CHRISTMAS CAROL PULL-OUT SECTION 8 WHITBY FREE PRESS Am- 3Hoiday joy is twice as sweet when it cornes from simple things... cherished things . . our homes, Ouir children, our friends. May the true pleasures of Christmas be FR OM TIIMA Nil GhIMNT yours. AND S TA FF OF TII!:ý' WHI TB Y FREFE PR ESS A from our faumily to your ' faumly.. ail the best Management and staff of STOKELY-VAN CAMP 0F CANADA LTE? ccnners andalicsirilors of-veeeta6/es anflruiis P.O. BOX 356 - WHITBY, ONTARIO LIN, 5S4 van Camos HfAr, (^. ENJOY- m Girei liqs A gaîly wrapped holi- day to friends ail around town. Hope pienty of nice s.ur- prises are in store. MRe REC ROOM Whitby Mail 728m2762, r A jolly, good-time Christmas ta aur good friends every- w'here. Lots more! 112 COLBORNE ST.W. WHITBY 668-2831 PICK-UP & DELIVER ý 1 à 11#4 «