Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1974, WHiTrBY FREE PRESS Emo orium i FOR SALE FOR SALE - 8 3 bay show Pony and 12 Hands. Good wil ren. ENGLISH ANED ERNTRAINED. CM $250.00. Phone 6( FR SLE- T.V. console $25 t. 4 chairs $35. 9 ii tress and box spri Bird cage with sand chen cupboard door: each. Seli very reai Cail 655-3534. FOR SALE - Phil model stereo with 4 speakers. Exceileni tion. $200.00 or b Antique gramnaphone, highi. Crank rnissing,: best offer. Cali 6( year nid' saddle. FOR. SALE - single bed, h child- top mattress, $10. single bed )WEST-. complote $20, 3 Good Year ýî JUMP. tires, 2 new 5.50 X 12 on . 682203 Austin Wheels $25, 3 com- 8-23gpartment sink, stainless steel with aps and trap $20, 6fl4 ablewithX 1 'z soiid door $10, fan 16 in, abrl with Masterc raft, 3 speed swival chmt1model 160, $35. Regla coffee ing $30.1~ purculator, model 7,000 84 $10. 655- cups $25. Zenith scales 20 mmmwJýIlbs. $19. Couniter arborite new kit- top 60X2 ft. $50. a King ', $1.50 cash register $175. Coleman tsonably.I tent hieater $12. Fish tank 18 emp. X 8 punmp filter and iight etc. $18- 15X38 ûîimmor $3. Floor IlTr potisher Hoover heavy duty ýt condi- st offer. S4½ý foot $225. or 68-9778. p mn £ I FOR SALE - Trnim Gym Exorciser with instruction book. New condition. $50. Cati 655-4245. elmp. #FOR SALE - Chesterfield I& chair brown coieur. Good condition asking $50. Cai: 655-3740 dmp. 1 FOR SALE 7 .3-8 Johnl- ston Revolver, S.30.00. ('ail 576-8618. t-UR SALE - 6 ft. X 4 ft. sliding pierson window suitabie for cottage or addi- tion. S5 5.00 Phione 728-4849 FOR SALE - 2 tires with rimis, $15, 15" tires, $1O00. 655-3167. FOR SALE -4, on aoulariulms. 4 liea puimps. -2 cover iits. eries about 50 t repic; witli a rcd fin siark im (3inches long) $SI130»0 66-28after 5 p.m. FOR SALE El tRitar. solîd body, vibrato taîlpiece, volumle & toule con- trol. brand new strings neyer piayed oni. enibroydcred shouider strap S5000 or best offter. (Calil 668-2690. FOR SALE Rebuilt engine withi Holley, 4 barrel carb, $65. Cali: 668-6080. emp. FOR SALE - I tent trailer sleeps four, includes foamn mattress, spare tire and eatherette cover in good shape $300. Cali: 668-2166. Emp. FOR SALE - 1 Hair dry- er & chair (salon type) $50. 1 steamer good condition $50. Cati 668-3679 or 668- 3061. emp. FOR SALE - 1 En*rglis washing machine (wringer), in good condition but has no lid & pump flot working. $12 Cali 668-6504 emp. FOR SALE - UI cmn Sound System or rec-room, 3 port tions, vinyl eovered,t, control panel, switcl en amp., 2 garrdrd t. tien turn tables, empire toue armns, ridges, I15" JB Lans, eaker motunted in cabinet. New cost wili take $700. or bc CaIt 668-9746. FOR SALE . single bc Philco B & W T.V. an, component set, gooi ition, $200. Aust with snow piow, $ 1,1 668-81 25. tra-m od t,..r.-) 1I Dodge .00, 2- FORZ SALE Stereo l Bai \Vitli Short w~ave AM/NI Ntradie dmlp. anîd luria bic. MLuSt sec te 20gl-Japprecia te. Askiug 57.0 20 gal -3 Philee068--l 1 8. IL t S- ýa is F OR SA LI, Whitc P1o- 0CutPernia teamn box sprinss and l mut tress. eanepy andimalith- dm. ing bcdsprcad. ('ood ceudi- lcetrie 1 tien1. $20()0.('al: -72S-'1 _,4. 8 F*O i R SLE llTJver 1 Cajrpet sweeper $7, Sunheain Careusel Rotisserie $7,. a deg trzvelcae ý0.son lump S$ 10. dressmakîng medel S 15 ,dlccirie shee ptelishier $ 10. Icordlcss cctrie shee pelisli er $10, sunibcam hlair setter 24 roi le rs, $Si10, standard Iportable typewriter $50. baby carrnage $35, gendren Ibaby stroller $10, tent traider $400. Cali: 668-9902. emp. FOR SALE - Brand new 8 track tape dock for car nover been used. $70 or best offerCall: 668-5745. emp. gFOR SALE - dryor Excellent 1$45.00 or best 683-6638. -Frigidaire condition. offer. Cail --emp. I-FOR SALE -F-rigidaire washer - working condition. $45.00. 