Whitby Free Press, 20 Nov 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS IBrookli[n Bylines Well it's your last chance to take yotir partner and try out sorne square dancing tonighit, Wednesday, ut 8:15 plni. ut the Oddfellows Hall, Bagot St., Brooklin. It's iliere that the Brooklin Square Dancing Club are otTering you another beginners night .[.un, easy, healthy exercise ut $2 a couple. 'Going, going, gone!' And if you're not ut the Brooklin Cornmunity Centre, Cusseis Road East, at 11:00 a.m. SHARP youi may miss bidding on one of the .300 lots thut are being auctioned off on Saturday, 23rd, Novemiber. DJr, Watt is the auctieneer, and lielhas a l'Ile selkction out antiques from Nova Scotia, On tario, and Quebec. including pine and other furniture, china, glass. copper and bruss objects etc. for you te muake your bid on. The Ladies Auxiliary of the'Brooklin Legion mill once again be oni hand to offer refreshmnents and ail in aIl i t sounds too good to miss. Get there early..Dr. Wat t lis a large out et townl Collowing who are sure to be at this sale - the last one for 1974. One ancient objeci that i îhink we couild *do without, is THE WHITBY RED CROSS BLOOD DON OR CLINC Date: Wednesday November 27th, 1974 2 p.m. ta 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m-. ta 9 p.m. at the CANADIAN LEGION HALL, Byron Street South, WH ITBY the old barber shop on the corner of Cassels East and Bald- win . l'ii sure thiat it probably lis sentimental value for many residents in thc arca, just as I'mi sure that once it was a very respectable building. But l'n eqnally sure that meist wouid agree that it is nething but a dangerous eyesore ut thc moment, in its prescrnt condition. 1 have heard that the powers that be are censidering what action- to take. As lnm aise assured that thcy do persue tliese nlotes of mine, m-ay 1 hunibly suggest tlîat they stop considcring and that thcy t.ake thc obvions action and pull the place dewn. Thiat way we will have less temiptation fer idie hands, and the notorists trying te make a icft turn eut of Cussels ente Baldwin wili have a cicarer view of* what is bombing up the highiway. Apart t'rom that an emipty spuce lias te look a greut deal bel 1cr te ont of towners, than thut wrcck et bygone days that wc have niow. Whiie îthe above arc ut it they mighit invite thec Public Schooi Board te join îlîem fer an inspection of the oid scheul. By thc leoks cf it, thut tee wiil bc bearded np bc- fore tee long. Whuat is it being suvcd fur?ý..ut the rate il is going it wen't be 'fit for anything iin a fcw yeurs tirne. Couldn't sonmeLuse bc found l'or it, now, or is it destined te become another ruiidown cycsore on the main highwuy of the Northi Ward urea? 'Ne have a short cul unîn this wek ... net ny fult. i 've told yen before ( tho' net lfor a long lime) that the old saying 'ne ncews is geood news*. jList isn*t truc iin the case of this columun. It siniply meaîîs ne coltiiin. Se ceme on and caîl that numiber 655-3750 and ask for thc Bylines. And let 's shure thc activi tics ithat aire te be h -id ip iin the North Ward. Sec yen ncxt weck. I hl lope! LIZ P.S. If yen hiave lest your kcys ..ry the Brooklin Post 0Office. Thcy have quite a fcw lhanging up in- there and yours muay be amuîîg ihieiri. BROWN'IrS FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 *0cm SALE OF TIE Au7 T CHICKENS oom' 65! CANADA -GRADE -a- 10slb, .