Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1974, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1974, PAGE 7 'Broo lin Bylilnes Wiy i i t ii i ïtiais 'theoneuehtîhdav Iii: eveî v car sectms to sne:îk tir behtîîd 'ycu au catch vou ina- v. ýares! Onlv , hor i xvlii ie ack it seemlen ît htits awax' an~d Iicw lere ilî s - tusi xvo \weeks w go l le ue dy! Aid Irt e ti are aîîythiî g like nie you are probabiy Ltp te yLUr eyes and cars in wrapping paper. cairds and ecoraiioris etc. - \xx shing ail the tinte that ycotiul(i delay the whoie tiîing l'or at least another two weeks. Eveti then 1 guess that somne of ns wouidn'î be ready, and 1 suppose ail the confui- sien dees add te, the excitemnent' of the hoiiday. One pleasure (at least 1 hope you think of the column that way!) that you wiil have te forego that week, is the Bylines. Se next week is your only chance te let me know of any events..social or religious..that your group is planning for New Year's Eve. So don't forget to cali 655- 3750 during the next week. It's been a long timne since we had any news from Myrtie s0 1 was deiighted with my calhast week. The event is the Christmas Concert and Potluck Supper. The place is the Myrtie United Church, and the date is the l4th December at 5:30 p.m. These coînmunity events are a good time te, meet new friends and renew oid cnes, and Myrtie families 1 iii be given a warnî weicome at the Church on Saturday. BROWN'S A tgoncraIri cinide r Iroi tue saine ch orcli in My nle t'or t hose 'ourng people xvho o njny singinig. 'Fice .1 nier ('lîoir tmiec is eve rvWecduesdtialatdte C('hurcl alt 7 p.nm. fi yon are 7 ycars r01e and \void li(ete jeinl in ,Honen ()Iwiii bc x'ery xvelceile lui Asibo o oi Sa today i 4th 1)eceniber ftherê is tic C h ristioas Dance a nd Party N igh i. -i'ic iii slIarts ai, 8:30O p.mn. For $4 a coule yen xiii halve an evenling Of squaIre and round dancinig..niusic provided by Frank Barkioy ..a chanice te xin eeof the niany pnizes, and yen wiil bc offered a dolicionis lunch. Aise ini Ashbnirn there, is a 'Coînrnutnity Christmas Entortainmnî' wi.chl is l'or both young and old alike, and wili be heid at the Community Centre on Friday, 2Oth Docember at 7:30 p.m. There wiii be songs, plays and Christmnas carols..something l'or overyone. And a silver collection wiil be taken up for Charity..a nice thought - to remember those iess fortun- ate thari ourselves. Brooklin isn't to be ieft out on December l4th as Level 4 Youth Group are also celebrating the Christmas holiday with a semi-formal dance to be heid at the Community Centre from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. For $5 per couple (or $4 single) there will be music provided by a dise jockey, door and spot prizes and a lunch served. Sounds ike a good nights entertainment..and right on the doorstep! Don't forgei, that Saturday l4th December is aIse the day of the 1ist and 2nd Brooklin Scouts paper drive. They'1i be out and abotît from 9:30 a.m. te 11:30 a.m. And as FOODMASTER ETIMMED lb.4 RIB STEAKS TR CU ROB TEAK IORBROILING *VALUE SHORT h ROAT> Fc SUINK MUTi GROUND Pork 98<c 101Kuocx '5< coomioe A.M 88e ci OmA 48 RINDLESS BACON 129 BONELESS BLADE OAsT 1clC FE*Itifflf - sVflt MIX1D 0* Y1Jm YUM 31 Fn 0".. a BICK'S PICKLES 89C SUMMF.E BRAND - UC3MT l-Lb. toc FRWT Cake93 2-Lb. Bock - $1.979 FEAIOJREI - CIATMEAL Lb aB" DAD'S COOKIES 89c AJIAX 3c CLUB HOUSE n.. Po.tiy«oSage3c Product of USA 3Is crisp sweet 315 No. 1 Red Grapes $100 Now arriving - attractively Priced Genuine Japanese Mandarin Oranges (available ut most stores) BC Fancy Grade Anjo Pears or Red 39lb. Delicious Apples Produce of USA ARc No. 1 Grade RedSIîing45t Tomatoes cello tube NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR TURKEYS - HAMS - DUCKS GEESE. VOIlLOCAL lu A EWmWTIWIU. HAVI9 A FINI SILECTMO. thoey reafliy want to nmake ibis a inesi successful papcr drive, ul-p them iiout and hiave'tiiose paters ill iied up and waiting l'or thcmn. if yen have somne questions thon, once again, cati hese numbers..655-3253, -4337 or 3718. Good luck, boys! On lthnrsdaýy, i 2 tii Decoînhr, hie (Couple Club are holding a Pot Lnck Supper ai the Ch ristian Educa tion Buildinîg, (United Church) Cassels Road East. It starts at 6:30 p.rri. and any_ couple are invired....bring