Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1974, p. 14

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PAGE 12, WEDIIESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1974, WHlTB'V FREE PRESS Words from West Lynde, by Norm Mealing' Apologies are in order This week's apologies go to Marg & Tom Cox and Ivan Booth. When 1 reported- the W.L.C.A. Mixed Bowling League 1 scores last week, their names were misspelled. My writing is hard enough to read at the best ut lunes and the young lady at the Free Press who has to transcribe this column each week does a good job intcrpreting rny scrawl. Sonry Marg, Tom and Ivan. Assessinent We are now receiving our assessment notices for 1975. They should be lower than they were in 1974. but the important question is are they as low as they shotild be. To answer this question, the W.L.C.A.'s Conmunity Director, Bill Hoffrnan, has called a meeting for Tuesday. Decernber 17, 1974 at 8:00 p.mi. ini thc Lecture Hli at Henry Street Highi School. If you are going lu attend, bring along your assessnment notices for both 1974 and 1975. Be prepared to describe your bouse. Depending on the turnout. and \vhiat is learned. Bill ill be able to decide whether or nul a communîliiiv b-Iased appeal is îii order. Remierber, ilien.',Tuesdlav. leceniber I 7thî, ai 8:00) pm. in tînie Lecture Theatre at H enry Street tlîlih Sclhuol. Well. tlha(ts it for thiis week. Next week. 1*11 stummai.rnz, as best I cani. our cornmftnity efforts for I1974, .issess our successes and ouir failuires and îndicate whiat 1 feel is important for 1975. ENLARGEM ENTS f rom your favourite Kodacolor negatives. Mou nted in de luxe studio mou nts. Reg. -Pri ce $1.79 SPECIAL OFFER- NOW ----CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT TO CASHIER-- until Jans. 25th, 1975. 1General Motors of Canada will layoff 1,130 employees from i is Oshawa plant by thie end ofiJanuary. Beginning January 13, the line pro ducing regular-sized Chevrolets and Pontiacs will be reduced to 40 cars pcr itour from 48. Production rates for trucks in Oshawa will remnain unchanged. Certain component plant Did you hear the une about the guy who fights fires be!'ore thcy begin? Don'î laughi. ,Its seriuus business witlî dhe Whitby Fire Departrment. They chieck building plans subniitted to) the btUdinig and planning departmien ts ho inake sure the structure complies %vith aIl fine regula- Fickets are avaîlable now tor the New Year*s pariv ind dan ce. beîng spotis<red hv Denis (iConnor Highi Schoul. The affair will betin ah 8 pari. on Tuesday, Decernber 31I, in the schiool)s gyminas- ium. Dick Wynn and Son mvill ~LAFF 0F TME WEEK operations and crnp)loyces will bc affectcd by'thie schce- dule adjustmcnts in Oshawa. Despite thc 'layoff, GM of Canada's employment will be close lu the number of peuple who were on the pay- roi! in January of this year. Average cmployment last January was 31I,500. It is expccted to be 30,850 at the end ofiJanuary, 1975. tion s. In addition, the fine pre- venlion oWficer carefully studies the site for th e structure tu ascentain whelhen or not l'ire trucks hiave easy access 10 it. Thie fire departnment inusl okay tie planis bc fore a building permit is issucd. party and dance. A bu ffe t and re fieshotients, willj bc served and pri/es Wnil bc given away. The SIO tickets are by reservation onlv and-nmay bc resenved by phioning Rita Bergman at 668-4896 or Anni Filo at 668-6283. provide the music for the #La Contessa<~ SBeauty Lounge i Would like to introduce "Mary Gale" * a top Toronto hairstylist- - to our cliente! -with a special introductory offerm for the month of December 3 S Shamp $ .n50 FAO' c $1.W210% off Perms 19Geni. Whi bY 6689262 The Corporation of the Town of Whitby By-Law No. 144»74 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 2585__ WHEREAS, the Municipal Couiril of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby deemns it advisable to amend By-law Number 2585, as amended. NOW THEREFORE, be it eîîacted and it is hereby enacted as a By-Iaw of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby by the Couneil thereof as follows: 1I. That Section 12 (1) (,a) of By-!aw No. 2585 as -amenided, is hereby further amended by deleting therefrorn the following: " ,a detached single-fiamily dwelling bouse"; "a serni-detached dwelling house"; and "a duplex dwelling house"; BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND TH IRD TIME AND F[NALLY PASSED THIS 12TH DAY 0F NOVEMBER, A.D., 1974. Wm.-H. Wallace Ger,-.d Em CLERK ACTING MAYOR "A ralse? You're jestlng, of course!" IBest IBlood CIinic Accu'rding to Mrs. G. P. ('ox. chaiirwcoman of' the Wliiiby Red Cross bluud donors chlic. thte most recent clinlic wvas the best ever. Thli 355 units of blood doniated brings th1e Whitbv IByi*nes. clinic's total to 9 11 com- pared tu last year's 790 pints. An inordinate nurnber of donors were peuple from local companies. who had been given lime off, and resiclents of new subdivisions. a. cont'd On tlie 1 Xîh Decemben the Explorers are taking some C ruras cheer to the Oshawa Lodge Nursing Home. These younig people will î)e giving tlieir lime ho go and sing carols tthe residents. Sunday the I Sdi Decemiber at the United Church in Booukîin. thiere wilI be a White Gift Service held at 10 a.mn. and 1Il a.n. Ath 7:30 p.m. the C.G.I.T. and Explorers are holding a Candleliglit and Vespen Service. As far as I know these are tlhe irst Christmas services to be held. And next week l'il give you ail the information fnom the churches that 1 have..anyone tnrm Saint Thomas's like 10 give nie a cal!. l'ni sure you wvîll be holding sornething tho' I have had nu news froin you yet. Query? 1 fully realise that the Works Depantmnent and Councîl wonk ho various sehedules and that as much ps they might like to they cannot act on the spur of the moment. But aflen deciding to demolish the old barbershop on.the corner of Cassels and Baldwin they have now boanded up thie doors and windows that our dean over exuberant and conîpletely irresponsible youth took apant on Hallowe'en. 1 hope that this doesn't mean we are going to have to wait untiî next Hallowe'en before they turn words intb actions. More to 'ponder on next week! Don't fonge to cail with any news on New Year's Eve celebrations. And now back to the wvapping paper and the Christmas cards! LIZ or 104 harwood, jax Plaza,ý Ajax, Ontaiio 942-6611 WITrH CATERING FACiLITIES 415 MacKIENZI AJAX, BX 113 Phone 6S3u7891 or 839«4874 Weddings, Stags, Office or House Parties, Banquets, Conventions, Dances, Receptions, of Ail Types LOOSE RUGS UPHOLSTERY OSHA WA RUG CLEANERS WALL to WALL BROADLOOM Est. 1956 PLANT Iocated et 133 TAUNTON RD. W. Teophone 725-9961 'l ï y 1 , 1 - le I G. M. Layoff Who F*ights F*ires Denis O'Connor High Has New Year's Party mwý CHRIS CATMINO AND FOOD SUVIC

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