PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, N GVEMBER 13, 1974, WHITBY F REE PRESS, The Law a-nd You Q. I think my boyfricnd has givcn me sorne sort of venereal disease. 1 want hlmn to conie ln for treat- ment too, but he refuses. I love him too much to want him to have this disease. What. if anything, eau 1 do? A. 1 hope that you don't hiave to be told that the disease requires immediate treatrnent. Your boy- friend should be told that it is a crirninal offense knowingly to give someone VD, or to fail to seek treatment once lie knows or suspects that hie has VD. If he refuses, hie can be reported to a I-ealth Offlicer under Ontario'ý Vcnereal Diseases Prevention Act. The officer can' mquire him to coeienlu or treatment. and if lie stili refuses, hie can be locked up for a minimum of seven days. Once hie is locked up, lie will be treated anyway. - You should probably tell him ail this and hope that it will persuade hlm to go voluntarily for treat- ment. If not, get lu touch with your local health department. Q. Is there such a thing as statutory rape in Canada? A. Yes. Rape is sexual intercourse where thc female doesi't consent, or where the consent is procurred by force or fraud. A statutory rape is cornmitted lu cases where the law considcrs thc female too young to consent to sexual intercourse. Where the consent is lacking, sexual intercourse becomnes rape. lu Canada, everyone who has interçourse with a girl under the age of 14 (who is flot his wife) is guilty of "statutory rape" wliether or not lie believes she 15 14 or older. Q. 1 felI behind lu my refit. I tried to make a deal with the landlord su we could stay lu the place we have now. He said 'no dice', and lie turned off the water and gais, "To remind me", he said. As if that wasn't bad enough, when I got home last niglit, he had chianged the locks. A. Your landiord could be lu big trouble. Under Ontario's Landlord and Tenant Act it is a crimninal offense for the landlord to change the locks or withhold vital services without an eviction order Envunronmient Onltario goes 1lol. 6 new re jnal offices to serve indivi*dual Communities befter., In a province the size cf ours, if Met ropolitan Tarante, the Regional can take twa days jusfte drive from Municipalities cf Halton. Peel, York, one end to another. Durham, Muskoka, and the Counties Vts that big, it's that spread out. cf Simcee, Northumberland, Peter- fer such a vafrthrea ionen he borough, Victoria and Haliburten, is in for uch vas are is ne o theDon Mils. The Director in charge i mosf complex tasks thaf the Ontario Mr. P. G, Ceckburn. District offices are Gevernment has. 'already estabiished in Barrie, For years, we've been working . Gravenhurst, Peterborough, Oakville frem Torent o, working af long dis-PulCcbr and Taronte. tances frcm many et yOU.PalCcbr Paul Cockburn is a prafessional Thaf's ail changed now The Min- engineer wha has had many years isfry of the Envirenment has experi ence working in environmentai corne to yeu. .~-. management. He's familiariz- Environmental matters- ing himself wif h the envi- are new being leaked after , ronmentaî needs cf the in six Regienai Offices threugh- Central Region-as ouf fhe province. There are _ part et Ontario's also 23 district offices te help -., new policy te keep a dloser eye en enviran- \.<. place environ- mental services -air, land and water, ~. mental cent roi Each region has a Direct or, sameone whose ~~cioser tothe oniy job is te care for the environmental needs :Y . source. of that specific mpiece' cf Ontario. The Regionai __ Office fer Central Ontaric, which encompasses -__ lie New Ontarlo Ministry of the Envmonment Ontario Minister. The Hon. William G. Newman Deputy Minister. Everett Biggs Regianal office, 150 Ferrand Drive Dan Milîs, Ontario Tel. (416) 424-3000 District offices. Barrie, Gravenhurstp Peterborough, Cakviile,Taronto fromn the court. Each of these offences carnies a $1 ,000.00 fine. Q. I found out that my wife had an illegitimate child be- fore we met. She didn't tell me about this before we married - in fact 1 only found out by accident. I was so mad that 1 rnoved out. Can 1 divorce her or get an anul- Iment? A. You have no grounds for divorce. Your wife is not guilty of adultery because this ail happened before you marnied. The fact that you were mistaken about your fiancees' character does not affect the validity of the marriage. THESE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, BASED ON ONTARIO LAW, ARE PUBLISHED TO INFORM AND NOT TO ADVISE. NO ONE SHOULD TRY TO APPLY OR INTERPRET THE LAW WITHOUT THE AID AND O DIC F A TRAINED EXPERT WHO KNOWS THlE FACTS, BECAUSE THE FACTS 0F EACH CASE MAY CHANGE THE APPLICATION 0F THE LAW." Coac.t Jiouie cSteak~ JiouL-e & &Veffl FuIIy Licensed Chor-Broiled Steaks - Filet-Mignon Lobster Toils - Rainbow TrouÉ Baked French Onion Soup - Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail lýUSlNESS MEN'S LUNCHEONS 1939 Dundas St. West - Whitby, Ontario (Hwy. #2) 1 Mile West of 4 Corners at Lynde Creek 668-2751 CHARGEX -Ahi/EX -DINERS . MASTER.CIIARGE NOTrICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY To the for the dispense with a vote of the Electors respecting purchase of certain lands on Hazelwood Drive the future construction of a public highway in Town of Whitby. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1.The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to purchase Lot 27, Registered Plan 537, known munici- pally as 130 Hazelwood Drive in the Town of Whitby for the future reconstruction of a. public highway over the aforesaid lands at a total estimated cost of $75,000.00 and that the sumn of $37,500.00 shaîl be raised by the sale of debentures payable on the general rate over a period flot exceeding 5 years. 2. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for, an Order to Dispense wîth the Assent of the Electors to the under- taking of the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice send by post the Clerk of the Town of VVhtby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his object- ion to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statutes that the assent of the Electors shaîl not be required and may approve of the said works but before doing 50, it may appoint a time and place for a pu- blic hearing when any objection will be considered. Dated at the Town of November, A.D., 1974. Whitby this 6th day of Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T. C LE RK, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas- Street West, Whitby, Ontario.