Whitby Free Press, 7 Aug 1974, p. 1

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Vol. .4, No. 31 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7tli, 1974 10 CENTS Big Promotions For F*iref ighters ('aptairu Run lawkînis ot- fic \Vhitby' Lire t)cpartnient wîli succccd Dcptty('bld' WVarren Moxvat whio is retiring in Septeniber. ('api. Hhawkins, a ?O-year wqîuîby resident, lias been withi the Wbitby F ire Dept. t'or the last eigiî ycars, rour as a voii.nteer. and was one of' the firsti il-tiime fi re tlighitcrs bircd in Wi t hy. ('api. Hawkins was the Di- rector of Firc Preven lion. Cap tain Ken (orner, Di- rector of' Adinfinisi ration and capiain ol' Group '-D)-' ire E igh iing Section, bas heeii proiniued lu Platoun (bief' responsiblc Ifor H re Preven- lion and Public Services. ('api. (Corner. bcsicles lus iregulai du tics, bias been thc persuti responsibie tW(r the prepi-a- t ioî of thie de paiicrtit', scr-apbuuik' vliiclubas carncd thli force nu me rous awands over thc ycars. Fire fighter iii Sobanski bas been promotcd to Captain of' Gronp '1)' ire Lighting Section. Public Meetilngs Whitby council bas app- roved Planning Director Keiîh Birch's rccornnendation to hold ai series of public meet- ings on secoudary plans for various parts of thie Town. The meetings will be heid, startiug in August. on the downlown and Rossland Rd. Garden St. arcas. Meetings will also bc held on thie high- way commercial areas withi dates and locations 10 be aninounced. The final plans will be presented ai public meetings in Novemiber, and 10 council for approval in December. An empty house on Coch- rane St. just norîh of îhe CPR îracks was gutted by fire Monda>' nighit. Captain Ken Corner of the Whitby Lire Deparîment told the Free Press thai the house owned by Arrow lu- vesîments was apparently sia- ted for demolilion 10 m-ake room fora new developmenl. Capt. Corner said thal the house "was a complete loss" and that the fire is believed to have been started by ju- venules seen piaying ini the area cari ier. INSIDE ýL'ITL.-'GYVS. CORP-................... ..... .PAG E 2 fO A S1I A ,F- .......... ............ PAGE 3 LAWN ('ARE ........................................... PAGE 3 FAMI LY PAG E ....'.................................. PAG E 4 BIRD'S ÉYE VIEW.......................... ....... PAG E 5 PHOTO ALBUM ...................................... PAG E 6 & 7 KALNINS ................. -.......................AG E EMPORIUM ........................................... PAGE 12 Bumper Sticker Winners 'Fli winncers of the Withy Oshawa S25.-, Robert Me- Coun îy Town Carnival bumi- Donald, i I17 Grecen St reet, per sticker Draw hieid iast Whitby SI 5.; tDonald J. Pow- Tuesday nighî ai Heyden- crs, 435 Brock St. N., Whit- shore Pavilion are: Mary by Si 0.: and Williamn Cullî- Hogarth, 94 Farewell Ave., gan, 81 his Rd., Ajax $5. Whiltby Councll Squeezes Witby Council lias de- cided lu squeeze in Senior 'A' hockey as long as it ducs not disrupt othier ice lime users. At a special council meet- ing Thursday nîghit, witb Counicillors Doni Lovelock & Tom Edwards absent. Coun- cil decided to allow Sr. 'A' hiockey Io use Iroquois Park wbeu thie Juniior 'A' teanu is oui of town and wbencivcr cisc it may bc arranged witb- otut disrupting otiier organiiz- in Sr. 'Aý'« allons. Councillor Johni Goodwin, one of thie tree who had previouisiy voted against aIl- owing the Sr. A ice limne left before the finial vote was taken. leavinig only Coun. Jinui Gartshore lu fighit aloîîe. Couni. Garîshore, aithough outinmbcred three luo one, wouidn't agrecelu any of the previously suibitted sclied- nies, but did cvcntuaiiy agree lu the modificd arrangementI înaking the vote tînaniimus witlî ail four prescul iu favour. Many Awards Local Winners The Wiby Cotînty Towni ('arnival wounid p with a trophy presen tai ion Monday nigl t ai I roqiuois Park Arena. Tie \vinning soccer tcanis \vceirc: Gcddes Carpentry (Tykes) Lx cel1 Piumbing (Atounis);('iox ail (Mo sqiitou- eq) Local 222(M in ii Ban- tain1s). thecJuior uGirils wili- iei was Ju 5ui( an di ic Seniorui- Lai 1l'iid IeMits. li'innerol'IeWbt' i iistoi-Ical Socicly (11-1.1w Cl, JI) 1111 qu c dock w'as Mir. C. issii dut\iî. 'l'lieic wmucs ofi ieSlalom[1 \SiY Rîck ShortAS: Ms.Kireii I almnein (lih S): Glcnl 1' as (S): Bill Wul- tcirs<)S: Paul Anîdrc\s (IS> (ris lhhît (Il1f S): Palj O't)owcl(A; P> : Albcrtu SOI- ani (C/P). The Whiîby Frec Press tr-opliîjes l'or'l'irsi-timercis' \vcnt tu Chris hbbit and Pat Fe sscn dci. The('a rnivai rally xvas wonl by Amne and Alex Law- ronce. Second wcnîtIo Myr- tic Barkwel i ad Ken Prn- lice uf' \Vîitby. And th ird wvenî lu Nigel Schilling and Milke Burgcess of'Wliilbýy. 'llc ( 'rn iva I Pa rade aw- anrs wcnt 1(1: (unsuhudatcd- Bathiurst - l'il-si ueri : hiî- b'y Lure )cpi.: K nigh s of' ('i1i ninhus; K a\vatha ('ava- lieu-s: MdIta Sucial ('lob: and iHarold iIlgCS. l'ie c ki ne(Ch airiCon- testlvs \vOSwn 1w Giadys Mc- Gi of, 401) (cnýtrc St. S. iin ai suidcii deaih ballrolling con test as l'ive con testanits hiad completed thc full i12 h ours. Peter Perry Award Winner Brian Winîcer, a reporter. photographer for Ille Oshawa Times, wasawarded Ille Peter Pcrry Award for outstanding service to thle cornumunity. Mr. Winter reccived Ille award lasi Tuesday niglit ai Heydenshore Pavilion at Itle annuai Peter Perry banquet. A 26-year-oid bachelor. M r. Winter founded Ille Whilby archives in 1967 and was officially nanucd as Ille town's archivist two months ago. Brian Winter lias iived in Whitby for thle- lasI 19 years and is the sou of thle laie Guy Winîer and Mrs. Win ter of 500 K ing St. hic lias been active ini Wi tby: a director of' tle Whitby Chainbcr of' Cumin- erce since 1972; pubiicity director for the County Town Carnival since I1971 ; member of tbe Whitby Jaycees since 1 973, îîin 967 lie wrote the historical part of the Cen- tennial bookiet 'A Town Cailed Whiitby';, in 1971 he wroîe a bookiet as a tribute 10 John Frost; and just com- pleîed a book for the Ontario. Ladies College 'Vox Collegi' - a five year project. Mr. Winter is the youngest person to receive the award in it's i18 year history, and was "a bit overcomec", for as he ptut il, "it is quite an honor lu be namied as the outstanding citizen of the towni." CARNI VAL PHfOTO ALBUM (See Page 6) CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT. 668M6666 24 IfRS. Fire guts home i

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