Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1974, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Words. froni West Lynde by Norm Mealing This week, we hiave news tîom h lere ilnd there and every- wliere, so lot s begin with due bowling scores and standings. W.L.C.A. Mixed Bowyling pu Tearn and inidividual standings as of'Novetiber 25, 1974. Teani Screwballs Bloopers Streakers Headpins Poitits 43 35 33 22 Te ai Sonie bu die s Kingpins Lucky Strikes Hot Dogs Poîints 36 33 12 18 MITCH'ELL BROTH ERS Building Supplies Ltd.' B3rooklin 655»4991 Just -in Time For Christmas SNO CAT TO BOGGANS 4 ft.e 5 ft. 6 ft. - 6.5O $ 805O $ 9050 WHITBY McDONALD'S vs CAMBRIDGE HORNETS Thursday Dec. 5 ADMISSION Aduits 2.50 Students 1.*50 Children $1 ADVANCE TICKET SALES Wed. Dec. 4 6-9 p.m. Thurs. Dec. 5 1-5 p.m. IroquoiPakrm. Highi tSingle (Fia») Marg Fox Isabeli Mason l3arb Flolweg Hiigli Sîngle (1landicap)_ Marg Fox 368 Isa bell Mason 338 Barb Holweg 325 Ili li Triple (Flat) Mine McDertnid Sharon Brownlîill Isabeil Mason Higli Triple (Hlandica1,) Sharon Browîuhil Isabeli Mason Barb Holweg Iiigh Average. AImne McDermiid Marg Fox Marie McCallion 342 uai Booth 299 Tomi Mason 2-90 Don Short Juan Booth Tomn Masun Garry McDermid 742 Juan Booth 718 TomiFox 686 Don Short 829 Juanî Booth 803 Toni Fox 716 DougHolweg 208 Juan Booth 193 Don Short 191 Toin Fox 425 285 281 425 308 302 876 737 720 876 749 744 237 220 215 A ssessne n t From Bill Hoffrnan, our resident assessment expert, cornes encouraging news for homneowners in West Lynde. .Apparentiy, on Monday, Novenîber 25, Bill and a few of hîs neighbours from Flemningdon Court appeared in County Court. Bill, wlio has already won lus assessmcnt fight, was there to represent his neighbours in their cause. The Assessrncnt Division was flot going to Jet these go the way of Hoffman's so they were, there as weli. A classic court- roomn confrontation sceemed to bc in the offing. What happened was iess a courtrooni dranma lowever, than an exercise in negotiauions. Withi the Judge recessing proceedings. botti sides repaired to Chambers. Thlie Assessors offered appruxinmateiy S600.00 ini reductions 'vhich thie West Lyndians resoluueiy refused. The actions returned to the courtrooui, lTle Judge. afier liearing whîat tranispîred, hecard brie ]y' froin both sides witlî enîphasis on Bill lloffmnan's point thait ail reductions for 1974 should be consistent with his which wýas ithe order of S750.00. he Judcge then rtied in the West Lynde residents tavour. litere arc rwo positive teaiures ini this shnry. One. the reduIcÃŽÃŽhnuS offered by the .\sscssmnent Officiais ciosdly approxinmate ilhe reductions for I1975 resuliîrg lroin the rcev of assessnient, i %vo, the court wouid appeaîî to consider uhem i nsufficient. Your i1975 ntoices %vil l bc out SOOJ. Compare themn Nvith ic 1974 notices, and ,* if you have any questions, contact Bil11l foffrnan at 668-7 170. (Centrai Park This week past, thie street reps received a Jet ter fromn the W.L.('.A. Exectîve conccrruîng the plans for Central Park. Briain 1 Evoy, Association President, very kindiy sent nie a copy of this letter so thlat 1 couid re-port on ils commnen us ini this space. The Fliglights of thc Plan caîl for extensive landscaping t() prOvide scning of* the more Active Areas for those homes that border the park. Thiere wvi1llie a chiildreni's play fort of srnoothi log construction witli tunnels and cliibing Take a close look at the only hair replacement that gives the natural appearance of growing tram the scalp. Look and Live Better in 1975 with the New and Fantastic ail skin hair replacement. Which style is right for you?? We have an almost infinite range of styles to ensure f hat you will regain your proper mage. The selection of a hairpiece is a