N MeditorChosn For School Negotiations pBill McGuire has been aponted mediator to over- see negotiations.between the D.irhani Separate Se/zoo! BQard and its teachers. McGuire was appoin ted mediator bv the ministry of labour in the hopes that t/he t/zreatened mass resignation of327 teachers could be' ~verted. 0f, the 375 teacliers in t/he Drham Separate School system, 66 of them are Whtby ' six schools. Ap- proxiÎmatelY .59 handed in their resignahions, effective January I. The mediator was appoint- ed at the request of t/e minlistU- of education al- t/îough the ministrY received no fbrmai directive f0 take suc/i action. Thle more camne as a re- su/t of verbal agreements between the ininistrv and the rý boaed and the ministry and the teachers. Upon receipt of a written request for the mediator, thle appointmnenz' will be formai- ized by the ministry. McGuire has been in zouch with Joe Ryan, negotiator for the teac/zers and John B/a kely, the trustees' repre- sen ta tive. 11e arrangcd flhc first three-way meeting scheduled for todlay. T/le next step fint/he bar- gaînillg process is the appointment of an arbitrator to settle the' cost of living allowance (COLA) payment for the period from Septem- ber to December. .I he teachers are asking for a COLA setulement ýf $400 w/uc/z is $100 more than 1/jeir original request. The board s off èrs of $85 anzd $1 75 arc Jar below the teac/z- crs 'demands. The teachers sav thev will not agree to a new con tract until this issue is settled. T/le two sides have been working on thle COLA clause since May. Lincoln Steele, director Of supervisory services, says he has not received a verbal or writtcn reques t for an arbitra- for from cither side. Utii he receives formai requiest from both sides an arbitrator can îlot, be appoin ted. Whe,î thé Lwo sîdes do give formai niotifica- tion of their desire for Ûn arbitrator, there are' three ways to appoint an arbitrator or an arbitration team. T/w two sides could loin tIi appoint their own arbitrator, îhev could ask for assistance froin the provincial Labor Management Board orý zizey could go to the ministry of'eduçatîin. TV & STEREO CENTRE Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa Phone 728-1422 Vol. 4 No. 49 WiII1 the Regilon's Plan Hurt How will the region's official 'plan affect Whîtby, Brooklin and the surrounding villages and hmes That is^ a question fore- miost on the mincis of area residen rs. .4t a recent public meeting on the subject. Whitby Counicillor Don Lovelock expressed 'fear. that the town's officiaI plan mnay be altered by that of the region. He said lie as disturbed that the region was going to revîew and possibly al ter \Vhitby's ofticila plan after. su mnuch time and rooney lzad been spent on it. Regional Planning Direc- tor Mofeed Michael ea.sed sorne of' Lovelock's concern by sayiîg that existing offic- iaI plans will be the founda- tion f'or the region's plans. 1-e added that, hefore any plans are altered. the region will discuss the miatter with the nmicipalities first. The fate of Brooklin was also a topic of great concern. Residents fear that devel- opers are ready tu move in with their bulldozers ini the very near fuLtumie. Michael saîd that the region has not 'mnade any proposaIs as the people rnust voice their opinions first. One resident pointed out that the sewage capacity of Brooklin is for 25,000 people and wondered what will hap- pen if and when the town's population surpasses that number. A&nnual Concert Thursday, December l2th, Denis O'Connor presents its lst Annual Christmas Con- cert. Featured will be the Select Choir, Sound, and Dimension - ail part of the academic choral program. Appearing as welI- will be various soloists, duetsý and- instrumental ensembles. The very new D*O.C. orchestra wiIl give a demonstration. Show timne 8:00 p.m. Admis- sion - 31.00 for aduits, 50' cents for students. W hietby? ile as concerned with what will happen to the 2.400 acres of' land west of Brooklin which was pur- chased by the province tlîis ve ar. Michael said that flic pro- vince is keeping the parcel as agricultural land at present. Ail land purchiased by the, province. and developers is zoned agricultural until a re- zonîng bylaw is passed by the tO'.. Cotincillor Gerry Enmm addressed Ihiimself wto li problemn of' major tra ffic arteries passîng througli small owns like Brookîjo and Ashburn. Hle wants to pre- serve such smaHl towVfs as they now stand wîthout major roads dissecting themn. Cou ncil Postpones 'Gre""enhouses' At its last regular meeting Monday nighit Whîtby council voted to rescind its previous action with regard to green- h ou ses. The m-ove camne as a resuit of a letter frorn D. D. Stewart obýjectîng to the 1 .000 square foot maximum limit 'o r grcenhouses set bv counicil ini late November. The Brooklin-Whitby Fi- gure Skating Club has been "intimidatedl" by other groups vying for ice timne at the Iroquois Park Arena. This allegation was made by Mrs. Steeves, the club's president at Monday's coun- cil meeting. She cited two examples of attempts to block the club's use of its allotted ice time. On one Thursday evening during the figure skaters' tw-,ilight session, their music was drowned out by that of a chord organ. Upon investigation, the skaters- found thut the organ w~s beiig played by Mike Keenan, a player for the Whitby McDonalds Senior 'A' hockey team and son of the squad's general manager. When asked to stop play- ing the organ, Keenan allegedly countered "are you going to make me?" However, this incident was minor in comparison with the most recent one. On November 29, the club received a note asking themn if they would be willing to change their hours on Decem- ber 10O (last night) from 6:15 to 9: 15 to accomodate the Macs' game beginning at 8:45. 10 CENTS SANTA COMES TO WIB Santa made bis first appearance this year ini Whitby at the Whitby Mail Saturday, and seven-year-old '*ilIy Kellestine. of 220 Mason Drive, Whitby was quick to put in his Christmas order. Santa enlisted the aid of two Ander- son High students to be his helpers for the day - Sharon The cluib refused. knowing that the professional dance instruictor that cornes to the sessions on Tuesdays and Sundays is only available f'or the club's 6:15 to 9:15 timie allotmnent. Howevcr, a few days ago, the club received a letter from the Acting Recreation Director, Fred Beckette or a representative of his which said that the skaters' hours would be terminated at 8:15S p.m. last night. Councillor Jim Gartshore said he took exception to the Recreation Department's un- ilateral decision to give the seniors the ice time. Steeves said that she is disturbed over "constant interference by the recreation department, arena manage- ment or whatever". She said .that, the. inter. Cryderman, 131 Baldwin, Brooklin (left) and Debbie Kyle, 40 North Street, Brooklin. Santa will be on hand at the Malil Wednesday thru Saturday until December 21 when lie will return to the North Pole to start making preparations for Christmas. Free Press Photo1 ferenice shiows a "lack- of sensitivity for the children and volunteer instructors in the town". Wîthin the first month ot operation, the club lost nine hours of ice time at the Iroquois Park Arena. Councillor Don Lovelock said that he tod resented the fact that the Figure Skating Club is being pushed around. He said that council wants to build "bond' and a trust with ail the groups we 're try- ing to cater to". As a resuit, a meeting was scheduled for last night be- tween the Figure Skating Club's executive and John Goodwin, Chairman of the Department of Reereation. The Recreation Depart- ment will report to council on the matter in the near future. Mr. Turkey Delicatessen Party Plates 159 Brock Street North - Whitby 668-5270 WEDNESDAY. DECEM BER I11, I1974 Figure Skating ý'Intimidted'.. Il