Brookliln Bylines 1 Well we're into the liorestretclî witlî one week to go. And I hope that you are sticking the pace! If you've got a few minutes, wliy don't you sit down and take a breather and find out wliat's happening in the North Ward during the next few days. .We'Il start off witli Ashburn. On Friday, 20th Decemn- ber at 7:30 p.rn. there is the Community Christrnias Enter- taitiment at the Asliburn Comtmunity Centre. It's an even- ing of songs, plays, Christmas carols etc. put on to entertain both the young and the old. AIl are welcorne. A silver collection will be taken for cliarity. And on the 24tli December at Burn's Church, Ashburn, there will be a Candîcliglit Service and again everyone is welcorne to take part. In Brooklin at the United Churcli on the 22nd Decem- ber at 1l a.m. you are invited to join in the Christrnas Sunday and Holy Communion Service. And at the same churcli on thc 24tli at 7:30 p.m. there will be the Chiristmas Eve Famnily Candlelie!ît Service. AIl the farnilies of the North Ward -are invited to gather at Grass's Park, Baldwin St., Brooklin on Sunday the 22nd December, at 4 p.m. for an hour of carol singing. Thîis is the event organized by the ladies of Group '74, who are lioping that young, and old alike wvi1l join themi in celebrat- ing Christmnas in a good old-fashioned way... singîng round BROWN'S the Christrnas tree. It won't cost you a penny..just a littie Christmnas feeling and commulity spirit, So corne on anîd wrap up well and join thesýý enthiusiastic ladies in bringing Christmas to Brooklin and the North Ward. Our Christmas calender doesil't finish there. If the, children are fed up by the 27th December, then the library lias the remedy. On that afternoon and also on, the after- noons of January 2, and 3, they are showing a variety of short cartoon type films for any children that are interested. Thiere is no set starting time as they will run for the whole long as there are chidren (pre-schoolers - grade 6) there to watch. A very nice idea ffiat 'm sure rnany mothers will appreciate. On Monday, December 3Oth the library is holding a puppet show..Like the film shows it will be held in the Children's Library, but there is a starting time..2:30 p.m. Again it's for the pre-schoDMers to grade 6 age range and it will be about an hour in dura- tion. The three puppet shows to be seen are 'lsabell's Noel' 'Little Red Riding Hood', and 'Little Mary. This is the time that we get together with friends and often the conversation turns to new developments in the community. If this should happen in your cîrcle, and let's face it..devel opment in the North Ward area has been the subject for conversation for quite awhile now...then try to number the points both for and against develupment. And then try to kecp thcrn in mind, for in the new year 1 have a feeling that you will be hearing a great deal more on the subject and you will be, asked to voice vour opinion. FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO*Co4 NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655m452 Gtifai MAFU LMA P- S Plimm160.Iê eO u I. 5 m nmKUOPeA SAUSACE I59Clb.' OLSb 8 s lA LIF -siL 79 Ch AYMER - Fancy Ouallty BACON i' b.DINNER HM.s16'LWIENRM TOMATO FEATUR E! - HOSTESS FEATURI-PllfO Vegetabe PR 119 FEATUREI - LP. STUFFEO Chb Nou". É a~VU feS_0%j FEAT1JREI - OCEAN SPRAY ~ICRANBERRY (I &y5FEATUREI - CLUE 7-& w69c BLUE BONNET - r wlm FEATURE! - GOLD LEAF MINCED ~ SOCKEYE SAI P~ê 1*19 FEATIJREI - FLAVOUR CRYSTAL 10 Sa=TANIG ORAkNGE wl Io FEATUREI - ASTRA or MOUN ROYAL "'MA fNDARIN Ori ul- Il L tOuE IM DAU.Y o ^ml A.isqIk79c IIOIDA Y INTrS AND VEGETABLIES! The Chriitnias Orange Product of USA crisp sweet Easy To Pool1 No. 1 Red Grapes 39c lb. Sunkist Navels 89c Doz Good Size, U S No. 1 Grade 45c e BC Fancy Grade Anjou Crunchy Celery Stlks Pears or «RNo. 1 Grade Large peliciaus Apples lb. 39c Slucing Steak:5Cj b Tomatoes b CLDSED CHRISTMAS DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE 5 BIG DAYS DEC. 19 m 24 i. 46 ROASTED RD ROSE COFFEE LIBBYS M*xed Vegetables 15 OCEAN SPRAY CRANSERIT .SAUCE Un 49c E. D. SMITÎ-I GARDEN COCKTAIL 28c CANNED MAP L EF HAMS 1%.u.lnw $2e49 SEST BUVI - 18" WIDE. ALCAlI FOIL WRAP »-R 98c FEATUIREI - 12" WIDE SARAR WRAP 0Foo ' 45c FEATUIIEI - ORANGE PEKOE 6o to Pkgl. RED ROSE TEA BACS s4.09 POP IT IN THE OVEN . . .