Free Press.-- Emp orium FOR SALE' FOR SALE - 8 year old FOR bay show Pony and saddle. C.C.M. 12 Hands. Good witli child- -2 yea rs ren. ENGLISH AND WEST. dition. ERN TRAINED. CAN JUMP. 4715. $250.00. Phione 668-2203g FOR before 9 p.m. emp. 14 hors in brand FOR SALE- Economy î nclude Camper. 1967- VW Camper and mitl in excellent dlean condition, will sel, propain. Must seli, $1,195.I 668-674 or best offer. Caît 668-3889. FOR emp,. deep wý FOR SALE - elece ric Iawn gallon tý mower and grass catcher.,I iflgs. excellent condition, S65.00. g2569. ingtis Gas Dryer, exceltent FO R condition. $98.00. Ampli- Ilmesti ) fier in muahogany cabinet. carerg excellent condition, $45.00. care, Fridge. good working orde.I, S25.00. Pieuse cail 942-4656 g1[OR any imie aftetr 6 Dîinîng, FOR SALE -MeIdel plane wuIsher with gusolîne elnginle. buttc rv. Ilu tor \Va fuel p11m1p anti clips. Ahlisl g011eL[asnew. S1i5.00. Cui Steve ('uit()4-, 668-4706.I enîip. FOR FOR SALE p)ortable ~cenditiei radio andi record pIav'er.S 1*.g Si1 40ý00 eiectric kitchien dlock, whtit e. thr1t S5., set of figurine bedrooin 7iOr 8 Iamps. $6. Ai like new. Ishets.S Please phone 668-44.35. coats si emp. Desk tan, FOR SALE - new kit- S 2.00. K chen cupbeard doors, SI.50 _S3.00,. i each. Seli very reasonabty. dlean ptz Cali 655-3534. grp size 8. FOR SALE - boys ýbc- taps. S3. ycle. almiost branti ncw. 26"I FOR tires. Asking S-35.00. CatI plate Jac 668--3995. ni. ny2 FOR SALE - SliLine" hn- Bell Massage Machine l'ui spot reduicingç. ('est S1t2-5- FO R wil sI 1r 60. De-Luxe sî i Projection Screeni. Excellent IExcellin condition. Si15. Cali 668- 668-698( 3727. - dmp. g FOR FOR SALE 4 Michelin Revolver, Super X tires (Steel C 'ait 655- Betteti). Suze: 180-15-XAS FO total S40.00. Modemn Art': O Moonfish Patron in Frarne, uctind green backgroundi. Teak- ndto wood (niew). 'Hatl' prîce îceatieoo $25. Cati 668-8527. cmlp. I tai. whi. FOR SALIE 1960 Granid ( g 39 Parisienne V8, 32~7 enîinile. power brukes, power steernig.I FOR Linie culouredti vil black Exerciser vinyl tep. ((1 odcndi t ou. beuk. ý 3:30 p.m. ut 6687433. CrmlP.a irr ' FOR SALE - Smnaii bike with training wheels. Askirtg I FORS $20.00. Cali 668-6664. I pewertis emp gbucket s $600. or CALL 668-6111 g after 6p.ti SALE - 1 boys MUSTANG Bicycle. old. Excellent con- $30.00. Cati 655- emp. SALE - Alouet ,sepower snowinobiie A new condition, wîll seat cover, helmet, Fts. Cost, new, $800., ifor $400. Cati 44. ein p. SALE - 1 Starite veil pump withi 20 tank, gauges and fit- $80.00. Cali 942- Ciip. SALE crib. S'20.. pdaypeni, S15., baby S800. Cati 668-6093. SALE ne7 -piec rounilset 1 iîgh t îî:îk 1' 500(,0. Selliing pi ice 0. Aise 3-plcce I:s "sIw (i Ia\ 111e ash1eî . unle l\di xeî, rirer. Price S-'"5. ~-25t~9~ ellip. SALI:L new air- 5e. .000 13W. i.Black registereti i bieti podle. male. men ihs. spayeti. aI I SIO0. _2 ladies car ize 18, SIO. eachi. nup. 56.50. Basketbali Kitce ictighit fixture. ldies white hat, $3.. astic shee splashers, S 1.00. Balhroomi .00. Caîl 668-427.5. cmnip. SALE 'l" t'eer [obsen tawn mower. ycars otti. S65-00. )68-8675. e nip. S AL I; , Siniplicity Waslier anti Drveî'. tcon lditîi in. ('aI 6 alnytînie. . SALE -.38 Iver rantique. S60-00- 3505. emip. SALE - large suze t able1 ,-3 6t x 70" let d f'our chairs, geod n. S45.00. La rge ni basin withi pedes- te, S5.00. Phone )8. Clinp. SALE 'I'riîrî Gymi ýr %viîlIîinstructioni New conîditioin. S5(). )-4245. elinp. SA LE bokw~ Carrîir. S1.0 igen tires \vitIî riins. Il rinos. 5 . 22- 1 '" ).00. ('aIl 655-3 t167. SALE- green rug, 4with pati. S85-00. Vaccuuii, .30.00. Iisiier, S23.00. Joli- *$I 3.0(1. Celemnan à ceoler, S I12.00 cach. ige and steve (Vik- 70.00 each. Livinîg- rapes, eur lIngth, l'or 2 pairs. Wall 37.00. ('ail 655-3 t44. e ni p. SA LE 66 Pontiac tic, power brakes, tcering. autrniatie, scats, lew milage. rbest offer. Cal. ,rn., 655-3090. emp. CLASSIFIED --ADVERTJSING r[MONE -WANTEDI $500. to $50,000. TERMS - 2 te 6 months Equal monthly re-payment. Revolving basis availabte. Effective rate-- 20 te 26(X. Selection of' quality paper. 668-6888 RIDE WANTED If yout live in Brookliii or drive througlî Brooklin Mon. al 9:00 or 9):30 a.m. andi are xviiIino t o give a we rkîngt iî Ii a i ide. plieuse cil (c8- II :3() ani. te 5:3( 1-n.. 0 (5 5-44 (--2 it'e i-5:3" 0. (ÇA RP1EN IR Y Kitelien cuphfo:îrds. home iniproveiineiîîî\ floor tliing and ceraînic wailtîiling, etc. Free esîim.