Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1974, p. 3

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Words from West Lynde by Norm Mealing The West Lynde Commuiîy Association riewslctter of the montff of Novenîber appeared last week. It was full of news and although you wiIl have lîcard about if already, if bears repeafing flere in this colunin. Christ mas Danice flic W.L.C.A, will be holding a Christ nias Dance on November 29th at tlic Heyderishore Paviliori. Tickets for members are $7.00 per couple and for noti-nembers are $9.00 a couple. Tickets werit 0o sale Novemiber ISîli and cari bc obtairicd froin any of the people on flic execuftive. Santa is conuing f0 West Lytîde On Deccmbcx22d Santa Claus is comîirig 'f0 West Lynide'.- He--will be loadcd down witlî foys for ahI flic children of the miemrbers provided flic kids are urider 7 years of age. So that the older kids don't feel left ouf, tlhe Association is planninîg a skating party at Iroquois Park. Details have yet fo be ironed ouf 50 watchî fhis space for furfher inifor- mat ion. Bingo For ail you bingo buffs, flic Knights of Colunibus fiold a bingo every Tuesday night af .133 Brock Street Northi. Ice Rink (Central Park) Last week I mentioncd tie need for volurifeers f0 hclp witlitthe ice rink. This is first a reinder f0 contact Dan Pelletier at 668- 8129. Winfer Sports There is a big puslî f0 organize clubs for snowmiobiliing, skiing, and cross-counitry* skiing. If you are interested in snowmobiling, John Bates (668-8.125) or Perry Gurnnzierson (668-9522) are the people to caîl. For skiing, ifs Jack McMillan (668-5071) and for cross-country Marg Boyce (668-9691). Assessmlit Very sooni we xvill ail be receivinig oui- assessnuent notices. [t is iflis assessinent wlîicfi ill bce tîsed ini coniputinig otir propcrty taxes for 1975. With thie review of asscssmcent whriclî lias recenîlly beeii donc. our assessnien ts slotîld bce redLiccd froin last year. If not, Ilion file an appeal, and con tact Bill loIfman at 668- 71 70. Mayor Newmian and flic Nominaition Tonigfit is the nîgliîtfhiat flic Liberal parfy ini tie Onitario Southi riding will clîoose flîcir canididate for tlîc rîext provincial electiori, expected sortieo Une ini 1975. One of flic lopefuls, is of course, our Mayor, His Hioîour Des Newman. In an editorial Iast week. tliis paper endorsed or, so it seemcd, Mr. Newman for the nomination. Althougli, for my own reasotîs, 1 wouldn't endorse Mr. Newman intihli election, 1, for one, flope fie wins flic nomninationi.. I say that because we would then have one heck of ant election Luk ume 9 Lucky Number 10 Lucky Number 10 Water There is enough water in the atmosphere to cover the surface of the earth with a sheet one inch in depth. Cheese-Vegetable Dip Mlash cottage cheese finely with a fork. Add chopped green pep- per (1 tablespoon to 1 pînt of cheese) and mix. Use as dip for celery or carrot sticks. Th e Liquor battle flore in Ontario Southi. On the onie hand, we wotild have thc Mayor carrying the stanîdard for tlic Grits. Ho would bc puftiîig his reputa- tion as a force in municipal politics squarely on the lino. Hoe is known, for his work on thc Provincîil Municipal Liason Comimit tee, and for what hie lias donc as Mayor for rime ycars' of tbis town. lic lias becri, strangely enougli, a supporter of regional government whiulc at the saine tirne leading Rogiorial Cou,îcil iniifleir determrination to stiay aloof froni the Toronito and area transportation autlîority. On tlie other hand, we have the Honouirable Bill New- mani, Minister of flic Environmiert and Member of 11he, Onitario Soui since 1967. Bill's record as a. private inember is impressive, fie serves his consfituents well, and lie fias steadfastly apposed tlhc new airport. As a Minister, fie fias loarnod quickly and weIl, arid lias denonstrated aîi ability f0 deal witfi anid fiardle a tough portfolio. So as you cari-sec, we will have a corifost between two mon who have boîli local and provincial reputafion. A good contest wlîicfi will deal wiîlî evcry issue. And this is why 1 hope the Mayor succeeds tonighît. Wfiitby Atflletic Association (Waabash) Oui Saturday niglit, Noveniber l6tlî, Mrs. Mealing anid 1, along witfi about 200 other people, affended flic Whitby