Whitby Free Press, 4 Dec 1974, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1974. WHITBY FREE ,PRESS ADVICE BUREAU Library To Repoat Show Because of' the excellent librarian 'Mrs A nne Hotnp- response by both parents and children to thie Whitby Librarys fanfilý, week, there will probably be anotiier oneC in the spring according to Brown. Thec prograrn featuired ptuppet shows based o11n magic thiemes. Botli shows were well attended. Senior -Home 'Opens A stack of these newspaper legs will add spark.le to your lire. And if you don't wanête go to these lengths te get coloured flames ln your fireplace this winter, Just throw In a bandful of pure borax or sait and try te sec your dreams la the flames. Borax brightens winter.fires OINCE the daily or weekly %.newspaper has been read, and articles of inherest clipped and put in thc kitchen drawer, there still remains a large quan- tity of paper to get rid of. There are three ways af dasposing of these accumulations of news- print. You can throw themn in with your regular garbage, which we are not encouragcd ta do in most areas.. You can bundle lhem up for collection - in Mast places someone cornes around regu- larly ta pick up oid ncwspapers. Or if yau have a fireplace you cari try yaur own personal rccycling system by rnaking logs for winter cvenings. By adding anc of several chemi- cals, you will finish up with an inexpensive log which will humn with brightly coloured fiames ta cnjay an those dismal wintcr even ings. Ail the chemicals lisîed bc- low are fairly easy to obtain but nced to be used with common sense and caution. Keep îhcm out of the reach of children and pets, and mix them in a dispo- sable plastic container as Most of them will corrode metals. Don't use a container you might unthinkingiy later use for food, iî's better to be safe than sorry. And remember, in this case red and yellow do flot make orange so don't try to combine chemicals for different calours. Rubber glaves are probably a good idea boa. Add about a hait pound of thc chemnical yau choose te a half gallon of water. Soak bhc newspaper thoroughly in the solution and drain off the ex- cess liquid. Then rol he sheets af newspaper tightly until you have a log af thc rcquircd size and leave to dry. A rail 3" in diameter will take about a week to dry. For a purple flamne, use Lith- ium Chloride; red - Strontium Nitrate; orange - Calcium Chloride; ycllow - Potassium Nitrate; apple green - Barium Nitrate; blue - Copper Sul- phate. Ail these chemicals can be oblaincd in a large drug- store. Witbout even leaving thc house, you can find chemicals ta produce twe af the most at- tractive cotaurs. Common table sai will give you a yellow flame and for a startling green flame use a solution of pure borax such as 20 Mule Team Borax. A stack of these -new»spaper lags will add sparkle ta your ire. And if you don't want ta go ta these lengths ta get colourcd flames in your fire- place this winter, just îhrow in a handful of pure borax or sait and try ta sec your dreams in the flames. Tlie Sl-apartnient senior citizens' home was officially opened last week.. The proicct, initiated and completed by the Whitby Rotary Club, cost a total of $831I,0OO. The Ontario Housing Corporation five-storey build- ing is located at 850 Green Street. The Rotarians, in conjunction with the OHC, began working on the pro- ject in 1967. They conviniced Whitby WEAQ kf i..-..e4 MAKE A SOFT ENT- RANCE WITH SOFT, FLUIO, FEMININE AND SOPHISTICATEO PARTY WEAR FROM* IMAGE. SEE A COLLECTION 0F THE MOST DISCRIMINA- TING# UNSURPASSED FABRICS 0F "JONATHAN LOGAN' EXCEPTI ONALSTYLING OF 'MR. SAM'S SUPERBLY ELEGANT 'E. PICARD' REMARKABLE VALUES ALWAYS THE LARGEST SELECTION AT IMAGE OP'Tis the Season- 0f Party Hair-Do's Get set for the social whirl 1 Anid, get set here for haïr- styles thatIli see you thru holi- day nights beautifully. Make an appointmen-t, today. GUIDA & DINO INSTITUTE 0F BEAUTY ý68,361 109 BYRON Council that sucli-a centre was needed in Wbliiîby, researched tlhe needs of the eldcrly and provided a site for the apartment. Federal, provincial an d Municipal officiais were at the ceremonies. Alan Martin, M.P. for Scarborough West, was, pre- sent on behaîf -of Barnard Danson, the Minister of State for Urbari Affaîrs. Environrnent Minister William Newman represented the Government of Ontario while acting Whitby mayor Gerry Emin was present on beliaîf of the town. OHC officiaIs Warren Haurding and Emersont Clow wcre joined by Rotarian Chiarles Rycroft who leaded the comimit tee dealing wviii the apartmcent. AIl goverrument rep)resen- tatives paid tribuite to the Rotary C(lub who also pro- vided a color television set and a dlock for the centre's comin on mont Thought For Food Vanilla Rite Pudding 1/ cup uncaoked long--grain-, ed rite 2 cups hot milk 1/ teaspeon sait 'î cup Sugar 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 1 tablespoon butter or mar- garine 1-4~ teaspoons pure vanilla extract. 