Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1974, p. 9

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For Andi About Teenagers WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1974, PAGE 9 CROSSWORD PUZZLE TrODAVIS ANSWER Ernest Hemingway hclpcd to inake the Bimiini islands of the Baharnas fainous as a treasure house of deep-sea fishing. The quiet littie islands in the western section of thec Babamias are about 50 miles off flic Florida coast. Bah amas' Birniizi Islands .deep-sea fishing area B IMINI. Bahanas- Sv isn*t that Joe lNamathY'. the tourist asked. as the foot- ball star strode castialiy down King*s Highway flanked by two friends. *"Yeah," said another man who added. "and saine big show-biz type is here. îtoo.". The _ourist couidnt.récail the ceiebritys naine ofhand. The scrring for this littie interchange was the End of the Worid Bar, a rnicroscopic Bimini gin milI with room enough for a handfui of hale and hearty souls keeniy dedi- cated to the fine art of '*-can- top-yotir-fish-story' conversa- tion. The e nd af the World is just one of several rustic pubs strategicaily spotted along Bimîni's main thoroughfare. In the late 60's this cracker-box juke joint gained lasting, re- nown as a favorite haunt of the late, flamboyant New York Congressman Adamn Clayton Powell, who frequently held court there philosophizing over the merits and mistakes of soci- eties, or challenging ail corners to a game of dominoes. Ernest Hem ingway knew imini intimately and remeni- brance of him remains bright. Take the wood sign that swings creakingly above the green and white painted porch of The Compleat Angler Hotel. "Home of *Papa' Ernest Herningway- the sign says. Inside, a rare collection of photographs show Hemingway laughing and taik- ing with his island friends. World famous for its decp- sea fishing, Bîmini dock scenes repeat themselves almost week- Ciistmas Christmas will be here ini just a few months. It makes you stop and think. Christmas is that time of year when you buy presents with next year's money. Letter From Coilege They just received a letter froni their son in colege. It read sometling like this: 'II haven't heard froni you in a week. Please send nme a check 50 lFil know you are ail O.K." ]y. An legant sportfishing boat rettîrns ta port late in the aiter- noan. H urriedly, a big blue marl 'n is han led onto the dock- rnaster's scale. This weighs in at 420 litsý. A crowd collects. Angier. captain and mate slosh cold beer over each other's heads good raturedly. stand trîtimphantly along thiicr tro- phy while lashcubes pop and supcr-8Ws whîrr. About a dozen schooi kids are chasing after Namath now. **I-ev. Joe!, how's the knce?"*; -Whatta ya' think ai the WFL?" The football player responds with a broad smile, wave oi the hand, and leaves his elated disciples at the stoop ai The Anchors Aweigh, a picture-book guest house, aid New England Colonial. Down at Aunt Cora's Craw- flsh Pot, a none-too-weli- K-nown restaurant, a honey- moon couple is engrossed in conversations recounting the day's sightseeing at a candie-lit corner table. To the windward side of the room, a party of fotur speculates on the mor- row's flshing prospects. A crew- man from the boat that brought in the big marlin waits ta iearn what time his vessel leaves dock in the morning. The football player hasn't been seen in several hours. The raucous reverberations from the discotheque down the street aren't noticed by the yacht tenders, meticulously caring for their sophisticated cruising boats. A gentie bkeeze caresses aIl the islands. Bimini is just as it was yesterday and wiil be toniorrow. IS IN YOUR HANDS TIIIS WEEK'S'LETTER: Help! I've got a big problem and I really need your advice. I was going out with this boy who I really liked, but I was a fool and listened to my "'best" girl. friend. She told me my boyfriend was going out with other girls. I believed her and told him I didn't want to see him again or to go out with him