PAGE 4. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBE A 11, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS LONDON, Ont. - Last Thiursday afternoon, exactiy two minutes before fouir o'clock, Peter Demneter was founid guilty of contract mnurder of his 32-year-old wife Christine. The 9-men and thiree-wonien jury broughit i n the verdict wo a stunned courtroomn which, at thalt ime, was hailf-ernpty. As the verdict was read, Demneter turned chalk-whiite with tears streaming down hiis face. Marina Hundt, the "other womnan" and the prime motive for the crimie also broke no tears. Then, Demneter addresed the jury, Judge Campbell Grant and soine 20 newsrnen, explining thiat lie would not attach blarne to anyh&(y for bringing in a guilty verdict whicli autornatica , carnîes a life sentence in a prison. Demneter will stan t o seý ve his sontence shortly in the best-known Caniadian prison complex - the, infaiouis Kingston Penitentiary. d To mian y people, the guilty verdict camne as a big suir- prise. Basicaliy, Demieter was convicted on testinîony whiich carne fron1 two Crown star witnesscs --Szaha Szitagy, a long-t ime Demeter f-end, and Fcrenc -ktaý)rk whio also had some business dealings idh Derneter.' The Crown evidence, to a reat eqtent, was circumu- stantial, but it was the rnost c J'dib1e and only belicva>le- evidence-available. The Crown produced over 80 witnesses whule the defence presented only nine witnesses - nost of them of dubious character. The case, as it stands now, will be appealed in the near future. In my opinion, the jury's decision to convict Derneter was a personal triumphi for Peel Regional Deputy Police Chiief William Taggart. 1 cannot rememiber a inurder case that bas been so weil rescarched and put togethcr. The investigation, including wire-tap evidence.nust have cost a smiali fortune. For instance, the Crown has spent over $ 10,000 just on onc, singie witncess - - SM-ba' Szilagy - providing him arnd his girlfriend with accoliodations and aroiind-thie-clock police protection. tP'he actual cosi Of* court transcripts - a whiopping $800 P day. Which is a daiil' rate chargocl by Coui [ Reporters Asý1ciation.'On top Of* tuit, one must considei the sta.ggcriing accounts for allfpolice officiais and îinvcstià ators during the I1i -week triai. One estirnate indicates that the Crown, furnished by the taxpityer's money, lias spent, -jose to half-a-million dollars in preparing flic case, against Peter Demeter. The inost commun question asked a.rOLlnd here is: what wiil hiappen to Marina Hundt, Demeter's girl 'friend and rnistress' In an exclusive conversation, a week betore L)cmeter was f'ound guilty. Marina toid me: "I'm going back to Ausiria, if'Peter is f'ound guilty." However, Marina hiopes to returru to Canada whicn the appeal will be latinched by Demeter's delence lawyer Josephi Pomerant. Most likely, slue will be callcd tu tcstit'y. lu local bars and restaurants, also other questions are being raised. One, the uiost obvious, is: Whiy did the jurons find hlm guiity of first degree murder? To this, 1 hiave a thieory. First, the defance was plagued by very unreliable witnesses, sucb as hiard-core crirninal Joe DeNardo and Mafia cifcltain mJliii (the Enforce-r ) Papalia, plus othiers withi nothing inuch to say. Evcn4he name of a dead convice, Lazlo Eper, was dragged into court proceed- ings, suggesting that lhe could hava kiiled Christine Deme- ter. More imp rtant, though., was the defence mistake that Demieter hinmseif was not asked w fýresent his case before the jUrors. By decliniîýg tw testify, sorne believed that Derneter liad sornething wo hide. An innocent man would appear to be more than willing to vindicate himself. On the othier hiand, the Crown hiad donc its home work. They came *to court arined witli taped conversations bc, tween Demeter and Szilagy and introduced a galaxy of very knowledgcabie wîrnesscs. Thecir testimiony pnactically wiped out the sketchy defence arguments. And whiat about lrr Oliuek, \who is still ini Hungary and îs al!eged to havle killed Christine? My feeling is, thiat lrnre will neyer corne to Canada. If' 1i docs, lie may pioinlt an accusiug finger at Demecter, confirmiing that'he hiad re- ceived the nmoniey for the kîiling. Sichi possible testimony, would dcf-initely niake things toughier t'or the Mississauga builder. I t would inean, lic -would not hc considened for parole. lîaving served his sentence for ton or more years. Sorae interesting devcloprncnts may stili make news- paper headiines as soon as the appeal gets underway. This photo of Peter Demeter walking outside the Lon- do>n courtroom was the iast time he was a free man. His bail was caiicelled shortiv thereafter and he has been irnprisoned ever since. Free Press Photo by Alex Kainins FALL CLEANINO TIMEl Get your chesterfield & rugs done in your home or our plant. BLisiness' a. borin so book NOY\ý COURTICE-ALLIN [UA. fHkA IOTS.)APAMC 117 lirock Street N. Wiçht. f1 ï4 Mry za - Oshawa, 728-48PI 'Iton. - Fn.Swdv i2Qt