PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS c3siI DAILY ATRACTIONS WEDNESDAY, JULY 3Ist, 1974 Al evening Happyland Carnival Rides Iroquois Park 6:30 p.m. Whitby Trade Fair - Admissioni Free to 10:30 p.m. Iroquois Park Arena 6:30 p.m. Minor Soccer Tournaments - Squirts (Cocliranle Street), A tomis (Henlry Street), Junior Girls (Garden Street.). 7: 00 p. m. Members' Art Exhibit Whitby Arts Station - Henry Street S. at Victoria 8: 00 p.m. Dog Obedienice Demonstrationi - Conitact L. Miller - 623-7382 Iroquois Park Arena .THURSDAY,j AUGUST lst,-1974 AIl evening Happyland Carnival Rides and Gaines to 11: 30 p.m. Iroquois Park 6:30 p.m. Minor Soccer Tournaments - Mosquitos (Cochrane Street), Minor Bantams (Heniry Street). 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Members' Art Exhibit Whitby Arts Station - Henry Street South at Victoria. 8:15 p.m. Bon Voyage Concert. '*County Town Singers" of Whitby Iroquois Park Arena. Adults S2.00, Children (under 10) 50 cents. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1974 12:00 noon Lion's Bavarian Nighit - Continental Foods to 1:00 a.m. Iroquois Park - Tent (Musical Entertaininent Nightly). 12:00 noon Lions Train About Town (smial charge) to 1: 00 a.m. Transportation to and from downtown Whitby and Iroquois Park 1:00 Royal Canadian Legion Open House Byron Street South 4:30 p.m. Kiwanis Beef Barbecue (Dance to follow> Hevdenshore Pavlion (to 8:00 p.. AIl evening H1appyland Carnival Rides and Gaies to 11:30 p.m. Iroqîuois Park Eveii lt Sidewalk Sale Whit bv Meichants weleoine visitors 6:30 p.m. Ninor Soccer Tournaînent - Junior Girls (Cochranle Street) 7:00 p.m. NMalta Food Spec ialties "Display & Welcollne Centre'. Iroquiois Park Arena 7:00 p.m. to 9: 00 p.m.. 7: 00 p.m. to 10: 30 p.m. Menitbers' Art Exhibitis Whitby Arts Station, Henry Street Southi at Victoria. The Switzer Brothers singing group and other guests - also film presentations Iroquois Park Arena 8:00 p.m. Softball Dress-up and Fun Game. Whitby Legion vs. Regular Men's League Teain. Two five inning gaines. Centennial Park, Brock Street South. Whitby Legion vs. Whitby Rec. Club. 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Kiwanis Club Dance - Disc Jockey Music. Heydenshore Pavilion. 9:00 p.m. Dance and Open House - Royal Canadian Legion. Legion Hall, Byron Street South. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1974 Al Day to Hiappyland Carnival rides and Gaines 11:30 p.m. Iroquois Park 9:00 a.m. Open Air Shopping Malil and Sidewalk fo 9:00 p.m. Sale. Brock St. South (Dundas to Coîborne St.) 9:00 a. m. Eastern Ont. Basebaîl Assoc. (E.O. B.A.) Pee Wee Championship Tournament - 8 teains. Gaine One - Teain 1 vs. Teain S (Peel Park), Gaine Two - Teain 2 vs. Team 6 (Centennial Park), 9: 00 a. m. Tennis Tournaments condticted by Whitby Tennis Club. (Sat. and Sun.) and aIl day Monday. Sat. and Sun. - Adult classes - singles, Mon. - doubles and mixed doubles. To enter caîl 668-6868. 9:15 a.m. Carnival Parade Marshalling. AIl Floats, Bands, etc., pic up numbers froin Kinsînen. Registraion desk at Dundas St. School. 10: 00 Gianit County Town Parade. Floats, bands, rnarching groups, horses, clowns, old cars, etc. See Map for route. Presentation of Awards at Iroquois Park following Parade. Trophies or awards for: Service Club entry, Commercial entry (under 50 employees), Commercial entry (over 50 employees), Othier organiizations'entry, Comic Group Teai 8 (Cenitennial Park). 1 2:00 noon Arts and Crafts Festival - Display and Sale. to 9: 00 Whitby Arts Station, Henry Street South and Victoria. Noon to Malta Food Specialties. Display and Welcome 10:30 p.m. Centre. Iroquois Park Arenia. 1 2 noon to Lions Bavariani Night. Afternoon entertain- 1:00 a.m. ment - Whitby Brass Band, Evening enter- tiaiîent - Bavarian Band. Iroquois Park - Tent, Continental Food. 12 noon to Lions Train About Town (small charge) 1:00 a.m. Transportation to and fromn downtown Whitby and Iroquois Park 1:00 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Open House Legion Hall, Byron St. S. 1:00 P. M. to 3:00 p.m. Opeil Youthi Swim Meet. Stop watch timed swims, ages 6to 17 yrs. Good times - gold ribbons, equal average turnes - red rîbbon awards. Commniuity Swimming Pool - Kinismen Park. Co-operative prograi by the Whitby Recreation Dept. and Whitby Y.M.C.A. 2:00 Pet Contest for Children. Oshaý,wa, Obedience Associatîin. Contact: L. Miller 623-7382. Iroquo>is Park Arena 2:00 E.O.B.A. Pee Wee Totirnarneîît. Semni-finals - Gaie 5" Wiinner (Peel Park), Gaine 2 vs. xinner Gamie 4 - "Ganie 6" winner gaine I vs. winner Gamt: 3 (Centennial Park) 2:00 pin. Wliitby Minor Soccer Exhibition Gaie Whitbv Colincil vs. Oshîawa Cotincil. Peel Park 2:(1)p. m. Kinisînen (Open FEna ('umpet itiuîms .Log sig.Horseshoe tlirowing, Football t hrowinig. Kînsinen Park. Anvoîîe nias enter. 