2large egg yolks, beaten Lemon Meringue Cook rie and rnîlk 20 min- utes or until rice is tender in the top of a double bolIer over hot water. Nlix the next 6 in- gredients and add gradually bu bot rie. Turn into a but- tered 1-quart casserole. Bake in a pan hot water in a pre- heated moderate oven (350' F.) 1 hour or until pudding is soft - firm and lighbly browned. Top with Lemnon Meringue. Bake in a prehleatcd slow oven (325*F.) 15 mjntitpç (BROOKGREEN ANTIQUES ~B rooklin, Ont. 655-3241-3419 ZCanadiana and Victorlana For the unusual and différent Christmas, pi] Fumniture, brass beds, desks, rocking chair ,blanket boxes, lamps, china, glass, silver, et As can be seen by this photograph, life on Bahamas Out Islands is generaily se tranquil that deaths, acts of God or promninent events are used as date markiers rather than the calendar. Island communities are small enough for residents te treat each other as part of a family, and visitors are automatically included. Calendar Not in Bahamas C T 11E CURRENT, Bahamas - Y'all can't hail, hey?" shouts the littie girl leaning out of a window. She accepts your hasty wave with a smile. One of the cardinal sins a tourist can make while visiting a Bahamas' Out Island is ta forget to "hail" everyone who happens to pass by, young or old. Ail Bahamian islands are considered "out" except for New Providence, where the capital city of Nassau is lo- cated, and Grand Bahama Island, with the city of Free- port. The island communities are small enough for residents ta treat each other as part of a family, antd visitors are auto- matically included. The placid setulement of The Current, on the Out Island of Eleuthera, <named for the swift -Important Mut Islands current that knifes through the azure sea between Eleuthera and a small nearby island) has a population of about 300 and its streets and homes are im- maculate. The settlemnent's librarian- telephone operator is 45-year- old Mrs. Jane Key. She was appointed librarian in 1944 -àt the age of 15 and five years later becamne the phone oper- ator when phone service was first established. -1 rememnber when the ser- vice opened," she says cheerily. "We had a general election that year." That's the way people tell limne on the Out Islands. Life is generally so tranquil thal deaths, acîs of God or promi- nient events are used as date markers rather than the cal- endar. Cou 'ncil U ps s 1 HAT? THIS WEEKS8 PATTERNS Parking Rate YUR LN nickel"r can you spare a tf 41 "Wh at for?" by Council just uppcd the cost of parking in lots from a nickel to a dime. You sec, ~ ~i they realized that none were 1 / parking on the streets at a dîme whcn they could park do4 i on lots for a nickel. Thcy V' ' figure, the inecase will mcan J ail extra S,OO,rcvcnue each year." No. 3107-Double-breasted yoke gis-es o new foshion note ta the basic shif. No, 3107 cornes in sizes 10 fa 18. Suze 12 (bust 34) ftes 2714 yards of»44-inch fabric. Simple tu knit, this dress, hot and coot is for the 18-inch doil. Pattern No. 1056 gis-es the instructions. Send 50g for each dress pattern, 30g for eoch needlework pattern (add -151 far each dress pattern, 10g for each needlework pattern for mailing and handling> ta AUDREY LANE BU- REAU, Morris Plains, 14%w JerseyO07950. The Old Curlosity Shop GENUINE COING OUT 0F BUSINESS SALE (Proprietor is retiring, VVe are clearing our basemnent to put fresh stock in store. Alil merchandise must pe sold, Antique turniture, glo6se!.. china, cdocks, collectables. battles, stamps and c oins. ldeo; Christmas gifts. The OUd Curiosif y Shop Antiques - Gifts - Coins - Stamps 131 Brock St. S., Whltby OPEN - 9 -6 daiiy. Closod Wednesdays

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