yeui own dish and cutlery and a gift for mental patients. The latter xviii ho distributed at the party- to be hid ýon the i Ûth Decembor by the Durham branch of the Canadian Mental Heaith Association, for sucli patients. Those who won't be going to tho Couples Club supper can stili heip the Mental Heaith Association by using the drop boxes at Short's Pharmacy and H-arris Home Bakery. Ail you have to do is put in a new gift..such as you would give to an aduit friend - particularly maie aduit- friends.. You don't have to wrap it. As the party is on the l6th get those gifts in as quickly as possible. Remember that Christmnas can be a very.lonely timne for some people, and we that are blessed with good families and friends that do care, and that also are biessed with good physicai and mental ýhealth. :could afford to share our fortunes with those that are flot so fortunate.» DON'T BE A SCROOGE. God';-forbid, but someChrlstmas in the future we couLd be joining the lonely ones.Cont'd «On Page 12 Town o' er Record Mauin The Cou',ýitV ')ý'nSingers wiil be recordInrg Ïheir second album in Jun&e(A, next year. It xviii feature 10 or il * songs that tie gronp lias nut * /- previonsly reco'rded. Tho first aibum n"recorded two yoars ago. vaswell re- ceived, according to Bill Schatzmann, business manag- er of World Records in Osha- wa. PLAIN Cleez Whiz ar.98 TASTERS MRuE BONNE CHOICE MAARN ,.INSTANT COFFEE MA G RN 402 JAS ~'3979 Best BuyI - Fmncy Llbby's CLOVER LEAF ALBACORE TOMATO TUNÀ JUICE lFLAKES1 48 FI. Oz. c FI. Oz.c Tin 49 Tin About 4,000 copies were soid. If more hiad been issued they couid have sold at the group's concerts, ho said. As yet, the singers have not decided what songs will be on the new album. It is expected that the record will be sold at a iow pnice during a pre-reliance sale. The group's Christmas show wili aiso be recorded and if the tapes are good enough an album may be reioased next Christmnas. 1The County Towti Singers reieased a 45 rpmn in 1970. 'Aqarusand The Whitby Song were on the- record. '74 Fire Stats OTTAWA - lu its final report for the 1974 forest ire season. the Canadian Forestry Service records a total of 7,673 for-est tires in Canada during the rnonths of April te October inclusive. affecting a total 2,070,000 acres. Dnring the menth of October. 440 Oires burned over 116.000 acres et' forest land, a dramnatic increase over the sanie month last vear. wli 'en 1 89 fires affecied eniy 3,000 1'cres - Average figures for Ilhe month cof October fer the I 0-year period i1964 - 1 973 are 17 1 fires ovor 4,000 acres, wiîile the seasonai avorages for the saine 1 0-year period are 7,798 fires and 2,3 I11 .00 acres. he statistics are compiied monthly by the Forest Fire Research lnz,:.tui.?, Canadian Foresiry of the Service. DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE 3 BIG DAYS THURSa a "AT. DEC& 12.14 ST01RE -HOU RS OPEN SIX DATS A WEEK 8:30' a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS- & FRI1 NIGHTS 'TII. 9 n..m. j BROOKLIN, ONTARIO *or~ NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-452 Satisfoction BEST BUY - YORK CHOICE 14 Fi. Oz. Tin PEAS à CARROTS 29c FEATURE! - ALLEN'S ~~~amm~~ Flovour A 'ol ORAGE5 Crystals 4 79c FEATUREI - FANCY QUALITY 14 Fi. Oz. Tins LIBBY'S Gm PEAS 3o's1 FEATURE! - EVAPORATED 1-Lb. Tin CARNATION MiIlk 31c FEATURE! - DR. BALLARD'S 251/2 FI. Oz. Tin CHAMPION DogFod 37C BEST BUYI - ASSORTED VARIETIES 12-Or. Pkg. DAINTY FRUED RICE 49c FEATURE! -7 TOMATO 1 I Oz. Baffle HEINZ KETCHUP 48C BiEST BUY! - CORN 32 FI. Oz. Baffle MAZOLA OIL -sl.79 FIATUE( EATUBU 140:. n BILY lO RADEC E Lb ub9 EACLE B DI< c HONEY $ . Condenscd Maik 7 FEATUREI FIATUREI - ROASTED MAPLIE ((AF (451V AISES iLb.a 9 9 28FM inmea 29£7 FF E E FEATURE! N 0(1 BRUNSWICK< 3 . Fn Z c SARDIUNES 19 FEATIJREI - E. D. SMITH 19 FI. Oz. Tins PUMPKIN PIE FILLER 59c McCAIN JULIENNE 24Lb *ag LISBY'S BEST BUY! - KELLOGG'S 8-Or. Package FRUICN FRES 59C FRENCHI STYLE ~MRSS SMIIH S 2&0. Siz GREEN RICE kRISPIES p&g 55<IM MINCE PIES $1-29 BEANS HIGH LINER COD 14Oz k.Pkae URSHSTICKS $1,29 F FEATURE! - LIQUID 32 FI. Oz. Baffles GAINSBOROUGH 00t. Pkg 0PIE SOELS pde 59c3 R SUNLIGHT 2's1.39 _____ p.- - - ---- -- ---wa. -- - - I r ~ 4-. ~ -~ - I1r~î

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