îîes. Plione after 6 p.mi.. 668-4686. R O) O F R EIl'A 1 RIN G Specialîted in fliai roofs anîd eavestroughis. Frce est nuates. CatI afler 5:0OU p.nî. t -463-405). July 3/74 BACK HOEING Drives Done - Gravel, Sand Swîmmung Pools Cut dowri trees Stumps Rernoved Tear down Buildings Otean up of any kind 725-1808 - 725-841 1 SALLY'S DATINO CLUB Soiiy Woods hot o new *> w@y foi single unotiached mole> and females ail ogê Io meet Froe doting lisii nd information send coupon today te: Soiiy Woods. Write 209 S<'nd St E o~r phocw% 723- 3.431. Nemt,..- Addres. - - Phorie a - Age CALL 579-2504 FOR SALE- Sickle o wer 4 1't. eut for MF 1 garden traicter. Simple hook- uip would f'il0111cr niakes 113 ncw price. Manchester. Phone 985-7025. - July 3/74 SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homes. Cheiteriields, iamps, dînet- te suites, veivet paintings, rugs, Ail in Showroom con- dition. ELMER'S FURNMURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 ENTE RIAI NMENT BOARDING l'or 21 sctiool ageti chiltiren. boy I10 and girl 8, starting iii September Monday' lu Friday. Caîl 608-561I5 allter 6:00 1).11. itiy 10/74 LEGAL F. ALAN 'LAWSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 1.5 ('/borne Sireei Easî Os/w wa, Ontario LIG itM Te/epliote: (416) 723-3800 HELP WANTED Girl Watutcd as a Presser 1p;rt-tiune, or fui-tîiîe. Ex- perience net necccssary. ('al] 068-283 i1, 8 a.nî. te 6 pn. July 3/74 VN" E-m ' ..O T MS * e e n WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY ý Imm ý 'JU LY 3rd, 1974, PAGE il Foskett Roofing & Re-roofiîng Eavestroughing Aluminum Soffit Facer Trougk & Siding Whitby 668-5906 Lo]por 104 harwood, Ajax Plaza, Ajax, Ontario 942-661il 2nd &3rd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE *Open' morigoges *N o y~e~ for tht.. monthi *No bonwes " No credit cN.cks " No inquiry from netghbo4urs " Confideniai arrangemntsn mode in your home Ssormostlow as $1,600 co u M. %WM 942-2611 Iad) 6"-l 121 (Toesai. 1308 aysy St.Ba ile NUl IC '10REIADIRS AdvcIrtiiw t' Rt"in tle IR El" PRE'SS ONtY Y when vonil! T'ItcWill net 3e i vertisers in uiheI-RIT ýPRESS E-MPORIUM adivertisect is sold. \Vliciî the advertised iteîi i l'Nl>OttJ'1.pas' any' charge te ad- tlcss flic item is'sold. yen pas' a commifissioni based on 'T'HE ADV' R'TISLI) PRIÇI' as iltuslrated bc- Io%,. Ail adveruiscmenis must lie placed on an exclusive basis wiîlî the WIIITBY FR.E PRESS and run ai leasi onc month il' flot sold. RA'TES (if article is sold): 5% of advcrtîsed price up to $40000 217 of the balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised W.,r $50. 00- commision duc $2.50 (minimumn commission is $ 1.00) Private advertïsing only! Please notify us if you find a ietailer tisted as a private advertiser.î Please noîify the Whitby Free Press imn'îediately whcn item is sold so that we may delete it from followin:, issues. Services, helpwanted, ctothing, real estate and personal message type ads can only be handled on a prepaîd basis. If in doubi, caIl 668-6111 MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. BOX 206, WHITBY EDUCAT ION SUMMER'SCHOOL PROGRAM et the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Commence as soon 0 eso school year is comptete. Propas are ot Odmihnly Students, R3.,ho MWude t ght studeot IYPING FOR BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED SIlJDENTS Atten~d 90-minute cluas sessions. Truif ion $ 12.50 per week 9:00 G.M. f0 10:30 C.m. or 10:30 C.m. to 12:0non ter Prsmindlue Forkner 'Shmrthand (Good for Note-fak!ig) ctercat Book>eeping, Aecouoting Business Machines Any Two Subjects '20 per week DIaI 728-0052 for Compiete D.f cils la Simece Si . Oshawa 'v 1 1 i a T.'V. REPAIRS SPECIAL July and August Only Service Call 'ý-Bja ck and Whitc - $5.00 Colour - $8.00 723-0065 CAREER AVAILABLE If you'rc interested in a chailenging position; one that requires you to think with inventivcncss, then we've got Fie position l'or you. Its in am advertising dcpt. where you meet the most chiallen- ging of ail people ....... Mr. Rewtiler. If you thîink you can communicate withi Mr. Re- tailer, make an ap)pointiment to sec inc, Robin A. Lyon, Advcrtising Conisultt. Wh(,ii- hy F*recPress. Cuit 068-6 I11 t. 'i a" j' '4 44] 1, 1' k 31 i~1 - 1