«O"q TURKEY5 FROZEN 65 cr THE ECONOMY CORNER f FOR JUor PiAiN PICKIN BEEF LIVE'R -- b 95 cCRCIKENC PORK HOCKS Tb49 c WIN S SWIFT ICKLIDN491.0CUREK COTTAGE 9 C RINDLESS 1.1 9 Fresh Ground Pork Tb 98 c -U£ BABY SCOTTS RE& 3o. pkg -SUPER 2'1 pi.q SNA CKS URNERAL MLLS AsoI.d Var i., liapers sl.59 SO.koU5 M iJRI - POWDER DETERGENT lOiNGSI55E ASSOFTED FLAVOURO - BUNSsUN 1 ICECREAM ýunlight $1.,,in a Ies 0'79c FEATURE! - PURE PORK 12 FI. Oz. Tin KLIK Lunch Meat 79, FEATURE! - BATHROOM 2-PLY VIVA TISSUE -41Ri89' FREEZER ORDERS ONE 0F OUR SPECIALTIES ~ I >mas is corrîng bon. Let us choose that holiday bird for Vour speciai day. I ELIVERI AT For the fam itdinner we have Maple Leaf Grade A Tuikeys (or ither brands Il lavailabile)di cks, geese. chickens and hamO. Order now to assure s11e adl I... **j aaity. Wscalso specialize in suppiyong pre-xmas birds or hams tb offices, NOIA HREIndustriel piants, bowling leagues or tegrus 3 816 DAYS THURSO - SAT. Novembor 21sf - 23rd J U 1 C E MUSHROOMS 48 -- 10 A c FI, Oz. FI.Oz in -MAPE LEA EST UVI - 200 x 2-PLY - FACIAL LVRLA rM PELA KLEENEX SALMON RUC-A-RON1 RITZ BISCUITS _ ASSIRo CHRISSIE Alls p& C1 9 9.q C ORLUX 220x. S McCAIN PIZZA sl.99 COOL WHIP l"<x. t 45c LAYER CAKES 79c0~ 24Le. 11ACIAGE HEINZ ENTREES $1079 PEATiJREI;m_ i osT iXR .O.n DOG Food 3 tes1 FLATUREI - SPAGHET11or MACARONI 1 v CATELLI 16 L39e STORE HOURS OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THURS- & FRI1 NIGHTS 'TIL 9 p.m. oeaziw &DMUTiKVH! SANIYAR YNAMKINS KOTE'iX-. 12 to pkg. 69c NàUCUNSHINE FRESH Fruits & Vgeteus Produce of U.S.A. Sweet Tasty c Red Grpes 3 clb. U.S. No. 1 Grade Crisp Crunchy c Celery Stalks 497 Large Sue - Each Ontario Grown MiId Sweet i13c lb. RUTABAGAS NO- 1 Ontario Hot Houso 69c lb. Tomatoes Think Snow -Thînk Snu(W :înd "sznow guare phrases commiorite evervoiie \vhu is intercsoed ini onîdour activities ut ihis uie ofi%,,eir. Snuxvmobilcrs are loukîiig over their mach- inies anidcear te e'nsure read- mess a t 11e drop of the first \Vhile \,ou are waitîng for the snio\ the Ontario Safcty League suggests tlhe clearance of' Irails befure stiow drifts impecle the remuoval of' hid- dein obstructions and the iparking of truils for sufe upc rai ion. Bo th ac tivi tics mnove along- more efficiently anid \vith greater effect if dune xvhile the ground is dry anid talleni trec limbs are visi- bIe. Recogiîzinig thut te eper- :itc a snowmiobile sufeiv, a sniowmnobiler mnust know where lic is going, th e Ontario Safety League devel- oped colorful trailm-arkers that readily identify the trail Marked 'Trail". "Danger", "Prohibited". along with directionul arrows and light- reflective tape for nighit oper- aling. The trailmarkcrs are reasonably priced for econo- inical trail rnarking. This sniowmobilc sufety programn is now being used throughout the province by snowmobilc clubs, winter resorts and guveroment agencies. For further information kindly Wri te the Ontario Safety League, 409 King Street West, Toronto, Ontar- io M5V lKI. BRING THE FAMILY TO THE N EWCA STLE FLEA MARKET located 21/2 miles north of Hwy. 401 on Hwy. 115 IN A LARGE WELL HEATED BUILDING Food, clothing, jewelry, antiques, etc., etc. OPEN EVERY SUN DAY AT 8 A.M. ALL DAY SEE A WORLD 0F VALUES AT GENUINE DISCOUNT PRICES DEALERS WELCOME Dealer inquiries phone 416-349-2551 I I s r =r 1 N iý:i

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