601 Clarence Dr. in IWhitby. omp. SFOR SALE - 30 inch Istove in working condition, suitabie for cottage. $30. ICail 668-4058. Em p. 'i ' iii «-FOR SALE -- English abledsec- Horseracing Programs. I have -îes, bog- a fuit set for sale. 1. Pro- rnei- grain for cverv' Fiat Race 2audio Course in England, Seetlancd 1E()rt and Wales aise ple;îty of ;ig p prograns tfer SteepIec1îasng c î 10 egiveil ith thin. 'There e st o ffér. are seine pregranms ne longer Iavailable as courses have been emp. closed. They arec('ellectors Items as far back as the vear d,$5,11930. Phone: 668-1021-(~P d stereo FOR SALE-- 3 German in jeep - Shepard degs (cross between tin eep a Labrador Retriever and a 00. Cali Shepard) Have hiad ail their emp. shots and' icenced. 13 months old. $20 each. Cati 655-4973 ues and FOR SALE - Baby bac «. Cali: 'carrier $8. Car seat $ 12. emp. gCall:_668-6093. CLAS SIFtED» --ADVERTISING ______________________________________________________________ i LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS *Train vith the experts *Tuition tee tax deductible *Job assistance guaranteed *Weekend training also available Now, spOClol sumner tultion Foos For application and interview write:, Natismal Tractar Iraller Tralmils eg chol 738m3618 Box 445, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Toronto Phone 493-606 FOR SALE -- power iawr mower $20, large wvhite fridge and stove $210 for boilh, floor polishier $20. Piypen $S5, box etofclotti- iig girls si'c 12 SS. girl guide suit site 121$8.50. Brewuie Suit $3. babeque $S5, jehmuy )lC $ 8. Rug pac $15, Vaeccuum $i20. î ppne t ruiler steve, new $35. Cail- 055--3144. np DONIESTIC PUMP l>S[RVICE ('ail Whilîtbv 6tK-991 5 OR Bay Ridgcs 839'(-3016 Sept. /74 STOES FOR RENT WHITBY MICHAEL BOULEVARD' 1l1,000 sq. feet, convenient -entre among new 1i .00 home sub-division. Ail uses.1 CA LL Cioverlawn Investments Ltd. 1 -964-8552 LEGAL F. ALAN LAWSON CA TRUSTEE IN BANKIWPTCy 15 Coiborne Street East Oshawu, Ontaio LIG IMI ga tion. Everyones in the groove - the big dlean-up. Cail Scotty 668-2-692. FOR SALE - I tent trailer with mattresses and spare tire $250. Lloyd baby carniage $25. Cali: 668-3925. FOR SALE - 134 'inch draw rope 99 ft. good $10 1 piece 8X4 1/4 in. plywood $5, small amount of fir ship- lap open, 1 piece 2X6 12 ft. open, ail new lumber not used. 1 iron clad wooden wiffletrees and neck yoke, good coliectors item. 1 Brigg stratton gardon tractor real good $75 or best offer. 1 coal oui antern good $2, 2 pieces 4X8 piywood both for $8, I înedium sloop shovel $2, 1 step Iadder $2,1i bench vi.se $2, 2 garden rakes $ 1, ¼ý cord of hardwood liocks or fireplace. Price to be egotiated. Phone: 728-6381. FOR SALE - 4- 'piece sectional sot, black leatherette seats, $1 50., President Ele- tric vaccuum, $75., Contin- ental bcd with headboard, $55., 4 drawer chest, polishcd, $45., mnetal wardrobe, $65., 21 " T.V., Generai Electric, B/W, best eflèr, 1940 Piy. inoutli, bcst offer. Cati 668-912-4. Sept. 11/74 FOR SALrE 20 red liens just staried to iay eggs. $3 ecadih, 9 inailarci ducks S'3 eaciî. ('al: 055-30128. FOR SALE kit teus $25 caci.; c:îii: 852-7852. Sept. 18 -4 'Siamecse aise 1 ponly. Sept. 18. CARPNFRY lloine Rcpairs and l1pu~ nien ts. Cerarîie walI tî iug arid [ber tiling. ('al ,FO R SA LE- 2 5IX21 base tucu t Windows $10(t cd.î l 37X24 basement whidew $5. 1 45X27 lattireeni wini- dow $1 0. i 37X2«7!½ 'self- stenin windew $SI10, 6 ste)rm &, screen alluininni windowvs _30X24 $5 eachi. -1antique 19 inchi wheelsand tires (off 19321 Desoto) $50 fer the pair. 1 cernent laundry topi double compartmnent with tops $20. 