PAGE 14, WEDNESUAY, NOVEMBER 20, 19M4, WHITBV FREE PAESS -Free Press aEmpuorium r- 668-6l11 FOR SALE FOR SALE - i Girls win- ter coat, bluie with white [tur on hood, ctîffs - and pockets. Knee iength, site 14, $20 on best offer. i girls long dress oniy xvorn1 once, White top & black pat îerned bottomi. Floor icngtiî, size 14, $ 15 or best offer. 668-8 198. Emp. FOR SA LE - B & W TV console $25, table wîth 4 chairs $35, 9 inch miat tress and box spring $30, birdl Cage with saîui $10. Cali: 655-3028. Elmp. FOR SALE --5 14 inch chrome, \vire wheels for GMt product $200 or best ofter. Cati 668-7190. Emlp. FOR SALE --Philips floor model stereo with 4 but iin speakers. Excellent condi- tion. S200-00 or besi oier. Antique gramiaphone. 4 ½ fleet highi, crank missing, $2215, or best offer. Caîl: 668-9778. Eî1p. FOR SAI.E 6 foot X 4 foot sidiag pi'-,rsoni window suitabie for cottage or addi- tion S55.00. Phone 72!84849ý Enip. FOR SALE -* Loyd baby carniage excellent condition, $25. Phionc0 668-35-36 after 7:00 p.rn. Enmp. FOR SALE --4, 20 gall- on aquariot':!--, 4 heathers. .3 punmps, 2 igit s, acces- sories abo-m: "(-)trop ica i [Nb vi th :a red liai-k încioded (3 îinches 1 Si39Q 'i 668-9288 ~.zp.nI. Emp. -g FOR Si1 5 piece newly ui trdkiichien set $65. i loover vaccuumi cleaner S20. ('ail 655-4368. Emp. FOR SA LI- iPanasonic Stereo with cassette, power- fui amplier. automaîic ton- ing and mure $350. Calil 6684956. Emp. FOR SALE - Rebuilt enginie with Holley, 4 barre] carb, $65. Cati 668-6080.' Emp. FOR SALE -- English saddie second hand in excel- lent condition, $130. Cal 655-3715. Emp. FOR SAL.E & chair (salonî steamner goud Cail 668-36")> -, 1Iiair dryer type) $50, 1 condition $50 or 668-306 1. Enip. FOR SA II 1, -UIira-niod- cmn Sotund 'v l'î or Di or rec-rooi: -, por tale sec- tions, vinys cu(ver cd. tape- deck con! o ixpaiedi swi icies bugen amp. 1 garrard tran- scription tut i tables, 2 atîdio empire tone arins, GE carl- ridges, 1 5 inch JB Lansing. Speaker mounted in theatre cabine t. New cost $1,100, will take $700 or best offer. Cail 668-9746. FOR SALE - doon Chevrolet Bel automatie, powen new tires, radio. good condition. Cali 683-6638. Ermp. 1968 4- Air, V-8, steening, In veny $600.00 Emp. FOR SALE - Antique roll on top desk plus swivel chair 5450.00. Two bedroomn cot- tage, inside facilities to be remnoved fromn premnises, located Dairymple Lake S$1,000.00. Cai 668-3495. for more information. Emp. FOR SALE- Brand New 8 track tape deck for car. Nover been uised $70 or best ol fer. Cati 668-5745.Li. FOR SALE- Joily juinp- er (compt)e tely, portaible) ei- ectric sterilizer ( i srfj Pine t'aby vaIker, lotnnie Brace baby carniage $50 for e~'erviîing.(10 68-9583. Empil FOR SAL E cae$50, site 14 lent condition. FOR SAI,.E Exerciset , vtil 1 G'ray kid -16, excel- 1riniGyliî instruction book. New condition $50. Calil 655-4245. Emip.[ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE --- 2 Uniroyal Fasîrak tubeiess tires. A-78- 13 whiitewaill two ply polyes- ter. Used oiy a few iioniths $25.00e i lent sleeps louir used two summers, good con- dition, $45.00. 1 Johinson Messenger Two (base stationl) two-way radio I1O Channel 123 reccive, F-50.00. Cati: 655- 4302. Ern 1 FOtIR SALE' Elecîric organ n 'a rfisa ilode " foo t iledais c xceilent condi tion $400, or wiIl trade for a pianio in good condit ion. ('al 668-3414. Lp FOR SALE .- 1966 Inter-~ national travel-ali 4 wbcel drive .3/4 ton good condition couid be certified. $700 655- 3028. Emp. f 'I FOR SA'LE 3 14 inch rins for most Ford products with 5 holes. Seli separate or as a pair S$5 each. Cali 668- 2 25 3. Enip. FOR SALE Sterco Bar wîth short wave AM/FM rad- io aiad ttîrnîable. Must sec to appreciate. Asking S.375.00. Phone 668-2".198. Emlp. FOR SALE - i Frigidaire nef rigerator good condition $25. i shower cabinet $20. Cali 66S'-547 1. Enip. S25.00 PACKAGE DEAL INCLUDES- Crîb) & mat- t ress sut:îbie for cottage, bhchi.oivjujper. coin- piete Eldoîî raciig car set. Assemibled auîd oscd once. C-alil dav '25-P'1 f)1ievenhn2s 668-4.593.E[m1p- I FOR SALE - carrier $8. ('a r Cai 668,-6093. FOR SA LE Baby back seat $ 12. 