( RMODES snu »Do JU $39 MCain fW0 BRANU HIGH UNER Strab.riss hvh $1.49 .5 -o.11 STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPI THURS- & FR1- NIOHIS 'TIL 9 p.m. 24 Fi. Oz. Bottle XKTAIL 61l 2.Lh. Pkg* MARARNEsl 059 73/4Fi. Oz. lUn AMON 85c 143ho tepyb 1019 10Fi. Oz. lIn anges 2 59C STULL AVAILABLE CANADA GRADE A *EVISCERATED MAPLE LEAF TURKEYS ALL SIZrS AT RE NSONABL5E PRICI S OPEN MONDAY DECEMBER 23 TILL 9 PM DECEMBER 24'TILL 6PM WHITBV FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1974, PAGE 9 1 sec that we can now phone Port Perry free of, charge. That's a nice way to end the year..but being greedy I would like to know when we caîl Ajax free of charge. It's always seemed ludicrous to me that Oshawa cati cail Ajax but we can't. I suppose Bell telephone could give me a good answer but l'd just prefer them to try and do somne- thing about it. ýBefore I forget. The Library is taking registration for the new session of the 'prescliool story hour and mother's group. There's no charge for this ten week session,,starting on 'January 7th at 1:30 p.m. and as there lias to be a limit due to- the library facilities, it will be 'first corne, first serve d'. So if you are interested then take time off and go over and register. Well, 1'11 be talking with you on New Year's Eve. I wish every one of you a happy and joyful Christmas amongst your families and friends. And 1 hope that these feelings of joy, peace and frienidship that abound at this timne of the year, carry thro' for ail of us into 1975. MERRY CHRISTMAS, LIZ. brook Mitzie, lihas" thre lactations in which she yielded 20,000 Ibs. milk or more. Model Lass 'was a show cow in lier own rîgjit. Classi- fied Excellent, she was the first prize 4-year-old at the 1963 Peterborough Chiaip- ionship Show. BEST BUVI - PURE 48 F. Oz. Tin ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE 59C 8EST SDLI - CANADIAN PROCESS 1 6-0z. Pkg. KRAFT ýCheese Singles $1.14 BEST BUVI -INSTANT MASHED 12.0z. Pkg. SHIRRIFF POTATOES 77C Famous. Purebred A famous purebred Hol. stein, Roybrook Mode' Lass as bred and owned by F. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, Ontario, died November 26, 1974 at 15 years and 5 montlis of age. She had just given birth by Caesarean operation to a baby bull the day before. Digestive and intestinal com- plications were the causes of Model Lass' operation. The new-born baby bull, which was not to be born until December 9, is enjoying good healtli. He is sired by Roy- brook Ace. Model Lass gained mucli of lier world.wide reputation through hier offspring. The Most, famnous- offsprjng to date is Roybrook Telstar who is ta4ie.d "Class Extra" - the nïighest rating 'possiblè - by the Holstein -Fri esi an Associa- tion of Canada. Eighty-three percent of his 739 daughters are classified Excellent, Very Good or Good Plus tliereby giving hlm a rating of +3 1 for type. His daughters' milk rating is +6 with an average test of 3.97%. He is a ful brother to the latest offspring born at Roybrook Farm and to Roybrook Starflite wlio is presently awaiting proof while standing in service aât Western Ontario Breeders Ine. Telstar is now in Japan-. Model Lass also lias anoth- er proven son at United Breeders Ine., Guelphi. Roy- brook Starlite, as sired by Seiling Rockman, lias gained a wide reputation for the outstanding mîlk production of lis two-year-old daughters. He is rated as +16 for milk production with an average test of 3.87%. His type rat- ing is +1 although lie does not have rnany. dauiglters classified Very Good for type Model Lass lias also been an outstanding brood cow for female offspring. Part of lier 9 stars as a brood cow corne from 4 daugliters ahl classified Very Good or Excellent. The best show winning daugliter was Roybrook Debbie who was Best Udderéd Holstein at tlie Peterboroughi Champion- slip Holstein Show in 1969 and 3rd 4-year-old in. lier class that same year. Shc came back in 1970 to place third in the aged cow class. Anotiier daugliter, Roy-