Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1974, p. 5

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Brookliln Bylines To develop or not 10 develop - that secms 10 be the question in the Brooklin air these days. The ladies of the area who went to hear Mr. Keith Birch at Ladies Take-a Break on October 9th, probably came away with the feel- ing that it is going, to happen Corne what may. Mr. Birch certainly gave no hope that you could stop il, and that any energy to fight that one has should be used 10 direct the quality and quantity of the developnient. Forty-five ladies listeiled as Mr. Birch outlitied the zoning plans of the lands around Brooklin and area. And then they directed questions covering various aspects of the future of Brooklin. From theîanswers one got, the general idea was that you were îlot just fighîting City Hall, but also regional governiment, provincial government and the private landowner who selîs out in his own interests. The only thing that you can do, it seems, is to be on guard for the public meetings that there will be and attend them and give your point of view..and then hope that the powers that be will listen and take note. As only forty-five ladies turned out 10 hear Mr. Birch thirty-three present were regular members of the weekly group - 1 have f'ears that Councillor Gerry Emm is in for a hard time with his next two requests. For they both entail public co-operation one, by taking pen 10 paper and the other by using the phone. In both cases it means that the public has to move themselves, and in my limited study of the public I've found that îhey won'î do that-until it's 100 late..but then they'll scream blue murder if what:is donie is not 10 their lîking. Anyway Gerry is optimistic that you will help himn as il concernis your future in this area. Gerry is now on theplanning committee and as lie says whatever happens- he wants "Brooklin 10 corne out the winner". Here's what you do to help him realise this wishi. You write t0 him and tell. lhim how you feel and what you wanî as regards future development in this area. But you mnust write, as Gerry needs tlhe letters for filing and reference, so thal when he attends the meetings that are planning your future environment. lie has the proof in support. Don't wait to beef after the decisions are made..and then blame our reps for seling us down the river..give tlhemi the guidelines now. His second request is regarding the swimming pool for Brooklin. The plans, estimates and health regulations are all in, but the cost for whiat we wîll gel is rcally ridiculous. but can't be helped. Gerry has strongly been ini favour of a pool up here and is disappointed in the resuit of aIl this initial work..which really means that we will end up with an overglorified wading pool that will probably only be used in July and August..depending on the weather. Is it worth il? Or would it be better 10 wait for development and then gel a bigger and all year round facility? How do YOU feel about this? Development isn't that far away and as we've waited this long would it be worth waiting a lit tIc longer and something thiat wvould be real value for money? Whafever your answer phone the Bylines and let us know. Again it's YOUR answer that we are waiîing for, so pick up the phone and dial 655-3750 and give your opinion. (As a personal request from me, if you can, caîl in the morning). O.K. Now it's check your calendar lime. Saturday 19, October just in case you missed it last week as 1 kiiow some did, a Rummage Sale aI the Brooklin Legion on Baldwin Street between 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Books, clothing, brie-ai-bris, are being collected for the sale by the Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 152 of the Royal Canadian Legion, for you to pick up aI bargain prices. Sunday 2Oîh, October at 7 p.m. is the date for the next meeting of Level IV. It will be held aI St. Thomas's Church Winchester Road. Level IV is a youth group in the area and at their lasI meeting they had a good turn out, and elected Joe Pengelly as President, Murial Pengelly as Vice-president Carolyne Disney as Secretary and Garry Short as Treasurer. They are planning a guesî speaker for Sundays meeting and if you sîill haven't joined îhem go along and introduce yoUrself.. _. -1- 118 BYRON ST. N. WHITBY 668-2651 We invite the public to use our lanes during oui OPEN BOWLING HOURS Sunday 12 noon - 10: 30 p.m. Open Bowling ail day. Monday 12 noon - 11:30 p.m. Open Bowling 4- 7 Tuesday 12 noon - 11: 30 p.m. Open Bowling 4 - 7 Wednesday 12 noon - 11:30 p.m. Open Bowling 4- 7 & 9 -11:30 Thursday 12 noon -Il: 30 p.m. Open Bowling 4 -7 &9-11:30 Friday 12 noon - 1: 30 p.m. Open Bowling ail day Saturday 8-30 a.m, 11:30 p.m. Open Bowling 3 p.m. - 11: 30 STILL TIME AVAILABLE TO JOIN OR START A LEAGUE WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16,1974, PAGE 5 FASHON NW -by.,DeannaDe Paul, Photos by Mike Burgess One of the Most impor- tant things in your wardrobe this faîl will be a dress - a dress that's loose and easy bo wear in tlie softest of fabrics The two piece dress is a pop- ular look for this season - ils a skirî with matching top, a very versatile and practical invesîment. Great looking accessories with these dresses are Garbo hats, overblown berets and long scarves yqu tie like a muffler. Another excellent invest- ment in fashion you can make this faîl is a skirt - a skirî with a swing 10 it. Skirts are comfortable, prac- tical and easy 10, put together dozens of ways. You will want ho wear your dresses and skirts at the new longer length. Dressing for evening is a whole new category - even for a small casual evening, it's a complete turnaround from day. That dress or suit you wore to the office or for a luncheon just won' t tmbt the night life this year no malter how much you change the accessories. Evening clothes are more glamorous with a touch of gliller a scattering of pearîs on black salins and lace. The look is romantic. A good purcliase for evenings is ilhe pyjama. Coa ts are longer and roomier yet not overpower- ing. The most becoming coat ever invenîed is the for col- lared wrap coat. Shoes have slimi-ed dlown 10, elegance - the heels are lîigher and narrower. Handbags are larger and flatter thie mosî popular style being the envelope - al] in soft leatlîers. Tiiese are just some of the styles in dress and accessory that make up the great new looks for faîl. They are the fashion now. The Kinette Club of Whit- by presenits a Fashion Pre- view by De Paul Fashions for Women on October 22 and October 23 at 8:00 p.m. at the Consumers Gas Buildinig, Hopkins Street. Tickets are $ 1.50 each and available aI De Paul Fashions. Proceeds 10 Community Service Work. FaM MD lsiChur* 419 Brock SUWC<t North Whitby. Ontario - Telephone ?416) 668-250e BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m.1 BUS SERVICE PROVIDED VOICE 0F FAITH - cabi 9 p.. lst& 3id Sunday each mont Sunday October 2Oth "The Soul Survivors" SUNDAYSERVICE WORSHIP SERVICt -1il .m. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 pi. NURSERY PROVIDEI) FOR ALL SERVICES TUSDV: Pioneer Girls and 6: 15 p.m. >l 6Christian Service Brigade to 7:45 p.m ith BibleStudy and Prayer Meeting 8:00 p4pi MINIST ER 0F OUTREACU REV. RALPH DUNN From the People's Church, TorÃ"iito will be taking the entire evening Service.

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