PAGE 12, WED&ESDAY, NOVEMBER 6. 1974, WHITBV FREE PRES Basebali Officiais Look Forward to WeII Earned Rest The shouting hias long since died away. The gloves have been oiled and stored away to await another spriug. The hionours and trophies have been 'zwarded aînd for the busy members of the Whitby Minor Basebaîl Association iî's time 10 look back and- reflect on the 74 season. For W.M. B.A. President Wiuston Muschieitand his execuitive and for aIl those whio work so liard as coaches, uimpires and heipers ini a varieîy of ways il lias been a highly successful season, but il has had ils problerns and an off-season pastimie is 10 talk about how improvemieuts cati be made. Ironically sorte of the problerns that beset thec W.M.B.A. stemn frorn ils success and are thec growtl pains of an organizattion which hlas swelled ils ranks froin less titan 300 to nearly 600 iu six brief years. There is a shortagc of will- -ing and coînpetent coaches 10 meet the needs of expansion and 10 replace dedicated rnen who have acted loyaliy for several years and who would like to lake a well deserved break frorn the responsibility and dernands of looking after a club, and 10 find the ideal combination of a man who possesses both a knowledge of the game and the art of handling young people is flot easy. Hockey is uuiquely Canadian, or was untîl Kharmalov and Yakushev became household words, and nearly everVOanadian maie played hockey during his youth and in adufîhood considers Ihim- self an expert who cani match wits with the Imlaclis, Bow- mans and Kellys. This provides for much ecasier recruiting of coaching staff for a sport which almost stands alone in its season. The sumrmer sports, basebali, soccer, lacrosse, sofîbali put a drain on available manpower at the sanie lime and in the case of the summer sports flot every man played in his youth and is knowledgeabie. The W.M.BA. like most miuior sport organizations 10 day operates clubs at two levels, house league tearns and s0 calied ail star clubs which play in a higher level of compe- tilion against other comrnunilies. In lte house league pro- .gramme flie emphasis is placed more on recreation than cornpelition and for this group te W.M.B.A. needs meii 10 act as coaches who may flot necessariiy have lte savvy of a Walter Aiston or Gene Mauchi but who have a way wiîh young people. For the clubs which are enîered in E.O.B.A. competition and where the gaine is niore various the assoc- iation xiii hc iooking for heip in 75. A iack of coachtes forced the W..B.A. 10 drop ils Tyke entry fror lte E.O. B.A. tyke series this past season aîîd it look sorne lime to get the coaching staff settlied away for the Pec-Wee Legion- aires. Ttie- association is hopeful ltat in the influx of iiew residents îo the îown Ihat assistance inav be forthcoîning. There is :iso a desperale need for uimpires, a problern faced by everv conunity. il is a sud coiientary oithrie situa- tion in ail îitinor sports but oflen the reluclance of people 10 act as , fficials is the resuit of te abuse and itarassilcnr they musi take front parents. Umipire baiîing bias been a part of basebail for a long lime and at lte iigher leveis wcii paid oft'îci-is accept this as part of lte job antd treat lte situation inpersoîtaiiy, but ils îougli 10 take wlien you're a volunteer tl~i ýng 10 hleip a buriclt of kids have fuit playing a game of bail, If parents are flot willing tu assist. ut least îhey couid encourage those who do, raîter than hecap abuse on someone trying to do the job. Because of ils location the Whitby association is a ii- ber of the Eastern Ontario Basebail Association the ruliiîg body of basebail from the Toronto ci 'ty lirnils oit the west. t0 the city of Kingston on the cast. Baseball aws as îlîey stand at presenit decree that Whitby is a ntenber of lte E.O.B.A. but possibiy the limee has corne for a study of lte possibilities of changing the boundaries of the E.O.B.A., a change xvhich wouid be made by the provincial governing body, the Ontario Basebail Association. Organized in 1964 the E.O.B.A. has had some stormy periods ini its hîstory, due o rftto uestionbip -iIesadledesip re -1 necessary 10 play aflernoon games on the weekend and coaches, players and their parents in this age of the summer cottage hesitate to give up their Saturdays and Sundays travelling busy highways. Not oniy does a more compact league with clubs from Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and possibiy Scarborough make sense, unless the people in Saudi Arabia about face and eliminate the threat of serious oul shortages there may be no choice in the malter on the part of the 0. B.A., il wiil be the Shah who says our boys can't travel neariy three hundred miles return to play a