L4 k WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1974, PAGE 3 HorticulturalSoc. Meet'ing The Navy League ot Women's Auxiliary Chair- Whitby held its annual ball man;LucilleBroadbent;Chris Saturday night at the Whitby Collins, secretary; back row, Centennial Building. Pictur- L. to R.: Ed Broadbent, ed here, front row. are from MP; Art Collins, president of left to right: Pai Dawson, Whitby Navy League; and, West Lynde Comm. Assoc. Holds "Fomily Fun Day" The West Lynde Community Assocation held its first "Family Fun Day" on Sunday June 16th - the Fun. Day activities included something for everyone both young and old. The day began rather warily due to uncertain weather conditions but later in the afternoon it turned out to be a perfect day, there were races for all, threelegged, wheelbarrow, and 50 and 100 yard dash for boys and girls. For the·under 5 year olds, there was a Ping-Pong ball toss and a "Paint-m", who all won a little prize. This was followed by a basebaîl throw and football throwing contest for boys or girls, a kite fying contest and skipping contest for girls. After a short break for hot dogs, drinks and icecreams, the mother and daughter volleyball gaine and father and son or daughter soccer games began - and these were followed by an excellent turnout of 96 decorated bikes and their eager-to-win riders. It was a very difficult dec- ision for Councillors Emm and Gartshore and Recreation Director Gerry Gellette to judge these beautiful and original entries! Eventually the 3 mini prizes were handed out to 3 mini entrants and six prizes of S10., S5., and $2.50 to the six most original older entrants. There were 3 major prizes handed out to the 3 families who accum- ulated most points over the day's events - a pass to the new zoo, to the Ontario Science Centre and to Ontario Place. The day closed with contest by the adults! Bl Lishman Says1 Relect Tnies BilI Lisliman, N.D.P. candidate for Ontario Riding called the Conservative wage and price controls a "Surprise Package" where even the Conservatives are ignorant of the contents. Mr. Lishman speaking to an organizational meeting of the membership in Ontario Riding stated that the Con- servative Party itself does not know how it will implement this system of wage and price controls. "How do you con- trol the earnings of profess- ional people, commissioned sales People, and thousands of others who are in these categories?" He asked. "The only people who will have their salaries frozen are the working people and their wages are already 2 per- centage points behind in the wage price index." He called upon wage earners everywhere to reject the conservative program and to support the New Democratic Party whose program is a more realistic appraoch. Mr. Lishman also chall- enged the news media in their Editorials to demand of the Conservative Party an explanation of how they would implement the wage and price freeze and to ques- tion its possible ramifications. Ted Dawson, branch treasurer. - Free Press Photo Canadian1 Members of Brooklin Hort- icultural Society met on Wed. night for their annuîal Iris Show which consisted of 55 beautiful entries. Miss Alice Dodd's Iris was chosen Best of Show. The meeting took the form of a workshop on flower arranging. Gordon Wick demonstrated the basics in making a Hogarth Curve and Vertical Arrangement. His completed arrangements drew much applause from the aud- ience. Then attempts were made by the members to create an arrangement of their own. Some interesting arrangements were made and criticized, and a lot more confidence was gained by those who participated. On June 26 the unnuai Rose show will take place in the church basement, The sensible use of pesticides will be discussed in a talk by J.C. Boyd, executive director of the Civic Garden Centre. Members have been busy planting hanging baskets which will be seen soon dec- orating the local streets of Whitby and Brooklin, an- Coast Guard Ships to Visit Oshawa Four ships of the Canadian Coast Guard will pay a first official visit to the City of Oshawa on Wednesday, June l9th, 1974. The ships will be docked at the west side of the Harbour at the end of Simcoe Street South. The ships will be open to the Public from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. At dockside will be the CCGS Griffon, Simcoe, Rapid and Spindrift. A number of marine exhibits will also be on display to the public. The largest of these ships is the 234' CCGS Griffon, a medium class icebreaker involved during the spring break- up each year in freeing lake carriers from their winter berths as well as placing and servicing aids to navigation on the Great Lakes throughout the remainder of the open season. Her full load displacement is 2828 tons and she carries a crew of 40. The I79' CCGS Simcoe is a smaller version of the Griffon and performs a similar marine role. She has a crew of 34 and total displacement of 1,370 tons. Both the 95' Rapid and 69' Spindrift are Coast Guard Cutters that operate out of Canadian Forces Base, Trenton. They are principally engaged in search and rescue opera- tions on the Great Lakes. . .- .- - -- .- -. l ng Club r both commercial and t training 1st Lesson: $5.00 and this ad OSHAWA AIRPORT I IY¥ ' j. _ 72-1626 - Town of Whitby PUBLIC MEETING FOR PRESENTATION OF THE STUDY OF THE ALIGNMENT FOR THE ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST EXTENSION The Administrative Committee of the Council will hold a Public Meeting on Thursday, June 27th, 1974 at 8.00 p.m.-in the Dr. Robert Thornton Public School at Scott Street and Hazelwood Drive. The purpose of this meeting is to present a study prepared by Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates Ltd., regarding the "Adelaide Avenue Extension" from Anderson Street in the Town of Whitby to Adelaide Avenue West in the City of Oshawa. A summary of the study reconimendations can be obtained on request prior to the meeting from the office of the Clerk. Dated at the Town of Whitby this 13th day of June, A.D., 1974. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Gordon Wick, president of Brooklin Horticultural So- ciety congratulates Miss»Alice Dodd for her prize winning other civic beautification pro- ject of Brooklin Horticultural Society. The material to be placed in the baskets was acquired, entry chosen Best of Show at Wednesday night's annual Iris Show held in Brooklin. as a direct result of the re- as a direct result of the re- sponse received during Hort- icultural Week when mem- bers sold more than 3,800 box plants. a 0f th Town Whtby NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act of the Province of Ontario Public Notice is hereby given to all owners and occupants ofesubdivided ands within the Town of Whitby that uniess the noxious weeds or weed seeds on any such subdivided lands in the Town of Whitby are destroyed Monday, June 24th, 1974 and throughout the season the Council of the Town of Whitby has directed the Weed Inspectors for the Region of Durham to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such a manner as they may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspectors in the discharge of their duties shall be placed on the Collector's Roll'of'the Tôwn of Whitby against the respective parcels concerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under The Municipal Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. Dated at the Town of Whitby this I9th day of June, A.D., 1974. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. the hilarious egg throwing .. ... .. - -. .. .. LEIARNTOF for bumnness or pleasure Oshawa Flyi aGov't approved school fo I private pilo GAIL DORFMAN SCHOOL'0F BALLET September, 1974. Will be opening in Whitby, Present teacher at the National Ballet School of Canada, Gail Dorfman will be offering Cecchetti Syllabus examination classes as well as regular ballet classes for children and adults. FOR ADVANCE REGISTRATION OR INFORMATION CALL 668-4231. Or Write - Gail Dorfman School of Ballet P.O. Box 25, Whitby, Ontario. l 1