Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1974, p. 5

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family dlemuuit BuIk Mec If you are trying to beai riging prices by buying meal ini bulk quantities - cautioni is the watch-word. Be certain you know what you are get- ting, the exact cost of the of the take-home produci and have the meat quick- frozen before taking deiivery. Those words of warning today frorn the Honourable John T: Clement, Ontario Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations. "We have had two serious cases corne to our attention this mon th," said the M in iste r. "Both involved consurners who had purchased meat in bulk lots and attempted te freeze it themselves in their home freezers. One lest 500 pounds cf beef she had pu- rchased for$528.00. the other had 244 ponds of nicat spoil. Tîtese arc cases wtuere a bargaitu is net a barguin.- "Manifac trirers tel is tta t the average homie treezer us capable of frecziug a imýxi- inunnofe 50 pouitds of incat every _24 heurs. se there is rie way that it cati liaudte severai huudred potnids,- tie said. "Whcen bniyiug nmeut iin large qniantiîics. inake sure tile stipplier lias the equip- nient tri "blast-f'reeze" venir pnirchases. Theti yont cait be sure venir homne freezer wilt inaintain therniat the rit teniperature for a long per- iod. If the meuat snupplier doesn't have quick-freezîiig equipient, it is net wise te purchase from hlm". The Minister added, "Be- St. Lei On Friday. Juuie 21s1. "Graduation" lor the CGrade 8 pupils of St. Leo's Schoel, Brookîju. îook place. The 7:00 p.tin. Mass ws cetebrated ut St. Johnth te Evaugetist Scutoot Gyntuias- jir. The M.C. was Elizabîethu Verrydt ef Grade Seveut. The Grade 8 gradua tes iucintLded: Irviiird rie. Jaîtet Bojda. Peter Ferbes. Rese- ui Jrv Forbes. Au11t 1lieut11 Freudo-Cunilie. Joey 1-esco, Debie uiiey'.Nia vAuti page Cautions it Buyers t fore buying you should de- t termine if the advertised 1 price includes the cost of 1 cutting, wrapping and freez- ing". "Aiso beware of the "bait t and switch" meat sellers. These stores wiil advertise beef for sale at say 85-cents a pound. But once they get you in the store they turn on the pressure to get you to buy better quality cuts. Thiey point out that the 85 cent beef is okay, but 1 it is very fat and there wouid be a lot of waste. Before you know it, you have been 1 pursuaded 10 buy beef at $ 1 .30 a pound, and that is not really a bargain when buy ing in brîlk", lie said. "Sonie freezer beef sellers wviil aiso advertise a 300-lb). side ef becf, but Mien you get hoine you inigfit f[d it wveîghs ouiv 2.55 pounds. This is bec-ause the ad p)robably relerred tote llcaircaiss weigh t.Ta t is the weigh t hefore bon ing. îriimuiiug and oliter cut tmg lesses. OfI course. v'ou enud up paviugC tor the cuttîiug wasîe and t he actual cest p)er pouud oe' thle usableie mt is great[ci tian the advertised price-, said r.Cleutent. ~1inî~ueat in bulk is a tricky process. lie Added. ..Ma ke suie ', ou are dealliin with a reputablc tirm and shop :iround. Seutetinies the weekly specials at the super- markets can be a better deal than buying a side of heef».' WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY :WHITBY RED CROSS: Blood Donor CIinic Date: Wed., JuIy 1lOth, 1974 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. i 6:30 p.m. - 9 Peine CANADIAN LEGION HAL Byron Street South, Whitby Gi 1 -» -mam a « - MM - - - H'orticultu rai Soc. Meeting The Brooklin Horticultural Society heid their regular June meeting on Wednesday, June 26th. There were 121 entries ini the flower show. Dr. Johni Brock of 425 Mary Street in Oshawa hiad the best red ruse in the show and received the Red Rose Tea Tropltyl'or his enîry ef' a rose catled Papa M'veîtiiad. Mr. Cha ries Dav is. n oted r*osZaril aunud jute rua ili:l judge pi eseuted a gi ft cern- iticate te Dr-. Johin Broc k fer h av il Illet bes t rose ili tIthe show ftin ii ls eutrv of' a i o.se called Prima l13a11llia. M r. J.&. Bovd. execu t jvc director of the ('ivic Gai-dcii Ccittre gave a ve ry, ii tCest îîîg talk olItle sle tuse of pest- ic ides inIllte tga idenl. llie iethiod lie sugested wvas to ideilv'\ the pest and use a select ive spray to kilt that pest oflv. île noted tîtlte us of.-(. Ichlordaule Mill kilt ail soui]uisects and eanthi- wormns for rip bI15 years se should be used only f ah. 