Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1974, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Gospel Singing, A full program of Gospel songs, films and entertain- ment is planned for the Counity Town Carnival by the Whitby Ministerial Assoc. Ail events wiil be ini the new Iroquiois Park Arena, starîing wîh the Switzer Brothers, a local group from Whitby and Oshawa, and other guest groups, Friday Aug. 2 from 7 p.m. 10 10:30 p.nî. At the sanie ime there xviii be the Moody Science Films l'rom Expo 67 shown. Saturday Aug. 3 t'rom 2 p.m o5' p.în. the Switzer Brothers and a guest grou xiii be on stage, aiong ii h Rev. Weldon Johnson, avyen- TaOlent S At Iroqi Fotiowingtup on lasiyear's ,4tuccessfi Talent Showcase ai the County Towvn Carnival, Bert Heaver xviii be again presenting a frce variety show oflocal talent Saturday JL1Y 2 7. The show xviii be at 7:30 p.in. in thc Iroqiuois Park Arena where ihere xviii be picnty of roorn for the over- Iow crowds ihat' jammed into HenryStreet High School lasi year. The showcase opens xith a selection of Big Band tuîncs such as thc Woodchoppcr's Balil, by the Whitby Brass Band under the direction of Stan Redfearn. The band xiii also be performing some sea chan tics. Singer Lynn Lideli will preseni 1 Don't Knoxv How to Love 1-lu, from Jesus Christ Superstar, and Those Were The O ays. The Marg Connoily Dan- cers wili present Hlighland and interpretive jazz dan- cers, whle Joan Aiîersiev's- triloquisit trom Toronto known as Uncle Weidon and Happy Harry. Te same prograni wili be "Iepeated from 7 p.m. to 10:--30 p.m. with more Moody Science fdig from the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Sunday Aug. 4 at 9:30 a.m. there wiIl be a worship service at Heydenshore Park with Rev. Lou Harvey of the' Emmanuel Rcformned Church as preacher. Music wiil be supplied by the Good News singing group t'rom Hamilton. From 2 p.m. 10 5 p.m., the singers wvill be back at the Arena, with Good News howcase iois Park Pussycats (members of the Rotary -Club) wiii offer a coniedy num ber îo the tune of Aliey Cal. Singer Marina Puffer xiii presenit some Latin American nunînbers, while Ross Coitton, a bass baritone wiii offer some ighî ciassics. The Whitby Greenhorns, led b y Doroîhy Lonsdaie, wili offer a singalong session of mernory music troni the p ast. This popular group, lias been pcrforming for sen- ior citizens for severai years. The youngesî perforîner in the show xiii be Eleanor O'NeiIL ain accordionist fromn Brooklin, wbiile Jean Farqu- barson wili sing such baiiads as The 'Way We Were, and Scarborough Fair. Mr. Heaver, as weli as heing producer and director of tie show, wili offer a nediey of Nat King Cole t~he finale numiber xiii hc Dance In The Old Fashioned and the Swilzer Brothers, lclecust in Canada, known as Several singng groups' wiil be "Crossroads." The evening on stage from 7 p .m. to 8 wili conclude wiîlî a film p.m., followed a t 8:15 p.mn. presen tation. with a communlity-wide scr- Mon day Aug. 5 Good vice by Rev. David Mainse of News wii I be back froni2 Hamilton, who.ope rates the p.. to 5 p.m., followed only coast tb coast religlous fom7 pM. to 10:30 pa. with a talnt nighit. Wh*itby Yacht Club' Mariners and "Iandiubbers" alike are invited to attend the Whitby Yacht Club's op- en hiouse during the County Town Carnivai. The club wiil bc open l'or public vicwing iromn 9 a.m.. to 6 p;m. Sunday Aug. 4, to give Whitby area resi dents un op portunity to sec the new club h ouse which wa s Way, by the threc eifèale singers and tuie Connoliy Dancers, along with special g uests Brian and Shlaron