again. Then I found out that she wasn't tell- ing the truth. He was innocent and had only gone out with me. But now it's too lote. Please give me some advice on how to get hlm back. Don't tell me to try and forget hiim, because I'vc tried and failed. OUR REPLY: You said it. You certainly were a fool and hope- fully, you have Iearned your les- son from this incident. One of ---COURTHOUSE SQUARES TUE FEZLOW FEiACýýr W/Aq A cloco VÀE6E7AOtÉ C*4ýjV GROWS PLEA" OF IVEW FRII&VOS 7WIS 77hW OF YEA R. Elections Maybe the only reason we have elections is to sec if the pollsk were right. Farm Life There is somet.hing wonderful about living on a farmn. Its the only occupation where people get up to, watch the Late, Late Show. New Cereal' Have you heard about the new cereal that will make ifs inventor a million dollars - It drains klds of energy. the basic prineiples of our coun- try today is the idea that a per- son is to be considered innocent until definitely proven guilty. This great principle was de- signed so that instances of injus- tice, likce you have just described, don't happen too often. Well, enough of the lecture for now, let's get back to your immediate problem - getting hlm back. You were wrong and you realize what a fool you have been. His pride may have been hurt, but if he's worth keeping, he'll for- give you, if you are honest and sincere. As for your "best" girl- friend -don't listen to her. If you have a teenage problem yau won# Io discuis or an observation ta moa, ad- drese your lter ta FOR AND ABOUT TEEN. AGERS, COMMUNSTY AND SUBURBAN PRESS SERVICE, FRANKFORT, KY. 40601. THGOOD WOIRD [rom ithe 3ib1 * And he lii ted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are er flow: for ye that hung- ye shall be ACROSS 1. Receipts 5. Initiate 10. Border on il. KP worker 12. Dis- tressing 13. Gangster's utterance (2 wds.) 14. Attilla 15.Do a wire- tapper's job 16. Japanese river 17. Aibanian capital 19. Frenzy 20. Indigence 21. Prepare a path 22. Puzzling problem 24. Illus- trious 25. Athirst 26. Cat's cry 27. Blushirg 28. Wayne or Chester 30. "You - Neyer Away" 31. Commo- tion 32. Egyptian sun deity 34. Senator from Mass. 36. Sicilian volcano 37. Bay tree 38. Minus 39. Enroli; write in 40. Be peevish DOWN 1. Flesh wound 2. More or Iess 3. Ransack (3 wds.) 4. Season after printemps 5. Blue suit material 6. Duffer's item 7. Excited (4 wds.) 8. Impatient 9. Handled 11. Throb 15. Humorist 1"Bugs" .L 0 Nl "fS l ciO v «àO I 9 ~ 1 ad .LfalI MOI LS~ 18. Clari net or bassoon 21. "- But. terfly" 22. Biblical' story 23. Invested; marauded 24. OId Roman playboy 26. Be a manikin 28. Manu- facturer 29. Common item 33. Ship's rigging support 35. Mining flnd 36. Sprite filled. Blessed are ye that weep flow: for ye shail Iaugh. St. Luke 6:20, 27 I I ( ALUMINUM, FIBREGLASS FISHING BOATS- FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS MATERIALS USED BOATS Whietby Marine Hwy. 12 at Myrie Station 6554117 THE TOWN 0F WHITBY SECONDARY PLANS SPECIAL STUDY AREAS 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D PUBLIC MEETING The own f Whtbyw be holding a Public Meeting a .0PM Thurdsay, September 12, 1974 in the Council Chambers 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby Council has directed the Planning Departmnent to proceed with Secondary Plans for Officiai Plan Special Study Areas 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, which are generally outlined in the ab.ove sketch. The purpos( of this meeting is todiscuss the intent and procedure for the Secondary Plans, present certain background information and to obtain the co-operation and partici- pation of the citizens of the Town. Further infermation with respect ta these meetings can be obtained from the Planning Department, 14 Church Street, Brooklin, 655-3346. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T. CLERK Town of Wbitby 405 Dundas Street West ego* The Town of Whitby at 7.30 P.M.

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