Atlîletic Association dance. It was award iîlgfl, and flic niembers of tlic winning basebaîl and touefi, football teams were prescnted wifh Iropliies. Ski M ing The Wflifby Recreation Department in conjunicfion wifh licheWfiby Y.M.C.A. are now offering this Winters cross country ski inistruct ion- aI prograîî. If affords flic individual thîe opporfunîy f0 oxercise, gain a greafer appro. diation of tlic win fer couifry- side anid to parficipate ini a sporftflhc wlole famfily cati cnjoy. Tlie instruchor, Mrs. H. Neiderhouser is qualified by Canadiari Ski Association anîd witli lier fiusband Heiriz, orie of onlfy two full finie ct 055 country ski coaclies ini Cana- da, devote a lot of t iîîe to shariîîg fhîir skills in Canada. Class Day: Tuesdlays Tirîie: a) iniorniigs b) Affernoons C) evenings Dtîîratiots: 7 Olle 11Lionclasses Location:' To hc amnouncod Comm netci ng: . J an tia ry 7, 1 975. Waxing lessoti - Dec. 5, 1974. Fee: S 10.00 Registrationi: Monday, Dec. 2,1974, at Whîîîney Hall, Iroqulois Park Aretia, lhcîîry anid Victoria Streefs, Whitby. Timie 6 p.nî. to 8 p.m. N.B. AIl classes have a lirn- ited riurber of openings. For more information plçasc phione Wfitby Recreation Departfment, 668-5803 or Y.M.C.A. at 668-6868. Licence Act NOTICE 0F APPLICATION -LICENSING DISTRICTINO. 7 TAKE NOTICE that CAN-AM-DUTCH INVESTMENTS LIM- ITED of the Towvn of Whitby in the Regional Municipality of Durham, will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario ta be held at the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, 217 MURRAY STREET in the CITY of PETERBOR- OUGH on FRIDAY the THIRTEENTH day of DECEMBER, 1974, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon for the issuance of a DINING LOUNGE LICENCE, for the sale and consumption of liquor where food îs available, and a LOUNGE LICENCE, for the sale and consomption of liquor, Ilucre indficate thse type or types of licence or licences to bc appiied for.) for the following prernises: Howard Johnson's Mator Hotel, Highway 401 and Thickson Road, WH ITBY, Ontario Any persan who is resident in the licensing district may abject ta the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shahl be fiîed with MR. H. J. BROWNE the (Acting) depuîy registrar of the icensing district, whose address is 55 LAKESHORE BOULE- VARD EAST, TORONTO, ONTAR 10,,M5E 1A4, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is ta be held. DATED at Toronto, this 7th day of November, 1974. CAN-AM-DUTCH INVESTMENTS LIMITED, by its Solicitors Aîtwerger, Lapawich & Lapowich ................. . . . . . . Applicant Suite 903, 347 Say Street Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2R7 .................................... . Address There's A Neý Wave About Tc Sort, Siky and heatthiv, hair. itrs part of the rx'ruré Feei totaIiy feminîneé. introduce you to a beautif hairsrvie. Guida arr-IDi members ai Sagia Hair t Styîing Academy Club. V ai the Top Three Awards European Hair CutrrngC ionsh ips. GUIDA & INSTITUTE 0F 668-361ByRON WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV, NOVEMBER 20, 1914, PAGE 3 It was a. good ýniglît, and, agood timç' was, h;ad bya)ýl., The food was good, the booze was cfleap, and the band was loud. Congratulations for. hie evening should go, in part, to AI Armstronig anid Bob Smith of Derricld Court whio worked very liard. Bye for rîow, see you next week. w Dwn glowing rai look. Let us fui fl"w )io are Dress i! Ah n ners Iin the Champ- DINVO BEAUTY S 668-6031 Try Our 6 Minute Perm- Boots for the Young 1 V.*à MARANO SHOES 121 Brook St. N. Whitby 668-7341 CHRISTMAS WISH 'Not toc> much running around' Fl4ow aout your Christmos oaiNovl 4'Yf-cgr's Party? Don't woit foo long... fJow ,vi, the time tao moke your pIoný,. Cail Clitis Cotoring and Food Service, V/le offer "ON E STOP SHOPPING- <o kc'ep you FREE. y '~IYour pricn irincludes meol Iiiien, qiose, '.IiverwOre, dishr.., WOïif Ps(tc, You dn have go roni Coai u«» and SAVE TIME AND MONEY. W<e.411help moke ail and 0< Ony orrongoments. Ott. I4onning Banquets, Wéddings, Dcance!s, Ofl Socintor- 0< lce Party COUi... Chris Caterinlg 683-7891& FOOD SERVICE 839-4874 <for rent0i boak1?nq ol <ho Slovock Hall on R;tson Rd. Oshawa <veU

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