2:001) ln*". tu 5:00 p.m. 3:00 pi. to 5:00 p.. "Jv'74" The Switzer Brus. singiiîg gr(>up and guests Venitriloquist - Uncle Weldon and Happy Harry. Iroquois Park Arena. Openî Go-Kart Race. 4-cycle - 5 classes Family Kartways, Hwy. 1 2, 2 miles north of Whitby. Entry fornîs at the Kartway. 3:00 p.rn. Whitby Minor Soccer Assoc. Raffle, Draw. Peel Park. 5:00 p.îin. E.O.B.A. Pee Wee Tournament. Final Winner Gaine 5 vs. winner gaine 6. Peel Park. 7:.00 p.m. "Joy "74" - Switzer Brothers Singing Group to 10:30 p.m. and guests, plus Ventriloquist - Uncle Weldon and Happy Harry - also film pres- entation. Iroquois Park Arena. 9:00 p.m. Kiwanis Club Dance with Live Orchestra Hevdenshôre Pavilion 9:00 p.m. Legion Dance and Open House Legion Hall, Byron Street S. 9:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Old Time Western Dance - Live Band K of C Hall, Brock St. N. Chairman: Doug McLean 668-5964. 9:00 p.m. Pajama Dance and Parade. Parade at 10: 00 to 1:00 a.m. p.m. through town streets and back. Centennial Bldg. Centre St. South. SUNDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1974 8: 00 a. m. Rotary Outdoor Pancake Breakfast - Pancakes, syrup, coffee, tea or milk. Pinic tables at Heydenshore Park. 10:00 a.m. Open Class Soap Box Derby. Compete for trophies. Parking lot Durhamn Region. Administration Bldg. Rossland Rd. East of Brock Street. 9: 00 a. m. Tennis Tournament - ail day. See Sat. 9 a.m. for details - Peel Park. 9:00 a. m. Long Distance Bic ycle Race. 25-mile course for Dunlop Trophy. Police escorts, check- ,points, and picktups- Classes: Jr. 1 3 urs. and ~under, Intermediate 14 yrs, 15 and 16 yrs., Senior 17 yrs. and over. Starts at A & P, Brock St. N., - course winds north through Brooklin, and to Ashburn, then return. Information - Y.M.C.A. 668-6868. 9:30 a. m. Public Open Air Church Service with Rev. Lou Harvey of Enîmanual Reformed Church -also featuring the Good News Singing Group. Heydenshore Park - Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Whitby Ministerial. Mornîing Chu rch Services - Visitors Welcome - Al local Churches. 10:00 a.m. Novice Class Car Rally. Anyone may enter - 60 mile route (approx. 2 hours). Starts and finishes at Iroquois Park (parking lot). Entry fee - $2.00 - Numerous prize classification. Entry forins available 655-4525 or 1 - (416) 244-1336. to 5:00 p.m. Ail Day Horse Show and Competitions for ail breeds -Juniors and Open Classes Meadowcrest Farin, 3rd Concession, East of Whitby-Pickerîing Town Linie 668-4443. Enitries and information - Mrs. Van-Hemmen Whitby Yacht Club Open House At Lakefront 1 21 noon1 to Happyland Carnival Rides and Games 11:-30 p.m. Iroquois Park 11: 30 a.m. Cotunty Town Flower Show. Entries aec- epted tii 1:30 p.m. Counicil Chambers, Whitby Municipal BIdg. 405 Dundas St. West Anyone may enter (in Durhaim region) Public viewing 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.rn. 12:00 noon to 1 V 30 p.n. Malta Food Specialties. Display and Wel- COiflCCentre Iroqluois Park Arena I2: 00 noun Arts Festival - Aits and Crafts Display to 9 p.11. and Sale Whlitbv Arts Station, Henry Street South at Victoria 1:00 Bieycle Race and Comnpetitions. Different lengtlis and obstacle courses. Divisions fuir 5 to 13 yrs. Carrnage and Trike decoration for 4 yrs. and under. Boys and girls divisions separate. A & P Parking Lot. Brock St. North. Awards given out after each event. Information Y.M.C.A. 668-6868. 2: 00 'Joy '74" - Switzer Brothers and The Good News Singing Groups Iroquois Park Arena 2:00 p.mi. Town of Whitby Reception iin honour of the to 4 p.m. Centennial of the Whitby Ladies College Whitby Ladies College - Public Welcome. 3:00 p.în. County Town Flower Show. Open for to 8 p.m. public viewiiig. Whitby Couicil Chambers, 405 Dundas St. West. 7:00 p.m. "Joy '74" - Singing Groups Iroquois Park Arena 7:30 p.m. Square and Round Dancing, led by Brooklin Squares and Ivory Rounds. Parking Lot - Green St. at Dundas St. East. Public participation invited. I "quo,