Vol. 4 No. 48 10 CENTS WEDNESDAY, DECEM BER 4, 1974 59 WHITBà 325 Separ ate School Durham Teachers Quit .1 F The resignations of 325 separale school teachers were received b>' Ed Finan, the super intendent of the Dur- hain Roman Catholic Sepur- ate School Board lust Frida>'. Appruxiinately 51) of' the 66' teachers in the six Whi tby sehools handed in their resignations, effective Janîr- ary I1. There are a total of 1 ,375 students enrolled in the tovn's separate schouls. Trusteles of the systemi voted ru seek the services of a -provincial miediator in hopes of avertinig the mass resignutions. According tu Joe Rvun, heud of the teacher's barguin- ing unit, the reachers want salar>' increase, a cost of living allowance and better working conditions. Ihe teachers. wvhose aver- age salar>' is SI10,000, origin- Sail>' demand<ed g 3 percent,, increase. John Blakely, head of the school board's nego- tiating team called the re- quest 'lidiculous. The teachers are now ask- ing for a 2-0 percent puy hike. This figure is still a long wuy from the board's larest offer of 13.5 percent. Blakely niaintains that, even if the teachers settle for this, the board muy have to make drastie cutbacks in other areus and increase the tax rate. However, if the teacliers get the 13.5 percent increase their pay for 1975 wvîll niake Up 70 percent of the school board's budget, two percent less than last ycar. 'l'li in- crease in the board's revenue for next year is 24 percent over Iast year. accordîng toý Ryan. The reachers also want a i cost of living allowance for 1975 and will not agree to any contract for the new year until this issue is set tled. They are seeking a settie- mnent of about S400 for the mnonths of September to Dec- ember to catch up to the cost of living. The teachers ejected the board's latest - lump sum offer of S$175. Previously, the bourd had offered $21 for ever>' point increase in the consumner price index for the four monthlI. The teuchers would like a cost of living bontus of 50 cents an hour, like that of- fered ai General Molors. A n imroentin wotr- They would like to sec the principals and vice-principals given mnore tîime for the administration of schiool affairs rather than in the classroomis. The remnoval of quotas on suýply teachers is another bargaining point as is a pro- tection clause in thecir con- tract in tlie event that the board, in order to mneet sal. ary demnands, tries to cLI staff. The teachiers also want sorte sciernîe for the bourd to hiire people or ucquire volun- teers ru supervise the stu- dents ut recess and luinchi hiou r. T1e current l6-mon th con) tract expires December 31. Christmas Lights SWhitby ledging the Chirist mas nighr. Counicil. acknow- end of the eniergy let the downtown lights burn al Last year, at the peak of the crisis. council huad the lights turned off early. Llow- ever, the public Utilities Commission reported thar the lights should go on and off withi the Street lighits. The PUC is askînig town residents to use their liglts for oiily tive hours per day,. "1've heard of stiff drinks betore, but"..Dr. Armstrong played by John Caldwell, looks over the body of Marston played by Paul Spencer. The scene is from Agatha Christie's popular whod unit "Ten Little Indianls" being performed b>' the Whiitby Theatre Company. Other east members are from Ieft Bert Heaver as General MieKenzie, Julian Heaver, Vera Claythorne; Julian, Snedker, Phulip Lombard-, Carol Clements, Emily Brent; and Gary Hiattoti as Rogers. (See stor>' page 6) Photo b>' Mike Burgess T .EACHERS Whitby (Counicil lias re- cognized horticul turre as aii acceptable hobby. AIt ilicir last regular mnect- ing, c ouncil increascd the size restrictions oni greeni- houses to 1 ,000 square teet. Thee move resulted, in part, from an unsuccessful request by Richard Korstanje iii September. fle usked for a building permit for a I1,300 square foot greenhouse. Althoughi counicil's decision still does not satisfy Korstunje, it is good news tu some local horticulturalists. ln short, a clause in zoning by-laws 2585 and 1784 now says thut any accessory building (or strtucture a green- lipuse in this case) exclusive of the garage mnay bc five percent of' the lot area or 1,000 square feet whichever is the greuter. Councîflor iuy liomnpsuiî sturted a hecated dlebate about wliat effeci the greenliouse by-law amiendinen t would have on s\viînniiing 1pool covcriîîgs as ihiere wvas con- RESIG N PIRE CAUSES $12,OOO0 DAMAGE A Sunda>' night house fire 'at the home of -Karl and Shirley Gerhardt, 155 Hilîcrest, Whitby caused an esti- mated S12,000 damage to their home îlot to mention a gutted 1969 sports car. The fire occurred at about 11:-30 p.n. Sixteen Whitby Firefighters and four trucks under the comnmand of Chief E. M. Caoucli responded to the caîl. The fire took 45 minutes to control. The cause of the fire is believed to be a carelessly discarded cigarette butt o11 the garage flaor which in turn ignited nuls and transmission fluid causing a srnailiexplosion. Only the children, Kari Jr., 20, Richard, 1 7, Barbara, 12, anîd Paul, 3, were at home at the timeý of the fire, but escaped safely when Karl noticed sinoke coming-(rom the basement. The parents returned shortly afterward. Firefighiters patched tarpaper over the burnt section of the roof enabling the family to spend the night. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess yard. However-, lie felt that covered pools and green- hiouses are reasonable. Tle amiendmnrt lu inl- creuse the size of greenhouses to 1 ,000' square feet was passed by a 4-3 vote. Cotîn- cillors Gerry Emm, Johin Goodwiîr and Don Lovelock opposed the amiendmnent. Couincil will likel>' deal withi the by-laws covering greenhiouses and pools on Monday. cernt iii the- council Iiha t liitiîîg accessor>' buildîings tu 600) square feet would pu a liit uin pool coverings. S1w said it's unfair. you can't tell peuple wvhat the>' cuti ar cani't do in their spare trme". Councillor Thiompson felt thiat peuple shiould be allowed to do their uwn tlîing "as long as it, doesn't affect other peuple". The Administrative Com- miittee's reconmmendation that the previous limit of 500 square feet be increased ru uïîly 600 was not sup- ported by counicil. Mayor Des Newmian left the chair toô arnend tIhe pro. posed 600 sqriare feet to 1,000 . Counicillor Johin Goodwi,î said hie was "totally opýposed to the idea of' allo\ving peuple tu build I1.000 -foot greenîmiouses in residential areats ,- Comncillor l'uni lldwards didn't tin îik tlîat people shuuild bc allowed to build gi ne fac tories iii thir back- Mr. Turkey Delicatessen 159 Brock Street North Whitby 668-5270 More on Greenhouses 'IM lei MIL> Rn R E