't atternpt sudden changes, in thse next several weeks. Reorganize, gradually! Otherwise, you'll heap confusion on confusion. PERSONALITY PROFILE' For your Sun Sign Analysîs, s.nd the day, month, year and place. of birth, plus 51.00 for postage and handling ta Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. 0. Box 12766, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. Christmas Solstice St. Francis, 0f Assissi Northern European tribes used St. Francis of Assissi is rec- to celebrate their chief festival ognized as tise originator of of the Yule around the time Christmas Carols as we know of the winter .solstice. ýThat's them today. "Carol'~ originally when the days began to lengthen meant a dance with singing. St. and the "rebirth of tise sun" was Francis, in thîrteenith century hon <ored. Italy, also introduced the famous Nativity Scene which depiets the baby Jesus in tise manger, .- ~. ~. ~---------------ê....~ , -. - .- ~*.-. .-, - ,..----,~. -. .- - - - CARTAGE PIC K-UP& DELIVERY Experienced Service Can handie any size move Large or SmalI REASONABLE RATES Cali Anytime: - 1-649-5443 Collect L (C lare mont)