668-3495, 711 FORSAE -m Knmre wringer washing machine. Excellenit condition - $50. Viking Console black and er brakes and steering, radio, rear window defogger. Best offer. Call: 668-4425. Sept. 18/74 HELP WANTED - Does $4 per hour interest you? Heip us service our customers part-t ime. Cati House of Ful- ler at 723-0156 after 6 p.rn. Sept. 18/74 BAI3YSITTING .WiiI babysit children in nmy homne with mneals. 1-ave lovely backyard for chldren te play in. Located on Hwy. 7 be- wecti Kinsale and Brookiin. Cai 655-3510 Sent 2-5/74 HELP WANTED - Lathe & drill press operators for snail brass mnanufacturers. Appiy at: Lofthouse Brass 310 Hopkins Street, 668- 4951. Sept. 18 VACCUUM CLEANER SERVICE Parts & Repairs. Bags for ail makes. Cali 668-8957 or Zenith 56440 (To ronto). Free Press. C.D.N. JOHNS-MANVîLLE COMPANY LIMITED REQUIRES: - ELECTRICIANS - INSTRUMENT MECHANIO - MILLWRIGHTS - MACH INIST Starting rate S5.46 per hour plus unlimnited cost nf living allowanice. shift prerniLm. and overtime opportunity. Ex-, cellent einployee benefits paid. for 100% by the company. Interviews will be held on Friday, September 20, 1974, f rom 9 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 4p.m. at the FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL Conference Room Liberty Street & 401 highway interchange Bowmanville, Ontarîo E. R. BROWN C.D.N. JOHNS-MAN VILLE COMPANY 5421 Lawrence Avenue, East, West Hill, Ontario. ONTARIO 0F THE1 STATI ON LIMITED HYDRO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION NUCLEAR POWER DEVELOPMENT AT PICKERING ONTAR 10 ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS - Design Drafting (form work), mechanical draft- ing (Piping), Planning and scheduling, Field survey and engineering layout, Costing, materials control, Concrete inspection, Quantity surveying. A variety of interesting and challenging techni-ý cal positions are available for immediate and long. range occupancy in the above field and office cat- egories. Experience requirements vary with the level of position. A solid background of job engineering experience is preferable, as weIl as a formai technological training at a recognized technical. institute. A minimum requiremnent is Junior Matricu lation. Excellent working conditions, wages and fringe benefits. Reply stating experience, education, age, and phone number to Ontario Hydro, Box 1000) Pickering, Ontario, LlV 2R8. MACHINIST - Skilied or serni-skilled. Pref'erably with extrusion dr-,e experience. Independent Extrusion DMe Company 961 Diiiinghamn Road PICKERIN Gj 839-1148 R - E-p oi 4 fit. by 8 fit. with ci bails. Bargain at $9( 668-7642 after 6 p.m. ~L m NOTI(: E TO READERS Advertlsc FREIL in the -IkEEI PRI SS EMPORIUM, puy ONLY when you 'sei! Thetwrcxii lot bc any charge to aid- vertisers in the FREE PR1ISS EMPORIUM unlc'as the item advertised is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you puy a commission based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated be- low. Ail advertisemeflts must be piaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run at least one month if not soId RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advertised prncc up to $400.00 2% of the balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised tur $50. 00- commision due $2.50 (minimum commission is $1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer îisted as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when Item is sold so that we may delete it fromn folîowin-m3 issues. Services, help wantcd, clothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only bc haridled on a prepaid basis. If, in doubt, cail 66"- 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUMI P-0. BOX 206, WHITBY TOP BANDS & DISC JOCKEYS For ail occasions. Now accepting booklngs at Sun Music Enterprises Cali Mike Tomllnson 725-1379 HlELI> WANTED i

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