Most importantf feafure, It should be made with con - fidence in the privacy of your own home and witt he acceptance of your family, We invite you fo teel tree to call us. or drop in We'%ilI be happy 10 show you this ai-cas which will also be screenied. For the winter, a tree form skating area generally surrounding the fort. A water fountain/wading pool for- tle toddlcrs wiil be an integral part of the park aiong with an extensive, planned pathway systemn. Thue tennis court, whichl ias already been built, wili double as the skating rink. The W.L.C.A. Executive is reported to bc enthusiastie about the plans, and lias assurances fromn the Town that final dra,,wings, now i.n the preparation stage, will'be shown tç) the whole commiunity. Wlîen i spoke to Mr. Evoy, he was very excited about the plans. He cautioned, hîowever, that this was a develop- ment progr-ar whiich would take 5-10 years to complete. The cliildren~s play fort is in the first phase and is slated for cunîpletion inî.1975. T'le issue of the park is one which has taken a lot Ã"6f the interest of the Association Executive. They are to be com- miendied for thîcir accomplishimcnts to date, and encouraged to keep up the good work. W.L.C.A. Notes Dan Pelletier (668-8129) reminded me of.t.he need for volunteer help in the matter of the Central Park ice rinks for this winter. This is an area where many hands will make ligit work, and whecail the men should do their share. So give Dan a cali and volunteer to help. Tennis anyone wiil apparently be a familiar call next sumnmer. Dan Pelletier reported that the response to the W.L.C.A.'s recent notice has been good. Dan aiso points out that if you are interested, please give him a cail. Under the "'N", no show was apparently the word for the W.L.C.A.'s first Bîngo lîeld Monday, November l8th, It seemrs that oniy 75 people appeared, and the Bingo nighit iost rnoney. Whatever the reason for the lack of success, 1I hope the W.L.C.A. doesn't stop trying. Bingo is a good formn of eiite r tainui i rt. The Mealings, along with tlîe Thorburns, Crossîcys. Shuites, McDermîids, and Hilîs, wcre aniong the approxi. mnately 1.50 peuple who attended tlîe W.L.C.A. Christ- mas Darice on Noveinber 29th. T'leelurnout was sorîîewhiat less tiuau the otlier W.L.C .A. dances lield tlîîs year, but ail iliat were tliere enjoycd tlier- sel ves. As Di.. Dave Kerr explairîed. it was the Iast dance of 19<74, anîd lie, along witii ail of tue people thiere were look- in-, fOrward lb I 75. T'le (lances. [)y and large, hiave beeui the miost successfnl activiîy, anîd great eredit îs duc tu the Executive of the WL.C.A., cspeciaily, the Social Director, Mrs. Heather Crornieti. Bye for îîow, sec you next week. A&ppeal f or G*ifts Mental Health Durhami is launichîng ils anîuual Chirïst- muas appeal fo r gifts t o umenîtal patients. Ilue local branci of tuie Canadian Mental Hcaltli Association would like the uîîwrapî)ed gifts, carly in Decenîber as they arc holding their Christtmas Party on Decenîber 16. The appeal is f'or îîew a rt i cles would1 needed. The drop boxes ini Wlitby are at tic Jury and Lovel drug store and the public iibrary whîcli is closed Wed- îiesdays. Shîort's Pharmnacy and Harris Hotne B'akery.are the drop box locations iu Brooklin. suclb as mnes you buy an aduit friend. gifts arc cspecially NEW CASTLE FLEA MARKET Located 21/2 miles north of Highway 401 on Highway 115. Everything from soup to nuts. Dealer inquiries phone 416-349-2551 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Due to sorne misunderstandîngs we would like to moke it clear that we Fiave~ stili the same name WHITB.Y DENTURE CLINIC 214 Dundas SI. E., Wh itby', 668-7797 SENIOR "A" HOCKEY Thursday Night ut 8:30 pu

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