1-1111). 0111 cil- gagemient ring 1iikc new. Diamnid. goid hband. Asking only $ 150.00. Cali 7 23-1950. Enip. FOR SALE I ten t trailer with mattresses and spare tire $2-50. Lloyd baby carniage $25. Cail 668-3925. Emp - FOR SALE - 30 inch stove in working condition. suitable for cottage $30. Cail 6684058. Emp. FOR SALE -- 4 F70-14 Guod Year raised white letter, (oscd) $45. ('ah 608-2641. lO1I SOWK!IIIINGl'o S I:LI, FOR SALE 3 (erniani Shiepard dogs (cross betwecni a Labrador Retrneyer and a Shecpard) I-ave hiad ail their shots anid licenccd 13 monthis oid $20 eachi. Cail 6554973. Emp. FOR SALE - About 30 differeait dolis outfits f'or 'Cissy' and 'Velvet's Little Sister'. Priced ffrom $1I 10 $3 Cali 728-2578. - Enmp. FOR SALE- 6 string guitar (rhythm) originaliy $190.00 only 3 mnonths old new condition asking $110. Aiso bass guitan good condi- tion asking $50.00. Cal 668-6248. Emfp. FOR SALE i, propane Ispace hecater, nearly new large enoughi to heat 3 roims SSCall 693-2370- Eimo. FOR SALE - Hockey skates size 5 good condition $12, hockey shin pads for age 1l or 12 $2, shouider pads $2, snowmiobiie boots size 8 $5, snownmobile heimet age il or 1 2 excellent con- dition $5. Cati 668-4706 after 5 o'ciock. Ernp. FOR SALE Barbecue 24 inch diamieter $4, Carpet sweeper, antique, price open). i lieadboard 39 inch vinyl $3 ladies brown boots size 8 $5. Caîl: 668-5060. Enîp. FOR SAL T'IV ('hannel Mlaster An tenna. good con - dit ion S30. plus 2 local head SIO. (Xiii: 1-1111p La. 1-01Z SALE1:îpaîir of' sîjîn )ads S5, 1ipair ofl ebow pads ",3. ('ail 668-3244. Emip. FOR SALE Kaivinator siove. Good working con- dition. Flowcr pots. Cal 668-4309 afier 5 o'clock. EMp1. FOR SALE --I pair of bauer skates, boys site 7 in good condition $5, 9 comn- plete jigsaw puzzles, 2 hiock- ey and 7 scenic. 2 neyer been opened 50 cents eachi or ail for $5. Cail 688- 4465. Emip. FOR SALE - 4 nice crome discs 14 in. fromi a 68 Beaumont for $5. SkI 1/4 ini. drill 3 wire for $5. AIl wave T.V. anlenna jusi the lhead for S 10. One uniroyal near niew raja tire on riew whel biackwall 6.35 X 14 f'rumii 73 Nova S20. Ex. pericnced woodstmain can ct di>)\vn 10O poplar t rccs for seve rai cord o f h rewî od il* lie lias saw.p.Iole clinibers and i upc for $20 whiclî is rcfnndii(- able in ftîli to iîn svien b)raniches etc. is cleaned uip. Cali 723-2738 evea ings. Emp. FOR SALE -I complete train set aiso 4 extra trains plus 50 [t. of track. 4 bridges, 2 transformers and ail kinds of accessories. Would mnake a nice Xmnas present. Take al for $45. Caîl 668-3495. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 automa- lic eye 3 iens movie camera, i automatic feed projector -with zoom lens, 1 iight bar, 4 bulbs, 1 film editor. Ask- ing price $325.00 aIl in per- [ect condition, cali 655-3815. Emp. I FOR SALE -- Arborite kitchenl counlter top. L- shaped app)roxîr-nateiy Sft .6ini X 41*t. Compiete witli double sitnk unit. Suitabie for cot- tage or apartinent, $35. Call 608-2923. Emp. FOR SALE i- Gas Drycr like tiew $10O.00 or best offer, (Xiii 655-4370. Empl. FOR SALE Englis dryer iîearly new $1I50. Exercise bcd $30, 8 track tape & electrical box $60. Mans 14k gold rinîg $80. ('ail 668- 7927. Emp. FOR SALE -- 15 cubic foot freezer, i year old like new, best offer. Cail 668- 362-6. Nov. 20 FOR SALE - Sofa and matchiag chair, must seil be- fore end of monthi $60. Cali Pat at 668-7804, Emp. FOR SALE --I upright table saw with new motor $25, i Eatons* chain saw 5 HI.P. $50. Cali 668-1234. Emp. FOR SALE 1965 Dodge 3/4 ton truck, unfiit. Best offer. Cali 668-6270. Nov.20 [OR SALE -- Beauty sa- ion eqoipaient & supplies. A beautifuil desk S60. 