Accompanist for ail numi- bers wiii be Marg Wcbber, piaiist lor the County Town Singers. Following the close of the show aI I1O p.rn. there cwiii be an hour of dance music provided by the Sevenîh Con- cession, a rock group lromn thc y oung mcm býers of the Whi b y Brass Band, led by Ray Tizzar d. Thiis group xvi 1 aiso be performing ini the talent shiow. Ail performers in the talent show are froîi the Whitby area. and many have been fcatures in other shows in the conimunity. openied in June. New iandscaping lias beeni done on the grounds and more mooninigs for boats ad- ded ibis year. The boats xviii be "drcssed" with fiags for thie occasîiu. The Yacht Club is rea- clîed by driving down the road 10 thie W1itby Psyclî- iatric Hospitai and turning ieft Mihen you reach the lake. Whitby Drcss-up Basebaii gamnes, danices and open lhouse, are ail part of c'hJi by Brandli of the Royal, Caniadian Le- gioni's conitributionl to the Counity Town Carnivai in addition bo the Carnivai Quecen Conitest. Twv( dress-up basebail ga- mes xviii beliîeld Aug. 2 a! 8 i. m hcCentcîîniiai Park witl* heLegion members dressed i i la skirts îakinig on a reguiar teani froni thc town baseball icague. The Wlîitby Recreationi Associationi, aiso dresscd Lup Navy I County Toxwn Carniivai T shirts. bakcd goods. books, aid oAcds anid cnids xviii be for sale ai ibe liîbv Navy L-eaguic Bazaar Aug. . Tbc bazaar xviilbc hcid froi 10 arin. t0 5 p.in. in the ()Id Coihorne St reet S Lîitannex fo(u un1crIx oCe- tupied hy the derecrîve -office. Lions Club For tbe third consecutive year the Whitby Lions Club wili be offering hospitalily ai ils Bavarian Garden. The Bavarian Garden wiiI be under a 40 by 160 foot tent located xvest of the Iro- quois Park Arena, A Europ- ean oorn-pah-pah band wiii be cnîtertiinig nightly and the Whitby Brass iBand wiii bc playing sciections on the Saturday alternoon. Contin- enitai food xviii aiso be a 51)CCiity. The Bavarian Garden wiii be open t'ront noon 10 i a.m. Aug, 2, 3 and 5, witb a seating capacity of 425 Legion- ini who knows xvhat, wili take on one of' fic local teamns. The gamnes xviil becl'or live innings. Dances and open bouse wili be tlie activities ai the Legion Hall on Byron Si. Au g.12tfrom 6 p.m. tb mid- rr0night, and Aug. 3 and 5 frm noon to midnigi. The Legion wiii staff the information booth for the Carnival ai an uptown loca- tion, and wiil host the tro- phy prtsen talion ai the Arena Aug. 5 ai 7:30 pa. .eague There xviil bc bingo gamnes for tlhe chiildren an d a draw for a S50 merchandise cent- ificate fromn Mercanitile, De- partiment Store. Proceeds xviii bc in aid of tbe Wbiîby Sea ( 'adet C 1orps and Ndvy Leagite C adcî Corps. Passes wili be issued 10 tbose who pay for admission, 50 thiey may return later in the dfay. Proceeds fromn the Bavar- ian Garden wili go towards teLions Club projecîs, the sportstimer for the Iroquois Park Arena', a new safety van for the Durham' Regional Police Departinen t, and prizes l'or the Carnivai Qucen. As in past years, the Lions Club -ram wilI be running trips around town ai regular intervais, but thie centre of opera lions wiil be Iroquois Park ibis yrint ea dof Centenniai Park. Lacrosse The Andrew Antenna Pee Wee tournarnent wiil be hid froni 8 a.m. to 6 p.rn. Juiy 27 ai Peel Park. Thec Famnily Karîway Bantam tournanient xviii be lîeid ai ltie samee urne and location Aug.. 5. Teains fromi Eriuîdale. Gar- rard Rd.. Wiiîby. Sarnia, Bramptoni and Longhranclî xviii be in Wlîitby duriing the Coun îy Toxvn Carnivai 10 take park ini rnîor lacrosse lotirnamnents.

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