PAGE 10, WEDNESD'AY, AUGUST 7, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Wh*itby Free Press Ployer of the Week Tilm Twinning Tim who throws right and bats left, sees duty with the Big Macs both as a catcher and an out- fielder. He possesses a strong and accurate arm, an essential for good work behind the plate. Capable of hitting for extra bases, Tim gets into lineup against right hand pitchers and holds down the right field spot defensively. Tim was a mem- ber of the Knights of Columbus-club of 1970 Swhich won the Ontario Tyke "A" crown. Tim's older brothers, Ken and Jim,* played basebaîl for Whitby clubs as catchers. Tim who lives at 401 Anderson St. is a student at Anderson Collegiate and in the winter season plays hockey having been on several Alil-Star clubs. Tim Twinning We take great pleasu re in saluting the "Player of the Week" in this sp~ot C'OURTE".Y ()l'TI IISTAITI M: Ti IL Whitby Free Press Rouler Skating WiII ail Roller Skate entbusiasts know that roller skating wil return 10 Witby's Iroquois SPark Arena on August 8tlr, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. The pro- gram took a break for îhree sessions wbiîe the County operat ion. Currently under way is a roller skate Queen contest where eaeh week, nue Iucky lady becomes prîircess f'or the niglît and lias a chance în be Roller Skate Qucen '74. Going away .8 Do't forget to be a+ Bood Donor before you go! The Whitby Girls hockey Team pictured with the Haileybury tearn (back row) in Haileyburv about 1915 Basebail Playoffs WitlhAiguist cornes Basebaîl playoffs and the windup of regular schiedulcs. Thiis wcek tlice Legionaire Pec-We clu.-i b and the Big Macs journeyed to Trenton on thec saine nliglir to f'inish outi their reguilar schiedules. The Legionaires dropped a 7 -2 decision. wilce the Big Macs edged Trenton 5 - 3 ini a real tighît thriller. The Leginnaires could only manage to pick up thre biits and ibis was thieir downfall. Paul 1-leffer. Mike Welling and Kevin McL-ellan were the Whitby hitters in the contesi in which fice VIîiîtby club didn t gel on tire board un til iher liait' of' tli final inning. Trenion jumiped int() a 2 - lead iluflice firsi . added a single in the second. tliree in a big fiiih.,md added a single in dire six îh. 'Flie Tren ton club picked tUp niiine hits and were hielped iu thecir run pro- dJuction bv five Whitî os nuuual orfedn display by flic local club. ied n At li otie ed o' li pak heBig Me eelocked in a coestruggle coing ii!froin ibeind t \vin S5 3.The Big Macs were haviug trouble put tine togetlier anyv kind of- ai îack nir c th e:rl i nîgs but camne on 10 end up wit a pair of singles, wille rert Iloiran an Gillîs, (Carn Mu r k:ir loI le li Doug, Sîrearer and J d' Tuirnuer ad.ded single lis. C'ain Mur kar rau bis seasou mark lu 7 -1 pic kig u p tfIre wi n ieldilue fou r bit s aud sirikime outi I2. 'l'lie Leo îona 1rce ieiet il e leterbor oucîrlu ;hleir first pla\ in rd. bv vii-rue oful - ,ýtbrd place finish andPeeboouhenin Illîe top sp 'l'Ilie Itw)om ff1 u ilbree setr Cor unrderwaz londain Peterboiroueli wirli Ile SeO cIl lnd are scîrci nled 1 i- r muir r a rPeeIl>Pa rk. 'l'lic plavoti ,Ilci re reriairîs zalîit tIc loud\ for(r[,eflic e- Macs. Origin:îl plans called for a touirmnurt in Belleville this '.veekend %wttih Wiiî bv. Ohw.PtrbruBlelleville and Kirrgstoni plavirîg off ifor relicg-ilir ru enter flic O13.A. lian tain '-A- pado i.Widespread J issa tisfacî ion in fiis mie liod of declaririg a whinribas raised flic possibilitv ut' a change ru a converi iional two oui 't i îbe plavoi'f'. 'Flic Cai adî, i Tire M idger s xvho knocked Iiiain il oir outr of'rIre Leaside Tournaîrreurltîr ta 1 - O win a wvee k aco reîurned to tournainr action in Lecaside I ast Sat . but this fne came oiothe) slciort end of' a 1)- 3 coui and were elimirrated. Sone outstandîîrg baseball was fecaîured lu the 1.O.B.A. Pee-XVee Clranpionship tourney plaved ini Wiitby on Sat. Couity Town Weekend visi tors wvere treated to sorte top notcli gaines by tlie top eiglit clubs offlthe îwelve Icami E.O.13.A. Pee-Wee lonp with the Oshawa Leginnaires tIhe winner of the Port Flope Kîianîs Trophy, emiblernatic ni' the E.O.B.A. Pee-Wee Chamnpionsliip. The Oshawa club took. the tille wîîli a trio of wins, a close 2 - 0 decisiori over Cobourg, a 6 - 3 victory over Trenîton and a 7 - 5 triumph lu tIrelbard foughît final, lu othier garnes. Peter- borough bested Thurlow 6 - I1, Tren ton won out over Ajax 9 - I. Keene def'auîted to Wirby who were later elimirîated by Peterborough 8 - 2. Large crowds ai botîr Centennial and Peel Park wiîniessed aIl gaines whichi provided alnwst con tinuous basebaîl action frorn 9 un tii 7:30 p.mi. [AST ERN ONTARIO BASEIiALL ASSOCIATION Midget Playoffs Wed. Aug. 7- E.A. Fairmnan -. Witby Canadian Tire vs. Cobourg- 6:1 5 Wed. Aug. 7-- Peel Park- Whitby Leginnaires vs. Peter- boroigh - 6:15 OICHMOND BU po-'peed aO"d .coed I.L, o XCeg < ~Shoe.' Si.." bath Nude oody .ut)do-' .,4a.ýng ouegt Alto 0.1 OMBARO Nude pooqrnphy petc 'omi - ADELAIDE -homu. Ladies alto vwelcormie were: L to R - Lena Smithl, Amey Ross, Bess Orr, Aileen Todd, Doîl Huntley, Mae Thompson and Neil Blanch- ard..- 7he gentleman on the back row extreme Ieft is the late Bert "Dinner" Smith manager and Coach of the Whitby Girls team. IQo~ca/ Jiotet GRAZYNA HOTELS LTD. 171 BROCh STRHEET N(>ITII Live Entertainment "*ALABAMAF" 6 days a week Saturday Afternoon Blue Grass Matinee Men's Room FuIIy Licensed Dining Room m Tavern Air Conditioned WUMT]Y, QNTARIO 2nd &3rd MORTGAGE MONEy AVAILABLE * y.or frm *Open Mortgog.s " No POYnwnM for 0w.. monthi " No bonv.e *" '4o credit checks " No ir.quîry from n.,ghbours " CoofideiI orrongem.eits momde în your hoe " Uovrw as ow os S ,6S0 Mortaqes Bntlnht and Sold 92-2611 («d) 6".1121 (lm «10) 1308BROI Bt. o*Idga* USED BOATS Whiltby Marine Hwy. 12 at Myrtie Station 655-41 17