2 sinks S50 each. 21 new shampoo chairs $25 each. customn rod mron coat îack S50. mi:tching dîider S$20. siîpoUnit& cttili)-arcis S0G. dispiav divid- er with ? uias's sliives S50, 2 \:iii cý wiih i v;ru >1's [t 41't. S50 ech,diidrvei (on roll about ibase Vs ior more information cali 668-6567. FOR SALE' Honme en- tertainnment centre, 21i inch B & W televioný). Stereco nieeds repair, wain ut ca)inC t, $80. ('ail 668-3008. Emip. FOR SALE - Record player (p)ortable) S15.00, kitchen table (chrome and grey marbie in design) $20. Please cail after 6 p.mi. 655- 32-40. Emip. FOR SALE - 3 pups, 8 weeks old, part smiail terrier and beagle. 2 femaies and 1 maie, nice house dogs, $10 Phione afuer 5 6554616. Emp. FOR SALE- Camper to fit 1/2 or 3/4 ton truck. NMLYS[ ' ewsoo 10reason- able oferxiii be rcf.îsed. ('ail 008-34()7 la te cvcliinig or 1IîIELP WANTELD Hl.LLP WANTED --- The Whiitby Free Press requires sales personnel tu assist iln the manageament of' the Advertising Departmient. Cail 668-6111l on 282-1004 FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT - CaIl after 6 p.m. 668-6779. Nov.20 WANTED TO RENT A two bedroom living ac- commodation wanted to rent for a famiiy of 4 in a price range of $125.00 monthly. Phone 579-0555. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FREE la thic FREF PRESS 1Iý'MPORIUM, pay ONLY when you self! There will îiot be any chiarge to advertisers ia f1l RIT PRLSS EÃMPORIUM ualess thec item advertised is sold. When thé advertised item ki sold, you pay a commission based on TIIE AI)VE-,ZrT1SED PRIVE as illustrated bclow. Ail advertisements must be placcd on an exclusive hasis with lhe WIIITI3Y FREE PRESS' and Ieast one inoat i if aot sold RAT i. crarticle is sotd): 5/(, f advertised price up ta $400.00 2%li of tlie balance over $400. 00 E.-XAMPLE'-: SoId item 'idvertised for $50.00) - commission (lue $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) lrivatc advertising only! Piease notify us il' you find a retailer isied as a private advertiscr. lleasc aotîfy thie Whitby lrc Press imlmedliately wvhen itemn is sold so thai we mnay delete ilt'roin fthe following issues. Services. hielî, wantcd, clotiang,'real estate and personal message type ads cati oaly bce handled on a prepaid basis. If tn laoubt, eall 668-6 111 MAIL ALL AI)S TO: FREE'îPRESS ENIPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WIIITBY SERVICES WALLPAPER SALE 99cPER ROLL THOUSANDS OF ROLIS Il STOCK DODD & SOUTE R DECORATING CENTRE 105 Byron Street, Whitby 668-5862 VOLTAVACIJUMS 'Fry the new top-lo.ading up- riglit in vour own home., Absointelv rnu obligation Iu buy' Rugs. shampooed lice (M purcliase of Volta \'acîijuîn be lfOrieDeccitibe r i t). 11)97 4. - 576-8390 SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homes. (Chestedlieids, lamps, dinet- te suites, velvet paintlngs, rugs,-Ail in Showroom con- dition. ELMER'S FURMIURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 SALES & SERVICE PIONEER CHAINSAWS G RAY'S ENGINE REPAIRS 324 Thickson Road S. (near Highway 401> Phone: 728-0690 COURIHOUSE SQUARES (ANADIAN IEARING AID CONSULTANTS 'J~ 5 10 Bond Street East -i ___Phione 725-2771I FREE HEARING TEST COSL&iN BU1SINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT - Prime location, new building, ad- joining Toroaito Dominion Baink iin Industnial Park iocatcd ln Witby. Cail: 1-63.3-9911i. TRUCK TOPS FROM $199.00 AND UP ALUMINUM INSULATED CAPS FROM $299.00 AND UP Brooklîn Camping Sales One quarter mile north of Brookîin on Highway 12 655-3776 Wl ITBY DENTURE CLINIC 214 DUNDAS STREE',T HAST, WFiITBY 668m7797 NOW OPEN CALL FOR APPOINTMENT NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION New custom dentures direct to the public' Repairs and Relines 90 days unconditional guarantee on ali new dentures provided One year f ree adjustment MEMBER 0F THE DENTURIST SOCIETY 0F ONTARIO AS A MEMBER 0F THE DENTURIST SOCIETY OUR FEE SCHEDULE CONFORMS WITH THE SOCIETY. q i 1