's Graduation Special trophies wveic v arded te: Denise Miltette ("Sports" prcseuted by NIr. Joe Freudo-Cuio>, Debbie Laiuey "Citizeusipl) - pres- eîîted by Mis. T'. Fraser). Tcrry McNenly ("Aicaideiiic Achieveincu t- tuopiîv -pics- cîîted bh' Mrs. NI. M(oia lresideuî t o î ll(eW.I.) Denîis Milicîte ( Niost Itupro- vcd G rad rt l'tu Irphy) .antd Shieila MIIcaluv (It 'îilic Seeakiu' troplîy - presciuted by i.A.R. Oct toit). 'A ctIV i i y-ba Is ( toi rg ii- tiastics", ,"voleybal. *S()C- cet . aud -Public Scku~ ( eufi rutaili iic i aea . Fîrsi C'omunionieicititicaies xveie is()el)il u. 'le elenîaers iuciudcd: te Kiîîdergai tnclass. the Grades i te 3 pnîpils. Kerry Grace, Shieila Mrlcahy. Je- auue MriIClay. (Christine Mrii- cahy. Debbic tluiuiuk. Doin- na Rice. Cathty McNculv. solutely necessary. Mr. Boyd answered questions and then ki ndly distnibuted boolets entitied Pesticides, You and Your Carden and the Trellis Magazine. The special evenis coin- mittce, hieaded by Mrs. Ruby Bryant is liard at work pre- pariug a flou t lOr the ('eun ty ,,ll Caruival Parade. 'lle ilueilibei-ship ('emnIltl- ttee lias decided toencuer a beotî totepreutote lbort icult[rire ai dihe Ti ade Fuir te b li eld iin the lrnîcîniis Park Arcua iu ,ejbx rier te tIelle uuîv TIownt Carujval. Mlost of the Civie lau ti ugs have beeu compte ted hy the uieîn eu s cxceptiug roxdside pirk aud tîhe local areita plaît- tigs.Thecse will be compte ted in thle uex t Ifcw days. Plantt- ers will bc ptaced iin the \Vlî bh' aud Brookîju stireets as seon as tîhe rowu of Wiîtby instalîs Ille brackets. "IF iJRE GONNA STICK A NEEDLý INU MR. WILSON .. Ck4 1IIVATC/P esitm9ý@oOOUwtj a Gordon Wick (righit) pres- ideni tof Brookiju t lorticut t- nii Societylrcetsheaurl Red Rose Tea Trophy Io Dr. Johin Brock of 425 Mary ' Oshawa for having the E Red Rose ut'tthe Jriue R Show catted "Papa Meilai, MM/tv KUTWAY £TA Charlie 1- reuido-( ' nitbo. An- thouv Frenrdo-Cumflbo, Elca- ue0r O'Nill. Cilles Nilîctte, Alex Lyte. aud 1Freddie S pecit presen ta t n us onu bettal t' ef te studnu 15 e St. [es verc umade 10:NMirs. MayFord (a bouquînet et' fiowýers) a teactier leitviite the scîtil ro:and NIMr. Cuc' Rrchie, a local scîr-riuiBoord 'I rtkistee ( a iculrce t NI t (;eil)r rpp - a t rtîstee u iiR respeulýIlle fer. est ubi)istîiuî St. I CI) . AitIlle giadutiorit . A. R.(icitoitn slti ilttuîîk- cd by NIr. C. Roche tlitsh1> dcdicaied service at St. Ies A staindiittg ovation xusgîveit te hliut atlitis lttme 1w pnpils. parentts aud s al'I'. Re trcshmc n it s we te se rved by: te Grade 7 girls. Mrs. i-1. Bykerk, Mrs. M. Vesters. Mrs. W. Jac(>bs. aud Mrs. R. Vcrry dt. C.T.C. Queen Contest Three hundred dollars in cash and a trip for two Ie the Bah'amas are among the prizes awaiting the winner of this year's County Town Carnivai Queen Con test, spon- sored by Canadian Legion Brandi 112.1 Girls who are Whitby res- idents, aged 16 to 20 are invited to obtain entry forms by writing te John, Mc.vor at the Legion Hall, Byron St., S., or to Mrs. Caroline Allan, 105 'Bell Dr. For further information, cal] 655-4525. The County Town Caru- ival Couîniitîee is pnitting rip $500 iin prize moncy and $2-50 is belug donated by the Lions Club. The winner cf' the contest will receive the Bahamas trip [rom Duncan Travel Ltd., and $300, while the two princess- es witl reccive $ 1 00 each. The. remainder of* thc money and other prizes wiit be*divided arnong the uthei participants iin the contest. AIl entry f-orms must be receivcd by July 15. The jndging wilt take place at Heydenushiore Pavil-, ion at 8 p.m. inîly 24. Ad- mission is free and thiere wili be an ciertaininent progranm. Those whio are chosen as Quecu and Princesses miust be willing 10 participate in the carnivai events. whichi incide riding inIi lie parade Anîg. 3. Ten critries were rcccived last year and the Legion hopes f or more tliis year. The carnival qucen cr)utest has rnoved lu Ilcydensîtore Pavilion this year. becanîse thte legion hlall was toc si-ral] for the large crcwds at tractcd by the cvcîît. Honda XL7O List $529"OO We have now acquired the Deaiership for the World's leading manufacturer of Street and Dirt Bikes. Corne on in and see our display. 1 Y2 Miles North of Whitby on Highway No. 12 <1/1o zId '.i atgF 6)o-SJ(a 't5t, R. R. # 1 * Bro oklin,, Ont, Phon. 655-4749 lest ose ii I I I I I I I I *w~ - j 3rd, 1974, PAGE 5 fW&

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