bail game. W.M.B.A. officiais may be faced with another decision next season, depending on the picture wiîh regard 10older boys. This season past because of a lack of players, creaîed by shift work commilîments of boys in the junior bracket the Junior entry was withdrawn. Its eariy 10 tel whaî the situation wilI he next season but severai players move up out of the midget bracket. The W.M.B.A. has aiways had a serious concern for players as they advance 10 the higher levels and has operaîed both juveniles and junior clubs in past years to provide basebali for these older boys. There bias always been a question however whether the interests CROSSWORD PUZZLE TrODAYS ANSWER «ACROSS DOWN 1. Israell 1. Indian port state 5. Card gaine 2. - Bow il: Bullet 3. Be char- 12: Spain and acter.- Portugal lstlc 13. Trolled (4 wds.) 14. Corne back 4. FelIow 15. Skill (SD') 16. Sesarne 5. Discharg- 17. Wapiti ing 18. Nautical 6. White rope poplar 20. For 7. Final sharne! 8. Type of 21. Rhinocer- exam os beetie (3 wds.) 22. Sheet of 9. O'Hare glasa , tenant 23. Unpleas- 10. Cotton ant hap- fabric peniing4 25 Poe's "Te 26. Teu- tonic sea demon3 27. Hurt 28. Equal 1 (comb. form) 18 19 29. Kînd o! march 21 32. Ship- PA shaped ~23 4 clock 33. Spirit 26 talk 34. Chinese 28 pagoda 35. Sar- 3 castic 3 3.De! rost 3 38. Pace 356 39. Hebrew 38 lyre 40. Hinder 4 41. Sicilian 4 volcano 313 H 31V N 1 16. Prong 19. Airway 22: Annoy- ance 23. Greedy 24. Italian COM - mune 25. Band N 27. Written inquiry 29. Hauteur 30. Stylish shop 31. Czech inountains 36. Bite 37. - West B.W6M.H.A. Registîti to date- 825 boys. Number of* Teanis 58 i.e.: Juv. & idgeî 11.1.. Major Bantaîil.l Miîlor Ban tain H.lL. Major Pee-%Wee 11.L Minor Pec-Weec H.L. Major AtOffl I IL. Miroi, Atoiti II.L. Novice ii. Sqluirts H.L- Ail Stars 0 teains 4 îeans 6 learns 6 teams 6 teanis 6 tearns 4 teamns 4 tearns 6 tearns 10 teams GAME SCHEDU LES: BROOKLIN: Tuesday 7:00 -8:30 8:00 - 10:00 Thursday 6:00 - 9:00 Saturday 7:00.- 9:00 arn 1:30 - 3:30 3:30 - 6:30 Sunday 8:45 - 11:45 arn 3:30 - 4:45 4:45 - 6:00 6:00 - 7:15 7:15 - 8:45 IROQUOIS PARK: Monday 5:00 - 8:00 8:00 - 9:30 9:30.- 11:00 Wednesday 6:00.- 8:00 8:00.- 10:00 Saturday 7: 00 - 10:Oam 7:30 - 9:00 9:00 - 10:30 Minor Pee-Weec-Ail Stars Major Pee-WVee Ail Stars Minor Pee-Wee House League Novice Pce-Wee House League Minor Atom House Lecague Major Atoni House League Squirt House League Novice Ail Stars Minor Atom Ail Stars Major Atom Ail Stars Minor Ban tain Ail Stars Major Pee-Wee House League Major Bantam Ail Stars Juvenile Major Bantam House League Midgeî & Juvenile Minor Ban tam Ho use League Minor Midget Ail Stars Major Midget Ail Stars Corne out and support YOUR team!! of both groups would flot be better served if the W.M.B.A. as its name indicates, kept its responsibility confined to the younger boys up to midget level, wilh older clubs such as juvenile and junior being separate and distinct operations from administrative standpoint. This may take on added importance next season because with the resurgence in in- terest in Intermediate basebali in the area possibiy the time has corne for Whitby to field an Intermediate club, particulariiy if the Iroquois Park complex is operational. For obvious reasons the operations of a minor basebal scheme and an Intermediate club is just not compatable and workable for either group. There are just some of the things basebaîl people eau mul over during the winter, which isn't as long as you may think when you remember that the Annual Meeting for the W.M.B.A. is on te first Saturday of February, oniy thir- teen weeks away. TrO UT. NOV. 16 NOXZEMA SPecial 10 «x. Jor ASPIRIN 00,S79 HEAD & SHOULDERIS SHAMPOO s27 3.6 oz. Jar, 3.7 oz. Tube or 5.7 ýo:. Lotion eaci, LISTERINE 7c Menthol - Oronge - Lemon Mint . Reg. 7c CUIC-AWN JÀ PlIAMACY j muORs LDÀ p RACY fil kmch sf.. K 6ZW1P: TDT d65S kiwISt 45-301 mooxii 1mi , ANTISEPTIC 12 oz. ~ ~ VAP-AIR $ VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER, WTH SAFETY LOCK-ON TOP * .~i~77Y .t ' KOTEX FEMININE NAPKINS ROYALE~ Regulr, ~ FACIAL TISSUES ' S u p e r, 3 - L 1273c A9c t uOéRICDiN 'D, COLD MEDILETS - TABLETS Cblldmota'. h S plm utc..g.ut. able Decoffl.,eo.* :1.e44 9 C24 ANSODENTBNGA DENTURIE Gteee.OTMN 25e CLEAMR Nor LTIN 3ox Vour POWDER r hoce! 93c ý549 BABY PUAPER 30IIr .guA,3,C r 59. ALUMINUM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERJALS UED BOATS Whi'tby Marinie Ilwy. 12 at Myrtie Station 6554117 PROVINCIAL J"UeNIOR 'A' HOCK(EY WHITBY KNOB HILL FAIM$, vs ROYAL YORK Sun. Nov. lOth 7:30 p.m. IROQUOIS PARK AIRNA Adults $1.75 Students with I.D. $1.00 Chiidren .50 LOOSE RUGS U PH0LSTURY OSHAV~ARUF WALL 10 WALL BROADLOOM PLANT Iocated at 133 TAUNTON RD. W. EST., 1956 725-9961 L4 L